Game #2804039

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+39 X
+1 TS

98% | 1761 X | 1591 TS

+48 X
+1 TS

92% | 1577 X | 1551 TS

+46 X
+1 TS

91% | 1573 X | 1507 TS

+50 X
+2 TS
55% | 1199 X | 1353 TS

+44 X
+17 TS

51% | 1318 X | 1218 TS

-44 X
-1 TS

95% | 1724 X | 1504 TS

-21 X
-7 TS

80% | 1519 X | 1408 TS

-37 X
-2 TS

82% | 1397 X | 1504 TS

-62 X
-1 TS

77% | 1449 X | 1397 TS

-55 X
-1 TS

73% | 1333 X | 1401 TS

Chat log

00:00:26Netukka mumbletaks
00:00:26Netukka pete
00:00:26jakkihirki es
00:00:26MariahCarry naga
00:00:39dRocketman i can naix
00:00:39Netukka jakki
00:00:40MariahCarry thrall anyone?
00:00:42Netukka tuu mumblee
00:00:43jakkihirki niin?
00:00:47Netukka mumblee
00:01:10jakkihirki supports?
00:01:17xeriex should i carrir?
00:01:19xeriex carry
00:01:20Netukka no
00:01:24jakkihirki ei go carry
00:01:38xeriex what play
00:01:43xeriex lina??
00:01:44dRocketman lolz thrall still there
00:01:46Lavos lina y
00:01:47jakkihirki vaikka
00:01:55dRocketman kotl
00:01:57dRocketman mb
00:02:03Lavos sk bh
00:02:07Lavos so dust is
00:02:08jakkihirki niin mitä asiaa sulla oli?
00:02:11Lavos usable
00:02:18dRocketman o my
00:02:19McNabb lol
00:02:21xeriex i prefer me bot
00:02:23Misha pfffffffffff ?
00:02:28xeriex ok me top
00:02:29McNabb that wasent random
00:02:52McNabb how come good players pick so retarded apec i just farm ok?
00:03:08jakkihirki siittä olis heti päässyt
00:03:09Misha void u should go top mby?
00:03:09MariahCarry share dog
00:03:10dRocketman jugger lina topå
00:03:15Misha nvm i take that as a ytes i pill pull
00:03:56McNabb only 1 top
00:04:26xeriex tilt
00:04:33McNabb plz pull
00:04:39dRocketman kkkk
00:05:15jakkihirki glimpse`?
00:05:15MariahCarry gank mid sk? lvl 3
00:05:30jakkihirki kill zeus
00:05:31McNabb ehh im solo
00:05:35MariahCarry oh just farm
00:06:10dRocketman i come gang mid
00:06:23jakkihirki its easy
00:06:25dRocketman tp fast
00:06:35jakkihirki now
00:06:36MariahCarry u use my chicken
00:06:50jakkihirki gj ty :D u2
00:06:58Netukka naix mid
00:07:08Netukka miss
00:07:09Netukka now
00:07:20dRocketman he found reg
00:07:21dRocketman :)))
00:07:21McNabb ss lina
00:07:24McNabb re
00:07:29jakkihirki nuke zeus
00:07:41jakkihirki gj :D
00:07:56McNabb plz pull i go urn btW
00:08:06McNabb ss
00:08:08McNabb lina got 1 nuke rdy
00:08:19jakkihirki he dies
00:08:43Netukka jg
00:08:44KredeC spec ff
00:09:21McNabb ss lina gj
00:09:44dRocketman ???????`? ¨ss 2 bot
00:10:17xeriex toweR?
00:10:19Netukka sure
00:10:20xeriex or gone alrdy stil ss 1
00:10:41xeriex ^^
00:10:43MariahCarry gank top
00:11:01xeriex :D
00:11:02Netukka lol
00:11:02Lavos LL
00:11:02McNabb HAHAHAHA
00:11:06Netukka rune
00:11:06Netukka bot
00:11:09MariahCarry good sk
00:11:11KredeC what u doing skl
00:11:13McNabb FU
00:11:54Lavos stun if u can
00:12:02KredeC -roll
00:12:04dRocketman void?
00:12:04dRocketman srsly
00:12:08xeriex push
00:12:08MariahCarry -roll
00:12:11MariahCarry -roll
00:12:11KredeC shat u want from me?
00:12:14KredeC what
00:12:17dRocketman WHY THE FUCK DID YOU PICK VOID?
00:12:28MariahCarry it seemed like the obvious pick
00:12:31KredeC random
00:12:40dRocketman go lina
00:13:16Lavos fail
00:13:17Lavos oli ulti :D
00:13:41dRocketman ff
00:14:02KredeC hahahaha
00:14:06xeriex ^^
00:14:11xeriex well played man !
00:15:28MariahCarry imba
00:15:30McNabb lal
00:15:50McNabb fuck this useless team
00:16:00jakkihirki :D
00:17:49KredeC fell rapeD?
00:17:54KredeC feel*
00:17:58xeriex salee
00:18:01KredeC hohohohohohoh
00:18:33xeriex zeus having fun !
00:18:45McNabb lol
00:18:49McNabb du sutter mariah
00:19:15MariahCarry -bounty
00:19:27Lavos sweet build mariah
00:19:38MariahCarry ty
00:19:42McNabb fff
00:20:03dRocketman go sk
00:20:08McNabb never
00:20:11dRocketman ?
00:20:14McNabb 5v2?
00:20:29McNabb pro dude
00:20:32McNabb retard
00:20:46dRocketman HAHAH
00:21:10MariahCarry gem on lesh
00:21:17dRocketman void ulti sk ulti
00:21:17dRocketman go
00:22:07McNabb useless bh pick useless void pick useless zues player ggff
00:22:12Netukka b
00:22:15Lavos i knew it
00:22:18Lavos ur so nigger
00:22:18MariahCarry :D
00:22:28MariahCarry almost specs too
00:22:29MariahCarry :D:D:D
00:22:42Misha who cares about this game
00:22:51MariahCarry everyone on scourge
00:22:55Misha uselesspicks or not, we got raped
00:22:58Netukka im
00:22:58Netukka inv
00:23:15McNabb ofc when people pick shit like that
00:23:19McNabb then we lose
00:23:22Lavos lesh can u like do anything to anyone? :D
00:23:25Netukka :D
00:23:26KredeC ?
00:23:28Netukka halusin et kuolet
00:23:32Lavos u have so many choicers
00:23:34Lavos and u walk
00:23:46McNabb viod?
00:23:49dRocketman he ruins
00:23:50KredeC y?
00:23:51dRocketman obvious
00:23:55dRocketman from the moment he picked void
00:24:00KredeC some1 used my hero
00:24:05KredeC and leaped
00:24:11KredeC so i didn't have mana for both
00:24:19dRocketman ff
00:24:21KredeC is it possible to look at replay and see it?
00:24:31dRocketman see how bad you play?
00:24:39KredeC yy
00:26:05Lavos u dont have time t off
00:26:13Lavos sad
00:26:25McNabb hvordan kan du overhoved overveje at picke bh og gå mid som fp?
00:26:44McNabb hope u guys had fun
00:26:47jakkihirki we ded
00:26:48jakkihirki did
00:26:49Netukka bh did
00:26:50Netukka have
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