Game #832041

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-21 X
-8 TS

100% | 1657 X | 1691 TS

-38 X
-20 TS

69% | 1248 X | 1258 TS

-18 X
-8 TS

48% | 1010 X | 1294 TS

-30 X
-16 TS

30% | 1030 X | 1144 TS

-20 X
-17 TS

17% | 906 X | 1139 TS

+41 X
+22 TS

89% | 1389 X | 1407 TS

+12 X
+15 TS

76% | 1183 X | 1376 TS

+24 X
+8 TS

67% | 1080 X | 1365 TS

+43 X
+15 TS

59% | 1078 X | 1296 TS

+32 X
+4 TS

35% | 937 X | 1271 TS

Chat log

00:00:16xecution biggie get aa for me
00:00:20infect u can pick it urself
00:00:20Knaitti dont let him play weaver plz
00:00:20xecution ban am
00:00:20infect and there are better heroes in this pool than aa imo
00:00:20BoNeshaw jooo weaver banniin ellei ite pelata
00:00:20xecution haha
00:00:20infect weaver or am
00:00:20infect weaver is annyoing
00:00:20infect am too
00:00:20xecution well
00:00:20xecution aa
00:00:20infect hard to gank
00:00:20Knaitti voisin axel riehua
00:00:20xecution imbalances
00:00:20Tompson back
00:00:20Tompson öö mitäs siel o
00:00:20xecution if u can put ulti
00:00:20Knaitti bannaa weaver
00:00:20xecution constant gank from mid
00:00:20xecution while farming
00:00:20extremewaari ellet ite pelaa
00:00:20Tompson wr
00:00:20infect ban
00:00:20Biggie ck
00:00:20infect lol am or weaver
00:00:20infect pick it
00:00:23extremewaari ota waever?
00:00:26Tazok now we get one of em..
00:00:33infect y
00:00:47Tompson wont be going mid
00:00:54xecution can any1 buy sentry for mid?
00:00:55Tompson bone meetkö sä
00:00:57Biggie aa is not going mid
00:00:58ulikiluu what to pick
00:00:59BoNeshaw njaa
00:01:01xecution ?
00:01:01Tompson razor veno
00:01:04Knaitti axe to me
00:01:04BoNeshaw eipä ooo oikeen sellasaia
00:01:08Tazok he is himself i guess
00:01:11xecution why not
00:01:19infect tazok will
00:01:19Tompson veno top
00:01:21Biggie well
00:01:26infect u can solo bot then
00:01:27Biggie i dont rly trust any1 else here then me
00:01:28Tompson ud nigma
00:01:28BoNeshaw ääääh anna mun tulla sinne
00:01:32BoNeshaw jaksa mennä alas :D
00:01:32Tompson mee mid
00:01:33xecution haha
00:01:36xecution i can trust me
00:01:37casper let him go
00:01:38BoNeshaw huh
00:01:38xecution u
00:01:40casper i go woods
00:01:41extremewaari en varmana pelaa nigmaa
00:01:45Tazok you can solo bot aa
00:01:48casper aa goes bot
00:01:49xecution sure
00:01:50BoNeshaw en kyl tätä midis oo pelannu
00:01:53Tompson clock viper
00:01:56Biggie get maiden
00:01:57Biggie for last
00:02:01xecution imo slow they have
00:02:01BoNeshaw viper saa midin
00:02:03Biggie if u wanna play it
00:02:04Tompson ...
00:02:05BoNeshaw let me top veno?
00:02:06Tompson viper ud bot
00:02:15infect should have gone with ts
00:02:18BoNeshaw viper ehk mieluummin midiin?
00:02:21Tompson joo joo
00:02:22BoNeshaw ud bot
00:02:25xecution y
00:02:28Tompson chickenn
00:02:36xecution well
00:02:37xecution lanes are good
00:02:48BoNeshaw ud u get flying since u didnt buy chicken
00:02:49infect i will die a lot
00:02:50infect a lot
00:02:51infect :D
00:02:53Tompson no
00:02:54Tompson veno gets
00:02:55Knaitti oh :D
00:02:55Tompson flying
00:02:56Knaitti forgot
00:02:56Tazok get a bunch of bracers
00:02:56Knaitti okie
00:02:58Knaitti i buy
00:02:58xecution y u gotta care on lanes
00:03:02BoNeshaw or wards
00:03:05infect viper and veno
00:03:07Tompson ei
00:03:08infect eays bash
00:03:09Tompson anna sen farmaa
00:03:15BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: on
00:03:15BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: Please type Hero's ORIGINAL hotkeys...
00:03:21BoNeshaw /w BoNeshaw DotaKeys: You typed w, d, r, e
00:03:29xecution dont block
00:03:30xecution anymore
00:03:31ulikiluu onko sulla joku ikivanha dotakeys :D
00:03:36ulikiluu ei kai tuota MSGtä oo ollu pitkiin aikoihin
00:03:41Tompson tuu
00:03:42Tompson tänne
00:03:51BoNeshaw ei oo tullu otettua pois päält sitä D
00:03:51Tompson miks pullaat
00:03:52Tompson ??
00:03:53BoNeshaw uus tää on
00:04:31Tompson älä
00:04:32Tompson lasthit
00:05:00Tompson tapetaa
00:05:01Tompson cm
00:05:19Knaitti wardei bases
00:05:23BoNeshaw hulluhan se o
00:05:50xecution cmon
00:05:50Tompson gj
00:05:51xecution top
00:06:00extremewaari mid miss
00:06:41Tompson tapetaa
00:06:48BoNeshaw hmm
00:06:52BoNeshaw manaa tarviis
00:06:56xecution ss dirge
00:07:05BoNeshaw 20
00:07:24extremewaari TUUN TAPPAA TOP
00:07:25Biggie miass mid
00:07:26Biggie care top
00:07:28extremewaari haste
00:07:36Tazok harass rhasta if you are goiing
00:07:45Tazok to harass
00:07:46infect k
00:07:49Tazok hasted vuper
00:07:50Tazok was top
00:08:21xecution allmost
00:08:22xecution 6
00:08:33Tompson go
00:09:10Tazok need a stab top
00:09:29BoNeshaw hmm ostasko arcane boots
00:09:30extremewaari mid mniss
00:09:33Tompson hyi
00:09:45Biggie get dusts
00:10:18extremewaari mid still miss
00:10:28Tompson ...
00:10:28Biggie .. shitty runes
00:10:28Tompson tippuuuko
00:10:28Tompson just
00:10:28infect :/
00:10:28BoNeshaw ei
00:10:28xecution true
00:10:28Tompson menee
00:10:28Tompson hyvi
00:10:28Tompson ok
00:10:28BoNeshaw ei juuri koskaa
00:10:28xecution y
00:10:28Tompson tapetaa cm
00:10:28BoNeshaw tulee tätä melkee jokapelis
00:10:36Tazok -1
00:10:41xecution go
00:10:42xecution axe
00:10:54Biggie gang mid
00:11:09Biggie rylai
00:11:11Biggie to mid
00:11:18casper i was to low :S
00:11:22casper sry
00:11:23xecution y
00:11:24xecution np
00:11:27BoNeshaw otan vähän noit tappoi ku creepit saat kaikki melkee
00:11:41Tompson yy
00:11:42Tazok -1
00:11:59xecution come
00:12:01xecution rhasta
00:12:08Biggie leave mid rylai
00:12:09Biggie viper will come
00:12:25Tazok got dust
00:12:56Tompson 4 top
00:13:24casper ty and gj
00:13:33Knaitti cent miss i suppose
00:13:41Tazok rhasta miss
00:14:15xecution biggie
00:14:17xecution next time
00:14:18xecution dont waste
00:14:18xecution hp
00:14:20xecution on that
00:14:23Biggie i was dead anyways
00:14:24xecution hes was dead anyways
00:14:26xecution mby
00:14:26Biggie so just wanted the kill
00:14:28xecution mby not
00:14:44xecution need wards cm
00:14:45Tazok b
00:14:49infect aa
00:14:52infect u buy them
00:14:53casper ss
00:14:57infect i will get hp
00:15:00infect then i can buy
00:15:06infect no point when i die all the time
00:15:29Tompson gj
00:15:41extremewaari u2
00:15:45infect b
00:15:46infect b
00:15:51infect grey was there
00:16:15xecution 0 wards
00:16:18xecution =free ganking
00:16:21infect u buy them
00:16:24infect u r support as well
00:16:25infect retard
00:16:26xecution see my gold
00:16:27xecution u suck
00:16:28xecution dude
00:16:39infect yeah and i have 166
00:16:58xecution tt
00:16:59Tompson 2x
00:17:09extremewaari mid miss
00:17:15Tompson help
00:17:34casper omw
00:18:08Tompson miss
00:19:23Biggie comes mmid
00:19:23Tazok spder inc mid
00:19:40Tompson miss
00:20:05Biggie weaver has linkens soom
00:20:10Biggie soon*
00:20:18xecution go
00:20:20xecution ulti
00:20:20xecution inc
00:20:23Tazok he got free farm the last 5 min
00:20:28Tazok axe, farm forest for dagger
00:21:45xecution just need dagger on cent and axe
00:21:48xecution then gonna own
00:22:08Biggie weaver needs rto be kileld
00:22:29Tazok wards?
00:22:46Knaitti ss appa
00:22:52BoNeshaw twr
00:22:54BoNeshaw got wards
00:22:54casper ok dagger
00:23:19ulikiluu :(
00:23:37extremewaari thomas sanohan mitä kannattaa tehdä tälle :D
00:23:46Tompson tee joku piippu vaa =D
00:23:54Tompson mantaha ois ihha kova myös
00:23:55Tompson vankku jees
00:23:57Knaitti why linken weaver?
00:24:02extremewaari teen mantan
00:24:02Tompson cause i need to stay alive
00:24:05Knaitti like 2 skills :D
00:24:12Knaitti that it helps
00:24:23xecution go
00:24:24xecution call
00:24:46Tompson gj
00:24:52extremewaari axella dagger
00:24:58Tazok ok, we got them, but what kind of blink is that?
00:25:05Tazok why not blink on the creeps?
00:25:11xecution should have blinked
00:25:13xecution when both of them
00:25:15xecution was near each other
00:25:17xecution double kill
00:25:23casper i know
00:25:31infect linken
00:25:41BoNeshaw centa got dagger also
00:26:00Knaitti rhasta vois kyl jättää ne salama pöllimiset muille
00:26:00xecution lets
00:26:01xecution push
00:26:04xecution wegot dagger on cent now
00:26:05Tazok ok, this is not working..
00:26:07BoNeshaw haluuu aghan
00:26:11Knaitti no farmaa
00:26:13Knaitti anna muille tapot :S
00:26:18Tazok regen
00:26:19xecution got bottle
00:27:21xecution wait
00:28:00Tazok care mid
00:28:15Tompson b
00:28:22Tompson waari
00:28:23Tompson me auttaa
00:28:24Tompson noita
00:28:26Biggie gonna farm bot
00:28:28Biggie leave it to me
00:28:32Tompson otan topin farmaan ton radin sit autan teitä
00:28:36extremewaari ju
00:28:37BoNeshaw otan top tornin
00:28:40Tompson älä
00:28:41Tompson ota
00:28:41Tompson plz
00:28:50Tompson plz älä
00:28:52Tompson enemmä farmii
00:28:53Tompson jos et ota
00:29:00BoNeshaw sais aghan :/
00:29:10xecution axe
00:29:12xecution we should gank
00:29:12Tazok going down
00:29:47xecution WOW
00:29:51extremewaari hienosti :D
00:29:55xecution well thats weaver
00:30:07Tazok b
00:30:32Tompson voi cvittu
00:30:35Tazok dead
00:30:37infect IT'S A TRAP !
00:30:40Tompson Y
00:30:41Tompson :(
00:30:41Tazok stupid of me
00:31:04Tompson meen bot
00:31:08Tompson ottakaa vaa top torni
00:31:10Tompson jossai vaihees
00:31:16xecution im rdy with ulti
00:31:18Tompson vedä piippu waari
00:31:20Tompson tarvis sen
00:31:22xecution viper
00:31:22xecution go
00:31:31extremewaari hy
00:31:43infect soz
00:31:45Biggie np
00:31:46extremewaari vittu en rupee enää kirjottaa :D
00:31:54extremewaari joo teen sen
00:31:59xecution to faar hunt if u dint take
00:32:19Tazok top tower?
00:32:43Knaitti cen
00:33:08Tompson go top
00:33:09xecution cent
00:33:09Tompson all
00:33:10xecution i make force
00:33:14xecution so u cant get away after jump
00:33:26Tazok can or can?
00:33:30infect :D
00:33:38Biggie b from top
00:33:40infect he dead
00:33:41Tazok too late
00:33:42Tompson gj
00:33:42Biggie just the 2 of u
00:33:56BoNeshaw ill go b
00:33:57BoNeshaw no mana
00:33:59Tazok weaver getting fat at bot now
00:34:07xecution no shit
00:34:08xecution sherlok
00:34:12Biggie def top
00:34:18BoNeshaw hommaisko sen refun next
00:34:28casper b
00:34:30BoNeshaw ja travut phaset vai treadit
00:34:36Tompson treads
00:34:45Tazok do something about that weaver?
00:34:52xecution take gem
00:34:54xecution cemnt
00:34:57BoNeshaw relic sil
00:34:58Tompson tarviit hp
00:34:59xecution omg
00:35:01Tompson mulki
00:35:11extremewaari tapetaan
00:35:22casper kioll
00:35:37xecution cent
00:35:37xecution take gem
00:36:25xecution and we lost gem
00:36:27xecution great
00:36:40Tompson gj
00:36:41Biggie weaver got radi
00:36:41BoNeshaw backdoorasitte just :/
00:36:41Biggie etc
00:36:44Tazok game over
00:36:47infect hey
00:36:48BoNeshaw toivottavasti eivät tajunneet
00:36:51Knaitti sen saa
00:36:51ulikiluu kyl saa torneja
00:36:52infect that was creepskipping
00:36:55Tompson ?
00:36:56Knaitti kaikk iapitti basen sisält
00:36:56BoNeshaw ei saa
00:36:57Knaitti saa
00:36:57Tompson was it?
00:36:58Biggie it's allowed
00:36:58infect with wards
00:36:59extremewaari ei saa
00:36:59Knaitti u can
00:37:01BoNeshaw aa jooo
00:37:03Biggie all the outer towers
00:37:07Knaitti kill what ever torn which is outside of base
00:37:07BoNeshaw nii olikin
00:37:11Knaitti tower
00:37:17xecution tazok why u play razor?
00:37:27Tazok fun?
00:37:36Tompson huoh
00:37:38Tompson mikä toi stunni oli
00:37:42Tazok what you missing from me?
00:37:45Tompson joku 5sec
00:37:52xecution your farm
00:37:54xecution u cant play carry
00:37:55infect :d
00:37:56xecution when u dunno how to farm
00:38:01Tazok did you see my lane?
00:38:01Tompson lets push
00:38:03Tompson mid
00:38:05xecution y
00:38:06xecution easy lane
00:38:10Tompson i dont wanna go too lategame
00:38:13xecution cm just wait with bite til rhasta hold
00:38:13Tazok o'rly
00:38:19xecution and if they go on cm
00:38:21xecution u just link
00:38:22xecution rhasta
00:38:26xecution af ff damage u give
00:39:03Tazok b
00:39:18Tompson go roshan
00:39:25infect invi rhazta
00:39:25Tazok invis rhasta
00:39:33Tazok you spelled it wrong
00:39:35Tompson ppl
00:39:46Tompson my aegis
00:39:50extremewaari ofc
00:40:27Tompson ...
00:40:27Tompson lets
00:40:27Tompson push
00:40:27Tompson mid
00:40:27Tompson googo
00:40:27BoNeshaw ääh ei se tipu
00:40:27BoNeshaw varmaan
00:40:27BoNeshaw ei ainakaan pitkään aikaan oo tippunu
00:40:33BoNeshaw -ms
00:40:42Tompson wtf
00:40:43Tompson GALE
00:40:44Tompson WTF
00:40:52Biggie no more aegis
00:40:52Knaitti useful aegis
00:40:52Tompson PUSH MID
00:40:58Tazok niceone
00:41:18xecution axe
00:41:22xecution u have perfect
00:41:22infect who should we focus?
00:41:22xecution call
00:41:24xecution 1000 times
00:41:57Biggie aww
00:41:58Biggie bad call
00:41:59Tompson gj
00:42:00Tompson go mid
00:42:01Tazok indeed!
00:42:03infect that was stupid. we should have just let axe die
00:42:17Tazok i just went by auto, stupid of me
00:42:30Tompson 1 more
00:43:26Tompson b
00:43:53Tazok spider
00:44:12xecution cm
00:44:13xecution wtf
00:44:14extremewaari gj^^
00:44:14xecution are u doing
00:44:20extremewaari jätin sulle tapettavaks sen :P
00:44:26Tompson :D vitu neutral
00:44:31xecution forget it axe
00:44:35infect trying to save your pathetic ass
00:44:39xecution so sad they have weaver
00:44:43xecution they suck
00:45:03xecution cent
00:45:04Tazok got blink axe?
00:45:04xecution take gem now
00:45:17Tompson go bot
00:45:18Tompson gogogog
00:45:22Knaitti tarra or shiva
00:45:25Tompson shivba
00:45:37xecution cent
00:45:38xecution gem inc
00:45:46BoNeshaw käyn top ja teleen alas
00:45:51Tompson joo
00:45:55Tazok need one more
00:45:57Tazok b
00:46:08infect hahahha
00:46:09infect :d
00:46:15infect dont
00:46:15BoNeshaw empä käykään viel
00:46:20Biggie comingi n a sec
00:46:26BoNeshaw varokaas
00:46:26infect def base
00:46:33xecution dont
00:46:33xecution call
00:46:35Tompson b
00:46:35infect go base
00:46:36Tompson asap
00:46:37Tompson b
00:46:41Tompson need rahasta
00:46:48Tompson ok
00:46:48Tompson go
00:47:01Tompson gO
00:47:03infect plant wards
00:47:09Biggie ...
00:47:22Tompson gj
00:47:24Tompson we have wards
00:47:26Biggie you ever thought they are uphill?
00:47:27Tompson lets do this shit
00:47:33casper y
00:48:06Tompson mid
00:48:07Tompson gogo
00:48:53Tompson b
00:49:13Tazok I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:49:21Tompson ok gho
00:49:52Tompson b
00:49:57Tompson wp guys
00:50:01BoNeshaw mm kivasti tuli rahaa :D
00:50:04Tompson ye :D
00:50:11xecution no ban weaver kinda sucks
00:50:22Biggie he is not imba at all
00:50:22Tompson hotti vähä op tälle
00:50:25Tazok well, then they would have am instead
00:50:26xecution well
00:50:27xecution t
00:50:35BoNeshaw jooo aika mahoton tappaa nyt
00:50:37Tompson juu
00:50:40Tazok we just have sucked as a team
00:50:47BoNeshaw ku jos focuuvat kaikki sua nii disabloin vaan ne
00:50:52xecution some of did fine
00:50:53xecution razor
00:50:56Biggie stronger lane lost to a weaker lane
00:50:58Tompson go roshan again
00:51:05Biggie but its dota
00:51:08Tompson lol waari tuhoo noit
00:51:09xecution top lane failed the game
00:51:27Tompson noo
00:51:28Tompson :D
00:51:34extremewaari piti mennä leikkimään :P
00:51:38Tompson juu
00:51:46xecution is should have farm hex
00:51:50xecution insta kill
00:51:52Tompson gogo
00:51:52Tazok i said we failed as a team
00:51:53xecution on weaver
00:51:54Tompson rhasta takes
00:52:00xecution and i say top lane failed
00:52:03xecution i was vs dirge and veno
00:52:05xecution without dying
00:52:11Tompson veno
00:52:12BoNeshaw omw
00:52:12Tompson moove
00:52:12Tompson back
00:52:13Tompson a bit
00:52:22infect want a cookie now?
00:52:24Tompson moove bnack
00:52:25Tompson ud
00:52:38xecution nah just want skill ban in dota.gc
00:52:40Tazok tage aegis
00:52:43Tompson takje it
00:52:45Tompson :D
00:52:48Tompson noballs
00:52:51Tompson b
00:53:10xecution who took?
00:53:15Tompson vedä kestoo
00:53:17infect rhazta
00:53:17Tompson shivaa tjms
00:53:19BoNeshaw huhhuh ku on manaa vievä noi wardit
00:53:23Tompson ye
00:53:24Tompson hulluu
00:53:25BoNeshaw jooo skadin tai shivasin vois
00:53:36Knaitti shiva itel koht valmis
00:53:44BoNeshaw skadin teen nii hpta saa myös
00:53:51Biggie axe...
00:53:54Biggie no blink?
00:53:56Tompson go mid
00:54:00Tompson i mean
00:54:00Tompson top
00:54:01Tompson gogogo
00:54:01Tompson top
00:54:08Tazok story of the game
00:54:09xecution we could have turned game there
00:54:20infect u high?
00:54:33xecution we had mid pushed
00:54:35xecution without weaver
00:54:38xecution they cant do shit
00:54:43Tompson imba agha ud
00:54:47Tazok they finsh it now
00:54:48Knaitti o
00:54:50Tompson just what we actially needed
00:54:51Tompson aoe
00:54:53Tazok ref on rhasta :)
00:54:56Tazok jump before tower
00:54:56Tompson ei oo sarcasmii
00:54:57Tompson :D
00:55:02Biggie she has eagis
00:55:30casper cant jump
00:55:32Biggie gg
00:55:44Tompson gg
00:55:45Knaitti why u focus me naabs
00:55:47Knaitti :<
00:56:21Tompson oho
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