Game #1103090

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-9 X
-4 TS

81% | 1304 X | 1441 TS

-15 X
-4 TS

73% | 1270 X | 1367 TS

-52 X
-3 TS

53% | 1087 X | 1312 TS

+25 X
-3 TS

52% | 965 X | 1404 TS

-27 X
-6 TS

43% | 1007 X | 1273 TS

-3 X
+9 TS

71% | 1295 X | 1318 TS

+50 X
+3 TS

70% | 1177 X | 1443 TS

+46 X
+4 TS

63% | 1104 X | 1364 TS

-20 X
+2 TS

50% | 1107 X | 1319 TS

+15 X
+19 TS

47% | 1048 X | 1290 TS

Chat log

00:00:15Affliction gris !
00:00:16Balbii åhå
00:00:16Balbii gyrocoptern
00:00:16McNabb gider den i ik'
00:00:16KredeC gud ske tak og lov for vi ikke er sammen emd ZidanoZ
00:00:16ihufa who's the idiot?
00:00:16KredeC -clear
00:00:16Affliction me
00:00:16Affliction :/
00:00:16Balbii mand
00:00:16Balbii pugna
00:00:16Balbii gyro
00:00:16Balbii pudge
00:00:16ihufa fra netcafeen?
00:00:16Balbii kool poolen
00:00:16KredeC ikke pudge ihufa
00:00:16ihufa haha
00:00:16Balbii jaha
00:00:16ihufa :D
00:00:16Balbii trodde du skulle köra balanar
00:00:16Balbii menmen
00:00:16Balbii här ändrar vi oss
00:00:16ihufa i bans gyro
00:00:16McNabb hvis alle er med på et team game kan jeg godt spille tide
00:00:16Jimpai batrider
00:00:18KredeC kanon
00:00:20KredeC fp tide!
00:00:23ihufa tager den til dig så
00:00:24ihufa ok?
00:00:24KredeC plz i hufa
00:00:26McNabb tide for me
00:00:33KredeC lækkert!
00:00:37Affliction jeg er idiot :/
00:00:38KredeC mere stun!
00:00:39Balbii ska jag ta
00:00:40McNabb den er bare så kedelig:-/
00:00:40Balbii pugna
00:00:41Balbii eller pudge
00:00:44Balbii eller lion
00:00:45ihufa vi ganker med dig
00:00:48ihufa bliver nice
00:00:55McNabb du vil ha?
00:01:02ihufa gimme tiny
00:01:11McNabb lanes:_/
00:01:13McNabb -swap 1
00:01:13ihufa need jakiro and lion now
00:01:16ihufa -swap
00:01:16KredeC get lion now!
00:01:17Affliction jeg tager løvemanden
00:01:21ihufa -swap 2
00:01:24ihufa ty
00:01:26KredeC plz some1 get lion!
00:01:27ihufa twin head pls
00:01:28ihufa last guy
00:01:28Jimpai aa bot with me
00:01:29Balbii men hej deras melee team
00:01:33KredeC LION!!!
00:01:35KredeC plz
00:01:38Affliction -.-
00:01:39KredeC gj!
00:01:39ihufa twinhead
00:01:40ihufa pls
00:01:40Balbii ska festa ner dom
00:01:41ihufa idiot
00:01:41Jimpai so pick ranged, chickspot
00:01:43KredeC nu burde den være gg
00:01:44Jimpai oz
00:01:46ihufa og lane med mig
00:01:52ihufa nice
00:01:53Balbii ^^
00:01:56Balbii thats nice
00:01:56McNabb hehehehehehe
00:01:58Balbii u guys go top
00:01:58McNabb grønland
00:02:00McNabb æd den
00:02:04KredeC hmm du skal mid ihufa
00:02:10KredeC lion top
00:02:10ihufa nåh ja
00:02:13ihufa ye
00:02:24Balbii han är inte ny
00:02:26Affliction -water 0 0 0
00:02:26Balbii typ 60 matcher
00:02:27Affliction -ii
00:02:31KredeC we go lvl 3 lion
00:02:42ihufa thd bot
00:02:45McNabb gl to u guys
00:02:46KredeC so plz try to harass a bit
00:02:49McNabb u gonna need it
00:02:50ihufa thd pls mana manaboots and meka
00:02:51Balbii gl to u too
00:03:02KredeC lion?
00:03:10KredeC plz harass
00:03:29ihufa NICE
00:03:29McNabb :D
00:03:33Affliction die
00:03:43ChokE warded
00:04:26McNabb ss aa
00:04:45KredeC gj lion
00:05:25McNabb tango
00:05:46Affliction det var nab
00:05:47Affliction :/
00:05:49McNabb y
00:06:24McNabb ss
00:06:25ihufa gank mid once pls
00:06:26KredeC 12/
00:06:34McNabb omw
00:07:04Balbii oh nice
00:07:06ihufa gj
00:07:12ChokE omfg
00:07:17Balbii FAN
00:07:19KredeC damn
00:07:20Balbii ägde mid så hårt
00:07:21ihufa thd
00:07:22ihufa go bot
00:07:23Balbii jävla äcklig combobreak
00:07:23ihufa pls
00:07:24Balbii FITTA
00:07:26ihufa ty
00:07:28Affliction :/
00:07:32ihufa :)
00:07:33Balbii ss mid
00:07:34Balbii gankers
00:07:35Affliction healer dig og giver mana :/
00:07:38ihufa :D
00:07:44ihufa så det ikke før
00:08:05McNabb ss
00:08:06McNabb bot
00:08:21McNabb 1
00:09:16Balbii ss mid
00:09:23Balbii omg INVOKER
00:09:28Balbii we got no fucking chicken
00:09:37KredeC ss
00:09:38Balbii you have played 60 games
00:09:45Balbii and you dont know that you should buy chicken
00:09:49ihufa so sick
00:09:52ihufa he silences
00:09:54ihufa while stunned
00:10:00ihufa otherwise he'd just snap die
00:10:02ihufa >.<
00:10:12KredeC ss invoker
00:10:32McNabb ss
00:10:37Rotkiv -afk
00:10:40ChokE ss
00:10:44Affliction NS ! miss
00:10:53ChokE re
00:10:57KredeC gang top some1
00:11:04ihufa ill come
00:11:37KredeC ss
00:11:37ZidanOz lion mid
00:11:56ihufa stun
00:12:18ihufa don't stand next to him
00:12:22ihufa i need to toss him, not u
00:12:23ihufa :)
00:12:39KredeC help
00:12:41ihufa omw top
00:12:46ChokE same
00:12:46Balbii ss mid
00:12:48Balbii tiny lion
00:12:48McNabb ss
00:12:52ChokE I wait for rune
00:13:29ZidanOz -1
00:13:31McNabb bahh
00:13:47ihufa gj
00:13:54Rotkiv do you have any spels invkoer ?
00:13:56Affliction take wards tiny
00:14:19ZidanOz -invokelist
00:14:19KredeC pugna top
00:14:32ihufa BAM
00:14:37Affliction HAAAAAAAAAAADER ! NS !
00:14:43Balbii how come i always stomp u mid ihufa?
00:14:50ihufa did u?
00:14:53Balbii oh yes
00:14:58Balbii shame i had no misscall at start
00:15:06ihufa tp bot
00:15:07ihufa someone
00:15:12Balbii ss mid
00:15:13ChokE I tp bot asap
00:15:13Balbii SOZ
00:15:14KredeC i come in 2 sec
00:15:14Balbii LATECALL
00:15:40KredeC bala
00:16:13ihufa that's just ridiculus
00:16:26Balbii that wasnt pretty
00:16:31ChokE tp
00:16:33ChokE and go
00:16:35ChokE slard
00:16:46KredeC donta hvae
00:16:47ihufa io tp bot
00:17:17Rotkiv top ss
00:17:20ChokE tower dive :D
00:17:22ihufa get the towers
00:17:24ihufa so we can start ganking
00:17:33KredeC y
00:17:39KredeC we got so much stun and disable
00:18:06KredeC 2 inc
00:18:14KredeC care tc and påugna inc
00:18:31ihufa b
00:18:42KredeC b
00:18:45ChokE b
00:18:45ChokE b
00:18:52KredeC b omg
00:19:10ChokE gogogo
00:19:17McNabb nab
00:19:28KredeC i dont go dagger
00:19:54ihufa lion
00:19:57ihufa just come to me next time
00:19:58ihufa i toss u
00:20:02ChokE k
00:20:30KredeC klol
00:20:35ChokE lol tiny
00:22:28ChokE =
00:22:29ChokE ?
00:22:30McNabb invis ns
00:22:33Affliction NS invis
00:22:35ChokE k
00:23:05KredeC get dagger!
00:23:14ihufa ..
00:23:17ChokE ?
00:23:17ChokE wtf
00:23:22KredeC well didn't see
00:23:31KredeC i ahve no map awareness.
00:24:01ihufa dagger
00:24:02ihufa finaly
00:24:08McNabb about time
00:24:11ihufa ye
00:26:16KredeC get mid towe
00:26:18KredeC r
00:26:29KredeC guess not..
00:27:05Balbii TACKSÅMACKA
00:27:16ZidanOz -invokelist
00:27:37ihufa guys
00:27:40ihufa wtf
00:27:42ihufa wake up
00:27:44ZidanOz -invokelist
00:27:59KredeC vi er trætte captain..
00:28:02KredeC klokken er mange
00:28:05ihufa ^^
00:28:12Affliction spiser toast :/
00:28:16KredeC og jeg har aldrig noget sted at farme
00:28:31ihufa farm heroes!
00:28:56ChokE go ffs
00:29:19ihufa wtf stunned me
00:29:59Balbii hhaha
00:30:01Balbii vadå tvåtta
00:30:02KredeC fatter ikke hvordan vi ikke kan own teamfighst
00:30:10Balbii tvåtta
00:30:12ChokE tc and pugna
00:30:14ChokE are fat
00:30:16ChokE in teamfights
00:30:18Balbii haha
00:30:21Balbii köttfitta
00:30:26ihufa ye
00:30:26McNabb fokus that pugna
00:30:30ihufa yep
00:30:30Balbii BECK- Flenspajen
00:30:38ZidanOz -invokelist
00:30:40KredeC y and the ward first
00:30:43Balbii BECK INVOKEFISK
00:30:54Balbii BECK
00:30:57Balbii LUIGI
00:31:29ZidanOz -invokelist
00:32:14Balbii mkt bra stunlock
00:32:14McNabb np
00:32:47Balbii RYLEJ
00:32:53ihufa b
00:33:06Balbii vad gjorde anders med engla?
00:33:12McNabb b
00:33:18ChokE tog hennes oskuld
00:33:40Affliction de ikke rigtigt kloge de svenskere
00:33:48Balbii asså
00:33:49Affliction :D
00:33:51Balbii dagon ser ut som en penis
00:34:02ChokE 3
00:34:10Balbii duterad
00:34:11Balbii ok
00:34:11ihufa kom bot pls
00:34:46McNabb zzzzzz
00:34:49McNabb 2 sek fra ulti
00:34:51ihufa no utlI+
00:35:07Affliction as
00:35:07Affliction sda
00:35:08Affliction sadsa
00:35:08Balbii haha
00:35:09ChokE jakiro?
00:35:11ChokE wtf are u doing
00:35:13KredeC wtf
00:35:35ihufa wtf
00:35:36Jimpai gj
00:35:57Balbii b
00:36:15McNabb if its 5v5 and i got ulti we win
00:36:22Balbii BEKÅBE
00:36:27ihufa ye
00:36:30Affliction have
00:36:31Affliction wards
00:36:37Balbii wazzup
00:36:40Balbii vad krackas?
00:36:52Affliction i think they have wards to
00:36:52Affliction :/
00:37:02ihufa i have smoke
00:37:12Balbii ey
00:37:16Balbii min brorsa ska spela landskamp imorn
00:37:28Balbii web tv sänds de på
00:37:32McNabb 5 mid
00:37:33Balbii mot finland
00:37:34ZidanOz -invokelist
00:38:24Affliction twr
00:38:25Affliction and b
00:38:26ihufa pushy pushyu
00:38:42Balbii vah?
00:38:45Balbii det är väl inte konstigt
00:38:48Balbii jaha
00:38:53Balbii trodde du menade invoker saken
00:38:56Affliction !?
00:38:56Balbii men han farmarj u bara
00:38:57Balbii o dör
00:39:23KredeC b
00:39:35KredeC dont go them
00:39:51Affliction need
00:40:10McNabb b
00:40:11McNabb b
00:40:11McNabb b
00:40:44Balbii koppen är top
00:40:47Balbii o locket är hög
00:40:53Balbii din mamma
00:40:57Balbii hoppitop snopp
00:41:25Balbii eller så spelar vi
00:41:26Balbii dota
00:42:07KredeC b
00:42:23McNabb ses gl
00:42:24KredeC b
00:42:26Affliction :SD
00:42:31KredeC det var okay
00:42:35McNabb så vild hero du har der:D
00:42:37ihufa ye
00:42:48McNabb har refresher orb:D
00:42:52ihufa næste gang bot
00:42:53Affliction nanb
00:42:55ihufa pewpew
00:42:56Affliction ye
00:42:57ihufa we win
00:43:13Affliction får ike +x her i dette game
00:43:14Affliction :/
00:43:14Balbii hiroshi
00:43:19ihufa jo
00:43:23ihufa support hero med wards
00:43:25Affliction 3-11
00:43:25Balbii everybody say GRUMBE!
00:43:25Affliction :/
00:43:28ihufa tror jeg helt sikkert du gør
00:43:38KredeC yy
00:43:38McNabb mid again
00:43:40KredeC i know
00:43:42Affliction bot
00:43:46McNabb mid
00:43:47McNabb need rax
00:43:48KredeC dont go out
00:43:50Balbii najk
00:43:53KredeC care
00:43:53Balbii du ska inte gå nånstans
00:43:55KredeC and more wards
00:44:01ihufa thd
00:44:02ihufa kom
00:44:03ihufa med os
00:44:13McNabb thd er ellers nice solo
00:44:23ihufa u idiot
00:44:23Balbii kom o ta
00:44:24ihufa come
00:44:25Balbii najki
00:44:25ihufa ^^
00:44:29Affliction D:
00:44:30ChokE all go mid
00:44:30ihufa gogo
00:44:36ihufa sammen bot
00:44:40ihufa slardar tanker
00:44:42ihufa og dør
00:44:44ihufa pls
00:44:46KredeC kom
00:44:47ihufa :D
00:44:48Balbii fucka ur dom
00:44:49Balbii i woods
00:45:18Balbii the fuck!?
00:45:24Balbii they obviously
00:45:26Balbii got it warded
00:45:38Balbii 20
00:45:51ChokE urn me
00:46:39ihufa gg
00:46:39KredeC gj
00:47:03KredeC rax
00:47:09ihufa guys
00:47:11ihufa cmon
00:47:41KredeC can't we just get rax?
00:47:42Balbii I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:48:05KredeC hvordan kunne vi ikke få rax der`?
00:48:10Balbii flyger med kyckling
00:48:11McNabb ved ik
00:48:11ihufa chaser til fountain
00:48:11Balbii åt dig
00:48:12Affliction vi hunter :D
00:48:14McNabb brugte 2 ultis
00:48:28KredeC font get why u chase pugna?
00:48:35Balbii du köpte demon edge
00:48:37Balbii -.-
00:48:38KredeC dont*
00:48:40Balbii ^^
00:48:59KredeC well we just all go bot again
00:49:02ihufa ye
00:49:04Balbii BONANZA
00:49:05ZidanOz -invokelist
00:49:11Balbii bonanza.
00:49:14KredeC first
00:49:15KredeC come
00:49:22Balbii en blandning mellan tanaz
00:49:23Balbii o salt
00:49:29najk ROSH
00:49:31KredeC gush him
00:49:38ihufa gush that bad boy
00:49:43Balbii a
00:50:25McNabb bahh
00:50:26Affliction blink ?!
00:50:36KredeC bunden
00:51:34Balbii fan va tråkigt
00:51:40KredeC skrid
00:51:40ihufa nomnomnom
00:51:57Affliction se mor uden hænder !
00:52:07Affliction ?_Ó
00:52:08ChokE can we finish plz
00:52:10Balbii svensk mor
00:52:11McNabb kan vi ik bare ende spil?
00:52:11Balbii ?
00:52:15McNabb all mid? throne?
00:52:17ihufa y pls
00:52:18Balbii svensk more utan alexander?
00:52:20Jimpai invoker
00:52:23McNabb fuck bot
00:52:24KredeC jeg healer så goer vi
00:52:24Jimpai what are u doing?
00:52:29KredeC i heal then we go
00:52:31Balbii he's playing his game
00:52:38Balbii the game of the moonstar!
00:52:51ihufa -ms
00:52:52Balbii My name is travis
00:52:55Balbii I am the Moonstar!
00:53:00McNabb :D
00:53:04KredeC all bot
00:53:04Affliction :D
00:53:09KredeC come bot
00:53:10KredeC akll
00:53:13Balbii ja
00:53:15Affliction ahahahahahaha
00:53:16Balbii trodde dom var fler
00:53:19ihufa k
00:53:19Balbii så kubbad
00:53:19ihufa go
00:53:22Affliction HUGE IDIOTS !
00:53:29Balbii kubbaD
00:53:31McNabb HEHEHEHEH
00:53:47Balbii kartoffel
00:53:52najk potatis
00:54:01ZidanOz batataa
00:54:02Balbii potat is
00:54:04Balbii jävligt bra is
00:54:06Affliction loca
00:55:07Balbii Gg wp
00:55:11KredeC gg
00:55:15Balbii slut för ikv?
00:55:16najk gg
00:55:18KredeC we got better picks imo..
00:55:18ihufa begge hold failede ret meget
00:55:20ihufa :D
00:55:22Affliction igen bibs =
00:55:25najk y i guess
00:55:28najk wp
00:55:30Balbii my name is travis
00:55:33Balbii I AM THE MOONSTAR
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