Game #2005175

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-47 X
-1 TS

83% | 1414 X | 1450 TS

-23 X
-12 TS

NEW | 1195 X | 1310 TS

-47 X
-1 TS

47% | 1218 X | 1241 TS

-39 X
-2 TS

43% | 1160 X | 1273 TS

-14 X
-2 TS

13% | 922 X | 1221 TS

+30 X
+2 TS

92% | 1494 X | 1558 TS

+47 X
+2 TS

66% | 1232 X | 1410 TS

+42 X
+3 TS

62% | 1263 X | 1348 TS

+35 X
+5 TS

13% | 911 X | 1233 TS

+24 X
+9 TS

9% | 946 X | 1133 TS

Chat log

00:00:03oo0OoO0oo -ap
00:00:04kle venge go roam
00:00:05MYuksel same hero right ?
00:00:05curdi -ap
00:00:05kle wd naix bot
00:00:05Watari naix go forest ok
00:00:06kle qop solo top
00:00:07kle me mid
00:00:10curdi obviously so
00:00:20kle so get wards 2 calri smoke
00:00:35oo0OoO0oo iam woods
00:00:36Watari share
00:00:38kle no
00:00:39kle u go lane
00:00:40oo0OoO0oo ok
00:00:43MYuksel lanes ?
00:00:44kle venge/wd lane crap
00:00:45Watari i solo top
00:00:46kle wd bot
00:00:48kle with naix
00:00:52kle venge u go roam
00:00:54Watari go trilane
00:00:55Watari bot
00:00:56FireMal homicidia take recepie
00:00:57Watari it's good also
00:00:58kle no tri
00:00:59curdi bara gyro bot
00:01:00FireMal so you keep the chick
00:01:02kle tri always fail
00:01:03curdi krobe pugna top
00:01:04FireMal so i dont have to share
00:01:08oo0OoO0oo wd let me farm and harras
00:01:11kle -ii
00:01:11MYuksel jaiki ?
00:01:12kle -hhn
00:01:14Homicida k
00:01:14Watari well not if ppl know how to play trilane
00:01:17curdi jaikki is sucking cock
00:01:18kle if im lvl 3 u come mid venge
00:01:19MYuksel haha
00:01:20Jaikki ok
00:01:20Watari naix, venge, wd is ok
00:01:22xab :D
00:01:22kle and we get this thrall
00:01:22Jaikki im back
00:01:24xab xD
00:01:24Jaikki he came
00:01:26curdi how was it
00:01:31curdi wonderful
00:01:32Jaikki pretty good
00:01:35xab ;D
00:01:35kle venge roam
00:01:37Jaikki i swalloved all
00:01:38kle not top
00:01:38xab want some more?
00:01:40kle bot and roam
00:01:45curdi use your newly gained energy to win this
00:01:46Watari vengeee
00:01:47Watari go bot
00:01:48Jaikki nah my throut hurts
00:01:49Homicida mis asi see roam on? :D
00:01:49Watari and roam
00:01:51Watari mid and bot
00:01:52Jaikki =) ofc
00:01:58kle qop should handel top easy
00:01:59FireMal omg trilane fucks up
00:01:59kle -ii
00:02:01kle -hhn
00:02:03Watari i can handle y
00:02:04kle u have to roam too
00:02:27Watari well last game we had dk, pudge, wisp trilane and we won
00:02:28Watari so np
00:02:29MYuksel gl have fun :D '
00:02:32Watari gl hf
00:02:41Jaikki bara pull?
00:02:45FireMal homicida got the trilane
00:03:07Jaikki bara
00:03:07MYuksel wup wup
00:03:09Jaikki pulll??
00:03:15MYuksel i wil
00:05:08kle miss 1
00:05:14MYuksel omg
00:05:33kle re
00:05:34kle miss 1
00:05:39kle re
00:05:49Jaikki need gank bot
00:06:23Jaikki upgr chick
00:06:48MYuksel cant farm
00:06:51Jaikki pull then
00:06:52Jaikki again
00:07:13Jaikki why u dont have charge???
00:07:15Homicida omg creep
00:07:19MYuksel sry
00:07:23curdi mid miss
00:07:40MYuksel :P
00:07:41Watari am rdy
00:07:41oo0OoO0oo :D
00:07:42FireMal fail
00:07:43oo0OoO0oo hate
00:07:46Jaikki get that charge fast
00:07:47MYuksel so much hate on me
00:07:50MYuksel i have
00:08:00Jaikki gj
00:08:04Marko619 ss alot?
00:08:06Watari gj
00:08:07curdi yes
00:08:09Jaikki bot
00:08:34MYuksel b
00:08:52Jaikki ?!?!
00:08:57Jaikki why u didnt charge -.-
00:08:57MYuksel lvl 6 i gogo
00:09:04kle my rune bot
00:09:43curdi ff
00:10:06Homicida gj
00:10:08Watari ss
00:10:25MYuksel i could do anything, sry
00:10:27kle naix go regg
00:11:13MYuksel wait
00:11:15MYuksel when i gogo
00:12:02MYuksel fail
00:12:08Homicida omg faking ulti hit wrong hero
00:12:12Jaikki FFS
00:12:18Jaikki pugna just farms
00:12:37Marko619 pugna saved tpwer?
00:13:02kle qop balls of steal
00:13:05Watari y
00:13:06kle steel
00:13:27Watari played so much
00:13:31Watari qop
00:13:36Watari that i know what she can take :d
00:13:38MYuksel omw top
00:13:43MYuksel wait on me
00:13:43FireMal wd next time save a m8 instead of going on some random hit
00:13:44kle qop b
00:13:50kle charged
00:14:01oo0OoO0oo hes low anyways
00:14:01Homicida i was to far
00:14:04Jaikki ULTI
00:14:04MYuksel gj
00:14:06Jaikki wtf bara
00:14:08MYuksel cd
00:14:11Jaikki rofl
00:14:12kle soon utli
00:14:13MYuksel stop fucki n flame
00:14:22MYuksel i told u guys to wai
00:14:33kle 1sec^^
00:15:11xab twr
00:15:12xab gogo
00:15:18MYuksel noo way
00:15:22MYuksel haste
00:15:25Watari naix
00:15:25Watari farm
00:16:05oo0OoO0oo kill mid
00:16:12oo0OoO0oo kill bort
00:16:17curdi we can push alot
00:16:33FireMal fail
00:16:38Jaikki kill naix
00:16:39Jaikki omw
00:16:46kle this was fail
00:16:49oo0OoO0oo y
00:16:50FireMal epic
00:17:01kle naix cant open his eys
00:17:05FireMal fucking trilane
00:17:59MYuksel why not tp ?
00:18:06xab just because i can
00:18:16xab why die so much?
00:18:21MYuksel me ?
00:18:25xab yep
00:18:27xab for instance
00:18:40MYuksel wait and see
00:19:21MYuksel gj
00:19:23oo0OoO0oo :DD
00:19:24Watari gg
00:19:24curdi gj you too
00:19:31xab wtf
00:19:32MYuksel why not silence huim ???
00:19:38MYuksel try to use that fuckin silence
00:19:40kle i knew they suck
00:19:44kle but they suck really hard
00:19:44curdi cant cast in stun
00:19:51MYuksel kroblus ?
00:19:53oo0OoO0oo our trilane good
00:19:56MYuksel all stunned at one time ?
00:20:00FireMal fuck trilane
00:20:06curdi cask stuns quite a few
00:20:22Jaikki pugna wtf
00:20:28Jaikki u guys just sucks
00:20:37MYuksel free farm
00:20:42kle dead#
00:20:45Jaikki QDWRSFGHN
00:20:49Jaikki WASTE UR ULTI IDIOT
00:20:51MYuksel i just gonna farm
00:20:52kle no ulti atm
00:20:54FireMal you dont say
00:20:57kle soon wait till then
00:21:03FireMal how ?=
00:21:04kle rdy
00:21:09FireMal plz explain
00:21:20Jaikki ff
00:21:22Jaikki noob team
00:21:23FireMal lol
00:21:54MYuksel dont ff
00:22:01MYuksel we are much better
00:22:06MYuksel they got imba heroes
00:22:06MYuksel so
00:22:08kle bye bye
00:22:14MYuksel only be defensiv
00:22:16Homicida 4 hits :D
00:22:21curdi we dont have carries
00:22:32curdi they got lich armor with naix
00:22:38curdi go figure who wins endgame
00:22:49FireMal back to mid
00:22:51Jaikki -ma
00:23:05MYuksel go wich
00:23:17MYuksel wait
00:23:20kle got ulti
00:23:23FireMal me
00:23:24Watari same
00:23:25Jaikki try insta lich
00:23:25FireMal me8
00:23:32FireMal same
00:23:39FireMal come
00:23:40FireMal swap
00:24:03oo0OoO0oo nice swap
00:24:04oo0OoO0oo idiot
00:24:20FireMal lol
00:24:23kle i dont want to call it this bad idea
00:24:24FireMal who should i have swappe
00:24:26kle but is was
00:24:31kle no one?
00:24:35FireMal lol
00:24:43FireMal xplain plzz to a noob :S
00:24:49oo0OoO0oo i engaged seer and he swapped him away
00:24:50kle u stand near tower
00:24:52kle = useless
00:24:55FireMal lol
00:24:59FireMal ok
00:25:00kle just keep swap for safes
00:25:03kle our later shit
00:25:04FireMal k
00:25:19FireMal nice on the boot
00:25:20oo0OoO0oo they have to def
00:25:22oo0OoO0oo we push
00:25:23Homicida lol lich
00:25:23FireMal blink
00:25:25kle ^^
00:25:25FireMal lol
00:25:26Watari :DD
00:25:32kle i thought u are noob^^
00:25:33FireMal wait till gather
00:25:40curdi well thought
00:25:56FireMal push bot ?
00:25:58oo0OoO0oo reg
00:26:01Jaikki buy me salve
00:26:02Jaikki please
00:26:07FireMal nn
00:26:09Jaikki ty
00:26:11MYuksel only def and farm
00:26:11xab np
00:26:12xab :)
00:26:16FireMal sta in woods
00:26:17FireMal bait
00:26:27FireMal they go lich i swap lich stun
00:26:34oo0OoO0oo lol
00:26:40MYuksel b
00:26:41MYuksel b
00:26:47Jaikki def base
00:26:51FireMal come top
00:26:52FireMal plzz
00:26:53FireMal gather
00:26:56Watari i get lvl
00:27:02kle cool
00:27:04FireMal fuck lvl push ftw
00:27:08Jaikki if lich gets his ulti in
00:27:09Watari well
00:27:11Watari now lvl3 ult
00:27:12Watari so
00:27:14FireMal or gang woods
00:27:16Jaikki dont focus him
00:27:19FireMal oh hehe
00:27:19MYuksel dont
00:27:20FireMal then ok
00:27:24FireMal ?
00:27:26Jaikki hmm he got meka
00:27:37MYuksel b
00:27:49MYuksel nice wards ?
00:28:18MYuksel didnt i say b
00:28:20MYuksel omg gj
00:28:22kle team waits for my death=go^^
00:28:28MYuksel naix to strong
00:28:36FireMal this tri sucks :P
00:28:38curdi no fucking shit sherlock
00:28:39FireMal ^^
00:28:41kle yes
00:28:45MYuksel you mean ?
00:29:19kle go rosh
00:29:25FireMal g go go
00:29:26FireMal fast
00:29:28kle wd heal
00:29:31Watari let me
00:29:33FireMal mine
00:29:35Watari or venge
00:29:47oo0OoO0oo i take
00:29:51kle sure
00:29:56MYuksel gg
00:30:02MYuksel back
00:30:03curdi I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:06FireMal noob team
00:30:08curdi go ff
00:30:13MYuksel dont
00:30:19curdi cba playing with teamfull of shitbrains
00:30:22kle qop join bot
00:30:24Watari y
00:30:29Watari i turn this around
00:30:39MYuksel def here
00:30:53FireMal you did but go solo enought and youll turn it around again
00:30:55MYuksel gyro ?
00:30:59Jaikki waiting item
00:31:19MYuksel gogo
00:31:19Watari jus tend
00:31:21FireMal swaping
00:31:22kle nee dmy lothrs
00:31:22Watari b
00:31:28FireMal lol
00:31:34Jaikki b
00:31:34Jaikki b
00:31:34MYuksel b
00:31:34Jaikki b
00:31:47curdi now
00:31:48curdi go ff
00:31:50curdi and let them end
00:31:51MYuksel to strong
00:31:51MYuksel I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:57MYuksel I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:03MYuksel kurdi:D nice farm
00:32:13Jaikki :DD:D::D
00:32:14Jaikki u mad?
00:32:14oo0OoO0oo omfg !!
00:32:15xab wp :)
00:32:18MYuksel serok try to choce a nother hero then naix :D
00:32:23oo0OoO0oo about time creep came
00:32:26MYuksel :D
00:32:28oo0OoO0oo lol
00:32:31oo0OoO0oo lol
00:32:33curdi coming from a barathrum
00:32:36oo0OoO0oo you mad
00:32:36kle pls stop using my items
00:32:41MYuksel `???
00:32:47MYuksel thrall you stupid or what?
00:32:57MYuksel first time playing barathrum in dota gc
00:33:03kle cool story
00:33:05curdi and total? 4th game?
00:33:06Jaikki bro
00:33:07FireMal lol
00:33:22Jaikki i am little mad
00:33:30MYuksel i dont care about i have playing 4games, you have played 1000 games but iam still better then you
00:33:31Jaikki because my winprosent at gyro is top 5 in gc.
00:33:34curdi cant u type ff
00:33:38Watari soon hex
00:33:46MYuksel I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:48MYuksel I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:50xab cant u stfu?
00:33:54xab pls?:)
00:33:57Watari i go get hex
00:33:58MYuksel haha
00:34:15curdi guess ill stick with silver games
00:34:25MYuksel I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:26MYuksel I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:26xab cant handle bronze?
00:34:26MYuksel I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:36curdi well
00:34:41curdi i perfer playing with a team
00:34:42Homicida rune
00:34:46xab i guess ur just a shitty cap
00:34:47FireMal what is it
00:34:47curdi impossible in bronzes
00:34:49MYuksel hmm sentinel ?? try to end ?
00:34:51curdi true
00:34:51FireMal reg ?
00:34:54curdi i hate being cap
00:34:56Jaikki sentinel xD
00:35:03FireMal lol lothar does the sam4
00:35:06FireMal same
00:35:13MYuksel fail
00:35:13MYuksel haha
00:35:14Jaikki nice
00:35:16MYuksel gj
00:35:27Homicida lol
00:35:36Marko619 I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:35:44xab I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:35:52kle bit easy
00:36:05FireMal last rack
00:36:11FireMal to
00:36:12FireMal top
00:36:13oo0OoO0oo brb
00:36:24Jaikki im mad because i lost to shitty players <.<
00:36:27MYuksel haha
00:36:32oo0OoO0oo lol
00:36:33oo0OoO0oo lol
00:36:33MYuksel haha serok you like ?
00:37:04kle [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:37:04kle [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:37:04kle [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:37:04kle [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:37:04Jaikki I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:12FireMal come
00:37:14FireMal i swap
00:37:16FireMal haha
00:37:18oo0OoO0oo no its ff
00:37:23kle and banned
00:37:25MYuksel nice played :D sentinel
00:37:50FireMal lol didnt know about the ff
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