Game #2563330

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-23 X
+3 TS

93% | 1608 X | 1484 TS

-23 X
+6 TS

72% | 1356 X | 1404 TS

+0 X
+3 TS

64% | 1334 X | 1330 TS

-46 X
+4 TS

38% | 1156 X | 1254 TS

+9 X
+3 TS

27% | 1043 X | 1279 TS

+24 X
-3 TS

100% | 1952 X | 1729 TS

+10 X
-3 TS

69% | 1372 X | 1357 TS

+19 X
-5 TS

41% | 1177 X | 1250 TS

+17 X
-4 TS

23% | 1028 X | 1260 TS

+26 X
-17 TS

14% | 930 X | 1232 TS

Chat log

00:00:05kitkat LUNAAA
00:00:07nigulas tulete mu whine ja venti kuulama?
00:00:08PETTR -
00:00:14kitkat ei
00:00:15sebralane sa olid hesso vendis?
00:00:20Mercury nigulas võta mulle spectre
00:00:21nigulas y
00:00:25sebralane no siis ma kuulan juba
00:00:27Y4KUZA anna specu
00:00:28Buugi cd
00:00:29Buugi :D
00:00:45kitkat spec y4kuzale jah
00:00:45Mercury kui spectre tuleb, siis mina mängin seda
00:00:46kitkat ma võtan venge
00:00:53Y4KUZA sa ei taju ju
00:00:53kitkat venge gg
00:01:03Mercury sinust paremini
00:01:07Y4KUZA alati failid farmis
00:01:09kitkat bannered
00:01:12Mercury nalja teed?
00:01:16Y4KUZA ei?
00:01:19PETTR can i have wr?
00:01:20kitkat venge mulle
00:01:23bragh fuck carries, let's go shopping
00:01:37Bct_Murder i want warlock
00:01:52sebralane give me batman
00:01:54sebralane nananan batman
00:02:01Y4KUZA veno venge
00:02:02kitkat vengegg
00:02:02Y4KUZA ?
00:02:07Y4KUZA oujee
00:02:22sebralane luna wd?
00:02:27Y4KUZA kka
00:02:28kitkat kunkka
00:02:29Y4KUZA parem
00:02:31kitkat yah
00:02:35kitkat ja wl
00:02:38nigulas keegi ei taju seda kunkkat nii hästi et lammutada
00:02:42sebralane miks wl
00:02:45sebralane paha hero ju
00:02:45nigulas mai viitsi mingeid 100km mööda shipe ja torrenteid näha
00:02:46Mercury anna wd
00:02:48kitkat wl on hea
00:02:48Y4KUZA anna kunkka
00:02:53Y4KUZA tegelt ka
00:02:54kitkat võta kunkka
00:02:55PETTR what u play?
00:02:58kitkat ja siis wl
00:03:02nigulas ma gondar
00:03:03sebralane hah
00:03:04kitkat bljäd
00:03:09sebralane ma veno siis
00:03:16kitkat venge on mo oma
00:03:19Mercury hui ma olen thrall
00:03:23nigulas venge thrall top
00:03:24nigulas veno me bot
00:03:26nigulas kunk mid
00:03:37Buugi i play bat
00:03:38veuncent buugi will play slark i presume?
00:03:44veuncent hm
00:03:47Mercury gg
00:03:53Mercury ma pole kunagi mänginud seda
00:03:58kitkat easy
00:04:00kitkat skillid nuket
00:04:01kitkat :DDD
00:04:02nigulas ei ole easy
00:04:04nigulas kui ta ei taju seda
00:04:05Buugi go top 3
00:04:07Buugi wr bot
00:04:07Bct_Murder /w DotaKeys: off
00:04:09Bct_Murder /w DotaKeys: on
00:04:12kitkat skille tead mis tal on?
00:04:13Bct_Murder /w DotaKeys: You control Windrunner [e,r,w,f]
00:04:18Mercury tean küll
00:04:23kitkat noh
00:04:23bragh who pulls?
00:04:25kitkat easy siis
00:04:28kitkat ära põe
00:04:30PETTR u
00:04:31sebralane gondar onmunn pick
00:04:32bragh k
00:04:33veuncent kill imo
00:04:34Buugi give slark creeps
00:04:35nigulas ei
00:04:36kitkat thrall on tugev nukemisega
00:04:38Buugi u can gang mid too
00:04:40Buugi wd + cm
00:04:42nigulas perfect selle kuradi nc wastu
00:04:43nigulas vastu
00:04:46veuncent at start?
00:04:48Y4KUZA bat võib suht pede olla midis tho
00:04:49bragh NO, DON't GIVE SLARK CS
00:04:52Buugi some time
00:04:55bragh i think no need for that
00:04:55nigulas ongi
00:04:56veuncent k
00:04:59veuncent kill top first
00:05:00kitkat ma gangin
00:05:00Buugi murder
00:05:01nigulas lihtsalt pane torrent kõrvale mitte otse
00:05:01kitkat siis np
00:05:02Buugi care bot
00:05:02Mercury ja veel buugi käes
00:05:03bragh captain obvious
00:05:04Buugi there maybe 3 heros
00:05:04kitkat bat on suht nõrk
00:05:04nigulas ta kindlalt evadeeb seda
00:05:05nigulas ja kroras
00:05:08Bct_Murder ok :)
00:05:10Y4KUZA tegelt?
00:05:17nigulas no vaatame
00:05:18veuncent slark come kill
00:05:24nigulas kindlalt 75% möödas su torrentid
00:05:29nigulas fb?
00:05:30veuncent ok?
00:05:34bragh kill paper
00:05:39veuncent wait
00:05:43veuncent venge
00:05:55veuncent gj
00:05:57kitkat trilane top
00:06:02kitkat vist
00:06:30Bct_Murder i hate veno ;/
00:06:37kitkat võta mana
00:07:29sebralane tapame seda litsi
00:07:46PETTR go?
00:07:49veuncent k
00:07:52veuncent wd go
00:07:56veuncent nvm
00:08:02PETTR venge ss
00:08:33veuncent dd venge inc
00:08:38sebralane ta ju t2ielik nab
00:08:38veuncent meet him?
00:09:25Buugi ss mid
00:09:27Bct_Murder help bot
00:09:27Y4KUZA täiesti võimatu siin midagi teha
00:09:28Bct_Murder gondar
00:09:31Bct_Murder free farm
00:09:39Bct_Murder i cant atack him ..
00:09:39Buugi u have dust?
00:09:44Bct_Murder i buy ward
00:09:48Buugi ok
00:09:49Buugi i can come if u buy
00:09:57Bct_Murder i buy buy
00:10:28Bct_Murder gg
00:10:31Bct_Murder i cant farm
00:10:33Bct_Murder i can kill
00:10:34sebralane jop
00:10:40Bct_Murder i cant kill*
00:10:41Bct_Murder ...
00:10:43Bct_Murder i cant alone
00:10:47Bct_Murder ws veno and gondar
00:11:01Bct_Murder need help down
00:11:07PETTR ty
00:11:08kitkat mid miss
00:11:10Bct_Murder gondar 6 lvl
00:11:11Buugi i will come
00:11:12Bct_Murder i 4 ...
00:11:13Bct_Murder ppl
00:11:14Bct_Murder ..........
00:11:43nigulas ?
00:11:53sebralane kuidas
00:11:54sebralane see
00:11:55sebralane m88da
00:11:56sebralane laks
00:11:57sebralane mida
00:11:58sebralane vittu
00:11:59nigulas kuidas ta nägi mind?
00:12:01nigulas u have no warsd/dust
00:12:02nigulas wtf
00:12:08sebralane stunned oled
00:12:08bragh ss mid
00:12:09Bct_Murder :DDD
00:12:09bragh kukn
00:12:09bragh re
00:12:12sebralane siis n2eb ju
00:12:15nigulas ei old stunned
00:12:40bragh ss kunkka
00:12:44kitkat LÖÖ
00:13:20kitkat top miss
00:13:27kitkat tule botti
00:13:47Y4KUZA OK
00:13:50veuncent omw bot
00:13:53Buugi tangos pls
00:13:58bragh w8
00:14:01Buugi stay mid
00:14:03bragh asd
00:14:05sebralane ward
00:14:06Bct_Murder i cant play
00:14:06Bct_Murder down
00:14:07Bct_Murder sorry
00:14:11Bct_Murder but i donw go down
00:14:12Buugi go top
00:14:12Buugi then
00:14:30veuncent bh miss
00:14:45bragh 2 mid
00:14:50Bct_Murder care rytlai skarj
00:15:39Bct_Murder gondar free farm up now
00:15:52Y4KUZA keegi ei tule?
00:16:26sebralane ei
00:16:28sebralane sa ikka ei taju
00:16:29sebralane tra
00:16:30sebralane nahhui
00:16:30bragh : )
00:16:37sebralane miks sa glimpsi ei skilli
00:16:37bragh zeus ulti.
00:16:38veuncent not bad
00:16:47Mercury ei viitsi
00:16:52kitkat võta üks
00:16:54kitkat vähemalt
00:16:54sebralane 'sa v6iks banni panna
00:16:57sebralane iseaendale
00:17:05Mercury ise andsite mulle selle hero
00:17:31veuncent bot miss
00:17:32veuncent venge
00:17:35Bct_Murder gondar farm
00:17:35Bct_Murder ppl
00:17:39Bct_Murder we need gank him
00:17:44bragh you need to
00:18:02sebralane ff
00:19:37sebralane ff it pls
00:19:43nigulas miks?:D
00:19:54sebralane sest tal on vanguard pt ja sitaks muide asju
00:20:10veuncent go
00:21:03sebralane buugi is a maphax
00:21:21Y4KUZA ta näeb ju napalmi stacke
00:21:23Y4KUZA läbi invit
00:21:43kitkat bat invi
00:22:28sebralane said csi?
00:22:34sebralane v22rt seda siis
00:23:36nigulas ??
00:23:42nigulas i dont quite understand why would u come there
00:24:16nigulas tp top
00:24:46bragh why do i even ward?
00:24:47bragh oh yeah
00:24:48bragh X
00:24:52nigulas tra te olete nii kiired
00:25:05nigulas kill em all
00:25:09nigulas tra vaata oma torrenteid
00:25:13sebralane gg
00:25:13nigulas idioot noob
00:25:16veuncent boring....
00:25:18Y4KUZA sa liiga sitt
00:25:21Y4KUZA ma ei saa torrenteid piuhta
00:25:22nigulas mina?:D:D:
00:25:23sebralane ma ytlen ggg
00:25:24sebralane ff
00:25:38sebralane <
00:25:44veuncent lal
00:25:45Y4KUZA tra mis laned sa teed, tead, et bat on mid. saadad melee vs bat
00:25:46nigulas 16-0 20 min
00:25:48Y4KUZA eriti ret peab olema
00:25:50nigulas mis lanedel viga oli?
00:25:53sebralane soul ring wr...and his team is winning this...amazing...wonders of gc
00:25:54bragh so obvious spot
00:25:55bragh why?
00:26:03Y4KUZA thrall oleks nagu saanud midagi teha seal
00:26:12nigulas jajah :D
00:27:24veuncent lol
00:27:29veuncent om nom nom
00:27:36nigulas ?
00:27:46veuncent wasted my ulti on you
00:27:53nigulas i was dead alrdy
00:27:57nigulas we lose cuz we had bad lanes
00:27:59nigulas NOT
00:28:46nigulas thrall
00:28:50nigulas millega sa noob tegeld?
00:28:51nigulas putsi
00:28:52nigulas tegelt ka
00:29:01Y4KUZA ta ei tahtnud seda hero ju
00:29:04Y4KUZA siis võib ret olla
00:29:13nigulas 0 normaalset ulti combot sinu pool
00:29:14nigulas 0
00:29:15nigulas banni ennast
00:29:17nigulas põhjus
00:29:21nigulas "I am megaret"
00:29:39sebralane ma arvan, et sa sadd banni nyyd
00:29:40sebralane :d
00:29:42Mercury sa kuula mida inimesed tahavad herodeks järgminkeord
00:29:44nigulas saan saan
00:29:48Mercury mitte ära pick seda mida heaks arvad
00:29:54kitkat imo ärge votege cd-d
00:29:55kitkat ret mode
00:30:00nigulas ma ka ei saa aru
00:30:43veuncent outch?
00:31:06nigulas ????
00:31:08nigulas why do u see me?
00:31:08Bct_Murder ;DDDDDDDDDD
00:31:12bragh maphack
00:31:16Y4KUZA ta näeb
00:31:18Y4KUZA neid numberid
00:31:26sebralane I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:43kitkat suht mõttetu mäng
00:31:48sebralane oo jah
00:31:49sebralane pange ff
00:31:50veuncent this is so boring
00:31:54veuncent Buugi please leave
00:31:55kitkat you are boring
00:32:02veuncent your mother is boring
00:32:26kitkat tahtsin sind swappida
00:32:27kitkat -.
00:32:29kitkat -.-
00:33:36Y4KUZA faggot dead
00:34:24sebralane mingi 100 hp
00:35:07nigulas ma farmin
00:35:08nigulas ja pushin
00:35:26Y4KUZA tra mis lag
00:35:29Y4KUZA liikuda ei saa
00:35:52sebralane :d
00:35:52Bct_Murder yea yea
00:35:53sebralane not a singel plug was given
00:36:07sebralane oom
00:36:08sebralane b
00:36:11sebralane hate inc
00:36:23Mercury b
00:36:24sebralane hate inc
00:37:05bragh sebra corps is the best corps
00:37:07bragh hoo-rah!
00:37:17sebralane lammas :D
00:37:38bragh come with me
00:37:52bragh ty
00:38:21bragh omg
00:38:33Bct_Murder headshot
00:38:34Bct_Murder ;]
00:38:38kitkat fuck you
00:38:46bragh fuck you i won't do what you tell me
00:38:47nigulas noh ei old üldse raske
00:38:53kitkat FUCK THE SYSTEM
00:38:58kitkat I'M NOT GONNA BE PART OF IT
00:39:01Y4KUZA see pask võiks vähem laggid
00:39:02bragh row row fight the power
00:39:13kitkat do the impossible
00:39:19bragh see the invisible
00:39:24veuncent i like turtles
00:39:33sebralane hurr durr kill all wards!
00:39:38bragh no you counterwarding son of a bitch
00:40:16bragh losing the won game : D
00:40:26nigulas ostsin vale itemi ka kiiruga
00:40:27nigulas (Y)
00:40:36bragh actually i think it wasn't see the invisible
00:40:40bragh but fight the invincible or smth
00:40:42bragh who cares
00:40:43bragh anime sucks
00:40:49sebralane no u
00:40:57Buugi i like pokemon :3
00:41:00kitkat ROW ROW
00:41:12bragh i made you lose gold
00:41:15bragh that ward was ending anyway
00:41:16kitkat bljäd sa wardi teed
00:41:17bragh you lost 400 g
00:41:22nigulas actually 200
00:41:24bragh sest sa oled kitkat
00:41:27bragh no, you lost 2 wards
00:41:30bragh to my 1 ward
00:41:46Buugi go
00:41:47Buugi end
00:41:51Buugi but stay spliy
00:41:53Buugi split
00:42:04sebralane morra tee dagger
00:42:05sebralane hyppa sisse
00:42:08kitkat eks ma siis panen wardid nii et sa otsida ei oska
00:42:19sebralane istud sisse?
00:42:30bragh she would like that
00:42:36sebralane D;
00:42:47Buugi gogo
00:42:52nigulas oh gem
00:42:59bragh what part of
00:43:01bragh stay split up
00:43:03bragh do not you understand/
00:43:21nigulas ei lase neil pushida
00:43:24nigulas neil late herot pole
00:43:56Buugi b
00:44:07Bct_Murder we need roshan
00:44:10bragh right now? sif
00:44:20Buugi put ward
00:44:21sebralane mu aghanemi build on nagu j6uluvana. algul usud ja siis on jumala pohhui!
00:44:22Buugi and get roshan
00:44:24kitkat tee lifesteal, gondar
00:44:46nigulas care
00:44:59nigulas b
00:45:00sebralane got me
00:45:09Buugi rosh
00:45:13sebralane cm bkb all care
00:45:14Buugi slark take
00:45:24sebralane tra sellised ret buildid teil k6igil
00:45:27bragh i-i-it's not like i wanted you to die or anything!
00:45:33sebralane ja mingi lits buugi carryb ikka 2ra
00:45:34nigulas we cant go out of base at this point
00:45:34PETTR ops
00:45:57bragh stfu need on innovative buildid
00:46:21sebralane miks sai warid
00:46:24sebralane wardi
00:46:27sebralane warde on vaja
00:46:41bragh warding is hard, let's go shopping
00:46:57nigulas ära ole seal
00:47:01nigulas võtab su välja jälle
00:47:05kitkat enne ma chattisin
00:47:12sebralane ma ka
00:47:14kitkat sellepärast
00:47:21kitkat oleks jõudnud stunnida
00:47:21kitkat xD
00:47:48nigulas nad ei saa pushida
00:48:44Bct_Murder we can lose ?;/
00:48:49bragh yes
00:48:52sebralane tee x
00:48:53Buugi dno our aegis guy was only one to sruvive
00:48:54Bct_Murder bad
00:48:55Bct_Murder bad
00:48:59Y4KUZA oom
00:49:06nigulas maas ammu juba
00:49:07nigulas :D
00:49:07sebralane surnud
00:49:08sebralane ju
00:49:09sebralane :d
00:49:11kitkat ok
00:49:26nigulas 57 sec aega buugini
00:49:27nigulas base
00:49:46nigulas b
00:49:47sebralane b
00:49:47kitkat b
00:49:49sebralane ostios
00:49:52nigulas b!
00:50:05Buugi go mid
00:50:16kitkat be ready to def
00:50:39nigulas mul buyout
00:50:45Buugi b
00:50:47Y4KUZA all mid
00:50:47Buugi we need to gang them
00:50:49Buugi cant go in base
00:50:52Buugi buy smoke
00:50:53Buugi someone
00:50:55bragh push up tower then?
00:50:57Buugi y
00:50:59Buugi that too
00:51:14veuncent come
00:51:30bragh omg
00:51:30Buugi b
00:51:31Buugi b
00:51:32kitkat CARE
00:51:33nigulas b!
00:51:34nigulas b!
00:52:10nigulas b!
00:52:11nigulas base
00:52:22nigulas tra
00:52:28nigulas ma ei oodanud seda et wd ronib kusagilt välja
00:52:30Bct_Murder badddd
00:52:38nigulas b lihtsalt
00:52:39nigulas B
00:52:41Bct_Murder very bad we cant push ... they strong
00:52:42nigulas tra lambad
00:52:56nigulas kuidas sa suutsid selle mööda panna?:D
00:53:04sebralane see on mingi bug
00:53:08Buugi b
00:53:09kitkat see on sebra
00:53:09nigulas ära vajuta peale
00:53:09sebralane mul oli tead targetitud
00:53:12sebralane ja laseb m88da
00:53:35Buugi got smoke?
00:53:41Buugi cm get?
00:53:43bragh full inv
00:53:52Buugi we can use this
00:53:55Buugi smoke
00:53:56bragh get wards too
00:53:57bragh full inv
00:54:03Buugi gather
00:54:04Buugi here
00:54:08Mercury smoke go?
00:54:10nigulas dont go out base
00:54:11nigulas !
00:54:12Buugi wait for slark
00:54:13bragh wards on courier
00:54:20bragh smb take
00:54:24sebralane denayin 2ra? :D
00:54:26kitkat ei
00:54:27Mercury ei
00:54:27nigulas ei
00:54:29sebralane ja
00:54:31veuncent take wards
00:54:31Buugi slark take
00:54:32sebralane 90 hp
00:54:32Buugi and go
00:54:34sebralane 2 hit
00:54:35kitkat ei
00:54:38sebralane ja
00:54:40sebralane oke 3 hit
00:54:44kitkat neil on avaus ju
00:54:44nigulas 1 hit
00:54:46kitkat kui ära denyd
00:54:53kitkat ja nad saavad kulda
00:54:54sebralane avaus
00:54:55sebralane :d
00:54:56sebralane me kah
00:54:59sebralane 120 n2kkyu
00:55:00Buugi rosh
00:55:00kitkat gem
00:55:01sebralane instga
00:55:02kitkat -.-
00:55:03Buugi or
00:55:04Buugi go sucidei
00:55:05Buugi fast
00:55:07Buugi slark atack
00:55:10Buugi 1 mion rosh
00:55:33Buugi fam
00:55:35kitkat DAT ULTI
00:55:36Buugi dam
00:55:46Buugi -bounty
00:55:59nigulas rax ja rosh
00:56:00Buugi ok was bad
00:56:01Y4KUZA saaks roshi
00:56:02kitkat my ulti > bkb
00:56:06kitkat või raxid
00:56:09veuncent i can see that now
00:56:10nigulas both saab
00:56:40nigulas b
00:56:55kitkat b
00:57:11Mercury kõik ostsid?
00:57:15sebralane nop
00:57:15nigulas 3
00:57:16kitkat jah
00:57:17nigulas või 2
00:57:18kitkat enamvähem
00:57:19kitkat :D
00:57:19sebralane 1 ei ostnud
00:57:26bragh no point, we only killed some kitkat
00:57:31nigulas gemi pole enam
00:57:31nigulas woho
00:57:36Y4KUZA ma tapsin ära
00:57:37Y4KUZA gemi
00:57:38kitkat keegi tegi katki?
00:57:39kitkat hea
00:57:45Buugi go rosh
00:57:48Buugi for slark
00:57:48nigulas tra nüüd saan rahus joosta
00:57:54bragh k
00:57:58Bct_Murder we need slark ;/
00:57:59Buugi and kill gondar first
00:58:08Bct_Murder slark you need madnes
00:58:31Bct_Murder gg
00:58:33Bct_Murder ppl
00:58:35Bct_Murder we cant win
00:58:35kitkat rosh?
00:58:35nigulas võtke rosh
00:58:37Bct_Murder ;)
00:58:40Buugi murder
00:58:40kitkat või
00:58:41Bct_Murder I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
00:58:42Buugi u are the reason
00:58:42kitkat saaks pushida
00:58:44Buugi if u realise :P
00:58:45bragh how the fsck is kunkka ulti cd so low
00:58:47nigulas tegelt ei
00:58:48nigulas go rax
00:58:54nigulas rax
00:58:56nigulas neil pole buyoute
00:59:03Bct_Murder i try help but ... :(
00:59:05nigulas tra ma ei uskunud et siit välja tuleme
00:59:12Y4KUZA :)
00:59:13veuncent rebuy?
00:59:13Buugi u should have farmed
00:59:14Buugi items
00:59:19nigulas ma arvan et keegi pole meie peale raha pand
00:59:20kitkat venge gg
00:59:30nigulas mida sa skipid taun
00:59:34Bct_Murder my item bad ;/
00:59:40sebralane ns
00:59:41bragh I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
00:59:43bragh !ff
00:59:43nigulas rosh
00:59:45nigulas rosh
00:59:58Buugi get smoke
01:00:07Bct_Murder they kill roshan ?
01:00:10Buugi y
01:00:11kitkat inc
01:00:21bragh smoke on circle
01:00:30kitkat b
01:00:49Buugi kill kunkka now
01:00:53Buugi gondar egis
01:00:58kitkat nüüd ettevaatlikult
01:01:01sebralane we shall call this turn around
01:01:15nigulas ei hõiska enne õhtut
01:01:19bragh we shall call this what happens when people get overconfident and just want to derp around
01:01:24bragh h.e.r.p.
01:01:30Buugi mb use ?
01:01:31Buugi smoke
01:01:33kitkat ettevaatlikult ;-;
01:01:34nigulas aa neil pole gemi np
01:01:40Buugi ah its in base
01:01:42sebralane a missiis kui on
01:01:45bragh told you it's on circle
01:01:45Buugi go farm
01:01:47Buugi we cant push
01:01:47kitkat lol
01:02:07Y4KUZA gg
01:02:26veuncent oom
01:02:34Buugi mid
01:02:34Buugi fast
01:02:36Y4KUZA miks sa läksid sinna üldse
01:02:41kitkat mikse te läksite
01:02:45kitkat miks*
01:02:57Buugi 20 sec
01:03:05kitkat nüüd raksid seed
01:03:07Y4KUZA saavad ka raxid
01:03:21Buugi and b
01:03:39kitkat ärge
01:03:40kitkat minge
01:03:41kitkat uuesti
01:03:42Buugi gondor is chasing
01:03:45PETTR i make basher?
01:03:49Buugi bkb
01:03:50Buugi make
01:03:56sebralane tra warde peaks varsti skilima...
01:03:58kitkat me saame vastu ainult kui entry on
01:03:59Bct_Murder i need bkb too?
01:03:59kitkat -.-
01:04:00Bct_Murder ;/
01:04:02Buugi hex
01:04:02Buugi u
01:04:03Bct_Murder oh
01:04:04Bct_Murder 2
01:04:07Bct_Murder bkb in team
01:04:12Buugi it doenst mater anymore
01:04:12bragh no limits anymore
01:04:13Bct_Murder i first wana AC ;/
01:04:25bragh you can get 5 hex 5 bkb too in team
01:04:25Buugi we must kill kunkka
01:04:27Buugi befoer he ulti
01:04:30bragh not against rules anymore
01:04:30nigulas i just kid
01:04:34nigulas b
01:04:34Buugi focus kunkka first
01:04:41Buugi smoke?
01:04:46nigulas nüüd nad ostavad kindlalt gemi
01:04:47bragh smoke on courier
01:04:55nigulas aa ei cd ika
01:04:56Buugi meet here
01:04:58Buugi and go
01:05:01veuncent wr has space
01:05:01Bct_Murder wait me
01:05:02kitkat 10 min vist
01:05:08Buugi wr
01:05:09Buugi come
01:05:10bragh wr is a wanker always has space
01:05:12bragh =
01:05:20veuncent meanie
01:05:31Buugi kunkka
01:05:31Buugi first
01:05:32nigulas mkb vaja
01:05:44Mercury smoke gangime?
01:06:05bragh tsau kitkat :*
01:06:10kitkat ei
01:06:18bragh jah.
01:06:23kitkat ei
01:06:27sebralane yl2valt pushib ka
01:06:27Bct_Murder i think gondar here
01:06:28Buugi jah
01:06:31kitkat ei
01:06:33nigulas ma tpn
01:06:34nigulas olge base
01:06:37Buugi kuradi hea mäng
01:06:38bragh shamtu?
01:06:40Buugi :>
01:06:43nigulas mida sa teed
01:06:51Buugi b
01:06:54Buugi for smoke
01:07:20Buugi go top
01:07:25sebralane blink ulti tuleb
01:07:26veuncent does phase overwrite invis?
01:07:27Buugi kunkk
01:07:27sebralane instaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
01:07:28Buugi first
01:07:40nigulas interesting game
01:07:41nigulas iz
01:07:47Mercury smoke go?
01:07:50sebralane cd
01:07:51nigulas 40min turtle rulz
01:07:55Buugi b
01:07:58Buugi cant push
01:07:58bragh wtf
01:08:11sebralane smoke go?
01:08:19Bct_Murder were they farm?
01:08:20PETTR got bkb
01:08:35Buugi tehy camp in base
01:08:37Bct_Murder they farm forest
01:08:40Buugi no
01:08:44Mercury gather smoke?
01:08:46Buugi they wait for our push in base
01:08:48nigulas sec mkb
01:08:48kitkat tuled ka
01:08:49kitkat ??
01:09:01nigulas base!
01:09:11veuncent heal pls
01:09:20Buugi wait for rosh
01:09:21Buugi then go
01:09:24nigulas gem
01:09:43kitkat räge
01:09:45kitkat ärge
01:09:46Bct_Murder kunka imba
01:09:47kitkat chasege
01:09:47Bct_Murder gg
01:09:48Bct_Murder ...
01:09:51Buugi where was he
01:09:53Buugi i didnt see :D
01:09:54Buugi cant hex
01:09:55bragh they smoked
01:10:03Bct_Murder he invisible with lathar :)
01:10:15kitkat tal pole hoodi
01:10:15veuncent thats bad
01:10:15Bct_Murder I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
01:10:15kitkat :D
01:10:20Buugi ok it is over
01:10:27bragh -ff
01:10:29Buugi we suck in this game
01:10:30Buugi I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
01:10:32bragh what's the command?
01:10:32Y4KUZA crit to win
01:10:33bragh -ff
01:10:34Buugi just ff
01:10:34bragh !ff
01:10:35bragh I surrender! [3/4 of Scourge]
01:10:36Bct_Murder just ff
01:10:40nigulas keegi saab ceesi
01:10:47Buugi +1
01:10:49Y4KUZA ma võtan
01:10:52Buugi murder
01:10:56Buugi make ff
01:11:04Buugi -bounty
01:11:09veuncent -bounty
01:11:10bragh -bounty
01:11:24veuncent dude
01:11:27Y4KUZA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
01:11:27Y4KUZA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
01:11:27Y4KUZA [DotA-GC] Game was won by Sentinel!
01:11:27Y4KUZA [DotA-GC] Scourge must now wait near their fountain until Sentinel destroys the throne.
01:11:27PETTR I surrender! [4/4 of Scourge]
01:11:29nigulas gg
01:11:31kitkat :DD
01:11:32Buugi gg wp
01:11:32veuncent lame
01:11:33sebralane win
01:11:35kitkat <3
01:11:35veuncent gg
01:11:38Bct_Murder sorry ppl ;/
01:11:39nigulas bad beat buugi
01:11:41Bct_Murder i fail start game ;/
01:11:41kitkat mid
01:11:42nigulas 20-0
01:11:42veuncent go mid
01:11:45veuncent go mid
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