Game #2679169

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-32 X
-1 TS

96% | 1663 X | 1590 TS

+16 X
+0 TS

95% | 1628 X | 1551 TS

-28 X
-1 TS

78% | 1438 X | 1392 TS

+5 X
-3 TS

73% | 1461 X | 1318 TS

-32 X
-2 TS
68% | 1373 X | 1360 TS

+4 X
+0 TS

100% | 1923 X | 1742 TS

+3 X
+2 TS

95% | 1652 X | 1521 TS

+18 X
+1 TS

84% | 1421 X | 1490 TS

+19 X
+3 TS

82% | 1473 X | 1419 TS

+37 X
+1 TS

57% | 1232 X | 1368 TS

Chat log

00:00:04TakinBackMyLove -ap
00:00:04jakkihirki -ap
00:00:22mrk go bot rhasta venge
00:00:23mrk fast
00:00:37TakinBackMyLove what are lanes ?
00:00:40valiante so i handle mid?
00:00:41jakkihirki top should get wards
00:00:42valiante or u want
00:00:45valiante centa
00:00:49jakkihirki i dont give a fuck
00:00:49mrk or not
00:00:59valiante ur better versus tb
00:01:01valiante i guess
00:01:02valiante ? fb bot
00:01:32V0nsteri ...
00:01:34Buugi jaa gana ::DDDDDDdd
00:01:40Momdsiw :DDDDDD
00:01:41Momdsiw gana
00:01:42Momdsiw ebin
00:02:02Momdsiw mikä on keltainen ja tärisee
00:02:16Buugi dildo xD
00:02:17Momdsiw jakin makarooni lattialla
00:02:38mrk ss2
00:03:03Momdsiw trilane bot
00:03:28Momdsiw last pick solo venge vs trilane
00:03:30Momdsiw i bought chicken also
00:03:31Momdsiw :<
00:04:20Momdsiw ogre
00:04:21Momdsiw miss
00:05:38Momdsiw ogre sven miss
00:05:39Momdsiw care mid
00:05:51Buugi tarvis ward
00:05:59Buugi ostan kyl ite
00:06:02Buugi tai k
00:06:18Momdsiw still missing
00:06:26Momdsiw koittavat varmaa fb musta
00:06:41Momdsiw ei oo bottomis
00:06:48Momdsiw tulee midi b
00:07:00Buugi joku uprto
00:07:03Buugi käytti tota kanaa
00:07:04KredeC twr`?
00:07:04Buugi kokoaja
00:07:12Buugi ni en saanu wardei otettuu
00:08:36Momdsiw niitten roami stunenrit on kaikki melee nii saat ehk hp swap
00:08:48mrk stupid lanes
00:08:51mrk venge go roam
00:08:53mrk i come bot
00:09:56Momdsiw lets gang mid
00:10:02jakkihirki tower
00:10:07Buugi we just need ultis all
00:10:08valiante miss venge
00:10:10Buugi and we can go 5v5
00:10:15KredeC venge comein mid with ru8bne
00:10:23Momdsiw ogogog
00:10:43jakkihirki maybe two hits
00:10:44satan-_- push?
00:10:45Buugi y
00:10:46Buugi tower
00:10:48jakkihirki and 200g to everony
00:10:51jakkihirki everone*
00:11:30valiante gyro coming
00:11:31valiante care cent
00:12:50mrk g.g.g.g.g.
00:13:19mrk cent
00:13:56mrk ogre
00:14:23satan-_- g
00:14:54Momdsiw ahh :>
00:15:07satan-_- go
00:15:07jakkihirki give
00:15:08satan-_- top
00:15:09satan-_- all
00:15:09jakkihirki whole lane
00:15:11jakkihirki i get dagger
00:15:15Momdsiw tees bkb tb
00:15:52Buugi cd
00:15:57mrk a lot top
00:15:58mrk 5
00:15:59satan-_- now?
00:15:59mrk or something
00:16:08Momdsiw all heros so fat
00:16:16satan-_- tp
00:16:17satan-_- bugi
00:16:37satan-_- rofl
00:16:53satan-_- weave
00:16:54satan-_- :PP
00:17:04satan-_- ha..
00:17:06Momdsiw was cd
00:17:15Buugi it was useless tp
00:17:18Buugi satan
00:17:21satan-_- y i know
00:17:22Buugi i could kill bot tower
00:17:24satan-_- tought they rush
00:17:31satan-_- go
00:17:31Buugi i have 700 hp anyway
00:17:31satan-_- bot
00:17:32satan-_- vs
00:17:38Momdsiw teeks bkb?
00:17:40Buugi teen
00:18:00Buugi inc
00:18:05Buugi botle
00:18:06Buugi for ulti
00:18:16mrk hundreds are top
00:18:18mrk i have no mana
00:18:20satan-_- he
00:18:33satan-_- go
00:18:33satan-_- guys
00:18:36satan-_- ulty
00:18:37satan-_- gyeo
00:18:58satan-_- good
00:19:02jakkihirki :)
00:19:05satan-_- 3 for 1
00:19:06satan-_- :D
00:19:10jakkihirki only ten more minutes
00:19:24Buugi push
00:19:26satan-_- venge make medallion and we kill
00:19:26Buugi 3 tped bot
00:19:27satan-_- roshhan
00:20:04Buugi ss 2 bot
00:20:08satan-_- rosh?
00:20:15Buugi i push bot
00:20:15mrk care
00:20:16mrk run
00:20:43Momdsiw hiih
00:20:46satan-_- come
00:20:47valiante i got ulti
00:20:47satan-_- jere
00:20:52jakkihirki btw
00:20:54jakkihirki tb has bkb
00:20:55satan-_- bugi
00:20:56satan-_- come
00:20:57satan-_- now
00:20:57satan-_- if
00:20:58satan-_- they
00:21:01Buugi y
00:21:01Buugi i tp
00:21:04satan-_- g?
00:21:06Buugi base
00:21:08Buugi in base
00:21:23Momdsiw menisit jo
00:21:26jakkihirki wake up
00:21:28Buugi kuolisin van
00:21:37Buugi tarvii sut sinne
00:21:39Buugi et saadaa dmg
00:21:53jakkihirki gone
00:21:56valiante b
00:22:24KredeC top twr
00:22:32Momdsiw check bot
00:22:37Buugi i think they want top now
00:22:53satan-_- k
00:22:54Buugi b or?
00:22:57Buugi need all
00:22:59valiante omw top
00:23:00satan-_- let
00:23:01satan-_- me
00:23:01satan-_- in
00:23:02satan-_- ijnvis
00:23:50Buugi need more items
00:23:55Momdsiw or use ulti
00:23:55jakkihirki hauskaa
00:23:56Buugi so i can make ulti
00:23:56jakkihirki kuolla
00:23:58jakkihirki jokakerta
00:24:04mrk shouldve just waited under tower
00:24:09mrk and not get stunned by cent in woods
00:24:13Momdsiw well
00:24:15mrk + tc killed us
00:24:15Momdsiw this chen
00:24:17Momdsiw gave the entry
00:24:39Buugi let me top
00:24:46Buugi push all lanes
00:25:12satan-_- b
00:25:12satan-_- all
00:25:19satan-_- b
00:25:20satan-_- dude
00:25:20mrk tp cd
00:25:26satan-_- k
00:25:27satan-_- nvm
00:25:27satan-_- :D
00:25:28jakkihirki withkrobesulti
00:25:31jakkihirki andsvents
00:25:42Buugi i odnth ave metamorfis yet
00:25:42Momdsiw they puts mid push and rushes to top or bot
00:25:43KredeC gang firsT?
00:25:52satan-_- turtle
00:25:53satan-_- as
00:25:54satan-_- much
00:25:56satan-_- possible
00:25:56satan-_- they
00:25:57satan-_- going
00:25:58satan-_- top
00:25:58valiante rosh?
00:26:03Buugi have bkb
00:26:35jakkihirki tb ports
00:26:41satan-_- maybe swap
00:26:43satan-_- they will go back
00:26:44satan-_- go
00:26:46satan-_- go
00:26:47satan-_- now?
00:26:51Momdsiw krobe wwap
00:26:51Buugi no
00:26:52TakinBackMyLove lets
00:26:52Buugi io
00:26:53TakinBackMyLove tca
00:27:25satan-_- rosh?
00:27:27Buugi y
00:27:33jakkihirki bye bye roshan
00:27:54jakkihirki its good thing
00:27:56Buugi rasta take
00:27:59jakkihirki you idled there :)
00:28:01satan-_- bot
00:28:03valiante i dont get it
00:28:04KredeC I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:05valiante why u dont stay
00:28:08jakkihirki I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:12satan-_- ilu
00:28:12Buugi gg
00:28:12Momdsiw xD
00:28:23jakkihirki mitäs gg tässä on?
00:28:30Momdsiw voitettii?
00:28:30Buugi tuli comeback
00:28:38jakkihirki Missä vaiheessa oltii voittamassa?
00:28:46Buugi kuolin 2x alus
00:29:09jakkihirki true comeback
00:29:14Momdsiw y
00:29:23jakkihirki ff guys
00:29:24jakkihirki this is over
00:29:26KredeC I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel] I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:29valiante I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:31jakkihirki I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:42KredeC I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:45satan-_- and so you win games bugi -.-
00:29:51Buugi ?
00:29:59Buugi by plaing good
00:29:59satan-_- meaning you top in this league
00:30:01Buugi yes
00:30:04Buugi playing
00:30:04jakkihirki manaboots sven
00:30:08jakkihirki thats epic
00:30:10satan-_- i always get wiht some
00:30:12satan-_- naps...
00:30:30TakinBackMyLove go
00:30:30KredeC mid or never
00:30:30valiante ye
00:30:30Momdsiw me too
00:30:30TakinBackMyLove mid
00:30:34Buugi me 2 was tol8 to go manaboots
00:30:39satan-_- :D
00:30:43V0nsteri im the nab
00:30:43Buugi b
00:30:53mrk gg
00:31:00satan-_- b
00:31:11Buugi teetekö comeback
00:31:15jakkihirki ei
00:31:39Momdsiw xDDDD
00:32:05Buugi melkee teitte
00:32:20jakkihirki taisin kyllä mainita että ei tehdä
00:32:28Buugi ju
00:32:31Momdsiw dis venge too stronK
00:33:38satan-_- low
00:33:38satan-_- tower
00:33:54jakkihirki can
00:33:57jakkihirki we ff?
00:34:49jakkihirki hey
00:34:50jakkihirki krobe
00:34:51jakkihirki I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:55valiante I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:57valiante ye its tc
00:35:05jakkihirki oh
00:35:12Momdsiw swap?
00:35:21jakkihirki tc ff then
00:35:24mrk [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:35:24mrk [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:35:24mrk [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:35:24mrk [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:35:24TakinBackMyLove I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:35:53jakkihirki meillä on kaikki ff
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