Game #2840909

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+17 X
+1 TS

92% | 1610 X | 1509 TS

-10 X
+1 TS

51% | 1264 X | 1278 TS

+34 X
+1 TS

47% | 1159 X | 1338 TS

+54 X
+85 TS

NEW | 1033 X | 1053 TS

+37 X
+64 TS

NEW | 1026 X | 1002 TS

-33 X
-2 TS

89% | 1573 X | 1451 TS

+3 X
-1 TS

57% | 1271 X | 1337 TS

-22 X
-15 TS

29% | 1201 X | 1129 TS

-33 X
-25 TS

NEW | 1129 X | 1193 TS

-41 X
-35 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

Chat log

00:00:15ATS_ tää kobasica pickkaa si cärryn
00:00:20Kobasica ?
00:00:22VictoriaJrocks -slardar
00:00:22PinaryB btw you still win if 2 leaves from one team but you have heavy score advatage
00:00:22Kobasica write again on eng pls
00:00:22VictoriaJrocks ats said youre gonna pick carry
00:00:22VictoriaJrocks and im not if he said it in good or bad way :D
00:00:22DaFFy947 jeez, this is a lot to take in... DL was so simple, after playing there for 5 years
00:00:22taraN just relax - we will tell you what happens
00:00:22Kobasica rank in dl? :P
00:00:22U.Fail2Amuse.ME no my last game had 2 leavers from scorge and 1 leaver in my team = close
00:00:22taraN me and victoriajrocks have been here since forever
00:00:22DaFFy947 had 58% wins, 1700 games
00:00:22VictoriaJrocks yea i had over 3k games before stats reset :P
00:00:22VictoriaJrocks 3600 if i remember right
00:00:22U.Fail2Amuse.ME holy shiy:?
00:00:22PinaryB nick?
00:00:22Kobasica me 62% 4k points :P
00:00:22DaFFy947 CraZy]eLF
00:00:22VictoriaJrocks bannis nyt jotain
00:00:22taraN ömmömm
00:00:22taraN luna
00:00:22Momdsiw Well im number 2 on games xD
00:00:22taraN HÖHÖHÖH
00:00:37Momdsiw 1500 games under year
00:00:38VictoriaJrocks slardar and luna banned
00:00:52VictoriaJrocks jos tuut mid niin sit en vaa tee push buildia ;D
00:00:53Kobasica me pudge or mort
00:00:55VictoriaJrocks npnp
00:00:59ATS_ miks broodi?
00:01:02Kobasica pudge it is
00:01:05Momdsiw ai minä nii
00:01:07VictoriaJrocks ei tuol ollu muita kivoja mid heroi
00:01:11VictoriaJrocks nii
00:01:12Kobasica u want?
00:01:19PinaryB ima play it
00:01:23Momdsiw tiiätkö mikä on invokerin toine nimi
00:01:24Kobasica -.-
00:01:27DaFFy947 english?
00:01:42U.Fail2Amuse.ME wtf with the carries
00:01:45U.Fail2Amuse.ME pick int
00:01:50VictoriaJrocks gj
00:01:52PinaryB lich come top
00:01:54PinaryB with me
00:01:55VictoriaJrocks once someone remembers chicken :D
00:01:55U.Fail2Amuse.ME or str
00:01:56kAlleMustDie k
00:02:04VanillaThunder panda
00:02:08taraN nice clinkz pick
00:02:09taraN excellent
00:02:11Momdsiw saanko midi
00:02:13Momdsiw vai meetkö
00:02:13taraN joo
00:02:15taraN mee
00:02:16kAlleMustDie ¨pudge, go plant wards
00:02:18Momdsiw hmm mitähä buildaisi
00:02:20kAlleMustDie i use ritual
00:02:21DaFFy947 me woods plz
00:02:21Momdsiw skill buildin siis
00:02:27DaFFy947 speak english for the love of go
00:02:29taraN quas wex
00:02:30Momdsiw mee soloo top
00:02:31Momdsiw niih
00:02:31DaFFy947 we're a team!
00:02:34Momdsiw kelasinv a ahämiksii vs
00:02:37Momdsiw :S
00:02:38VictoriaJrocks totta vitussa teen pushi buildin
00:02:39taraN clinkz bot
00:02:40taraN im solo top
00:02:44Momdsiw jos se puskee sit
00:02:49taraN cent woods
00:02:52Kobasica when team actions talk eng
00:02:53Momdsiw cold snap vai tornado emp buildi paree
00:02:54VictoriaJrocks yes
00:02:55VictoriaJrocks of course
00:03:10taraN siis
00:03:10DaFFy947 this captains thing seems like a bad idea tbh
00:03:13taraN tornado emp
00:03:16DaFFy947 and people not speaking english as well
00:03:18DaFFy947 -.-
00:03:21VictoriaJrocks ive gotten 1 ban from not talking enhglsih
00:03:57U.Fail2Amuse.ME its cool
00:03:59U.Fail2Amuse.ME the captain
00:04:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME helps mannage the noobs
00:04:13DaFFy947 what if you have a noob captain then....
00:04:18taraN you dont
00:04:22U.Fail2Amuse.ME tll now
00:04:23taraN captain is alwyas highest ranked
00:04:32U.Fail2Amuse.ME i had only 1
00:04:34U.Fail2Amuse.ME noob
00:04:35U.Fail2Amuse.ME captain
00:04:36U.Fail2Amuse.ME others
00:04:39U.Fail2Amuse.ME played very good
00:04:50Kobasica care
00:05:00U.Fail2Amuse.ME including me hahha
00:05:01DaFFy947 they warded creep spot btw...
00:05:05DaFFy947 sawkss
00:05:12PinaryB dd
00:05:23Momdsiw pakko tehhä metee
00:05:25VanillaThunder get hiom?
00:05:26Momdsiw se tekee spidui
00:05:32taraN mjoo
00:05:33DaFFy947 the english again
00:05:35DaFFy947 is it so hard?
00:05:49taraN im not talking to you
00:05:52taraN so mind your own business
00:05:53taraN thanksk
00:05:55Kobasica dude...
00:06:04ATS_ dont solo like that
00:06:04Momdsiw -il
00:06:06DaFFy947 I don't care if you're talking to me or not
00:06:09ATS_ when im not there
00:06:26DaFFy947 it's rude in the company of others to speak a language others may not understand
00:07:11U.Fail2Amuse.ME clinkz be a good boy and stay cloer when i attac
00:07:12U.Fail2Amuse.ME mort
00:07:13U.Fail2Amuse.ME u need
00:07:14U.Fail2Amuse.ME help?
00:07:20taraN its ok
00:07:30taraN its just lich pudge
00:07:31taraN easy lane
00:07:37U.Fail2Amuse.ME XD
00:07:40Momdsiw Vitubn väärä spell :D
00:07:42U.Fail2Amuse.ME easier with gang
00:07:44DaFFy947 so since I'm new, naturally you're the chickenbitch as the new player
00:07:45Momdsiw Piti invi heittää
00:07:47Momdsiw -il
00:08:01VictoriaJrocks mid miss invo
00:08:13U.Fail2Amuse.ME hit
00:08:14U.Fail2Amuse.ME snioper
00:08:15U.Fail2Amuse.ME plz
00:08:16DaFFy947 DL may have had it's flaws but this is....
00:08:18U.Fail2Amuse.ME from time to time
00:08:23taraN look
00:08:23U.Fail2Amuse.ME dl is over
00:08:23ATS_ lag lag lag
00:08:24U.Fail2Amuse.ME now
00:08:24U.Fail2Amuse.ME stoo
00:08:24taraN if you dont like
00:08:26taraN fuck off
00:08:37taraN thats all im gonna say
00:08:38taraN dont whine
00:09:30U.Fail2Amuse.ME mid u get hard owned/a
00:09:30U.Fail2Amuse.ME ?>
00:09:59taraN i n gank top kinda
00:10:05taraN theyre nuking me nmow
00:10:05taraN >:
00:10:06ATS_ upgrade some 1
00:10:22VanillaThunder why u go ffs
00:10:27VanillaThunder so strupid
00:10:28U.Fail2Amuse.ME why dont u attack
00:10:30U.Fail2Amuse.ME sniper
00:10:31U.Fail2Amuse.ME 100 hp
00:10:33Kobasica gj
00:10:40VanillaThunder lol cause tinys stun would kill me?
00:10:51VanillaThunder omw top
00:11:06taraN lets kill
00:11:09U.Fail2Amuse.ME come cent
00:11:09ATS_ ss 2
00:11:21taraN gogo
00:11:36PinaryB 44 top
00:11:40ATS_ sayed
00:11:42VictoriaJrocks invoker miss
00:11:55ATS_ ss all
00:12:20ATS_ b
00:12:29Momdsiw mid miss
00:12:34VictoriaJrocks kill mdi
00:12:35VictoriaJrocks tuskar insta
00:12:40DaFFy947 (((( MISS TOP )))))
00:12:40kAlleMustDie no ulti
00:13:17DaFFy947 im lagging hard --
00:13:57VictoriaJrocks push other lanes
00:14:02VictoriaJrocks or farm
00:14:28VictoriaJrocks bot b
00:14:29VictoriaJrocks bo t b
00:14:30VictoriaJrocks bot b
00:14:43ATS_ ¨kill mort
00:14:57Momdsiw def mid
00:14:57Momdsiw guys
00:15:48DaFFy947 omw top
00:16:03ATS_ :)
00:16:03Momdsiw en oo sit mikää hyvä invo oikeesit
00:16:03VictoriaJrocks 5min
00:16:03VictoriaJrocks wait
00:16:03VictoriaJrocks ftl
00:16:03taraN joo mä luulin jo et oot superkova
00:16:03taraN ?:D
00:16:03DaFFy947 wait for what?
00:16:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME mb he
00:16:03taraN no ei iha hyvi oot
00:16:03taraN pelannu
00:16:03VictoriaJrocks reconnect
00:16:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME wants
00:16:03VictoriaJrocks re
00:16:03VictoriaJrocks con
00:16:03VictoriaJrocks nect
00:16:03DaFFy947 -.-
00:16:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME 4 min
00:16:03Momdsiw kivaa vaihtelua
00:16:03Momdsiw vaa
00:16:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME pause
00:16:03Momdsiw tälläne hero
00:16:03taraN jep
00:16:03DaFFy947 I'm guessing we're not allowed to drop him
00:16:03Momdsiw nää on vaa nii rando pelei
00:16:03PinaryB you can't
00:16:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME tiny or
00:16:03ATS_ :)
00:16:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME pudge
00:16:03DaFFy947 ok
00:16:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME prepare
00:16:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME alt+qq
00:16:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME botton
00:16:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME alt + qq
00:16:03VanillaThunder laaag
00:16:04VanillaThunder laag
00:16:04VanillaThunder only me?
00:16:15Momdsiw teen varmaa kaikkii skillei tasasesti
00:16:25taraN what happened
00:16:26taraN i was afk
00:16:27taraN :D
00:16:45taraN that
00:16:46taraN snowball
00:16:47taraN why
00:16:49taraN would you do that
00:16:54U.Fail2Amuse.ME dude i wanted to go alone
00:16:56U.Fail2Amuse.ME didnt see
00:16:57U.Fail2Amuse.ME u
00:16:59U.Fail2Amuse.ME next
00:16:59U.Fail2Amuse.ME TO
00:17:00U.Fail2Amuse.ME me
00:17:16ATS_ -.-'
00:17:18ATS_ lich
00:17:21kAlleMustDie too far away
00:17:26ATS_ wake up
00:17:36kAlleMustDie wake up tiny
00:18:04Kobasica ty
00:18:14ATS_ why you didint
00:18:15ATS_ come
00:18:36PinaryB would you wake up?
00:18:49Momdsiw jos saisit vähä läskiä
00:18:55taraN jo9s
00:19:02VictoriaJrocks need to famr 1300
00:19:03VanillaThunder can u pls write english?
00:19:04VictoriaJrocks then i can fight
00:19:04taraN tää clinkz pick oli iha paska
00:19:05Momdsiw defeaning blasti kyl pidättelee viel noitte carryjä jonku aikaa
00:19:12DaFFy947 what Jesterhead said
00:19:14DaFFy947 !
00:19:14ATS_ i have dag
00:19:18ATS_ now
00:19:19VictoriaJrocks i need bkb
00:19:49Kobasica oom
00:19:57Kobasica for 2
00:20:06taraN coming
00:20:14taraN no ult
00:20:15taraN on him
00:20:28Momdsiw dagger invi?
00:21:06Momdsiw -il
00:21:13taraN käytä sit emppii kans
00:21:17ATS_ 3
00:21:17ATS_ top
00:21:20taraN easy frag
00:21:21taraN someone tp
00:21:21Momdsiw jeps
00:21:58taraN gj
00:22:03Momdsiw paljoo tarvinnu :D
00:22:06VictoriaJrocks bkb
00:22:08taraN jaa
00:22:20ATS_ tp
00:22:29taraN imba momsi
00:22:39taraN tuskar
00:22:40taraN just
00:22:42taraN spam spells
00:22:44kAlleMustDie gj
00:22:45taraN and def vs brood
00:22:46U.Fail2Amuse.ME i do
00:22:46taraN thats your task
00:22:49taraN i know
00:22:51taraN but keep at it
00:23:12Kobasica push top
00:23:18Kobasica -ms
00:23:21U.Fail2Amuse.ME bkb
00:23:25U.Fail2Amuse.ME cool
00:23:26U.Fail2Amuse.ME story
00:23:33VictoriaJrocks :D hguhuhu ku säikähin
00:23:38taraN mut blokattii
00:23:38Momdsiw säkäl telee varmaa jossai tuol alhaal
00:23:40taraN en voinu tappaa
00:23:41VictoriaJrocks :D trololo
00:23:43PinaryB some1 comes
00:23:43VictoriaJrocks ja mul bkb pääl
00:23:45VictoriaJrocks nini et voi blink
00:23:45ATS_ care
00:23:46taraN nii
00:23:54VictoriaJrocks EVERYBODY HAS THOSE DAYS
00:24:04DaFFy947 sick of non english speaking people
00:24:04taraN yea kill sniper
00:24:11VictoriaJrocks :D banrequest them
00:24:38ATS_ :DDD
00:24:57taraN anna mulle
00:25:04Kobasica pls guys lets finish gota go :)
00:25:07VictoriaJrocks yeye
00:25:45Kobasica what language is that?
00:25:49VictoriaJrocks finnish
00:25:59DaFFy947 thought I recognized it...
00:26:08Momdsiw ops
00:26:09taraN guys gather
00:26:11taraN dont go solo
00:26:14VictoriaJrocks push top tower
00:26:45taraN def top mbe
00:28:29Kobasica w8
00:28:30DaFFy947 wouldnt be so much fun vs slardar I suppose..
00:28:36VictoriaJrocks and taran is good with slardar
00:28:38VictoriaJrocks thats why i bnane dit
00:28:47DaFFy947 who isn't good with slardar?
00:28:51U.Fail2Amuse.ME u
00:28:52U.Fail2Amuse.ME ?
00:28:52taraN u
00:28:58DaFFy947 finnish people
00:29:34VictoriaJrocks joo crittaat heti ekalla ennenku ehin lif eleech :D
00:29:38taraN tottakai
00:29:40taraN otit riskin
00:29:41U.Fail2Amuse.ME u didnt activate it
00:29:44U.Fail2Amuse.ME dude
00:29:44DaFFy947 voi vittu
00:29:47VictoriaJrocks xD
00:29:49VictoriaJrocks now i got blade mail
00:30:01U.Fail2Amuse.ME cent
00:30:02U.Fail2Amuse.ME farm
00:30:03U.Fail2Amuse.ME for
00:30:04U.Fail2Amuse.ME dagger
00:30:04U.Fail2Amuse.ME boy
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks buying dust
00:30:08ATS_ ihan paskaa ku kaikki stealaa
00:30:08Kobasica ..........
00:30:08taraN zzzz
00:30:08taraN taktine
00:30:08DaFFy947 and we wait....
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks millä tavalla
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks millä
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks in
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks what
00:30:08DaFFy947 and speak some more finnish...
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks way
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks is
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks tactical
00:30:08Kobasica ffs need to go
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks cal
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks if
00:30:08taraN koska toi o säkki
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks you
00:30:08VictoriaJrocks leave
00:30:08taraN 51%
00:30:08taraN se feedaa vaa
00:30:08Momdsiw mäki oon samaa luokkaa
00:30:08taraN ei mut oot momsi
00:30:08taraN oot hyvä
00:30:08Momdsiw super sotilas
00:30:08ATS_ loputon tuuri teillä
00:30:13taraN tapetaa
00:30:28VictoriaJrocks :D?
00:30:28Momdsiw sellane
00:30:33VictoriaJrocks menitkö just invi
00:30:37Momdsiw :D en
00:30:39Momdsiw oli cd spells
00:30:41Momdsiw siis ulti
00:30:42VictoriaJrocks mistä tuo bounce tuli
00:30:47Momdsiw Emt
00:30:52VictoriaJrocks push mid
00:30:56PinaryB -st
00:30:59U.Fail2Amuse.ME k boy and girls
00:31:00U.Fail2Amuse.ME shall
00:31:01U.Fail2Amuse.ME i
00:31:01Momdsiw Joteki menii invol liian hyvi
00:31:02U.Fail2Amuse.ME buy
00:31:02U.Fail2Amuse.ME gem
00:31:04Momdsiw menee*
00:31:05taraN hmm
00:31:07DaFFy947 does this fancy repel programme come with a way of muting players?
00:31:11Momdsiw pelannu varmaa alle 10x tätäelämäni aikana
00:31:13taraN squelch
00:31:15Kobasica -ms
00:31:18taraN ./squelch taran
00:31:20taraN for example
00:31:27Momdsiw frist type-hhn
00:31:32Momdsiw then /squelch taran
00:31:37VictoriaJrocks buying gem
00:31:38VictoriaJrocks in 700 money
00:31:42U.Fail2Amuse.ME b
00:31:45U.Fail2Amuse.ME 6 come
00:31:46U.Fail2Amuse.ME to u
00:31:47Kobasica all mid
00:31:52taraN def mid
00:31:53taraN all
00:31:56VictoriaJrocks getting gem wait for me
00:31:58Kobasica dont go without me
00:32:08taraN kill
00:32:09taraN gogo
00:32:10Kobasica b
00:32:10ATS_ warded
00:32:15taraN w8
00:32:16taraN for me
00:32:20VictoriaJrocks got gem
00:32:24ATS_ im top
00:32:25taraN :<
00:32:25VictoriaJrocks ush
00:32:26VictoriaJrocks push
00:32:27taraN b
00:32:31VanillaThunder gem on brood
00:32:32taraN they got gem?
00:32:34taraN k
00:32:41VictoriaJrocks now good hook
00:33:03Momdsiw ai fuck
00:33:23DaFFy947 I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:33:26Momdsiw I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:33:37Momdsiw -ii
00:33:40Momdsiw brood too fat
00:33:40taraN go
00:33:45Kobasica FINISH GO THRONE
00:34:09VanillaThunder btw good jo mid
00:34:16taraN turhaakin turhempi tiimi
00:34:26taraN momsi oli hyvä
00:34:53DaFFy947 how do I surrender?
00:34:57taraN type ff
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks useless
00:34:57Kobasica NOOOO
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks to
00:34:57Momdsiw double f
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks dro
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks we won
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks won
00:34:57Kobasica FFS
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks 2
00:34:57taraN sniper
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks raxes
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks =win
00:34:57taraN why you saying ffs
00:34:57taraN its over
00:34:57taraN if he drops
00:34:57taraN you win
00:34:57ATS_ 4 pelii ongoing
00:34:57ATS_ selittää lagin
00:34:57Momdsiw ei se pääty
00:34:57Momdsiw vaik tippuu
00:34:57Momdsiw Mitä sekoilette
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks eiku
00:34:57Momdsiw JOudutte balancee vaa
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks jos
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks nuo
00:34:57Kobasica Ye but he will drop in 5 minutes and i gota go now!
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks Tacitoi
00:34:57Kobasica :D
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks tactio
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks then
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks its
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks win
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks for us
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks and
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks you
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks you
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks get
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks ban
00:34:57U.Fail2Amuse.ME :D
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks worth
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks wo
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks r
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks t
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks h
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks a
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks ban
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks sni
00:34:57VictoriaJrocks per?
00:34:57U.Fail2Amuse.ME dont
00:34:57U.Fail2Amuse.ME let
00:34:58U.Fail2Amuse.ME brood
00:34:58Kobasica ?
00:34:59U.Fail2Amuse.ME talk
00:35:01U.Fail2Amuse.ME to u like that
00:35:04U.Fail2Amuse.ME alt qq now!
00:35:08U.Fail2Amuse.ME alt qq now!
00:35:32Momdsiw you have frozen sigil?
00:35:37Momdsiw that flying ball
00:35:37Momdsiw ?
00:35:41taraN yeah its pretty good
00:35:41taraN use it
00:35:49Momdsiw tuskar?
00:35:53Momdsiw ahh
00:35:57Momdsiw you must have nvm
00:36:00U.Fail2Amuse.ME no i have only slightly chilled one
00:36:19DaFFy947 Forfeit
00:36:22DaFFy947 /forfeit
00:36:27DaFFy947 /surrender
00:36:44VictoriaJrocks TAKE MY GEM
00:36:57kAlleMustDie ä:D
00:37:00VanillaThunder :D:D:D:D
00:37:05PinaryB :d
00:37:07VictoriaJrocks pushh
00:37:08VictoriaJrocks pushhhhhhhhhhhh
00:37:14taraN def
00:37:17Momdsiw Vittuku sun piti skillaa niit spidereit
00:37:23Momdsiw En oo tottunu pelaa exort buildia
00:37:30VictoriaJrocks aattelin ettei sul ois manaa
00:37:33VictoriaJrocks käyttää meteorii ja inviä
00:37:36VictoriaJrocks et vois
00:37:46Momdsiw nätit missi :D
00:37:51Momdsiw nätti*
00:37:53Momdsiw tolta tinyltä
00:38:05taraN iha ok
00:38:08taraN def
00:38:33taraN kill sniper
00:38:34taraN easy frag
00:38:41VictoriaJrocks who has my gem
00:38:46taraN wp clinkz
00:38:48ATS_ i
00:38:49taraN really wp this game
00:38:54taraN imba pick
00:38:54VictoriaJrocks good
00:38:56taraN imba player
00:38:58taraN imba items
00:39:11Momdsiw Ahh gem :<
00:39:15VictoriaJrocks my gem :D
00:39:18Momdsiw slow motiono kill
00:39:20U.Fail2Amuse.ME no is mine
00:39:25VictoriaJrocks nope i deestroyed yours
00:39:28U.Fail2Amuse.ME --0
00:39:45taraN cent too wp
00:39:52VanillaThunder and mort dont flame me
00:40:01VanillaThunder look at cent who did shit
00:40:05DaFFy947 I know I didn't do good
00:40:06taraN well tbh
00:40:07taraN you picked
00:40:08taraN a shit hero
00:40:11taraN part of the loss
00:40:16taraN i cant decide what heroes to pick for you
00:40:18taraN but clinkz is
00:40:20taraN absolute worst hero
00:40:21kAlleMustDie c'mon
00:40:22taraN you can pick vs brood
00:40:28ATS_ sry
00:40:33taraN this isnt DL
00:40:34taraN this is
00:40:36taraN betteer games
00:40:36DaFFy947 finally you're speaking english
00:40:46taraN so pick smart please
00:40:49taraN gg wå
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