Game #1985493

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+22 X
-2 TS

80% | 1353 X | 1477 TS

-29 X
-1 TS

66% | 1200 X | 1452 TS

-14 X
-2 TS

59% | 1217 X | 1376 TS

-44 X
-2 TS

59% | 1218 X | 1373 TS

-25 X
-12 TS

11% | 1018 X | 1063 TS

+27 X
+2 TS

98% | 1715 X | 1629 TS

+27 X
+13 TS

47% | 1169 X | 1283 TS

+15 X
+4 TS

45% | 1096 X | 1347 TS

+36 X
+10 TS

29% | 1041 X | 1280 TS

-6 X
+3 TS

12% | 910 X | 1208 TS

Chat log

00:00:19NotAHax someoen wants dazzle or shadowdemon
00:00:19Nickless -clear
00:00:19NotAHax -naga
00:00:19Lavos huskar
00:00:32NotAHax makkara
00:00:37NotAHax 13:30 sit sunnuntaina kaupunkii
00:00:39Arapiles any1 want eredar?
00:00:41NotAHax leffa alkaa 14:30 visisi
00:00:44makkara k
00:00:54NotAHax get
00:01:00NotAHax slardar/cm/jakiro/alchemist/crystal maiden
00:01:02Arapiles any1 who want eredar?
00:01:14Arapiles its good vs morph
00:01:16KolleBolle cm/crystal maiden!? drunk my friend?! :P
00:01:27NotAHax oh
00:01:27NotAHax xd
00:01:36NotAHax jakiro slardar?
00:01:46NotAHax gj gj
00:01:50NotAHax cm slardar alche jakiro
00:01:57Lavos obsi mid?
00:01:58Arapiles destroyer could own morph btw
00:02:12makkara sure
00:02:14Mykkzu slardar
00:02:14Mykkzu bot
00:02:15Misha cm mbytop?
00:02:18Lavos me and teh re bot
00:02:19Misha or how?
00:02:22Arapiles me and nessaj top i guess
00:02:23NotAHax slardar cm bot
00:02:25KolleBolle me and cm bot
00:02:32Lavos ya
00:02:33KolleBolle and cm harass and let me farm =)
00:02:34Misha chicken
00:02:36teh_re otan graven eka, sit poisoni max ja healii siin samal
00:02:37Mykkzu orlly
00:02:39teh_re sillee btw
00:02:40Lavos jea
00:02:44Mykkzu share chick
00:02:45teh_re et et huuda ku en healaa sua lvl 3
00:02:51Nickless -clear
00:02:51Nickless ty
00:02:51Lavos :D
00:02:53Mykkzu ye i know
00:02:56Mykkzu im not that retarded
00:05:07Mykkzu slardar
00:05:08KolleBolle omfg
00:05:13Lavos hehe
00:05:13Mykkzu why u didnt attack dazzel
00:05:30Misha stop autoattack
00:05:39Nickless not
00:05:39Misha wtf u doing jakirop
00:05:58Nickless dude
00:05:59Nickless ...
00:06:07Misha give me the farm
00:06:18Nickless whos taking it from ya
00:06:21NotAHax let alche farm
00:06:22Misha u:_D
00:06:25NotAHax nickless
00:06:27NotAHax dont touch creeps
00:06:34NotAHax just harras deny
00:06:58Arapiles let me initiate
00:07:23KolleBolle omfg
00:07:24NotAHax ..
00:07:27teh_re su vuoro
00:07:28makkara mid mis
00:07:31Lavos :D
00:07:44NotAHax tehretard ja lavos ownaa
00:07:45NotAHax Xdd
00:07:51Arapiles ss alchy
00:08:07teh_re oom
00:08:19Lavos HAHAHAAH
00:08:19Mykkzu SLARDAR
00:08:20Mykkzu JUST RUN
00:08:21Mykkzu ok
00:08:22NotAHax best slardar
00:08:26Lavos owned
00:08:29teh_re hyvimpä ne vetää
00:08:29teh_re :D
00:08:33Lavos :D
00:08:40Mykkzu im gonna gank top
00:08:41Mykkzu cba
00:08:42Misha again
00:08:47Mykkzu nvm
00:08:48Misha let me farm
00:08:49Mykkzu gankig mid
00:08:56Nickless ?
00:09:00Misha i dont get ur problem
00:09:00Nickless i didnt take any creep
00:09:13Misha so u ruined it:D
00:09:14Arapiles ss 2
00:09:19Nickless pull
00:09:20Nickless then
00:09:24Misha u go pull
00:09:26Misha i stay lane
00:09:37Nickless gr8
00:09:38Lavos ai kato
00:09:45NotAHax stop feeding slardar
00:09:55NotAHax go
00:09:55teh_re mul manaboots sit
00:09:56KolleBolle cant do a shit.........
00:09:56makkara mid mis
00:09:58Lavos niuce
00:09:59NotAHax STAY BACK?
00:10:04Misha ty
00:10:06Lavos -2
00:10:10NotAHax go
00:10:11KolleBolle i do... they kill me at tyowewr even if i stunn
00:10:32Arapiles he was top
00:10:57Lavos NOLOL
00:11:00makkara md mis
00:11:04Lavos olin iha vitu kaukana
00:11:30Lavos oho
00:11:34teh_re vähä kesti sul salven kans :D
00:11:41Mykkzu u will get ethereal and 1 shot all?
00:11:42Lavos ei pitäny eka ees pistää
00:11:46Lavos sit aattelin ku oli ultiki
00:11:55NotAHax y
00:12:18makkara grave
00:12:20makkara -.-
00:12:44teh_re was cd or i hitted wrong key
00:12:44NotAHax micha
00:12:45NotAHax tee sit ac
00:12:47teh_re dont know
00:12:48teh_re :D
00:12:49teh_re sorry
00:12:50Misha joo
00:12:55Arapiles ss thd
00:13:00makkara mid mis
00:13:04makkara care up
00:13:05NotAHax teen ite jtn diffu manta travels
00:13:25NotAHax go top
00:13:33NotAHax go
00:13:42NotAHax 5 top
00:13:59NotAHax slardar
00:14:01NotAHax ur so useless
00:14:11Arapiles push
00:14:34NotAHax SLKARDAR
00:14:34NotAHax TELE
00:14:39NotAHax WTF UR DOING
00:14:40Lavos ck go
00:14:45Lavos man
00:15:48NotAHax kollebolle
00:15:49NotAHax keep tp rdy
00:16:23NotAHax TELE MIDD
00:16:28NotAHax jakiro alche
00:16:34NotAHax need you
00:16:37Nickless omw
00:16:40NotAHax msiha voit puskee
00:17:16NotAHax GO
00:17:19NotAHax GO
00:17:49NotAHax DONT BLOCK
00:18:37NotAHax jaa
00:18:38NotAHax otetut
00:18:44Arapiles we need wards
00:18:48Arapiles can u buy dazzl?
00:18:52Lavos varo
00:18:54Lavos varo
00:19:27NotAHax ..
00:19:28NotAHax jakiro
00:19:29NotAHax ur so late
00:19:30NotAHax again
00:19:32NotAHax and slardar
00:19:32NotAHax -afk
00:20:07Nickless jesus fucking christ
00:21:02Lavos tuun alas
00:21:05Lavos juokse
00:21:28teh_re hieno gangi niil :D
00:21:34teh_re sai dazlen alas ja trollil farmii
00:22:18Arapiles ck
00:22:19Arapiles ffs
00:22:22Arapiles stop sucking
00:22:27Arapiles go b if u have 100 hp
00:22:31Arapiles i die to save you
00:22:51NotAHax slardar
00:22:54Mykkzu got instaedddd
00:22:55NotAHax use ur ultimate to troll in fights
00:22:56NotAHax okay
00:22:57NotAHax KOLLEBOLLE
00:23:20NotAHax go troll
00:23:20NotAHax go
00:23:26Arapiles b
00:23:29Arapiles guys
00:23:46Lavos en muistanu et sun grave meni jo
00:23:56NotAHax omw
00:23:56NotAHax go
00:24:10Lavos b
00:24:10Misha gonna tp
00:24:11Arapiles b
00:24:25NotAHax owned
00:24:30teh_re eise menny
00:24:33teh_re en kerenny vaa castee
00:24:34NotAHax ny ac si
00:24:47Misha goo
00:24:47NotAHax mishaa
00:24:48Misha joo
00:24:51NotAHax juu
00:24:55Nickless rosh?
00:25:55NotAHax JAKIROP
00:26:05NotAHax SLARDAR
00:26:06NotAHax ur just
00:26:07NotAHax so terrible player
00:26:08Arapiles gj
00:26:15NotAHax you need help team
00:26:17NotAHax and dont solo
00:26:33Arapiles dazzl pls buy next wards
00:27:35NotAHax push midd
00:27:42Arapiles def mid
00:28:17NotAHax rosh
00:28:18NotAHax rosh
00:28:20Nickless deadly combo
00:28:28NotAHax get rtosh
00:28:32Arapiles dont give free towers like that
00:28:48Arapiles have tp on you all
00:28:57NotAHax i take
00:29:00teh_re its gone
00:29:00Misha ofc
00:29:16Arapiles I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:27Lavos -ms
00:29:31Lavos -ms
00:29:36makkara illu
00:29:39Arapiles its morph
00:29:49NotAHax go
00:29:51KolleBolle b
00:29:54KolleBolle im not there
00:30:28Lavos mitähä kaikki tekee
00:30:54Lavos mjoo
00:30:55Misha gj
00:30:59Lavos takas farmaamaa
00:31:05Arapiles game over
00:31:06teh_re meinaaks et voitettas viel
00:31:10NotAHax pushing bot
00:31:12Lavos en tiä
00:31:14NotAHax go midd
00:31:17Lavos ite ainaki hyötyisin bkbsta
00:31:21Lavos ja ehkä rapeisin noi yksin
00:31:35Lavos sen verra vähä tulee apui kyl näilt muilt
00:31:49Lavos sdkää osaa mitää
00:31:52teh_re I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:31:54teh_re ei tätä voiteta
00:31:59Homicida I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:02teh_re ollaan 5vs2 ja ei saada mitää aikaseks
00:32:08Mykkzu cant u like purge that dazzles spell?
00:32:33NotAHax wait me and go with 5
00:32:53Nickless destroyer is going carry
00:32:57Nickless very bad choice here
00:33:26NotAHax go midd
00:33:27NotAHax gogo
00:33:27NotAHax i come
00:33:47Misha w8
00:33:50NotAHax gogo midd
00:33:51Misha come mid now
00:33:52NotAHax come jakiro
00:33:59Nickless omw
00:34:00Mykkzu take invi top
00:34:01Mykkzu morph
00:34:19Lavos gio
00:34:29NotAHax )D
00:34:42Lavos I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:45Lavos joopajoo
00:34:51Lavos stronk
00:34:53Lavos game
00:34:59Mykkzu gg
00:35:00NotAHax theretard ei ikinä voita
00:36:00Mykkzu my manareg carryed:(((
00:36:05Mykkzu :D
00:36:27Arapiles makkara get bkb
00:36:35Arapiles its core on your hero
00:36:51Misha tuu alas
00:36:52Lavos write ff
00:36:58NotAHax ei lol
00:37:06teh_re nuke unohtu?
00:37:11NotAHax Cd
00:37:13NotAHax ku käytin röllii
00:37:21teh_re I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:28NotAHax kuka ei oo ffänny
00:37:31NotAHax kenet täytyy tapaa
00:37:50Lavos voi olla ettei meijä ck osaa kirjottaa
00:37:55NotAHax ck
00:37:57NotAHax Write "ff"
00:38:00Homicida I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:07Lavos ei ookkaa se
00:38:10Lavos epäilin silti
00:38:27teh_re addaaks uusiks?
00:38:39teh_re lavos
00:38:50Lavos y?
00:38:54teh_re addaaks
00:38:55teh_re uusiks
00:38:57Lavos j
00:39:01Mykkzu FUUKA YU TROLL
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