Game #1591264

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-33 X
+0 TS

95% | 1484 X | 1610 TS

-14 X
-1 TS

58% | 1177 X | 1339 TS

-26 X
-1 TS

48% | 1131 X | 1290 TS

+14 X
-2 TS

28% | 977 X | 1290 TS

-37 X
-3 TS

6% | 914 X | 1064 TS

+4 X
+2 TS

79% | 1310 X | 1433 TS

+11 X
+14 TS

74% | 1367 X | 1298 TS

+46 X
+1 TS

37% | 969 X | 1365 TS

+33 X
+1 TS

34% | 1018 X | 1298 TS

+16 X
+3 TS

34% | 1005 X | 1311 TS

Chat log

00:00:04Sepetos mode
00:00:05Sepetos ?
00:00:06Rotkiv sd
00:00:06PinaryB -rd
00:00:06StaedarB random draft
00:00:06StaedarB right ?
00:00:06Sepetos i think i can decide
00:00:06Sepetos cause its 4-4
00:00:06Sepetos -rd
00:00:06StaedarB oh lol
00:00:06StaedarB what was other
00:00:06StaedarB sd ?
00:00:08Sepetos y
00:00:16Sepetos who want what want?
00:00:16Momdsiw banni batti
00:00:16Idx i can go es
00:00:16Sepetos okay
00:00:16Momdsiw voisin kans kyl es
00:00:16slc2 i go axe woods
00:00:16Momdsiw se tuhoo nyyppä peleis nii vitusti :D
00:00:16Xove okay :D
00:00:16Sepetos -alche
00:00:16Momdsiw vitun batti
00:00:16Sepetos voitas ottaa lichii ja es ja tämmöst
00:00:16Momdsiw juu
00:00:16StaedarB type -alchemist
00:00:16StaedarB and u get this cool
00:00:16Sepetos -alchemist
00:00:16StaedarB red text
00:00:16Solisluu bot doesnt seem to work
00:00:16StaedarB or not
00:00:16Sepetos wont come
00:00:16StaedarB :O
00:00:16Sepetos remake
00:00:16Solisluu as no mode
00:00:16slc2 its not rmk
00:00:16Xove why ?
00:00:16Solisluu and no red tex
00:00:16Sepetos bananoi
00:00:16StaedarB but it remakes automatically
00:00:16StaedarB XD
00:00:16Solisluu : D
00:00:16slc2 just play
00:00:16StaedarB ok but
00:00:16Xove remake or not ?Å
00:00:16StaedarB make ban then
00:00:16Solisluu ES
00:00:16Momdsiw this rd not xd so bot doesent see bans
00:00:16Sepetos lölz
00:00:16StaedarB aha
00:00:16StaedarB lol
00:00:16Momdsiw Or count
00:00:16Solisluu ES ALCHE
00:00:16Solisluu BANNED
00:00:16Sepetos otan leijona eiks ni
00:00:16StaedarB ok so ogoog
00:00:16Solisluu y
00:00:16Sepetos ranged stunneri
00:00:16Momdsiw varmaaki
00:00:16Solisluu GO
00:00:22slc2 rmk after?
00:00:25Solisluu no
00:00:26Solisluu need
00:00:28Momdsiw aattelin pelaa suppo wr
00:00:32slc2 ok
00:00:33Sepetos ei mitää semmost ny
00:00:34Xove omg
00:00:36Sepetos siel vitu hyvii heroi
00:00:37Momdsiw range stunneri kans :D
00:00:38Xove sepo lion :S
00:00:40slc2 take wr mid
00:00:43Xove Sepo Lion :SSS
00:00:44Sepetos go lich
00:00:46Sepetos and ogre
00:00:47Solisluu im mid
00:00:51Sepetos or cm
00:00:55Momdsiw any1 lich?=
00:00:59StaedarB haha to what purpose
00:01:00Sepetos need lich imo
00:01:04Solisluu you solo top
00:01:06Momdsiw any1 lich?
00:01:09Solisluu axe is woods
00:01:11Sepetos then like krobe + slardar/cm
00:01:17slc2 we need rylai
00:01:22Sepetos take krobe cm
00:01:25slc2 rylai or krob
00:01:25Sepetos this will be fast game
00:01:26Momdsiw 5 int xD
00:01:29StaedarB but dont lion eat u
00:01:30Sepetos ez
00:01:30Momdsiw ei päästä läpi
00:01:32Momdsiw paskat puskut
00:01:33Sepetos päästää
00:01:36Sepetos kroben ulti tuhoo
00:01:36Solisluu its np
00:01:36StaedarB or all hero > sven solo
00:01:38StaedarB i heard
00:01:38StaedarB ok
00:01:38Momdsiw axe bat sven tuhoo
00:01:40Solisluu im better than that
00:01:40StaedarB :P
00:01:41Sepetos ja ranged heroi
00:01:44Sepetos ei tuhoo mitää
00:01:47Sepetos nii vitusti disablee
00:01:49Solisluu or im not better than sepetos
00:01:49Sepetos go krobe
00:01:51Sepetos cm
00:01:52Solisluu but i wont feed mid
00:01:57Sepetos blah
00:01:58Xove ???????
00:01:59Momdsiw jos krobe osaa silencee ni sit
00:02:00Xove pick ?
00:02:01Momdsiw encha woods?
00:02:04Solisluu cm??
00:02:10Solisluu crystal maiden
00:02:11Solisluu rylai
00:02:14Solisluu and buy chicken
00:02:15Sepetos 'fb mid
00:02:15Xove omg gg
00:02:16Solisluu cos youre lastpick
00:02:18Solisluu rylai wr bot
00:02:37StaedarB well if maiden sven u get farm :P
00:02:38Momdsiw ei meil o ralle :D
00:02:41StaedarB now u dont get farm
00:02:43Momdsiw lol
00:02:46Momdsiw ei helvetti
00:02:47Momdsiw :D
00:02:47Solisluu i do
00:02:49Solisluu dont worry
00:02:51Sepetos ralle
00:02:52Sepetos chicken
00:02:53Sepetos share
00:02:53Sepetos go
00:02:58Solisluu rotkiv wr would just feed mid
00:02:58Xove bot or top ?
00:02:59Idx prolly checking for builds
00:03:01Solisluu bot
00:03:01Momdsiw toi on tän paikan paskin pelaaja
00:03:02Sepetos ogre
00:03:03Sepetos come mid
00:03:04Sepetos gang
00:03:05Sepetos now
00:03:05Xove kk
00:03:08StaedarB ah ok
00:03:39StaedarB -ma
00:03:40Solisluu hullu gank
00:03:40Sepetos ogre WTF
00:03:40Solisluu : D
00:03:46slc2 haha
00:03:57Momdsiw niil wardit
00:03:58Sepetos SIIS WTF OGRE
00:04:02Solisluu HULLU!
00:04:14slc2 i pull?
00:04:16Momdsiw :<
00:04:24Sepetos vittu miten paska
00:04:25Momdsiw ralle
00:04:27Momdsiw go woods
00:04:31Momdsiw you can take creep with your second skill
00:04:32Sepetos yea
00:04:34Momdsiw any creep in the wood
00:05:08Sepetos midmiss
00:05:09Sepetos CARE TOP
00:05:14Sepetos coming with rune
00:05:14Sepetos CARE
00:05:46Momdsiw sry
00:06:04Momdsiw haha
00:06:05Solisluu LOL
00:06:12Solisluu ei suotta crriipit häröilly?
00:06:12Rotkiv ss
00:06:20Momdsiw kuha bustas sut
00:06:35slc2 i gank lvl 4
00:07:04Momdsiw ralle know how to pull?
00:07:05Momdsiw i bet not
00:07:12Sepetos midmiss
00:07:12Sepetos CARE
00:07:13RalleBrazil y
00:07:26Solisluu gj
00:07:28Momdsiw slow him
00:07:32slc2 nice
00:07:35Momdsiw just heal
00:07:56Sepetos ok
00:07:57Sepetos ty for miss
00:07:58Sepetos dude
00:08:04Sepetos not bad if 6lvl bat misses
00:08:05Sepetos not at all
00:08:16Momdsiw wr miss
00:08:22Momdsiw re
00:08:23Sepetos tapetaa botist
00:08:23slc2 i come for gank now
00:08:26Solisluu miss mid
00:08:27Solisluu lion
00:08:28Solisluu care
00:08:28Momdsiw ju
00:08:29Momdsiw sec
00:09:14Solisluu gj
00:09:20Sepetos kaimä teen uurna
00:09:22Sepetos iha kätevä puskuis
00:09:29Momdsiw jep
00:09:39Xove ss bot
00:09:41Sepetos haste sven mid
00:09:41Sepetos care
00:09:43Sepetos if he leaves
00:09:44Idx ss bar
00:09:45Idx bat
00:09:46Momdsiw miss both bot
00:10:12PinaryB ss bat
00:10:27Momdsiw cm miss
00:10:29Momdsiw re
00:10:31Solisluu gj
00:10:33Sepetos OK WTF HAPPENING TOP
00:10:33Momdsiw wrmiss
00:10:36Sepetos BAT HAS BLINK
00:10:37Sepetos WTF REALLY
00:10:39Sepetos WTFTS"!#!"#!#"!
00:10:50StaedarB -ma
00:10:56Sepetos tarvittas wardei
00:12:38Solisluu DOTA JUMALA VIGOSS??
00:12:41Momdsiw huoh
00:12:43Solisluu hullu sven action
00:12:47Momdsiw siis luulin et kierrän toiselt puolelt
00:12:49Momdsiw Ja ogre toiselt
00:12:50Solisluu tää tulee mun leffaa
00:12:52Rotkiv you escaped :P
00:12:59Sepetos ja mitä topis tapahtuu
00:13:00Momdsiw nii se tulee samaa puolta
00:13:02Sepetos 7min blink batrider
00:13:12Solisluu : D
00:13:20Solisluu liia ylipelattu sven vaa
00:13:23Solisluu wards needed
00:13:28Solisluu rylai or wr
00:13:30Sepetos botrune
00:13:41Momdsiw no siis jos se ois kierätny toista puolta oisit kuollu mut se tulee samaa
00:13:53Sepetos kill bot
00:14:11Sepetos midmiss
00:14:15Momdsiw aattelin et jukeet toiselle puolelle mut olit liian yksinkertane D:
00:14:50Solisluu : D
00:14:52Momdsiw vittu ollu manaa ultii
00:14:54Sepetos ei jumalauta
00:14:54Momdsiw aattelin et ultaan
00:14:59Solisluu aika tylsät nuket teillä
00:15:07Sepetos aika tylsä toi batrider
00:15:08Sepetos ei missei
00:15:12Sepetos tulee 7min blinkil tappaa midist
00:15:26Solisluu ohase : (
00:15:45Rotkiv ss
00:16:00Sepetos gangmid
00:16:14Momdsiw sielncve
00:16:17StaedarB lol
00:16:21StaedarB i had cd
00:16:23StaedarB on the grip
00:16:29StaedarB 2 seconds
00:16:45StaedarB pretty frustrating
00:17:01Momdsiw D
00:17:02Momdsiw wtf
00:17:52Solisluu ankee määrä nukee
00:17:53Sepetos gj
00:17:55StaedarB fail
00:18:05Solisluu too much disable : (
00:18:08Sepetos voittajan valinta
00:18:15StaedarB nah i fucked up
00:18:21StaedarB didnt turn on
00:18:22StaedarB the flame
00:18:57slc2 gank
00:19:07Sepetos CARE MISS
00:19:08Sepetos BOT CARE
00:19:08Solisluu my
00:19:09Sepetos B BPOT
00:19:17Momdsiw care
00:19:32Momdsiw meil o 0 tornii :<
00:19:43Sepetos nii i
00:19:45Sepetos pitäs mennä viidel
00:19:47Sepetos ottaa tornit
00:19:47Sepetos lets start push towers
00:19:47StaedarB brb half our
00:19:47StaedarB *hour
00:19:47Momdsiw plug
00:19:47Momdsiw .<
00:19:52Momdsiw Or tab
00:19:52Idx pro
00:20:02Sepetos ultii mettää
00:20:03Sepetos lich
00:20:05Momdsiw cd
00:20:22Sepetos vittuku oli kujal toi krobe
00:20:38Momdsiw blaah
00:20:51Sepetos lets go mid tower
00:20:52Sepetos ok
00:20:58Idx türa küll mul läks nett ära just
00:21:00Sepetos ralle
00:21:01Xove def
00:21:02Sepetos make hp ok
00:21:05Sepetos forget that orchid
00:21:14Momdsiw make str treads
00:21:17Momdsiw and just bracers
00:21:17Sepetos indeed
00:21:26Xove rune
00:21:27Solisluu ill take
00:21:29Solisluu latere
00:22:05Solisluu multiacst
00:22:09Solisluu go f urself
00:22:31slc2 lets go?
00:22:31Sepetos RALLE
00:22:33StaedarB yeah
00:22:34Sepetos MAKE STR TREADS
00:22:37StaedarB or
00:22:39StaedarB i follow
00:22:40StaedarB u
00:22:45StaedarB ur call
00:23:17Solisluu my
00:23:18Solisluu MY
00:23:25Momdsiw help
00:23:25slc2 gank mid
00:23:25Momdsiw me
00:23:25Momdsiw some1 was
00:23:25Momdsiw next tome
00:23:25Sepetos go help botrune guys
00:23:25Momdsiw bat or wr was here
00:23:26Momdsiw and cm at rune
00:24:13Momdsiw wow
00:24:13Momdsiw :S
00:24:18RalleBrazil b
00:24:19RalleBrazil b
00:24:54Solisluu tiesin
00:24:58Solisluu et näit mut
00:25:03Solisluu mut en aatellu et jäisit -_-
00:25:18StaedarB oh
00:25:20StaedarB i shuda followed
00:25:21slc2 twr
00:25:23slc2 come
00:25:30slc2 come all
00:25:31RalleBrazil all follow me
00:25:37Momdsiw ??
00:25:40Momdsiw ^^
00:25:40RalleBrazil follow me
00:25:41RalleBrazil stay
00:26:09Momdsiw tuuks messii vai farmaaks
00:26:15Sepetos juu
00:26:15Sepetos mid go
00:26:58Sepetos jaaha
00:27:02Sepetos ette saanu mitää aikaa sit siin
00:27:03Momdsiw smoke
00:27:08Momdsiw olin disables kuolemaa aasti
00:27:17Momdsiw ei paljoo tehhä
00:27:32slc2 ulti
00:27:35slc2 sven
00:27:37Solisluu cd
00:27:38Sepetos ulti vaa sinne
00:27:39slc2 ok
00:27:40Momdsiw iha paskaa koittaa puskua näil tiimeil
00:27:40Solisluu b
00:27:56slc2 rela
00:28:01slc2 relax
00:28:05Sepetos go mid
00:28:55Sepetos mid
00:29:30Solisluu vähä bäckfires mu strat
00:29:34Solisluu ku ei ollukkaa manaa ultii : D
00:29:41Sepetos go
00:29:47Solisluu noo ei haittaa rollaamista
00:29:51Sepetos ill take bot
00:30:09Solisluu u need to stack napalm
00:30:13Solisluu to do dmg with firefly
00:30:14StaedarB no time
00:30:17Solisluu i know
00:30:24Sepetos tekiskö piipu
00:30:26StaedarB hoped for incoming :<
00:30:32Momdsiw emt
00:30:34Momdsiw vois kjai se olla
00:30:38Momdsiw ei se niin elin tärkee noti vs oo
00:30:39Momdsiw noit*
00:30:47Rotkiv ss
00:30:50slc2 lets push mid?
00:30:57Solisluu no hurries
00:30:59Momdsiw krobe plz use silence in fights
00:31:00Momdsiw it owns
00:31:08StaedarB i have bkb in 700
00:31:10StaedarB or somthn
00:31:14Sepetos onse iha hyvä liekkii ja svenii vs
00:31:21Solisluu we will only push
00:31:24Solisluu when we first kill em
00:31:30Sepetos go mid now
00:31:37Solisluu gank mid
00:31:37slc2 lets go their woods
00:31:42Sepetos lust me
00:31:47Solisluu axe
00:32:14Sepetos huoh
00:32:29Solisluu game ogre again
00:32:36Sepetos lion aina eka
00:32:37Solisluu nerf ogre already pl0x 0 skill 100% ownage
00:32:37Sepetos imbaa
00:32:46Sepetos ralle
00:32:47Solisluu ankee hero
00:32:47Sepetos make hp really
00:32:50Sepetos we need u tank there
00:32:50Solisluu sill ei ollenkaa tank itemii
00:32:56Solisluu ja silti 9 armor ja 1600 hp
00:32:57Momdsiw elä ees kuvittele
00:33:02Solisluu ja tekee pelin eniten nuke dmg
00:33:03Sepetos ill farm top
00:33:04Sepetos pipe
00:33:05Solisluu gg much??
00:33:20Sepetos wtf retard?
00:33:21StaedarB m,abye
00:33:23StaedarB roshan
00:33:24StaedarB go
00:33:27PinaryB wtf wtf
00:33:27Sepetos cant u go bot
00:33:29slc2 lets go rosh
00:33:30Solisluu vois vaa farmaa bkb nii kuolisitte
00:33:39Momdsiw ei kuoltais
00:33:52Momdsiw deso lich tuhois
00:33:53slc2 i take?
00:33:59Solisluu i take
00:34:08Sepetos got pipe
00:34:14Sepetos go bottom tower
00:34:24slc2 mid
00:34:25Solisluu gievb
00:34:26Solisluu give
00:34:38Sepetos All come bot now
00:34:45RalleBrazil b
00:34:46RalleBrazil b
00:34:48Xove b
00:34:49Sepetos or mid
00:34:51Sepetos go mid
00:34:51RalleBrazil all in woods
00:34:51RalleBrazil b
00:34:52Solisluu camp
00:34:58Momdsiw batil vai svenil
00:35:00Momdsiw aegis
00:35:04Sepetos svenil
00:35:08Solisluu are
00:35:09Momdsiw näköjää
00:35:18Momdsiw silence bat when he blinks
00:35:27Sepetos come
00:36:18Sepetos wtf really
00:36:18StaedarB did we win that ?
00:36:28StaedarB oh
00:36:29StaedarB y
00:36:33Momdsiw aegis won that fight
00:36:42Solisluu rax
00:36:43Solisluu it
00:37:03Momdsiw ois ultannu
00:37:17Rotkiv got hex
00:37:21Solisluu b
00:37:32Momdsiw take wagon
00:37:32Xove bat
00:37:33StaedarB oh
00:37:34StaedarB xD
00:37:35Sepetos go bot
00:37:36StaedarB haha
00:37:42Solisluu b axe
00:37:45StaedarB looked like the rest was in base
00:37:50StaedarB except lion
00:38:39Sepetos SILENCE
00:38:44Solisluu FUCK U
00:39:21Sepetos VAHGON
00:39:24Solisluu we got mid rax
00:39:26Solisluu ranged
00:39:30Sepetos ei voi mitää
00:39:35Solisluu theyll be in trouble
00:39:37Solisluu epic game
00:39:38Solisluu imo
00:39:40Momdsiw ei riitä dmg
00:40:00StaedarB I kinda fucked up lol
00:40:01Sepetos go mid
00:40:09slc2 lets go bot.
00:40:15Solisluu we have no need to push
00:40:16Solisluu keep ganking
00:40:19Solisluu we cant fight em in base
00:40:31Sepetos pidähä mut armoris sit tappeluis
00:40:34Momdsiw euli ois voinu olla kova
00:40:37Solisluu i farm bkb
00:40:38Solisluu atleast
00:40:42Solisluu dont fight now
00:40:43Solisluu care bot
00:40:43Sepetos vois tehä melkee
00:40:59Momdsiw dedu pelas eile krobel
00:41:02Momdsiw euli rummut bot
00:41:04Momdsiw 500 ms
00:41:16Momdsiw aika sick
00:41:23Idx theyll go rosh soon
00:41:24Sepetos gotta push mid
00:42:03Sepetos go all mid
00:42:11Rotkiv get b
00:42:12Solisluu b axe
00:42:13Solisluu ..18!!!
00:42:24Solisluu gg
00:42:27Solisluu why u chase?
00:42:33Solisluu when 4 of em in mid
00:42:37Solisluu got buyback?
00:42:41Solisluu y
00:42:42Solisluu buy
00:42:45Solisluu we need you
00:42:47Solisluu or we lose
00:42:49Solisluu BUYBACK
00:43:20Sepetos olu huono
00:43:23Solisluu AXE
00:43:25Solisluu WHY DIDNT YOU BUY
00:43:41Solisluu slc talk to me
00:43:42Solisluu b wr
00:43:50Idx -mc
00:43:51Solisluu now you die too
00:43:51Solisluu ...-
00:43:59StaedarB lol @ kroblus
00:44:07Solisluu lol at axe
00:44:10Sepetos gj
00:44:14Solisluu ...
00:44:15Sepetos push it
00:44:16Sepetos if can
00:44:18Idx rosh is up
00:44:21Solisluu why didnt you just fucking buy and we kill em 5
00:44:25Solisluu now we died as 4
00:45:08Solisluu you cant make bkb rylai
00:45:09StaedarB hes
00:45:10StaedarB greedy
00:45:11Solisluu make agha
00:45:20Solisluu FUYCKJ
00:45:24Xove agha ?
00:45:25Solisluu go b
00:45:30Solisluu make agha
00:45:32Solisluu only 2x bkb
00:45:34Solisluu allowed
00:45:37Xove agha ?Ø?=Øø++ø?Ø
00:45:40Momdsiw ihme et kukaa ei nukee enchaa alas
00:45:43Solisluu aghanims scepter
00:45:45Xove kk
00:45:58Rotkiv b
00:46:03Sepetos go mid
00:46:03PinaryB push mid?
00:46:10slc2 i go b heal
00:46:17Solisluu wait for axe
00:46:19Idx -mc
00:46:29Xove whu not bkb
00:46:29Momdsiw make some hp encha
00:46:30Solisluu tp
00:46:31Momdsiw 750 hp
00:46:32Xove why not
00:46:34Solisluu cos only 2x allowed
00:46:36Solisluu we got 2
00:46:38Solisluu bat and me
00:46:41Solisluu gc rules
00:47:12Momdsiw I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:47:37Sepetos hohhoijaa
00:47:40Sepetos gj encha
00:47:42Sepetos u stay bot
00:47:43Idx 250 til hex
00:47:43Sepetos so imba
00:47:46Momdsiw se on ralle
00:48:28Sepetos ei ton rallen kaa voi voittaa
00:48:33Sepetos emt miksei oo muka skillbanneis edellee
00:48:39Sepetos onko jotenki parantunu muka
00:49:14Sepetos TELE
00:49:15Rotkiv get b rylie
00:49:15Sepetos BOT
00:49:25Sepetos armorii
00:49:29Sepetos jaaha
00:49:47Momdsiw just ff
00:49:48Momdsiw I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:49:53Sepetos ei ees oo oikee mitää itemii minkä tekemäl täs vois saada mitää
00:49:58Rotkiv rolsh up ?
00:49:58slc2 lets end
00:50:01PinaryB fight till the end
00:50:03Sepetos ollu parii otteesee jo yli 2k
00:50:05Momdsiw iha turhaa oli ottaa tälläst
00:50:10Momdsiw sun ois pitäny joku semi carry ees ottaa
00:50:14slc2 rosh and then end
00:50:16Rotkiv is rosh up ?
00:50:18Solisluu y
00:50:23slc2 rosh end
00:50:27Sepetos go gang
00:50:29Sepetos roshan
00:50:30Sepetos all
00:51:02Solisluu just end
00:51:22Sepetos juu
00:51:28Sepetos pitää viel tahallee int treadei
00:51:34Sepetos vittu on niinku nii bannattu pelaaja taas
00:51:59Idx go ralle
00:52:01Idx dominate 'em
00:52:21Momdsiw siis on toi parantunu iha vitusti
00:52:25Momdsiw ainaki tol herol
00:52:42Momdsiw siis viimeeks se oli 40 min pelattu se sai vasta boots of speedit
00:52:57Solisluu rosh
00:52:58Sepetos mihi vittuu menit
00:53:02Solisluu telesin
00:53:06Solisluu menin ekan puun taakse
00:53:07Solisluu ja telesin
00:53:10Solisluu nii et torni ei iha nähny
00:54:06Sepetos anna armori krobelle
00:54:08Sepetos ei kuole millää
00:55:05Solisluu ei kiinnosta world tree?
00:55:06Solisluu : D
00:55:07Solisluu gg wp
00:55:11Sepetos ei
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