Game #1234041

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+28 X
+5 TS

86% | 1248 X | 1571 TS

+53 X
+6 TS

79% | 1324 X | 1437 TS

+4 X
+4 TS

78% | 1292 X | 1421 TS

+38 X
+13 TS

62% | 1153 X | 1347 TS

+42 X
+5 TS

59% | 1069 X | 1370 TS

-19 X
-8 TS

94% | 1484 X | 1537 TS

-48 X
-3 TS

84% | 1211 X | 1510 TS

-66 X
-4 TS

73% | 1249 X | 1427 TS

-44 X
-3 TS

63% | 1096 X | 1402 TS

+24 X
-3 TS

55% | 1009 X | 1391 TS

Chat log

00:00:17PeterLars ban alc
00:00:17ProButLagsK -alche
00:00:17KredeC get me omni fp
00:00:17Norrebro bs
00:00:28KredeC get omni wd
00:00:33Norrebro weaver?
00:00:36KredeC ill play both
00:00:43KredeC we just need some decent support
00:00:47nigulas go wd
00:00:48mrk wd
00:00:51ProButLagsK take sven bane wd
00:00:58Lavos i can play wd if nobody will
00:00:59ProButLagsK dk
00:01:02nigulas brb
00:01:07mrk what else
00:01:08Norrebro give me aa
00:01:15Lavos mun wd? vai ottiko joku
00:01:15Arapiles AA for me?
00:01:20ProButLagsK ok
00:01:23Lavos norre
00:01:24mrk kredec swap
00:01:25Lavos otanko aa
00:01:26Lavos sulle
00:01:26Arapiles we go AA/ bane?
00:01:27KredeC y
00:01:28PeterLars or panda
00:01:29Lavos -swap 1
00:01:30PeterLars panda
00:01:31KredeC i play omni
00:01:32Norrebro -swap 4
00:01:32mrk dunno for what tho
00:01:39Arapiles necro
00:01:46mrk what?
00:01:47PeterLars lane?
00:01:48mrk to pick
00:01:48KredeC necro_
00:01:50h0whigh ops was afk
00:01:50Lavos wd aa?
00:01:50h0whigh :o
00:01:51mrk sure
00:01:55PeterLars sven is good hehe
00:01:59h0whigh ye
00:02:00h0whigh true
00:02:04mrk necro then
00:02:07mrk -swap 5
00:02:17KredeC -swap 3
00:02:21ProButLagsK hmm alle tog de picks jeg nævnte undtagen min ven :D
00:02:24Arapiles 4 who needs farm
00:02:26Arapiles not so good
00:02:28Lavos nice lanes
00:02:29mrk weaver mid?
00:02:34Lavos they have shit
00:02:34PeterLars hvem er din ven :D
00:02:38ProButLagsK dig bums
00:02:39BritneySpears vi fik da sven og dk som du sagde
00:02:43PeterLars haha
00:02:46PeterLars sutter so
00:02:50ProButLagsK ja du er
00:02:54PeterLars ja
00:02:55KredeC y nice wit hanti pull ward
00:02:58PeterLars elsker det :)
00:03:04Norrebro nigulas
00:03:14BritneySpears rune
00:03:17Norrebro lavos
00:03:20Lavos ?
00:03:23Norrebro pull first weave
00:03:25Lavos ju
00:04:32Norrebro lvl 3
00:04:54PeterLars so slow :S
00:05:22Lavos cask lvl2
00:05:28nigulas share
00:05:29Norrebro no
00:05:29nigulas chick
00:05:36Lavos u from fin?
00:05:37Arapiles ss bot
00:05:38nigulas ss
00:05:39Norrebro no
00:05:42Norrebro get male
00:05:43Norrebro lvl 2
00:05:51Lavos i got stun so u get better skills in
00:05:56Lavos already picked
00:05:57PeterLars rdy for omni?
00:05:59h0whigh no
00:06:00h0whigh need
00:06:01h0whigh mama
00:06:04h0whigh mana
00:06:06KredeC ss
00:06:18Arapiles fucked up bot lane
00:06:30mrk 1hp
00:06:32h0whigh gay
00:06:32h0whigh so
00:06:34h0whigh clooose
00:06:34PeterLars lucky miss
00:06:37h0whigh ye
00:06:39PeterLars i missed
00:06:58Norrebro wd
00:07:02Norrebro u make
00:07:03Lavos play aggressive
00:07:06Norrebro 2 useless stuns
00:07:11KredeC ss
00:07:15Lavos no
00:07:22ProButLagsK ss
00:07:23Norrebro go pull man
00:07:25mrk s
00:07:26ProButLagsK need wards
00:07:29KredeC re
00:07:31nigulas ss
00:08:16Lavos u rlate
00:08:17Lavos allways
00:08:18BritneySpears sry
00:08:21nigulas sry
00:08:41mrk letme deny for mana
00:08:54BritneySpears bait
00:08:56BritneySpears lol
00:08:59Arapiles lol
00:08:59BritneySpears han hoppede på den
00:09:05h0whigh where8is
00:09:06h0whigh chick
00:09:13h0whigh ffs
00:09:13Lavos -2
00:09:13Norrebro ss
00:09:13h0whigh why
00:09:24KredeC ss sven
00:09:41ProButLagsK din fucking luder
00:09:44ProButLagsK stop use chick top
00:09:48h0whigh stfu
00:09:55h0whigh it was right behind me
00:09:55ProButLagsK nigga die of aids
00:09:56h0whigh and u b it
00:10:10nigulas ss
00:10:18Lavos he was dead alerady
00:10:20mrk chick?
00:10:21BritneySpears godt de har så meget focus på mig
00:10:26nigulas tapsin ära :D
00:10:50nigulas mid miss
00:10:51nigulas top
00:10:52KredeC ss
00:11:08BritneySpears ss
00:11:10PeterLars 3 top
00:11:17Arapiles ss bot
00:11:39ProButLagsK fucking ludere
00:11:39Lavos -2
00:11:44Lavos -1
00:11:45h0whigh much we can do
00:11:49Lavos re
00:11:50ProButLagsK sidste gang jeg kommer
00:11:53Arapiles har ult
00:11:56h0whigh og forste
00:11:57ProButLagsK u can storm bolt fag
00:12:02ProButLagsK but np i dont come any more
00:12:05h0whigh i did
00:12:07h0whigh but
00:12:08h0whigh np
00:12:09h0whigh donte
00:12:09h0whigh come
00:12:17h0whigh allready loos
00:12:37Arapiles b
00:12:53PeterLars ty
00:12:54PeterLars ^^
00:13:05Lavos gank mid
00:13:41Norrebro care
00:13:50Arapiles ss
00:13:54h0whigh hf
00:14:06PeterLars fucking all top
00:14:14Norrebro twr1
00:14:25Lavos WTF
00:14:31Lavos can u hela
00:14:36Lavos ty
00:14:53ProButLagsK ja vi har tabt
00:15:11KredeC b
00:15:18Norrebro gom mid
00:15:18KredeC listen to cap
00:15:31Lavos no chick?
00:15:35nigulas i kileld
00:15:39Arapiles use chick again
00:15:41nigulas sry
00:15:43Lavos kk
00:15:46ProButLagsK har 40 mmindre cs pga sven
00:15:58mrk they cant def tbh
00:15:59h0whigh easy 2 blame others :)
00:16:54ProButLagsK again sven not around
00:17:02h0whigh <3
00:17:04h0whigh u2
00:17:18ProButLagsK u rly dont have a life
00:17:21Norrebro tp all
00:17:24h0whigh u have
00:17:28Norrebro get wards
00:17:29h0whigh thats most important
00:17:30Norrebro invis
00:17:58Lavos mybad
00:18:00mrk why dive
00:18:03mrk ez towers
00:18:03mrk ...
00:18:12Lavos i know
00:18:24Norrebro get invis wards
00:18:27PeterLars LOl
00:18:27Norrebro for riki
00:18:31nigulas mana omni
00:18:38nigulas ty
00:19:22Arapiles sigh
00:19:30mrk riki
00:19:48KredeC weaver you go radi rigjt
00:20:04KredeC weaver+_
00:20:13Arapiles b
00:20:13ProButLagsK puha for en skills :D
00:20:29KredeC weaver you go radi
00:20:31Arapiles b
00:20:52ProButLagsK u rly waste stun to farm
00:20:56h0whigh u2
00:21:02KredeC weaver you go radi or what
00:21:24Arapiles def
00:21:34KredeC omg weaver answer
00:21:57Norrebro stun
00:22:31Norrebro stun
00:23:35nigulas heh 5k
00:23:55mrk regen buy items
00:23:55mrk mid
00:24:02Norrebro push mid now
00:24:14nigulas i base fast
00:24:38Norrebro go mid all
00:24:47Lavos allmost 1,5k hp =)
00:25:44Lavos hows going pbl
00:25:49ProButLagsK good rly
00:25:55ProButLagsK most of my team farm with no skill
00:26:11ProButLagsK or defending but atleast i rape ur mum while she enjoy my dick
00:26:34Lavos ahhaha
00:27:22ProButLagsK hows it going lavos?
00:27:31Lavos or u might know me as turppe
00:27:35Lavos =)
00:29:03ProButLagsK b
00:29:13Lavos bad idea
00:29:40Lavos haste
00:29:45KredeC i go get shiva
00:30:03Lavos meka's awesome too
00:30:06ProButLagsK that explain alot
00:30:20Lavos does it?
00:30:29ProButLagsK half games goood half bad
00:30:36Lavos y
00:30:37ProButLagsK as usual :)
00:30:43Lavos today only pwn
00:30:45ProButLagsK cant rely on u :D
00:30:59ProButLagsK clock was decent
00:31:06Norrebro come
00:31:08Lavos y
00:31:08nigulas ward
00:31:14Lavos yeah i liked that game alot
00:31:20h0whigh vlad should be good
00:31:21h0whigh should i make ?
00:31:30PeterLars y
00:31:39nigulas push
00:31:44h0whigh k
00:31:50Arapiles bkb SF nic
00:31:59nigulas repel
00:32:16nigulas gj omni
00:32:22KredeC lol
00:32:35nigulas i say
00:32:36KredeC sry
00:32:36nigulas repel
00:32:38nigulas u run around
00:32:42nigulas ulti and run in
00:32:43nigulas base
00:32:43nigulas wtf
00:32:54Lavos taht was epic
00:33:20Norrebro b
00:34:17Norrebro psuh top
00:34:19Arapiles care AA ulti from base
00:34:33Norrebro b from mid
00:34:48KredeC b
00:34:59nigulas haha
00:35:19mrk repel/heal
00:35:21mrk woulda saved
00:35:28Norrebro u dive like shit
00:36:03Lavos go
00:36:58Arapiles dumt
00:37:05BritneySpears så ikke han var sleepet i fog
00:37:06BritneySpears tt
00:37:12Arapiles hvorfor ikke bare løbe :)
00:37:22BritneySpears fatter en skid lige nu
00:38:02Norrebro go bot
00:38:42Lavos ahhaha
00:39:28nigulas why didint u guys finish top rax?
00:39:38Lavos i was top alone
00:39:48Lavos my dps is low
00:40:16Norrebro just get top raks
00:40:18Arapiles skal vi nappe ham
00:40:21Norrebro -ms
00:40:26ProButLagsK vi skal def
00:41:02ProButLagsK top
00:41:02mrk ez rax
00:41:02mrk 4 mid
00:41:02KredeC we get rax
00:41:02KredeC got ult and everything
00:41:02ProButLagsK arapiles
00:41:02Arapiles y?
00:41:02ProButLagsK arbejder du stadig som arbejdsmand? :)
00:41:02ProButLagsK ¨med det firma der? :D
00:41:02Arapiles eh
00:41:02Arapiles kender jeg dig?
00:41:02Norrebro ...
00:41:02Norrebro ..
00:41:02ProButLagsK haha
00:41:02Arapiles har vist aldrig været arbejdsmand
00:41:02Norrebro vi er alle dk'erher
00:41:02ProButLagsK nå ja men du laver al slags håndværk
00:41:02Arapiles ehm
00:41:02BritneySpears det
00:41:02BritneySpears er
00:41:02BritneySpears vist mig
00:41:02mrk sellisest seisust
00:41:02mrk saimegi üle
00:41:02BritneySpears der er/var arbejdsmand
00:41:02mrk soulyahiga
00:41:02mrk thronel olid tornid
00:41:02ProButLagsK med eget firma
00:41:02BritneySpears for hård hård på hænderne
00:41:02mrk maas ka
00:41:02nigulas :D
00:41:02mrk aga ei suutnud
00:41:02ProButLagsK mangler en tand?
00:41:02Arapiles nej det er ikke mig :)
00:41:02PeterLars haha
00:41:02Arapiles lol
00:41:02PeterLars du helt væk
00:41:02Arapiles rofl
00:41:02PeterLars du mangler vist også nogle kugler :D
00:41:02Arapiles haha
00:41:02ProButLagsK kom
00:41:02ProButLagsK top
00:41:02PeterLars vi er på vej
00:41:02PeterLars hvem skal ud
00:41:02ProButLagsK omni
00:41:02ProButLagsK haha
00:41:02PeterLars hvad
00:41:02h0whigh kill
00:41:02h0whigh him
00:41:02ProButLagsK fog on omni
00:41:02PeterLars jamen hvem skal ud af os
00:41:02PeterLars hvis ham der leaver
00:41:02ProButLagsK hmm dk ikke?
00:41:02BritneySpears skal
00:41:02BritneySpears nok
00:41:02BritneySpears smutte
00:41:02BritneySpears så kan jeg lægge en lort imens
00:41:59Norrebro win win situation
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