Game #4817484

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-59 X
-1 TS

97% | 1878 X | 1492 TS

-49 X
-1 TS

96% | 1761 X | 1513 TS

-21 X
-2 TS

57% | 1163 X | 1407 TS

-12 X
-2 TS

54% | 1224 X | 1346 TS

-26 X
-3 TS

49% | 1208 X | 1327 TS

+39 X
+2 TS

99% | 1850 X | 1551 TS

+35 X
+2 TS

79% | 1448 X | 1412 TS

+13 X
+1 TS

70% | 1326 X | 1467 TS

+27 X
+6 TS

62% | 1436 X | 1289 TS

+57 X
+24 TS

44% | 1250 X | 1292 TS

Chat log

00:00:00Tough [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... kinash with 78 seconds.
00:00:08sn0t.rocker ME VENGE
00:00:08fUNCh teadsin, et poleks pidanud addima
00:00:10sn0t.rocker please
00:00:13Vangelis sest
00:00:13Kace_J me sven pls
00:00:17Vangelis sa feedid liiga palju
00:00:18Vangelis ?
00:00:18Tough so yew
00:00:20fUNCh ei
00:00:22fUNCh ret team jälle
00:00:22yeW- ME VENGE
00:00:22yeW- PLS
00:00:22Tough heere we go
00:00:22Tough fucker
00:00:22Tough :D
00:00:22yeW- hi tough
00:00:22yeW- xD
00:00:22WANKmaster :d
00:00:22yeW- hey vangelis
00:00:22Tough was da los bei dir
00:00:22Vangelis o/
00:00:22yeW- it's been a while
00:00:22Tough 98% bitch!
00:00:22yeW- -clear
00:00:22Vangelis it has
00:00:22yeW- missed me much?
00:00:22Tough y
00:00:22Tough <3
00:00:22Vangelis <>
00:00:22yeW- i play le v
00:00:22yeW- bs
00:00:22Tough nah
00:00:22yeW- imo ban sf
00:00:22fUNCh o/ nazi
00:00:22Tough i play him :D
00:00:22Vangelis i miss svents more
00:00:22yeW- fu lemme play him
00:00:22yeW- i'm better with him
00:00:22Tough fucker no
00:00:22yeW- xD
00:00:22Tough und jetzt?
00:00:22Tough :;D
00:00:22yeW- ban sf n go
00:00:22Tough sf
00:00:22WANKmaster bs
00:00:22Tough haha
00:00:22yeW- xD
00:00:22Tough :D
00:00:22yeW- get krobe
00:00:23yeW- i go rhasta
00:00:23Tough i go weaver :D
00:00:24yeW- imo
00:00:30yeW- k
00:00:31yeW- whatever
00:00:31sn0t.rocker pick mir venge bitte
00:00:39yeW- n1
00:00:39Vangelis lycan???
00:00:41Tough die werden den schion nicht picken :D
00:00:42yeW- close to tuskaring there
00:00:43yeW- -clear
00:00:44WANKmaster pask
00:00:44Vangelis or is it nerfed?
00:00:46WANKmaster uus lyca
00:00:51Impressed im going for sven
00:00:58sn0t.rocker weaver hätt auch keiner genommen haha
00:00:59yeW- picj him
00:00:59yeW- venge
00:01:03sn0t.rocker y
00:01:04Tough wank would :D
00:01:06fUNCh normal
00:01:07Vangelis hmm
00:01:07fUNCh sain randomi
00:01:07sn0t.rocker bragh get me venge
00:01:10Vangelis teeme tuskar kotl
00:01:12fUNCh pole kunagi mänginud seda
00:01:15sn0t.rocker WTF
00:01:15bragh FFFUUCUCKCCKK
00:01:15WANKmaster stein
00:01:15yeW- fail
00:01:15Tough GJ
00:01:15yeW- FAIIIL
00:01:15Tough GJ
00:01:15yeW- FAIIIOL
00:01:15Tough GJ
00:01:16yeW- LE EPIC FAIL
00:01:21yeW- -clear
00:01:23sn0t.rocker yew spielst du venge?
00:01:25yeW- has left the game;
00:01:32sn0t.rocker passt thx
00:01:36sn0t.rocker was für dich?
00:01:36yeW- gib mir
00:01:37yeW- errrr
00:01:40Kace_J what i pick
00:01:41yeW- rhasta
00:01:44fUNCh how this skill works ?
00:01:46yeW- pick krobe
00:01:49fUNCh fixed range ?
00:01:49yeW- KROBE
00:01:53yeW- gj
00:01:55sn0t.rocker -swap
00:01:56yeW- -swao 4
00:01:56Vangelis kui saab pihta ,siis teeb jaa ette
00:01:59yeW- -swa
00:01:59sn0t.rocker -swap 2
00:02:01yeW- -swap 4
00:02:05yeW- lol
00:02:06yeW- no
00:02:07sn0t.rocker u play terror bragh?
00:02:07yeW- i want rhasta
00:02:09yeW- -swap 5
00:02:14Kace_J -swap 2
00:02:16fUNCh sven go bot
00:02:17yeW- zomgz
00:02:18yeW- :D
00:02:24yeW- bragh bot with me
00:02:26Vangelis enig
00:02:26WANKmaster sven eza bot
00:02:28Vangelis you want to foresT?
00:02:32kinash no
00:02:32yeW- krobe top
00:02:33yeW- pls
00:02:33Tough yew decide lanes
00:02:39Vangelis i stay top then
00:02:46WANKmaster enigma
00:02:47WANKmaster woods
00:02:48WANKmaster eza
00:02:48yeW- can i get 30s pls
00:02:49WANKmaster bot
00:02:49yeW- ty
00:02:49Tough np
00:02:49Vangelis enig
00:02:49Vangelis you go forest then
00:02:49Tough yew need to fap
00:02:49Tough wank
00:02:49fUNCh 1'st and 2'nd ?
00:02:49Tough never seen that before :D
00:02:49fUNCh skill
00:02:49fUNCh ?
00:02:49Tough 2 games in a row
00:02:49Tough lost
00:02:49Tough vs me :D
00:02:49Vangelis y
00:02:49fUNCh 3rd too
00:02:49WANKmaster well lastgame
00:02:49WANKmaster was herowin
00:02:49WANKmaster much
00:02:49Kace_J why
00:02:49Tough yy
00:02:49WANKmaster + i didnt carry
00:02:49Tough nothing left to say
00:02:49Kace_J why is pause
00:02:49Vangelis enig
00:02:49WANKmaster im tired to carry
00:02:49Vangelis you go forest
00:02:49yeW- rdy
00:02:49yeW- re 32
00:02:50WANKmaster id like to play something else
00:02:54WANKmaster but i cant
00:02:55Tough nah
00:02:56Tough :D
00:02:57yeW- same here mate
00:02:58WANKmaster i lose everygame then
00:02:59yeW- :DDD
00:03:04Vangelis enig cant go forest :D
00:03:06Vangelis picked stun lvl 1
00:03:18fUNCh he will go on lvl2 then
00:03:26yeW- gimme tangos
00:03:27yeW- pls
00:03:29yeW- i double pull
00:03:55Vangelis stun omg
00:04:42Kace_J .D
00:05:15Tough HAHAHA
00:05:18WANKmaster rly
00:05:19WANKmaster :d
00:05:37Vangelis lvl 3 igve you mana
00:05:40Impressed ty
00:05:41bragh refl not aoe anymnore
00:05:42bragh asd?
00:05:47sn0t.rocker KROBE
00:05:48sn0t.rocker wtf
00:07:12Impressed mana plz
00:07:14Impressed ty
00:07:19WANKmaster ss
00:07:19Vangelis need 1 creep
00:07:19WANKmaster mid
00:07:21Vangelis for lvl 2
00:07:24yeW- sven
00:07:27Kace_J wood
00:07:38yeW- too fassst
00:07:47Vangelis keep it
00:07:49Impressed ty
00:07:49Tough gang mid
00:07:50Tough with dust :D
00:07:52yeW- venge go mid
00:07:53yeW- gang
00:08:28sn0t.rocker go him now
00:09:11fUNCh take
00:09:12fUNCh and cum top
00:09:16sn0t.rocker care mid
00:09:33yeW- -ma
00:09:47sn0t.rocker nice
00:09:49sn0t.rocker invi
00:09:50sn0t.rocker shit
00:10:10Tough still no gang mid
00:10:17sn0t.rocker omw
00:10:20Tough dust
00:10:45yeW- omw mid
00:10:47yeW- lets get tower
00:10:53sn0t.rocker go
00:10:54Vangelis you need hp
00:11:28WANKmaster come
00:11:29WANKmaster mid
00:11:30WANKmaster def
00:11:47Kace_J delay omg
00:11:51yeW- blah this tower
00:11:51Kace_J suck
00:12:15fUNCh ffs
00:12:30fUNCh ulti mingi ret
00:12:33fUNCh vend peab ninaees olema
00:12:37fUNCh aga isegi mingi delayga töötab
00:12:54yeW- gang mid
00:12:55yeW- go
00:12:57sn0t.rocker ULT
00:12:59sn0t.rocker krobe
00:13:25fUNCh freetowers again
00:13:26fUNCh gg team
00:13:27sn0t.rocker ULT BEFORE
00:13:28sn0t.rocker U TARD
00:13:31sn0t.rocker to get twr
00:13:44WANKmaster vangelis afkib
00:13:44Kace_J bara
00:13:45WANKmaster ei tea
00:13:47Kace_J dont write me
00:13:47bragh talke
00:13:47sn0t.rocker rhasta
00:13:48bragh take
00:13:48sn0t.rocker w8 me
00:13:49fUNCh -afk
00:13:52sn0t.rocker get me mana
00:13:54sn0t.rocker plz
00:14:01yeW- ye if i do that
00:14:03yeW- i got no morei nvis
00:14:32yeW- lol...
00:14:35sn0t.rocker gj
00:14:36yeW- retardness
00:14:37sn0t.rocker no mana
00:14:38yeW- at its finest
00:14:39sn0t.rocker no stun
00:14:51Kace_J terror your u ...
00:14:54yeW- funch farming
00:14:54yeW- lal
00:14:56yeW- mid failing
00:15:16yeW- i shudve been mid
00:15:23Tough y
00:15:26Tough last time i went mid
00:15:30Tough when you in my team
00:16:32yeW- this krovbe
00:16:34yeW- fdfdfdf.D..
00:16:38sn0t.rocker sux
00:16:39sn0t.rocker ye
00:16:49Kace_J what i can do ?
00:16:52fUNCh mis moodi seda ultit peaks panema
00:16:52yeW- back?
00:16:53sn0t.rocker NOT
00:16:53fUNCh et töötaks
00:16:54sn0t.rocker suck
00:16:58Vangelis lihtsalt
00:17:00fUNCh enne balli vajutad ära ?
00:17:01Vangelis next hit
00:17:04sn0t.rocker fas
00:17:31yeW- -ma
00:17:45yeW- ulti
00:17:46sn0t.rocker care
00:17:52sn0t.rocker WTZF
00:18:12sn0t.rocker clinkz nice farm
00:18:27yeW- well
00:18:30fUNCh imba hero
00:18:31yeW- wank > tough
00:18:33Tough :D
00:18:33yeW- dunno why he went mid
00:18:38fUNCh got 1000+ games
00:18:44fUNCh in new gc
00:18:46fUNCh but never played it
00:18:47fUNCh -.-
00:18:47yeW- guess being blue gave him more balls
00:18:48yeW- than he has
00:18:55Tough as always
00:19:15Kace_J lll
00:19:25WANKmaster gj
00:20:10sn0t.rocker get dust all?
00:21:26fUNCh 4top
00:22:02Impressed 5
00:22:02fUNCh -afk
00:22:17fUNCh booted kohe
00:22:23Impressed -afk
00:22:26Vangelis nope
00:22:38yeW- lmao
00:22:39yeW- bob
00:23:20sn0t.rocker well
00:23:24sn0t.rocker 1:3
00:23:27sn0t.rocker 1:5
00:23:30sn0t.rocker 2:6
00:23:32sn0t.rocker tells all
00:24:00sn0t.rocker blue 0 farm
00:24:05Impressed -cs
00:24:08yeW- i'll go afk
00:24:12yeW- and hope tough oppo team next
00:24:16Tough :D
00:24:23Tough why that hate :(
00:24:23fUNCh mana
00:24:30sn0t.rocker cuz u suck mby?
00:24:56sn0t.rocker ff#
00:25:16Tough KILL
00:25:47yeW- ff at 25
00:25:48yeW- pls
00:25:51yeW- dont force me to plug
00:25:51sn0t.rocker y
00:26:19sn0t.rocker bragh one of the worst players in gc
00:26:25Kace_J :D
00:26:27Vangelis enig come
00:26:38sn0t.rocker as bad as u kace
00:26:38yeW- kace_j
00:26:42yeW- quite the cancerous lad
00:26:44yeW- as well
00:27:04Impressed reg
00:27:40sn0t.rocker ff
00:27:42sn0t.rocker ff
00:28:14sn0t.rocker I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:17bragh I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:21sn0t.rocker ff it guys
00:28:22Kace_J play pleaase
00:28:30sn0t.rocker 0 cance
00:28:31sn0t.rocker so ff
00:28:32Tough okay
00:28:34Kace_J 1%
00:28:35yeW- all ff
00:28:35yeW- I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:37yeW- FF THIS GAME
00:28:37yeW- I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:38yeW- I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:38sn0t.rocker I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:39yeW- FFF
00:28:39yeW- FFF
00:28:40yeW- I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:46yeW- tough
00:28:46yeW- alter
00:28:47sn0t.rocker ff blue plz
00:28:48yeW- ff it
00:28:52yeW- sei kein huso
00:28:53yeW- ej
00:28:56sn0t.rocker ff blau
00:29:00Tough aber orange will doch noch spielen :(
00:29:04yeW- kace
00:29:05yeW- ff this
00:29:14sn0t.rocker der isn trottl
00:29:15sn0t.rocker xD
00:29:17sn0t.rocker also ff bitte
00:29:26Tough ja macht ja keine nunterschie
00:29:38sn0t.rocker er fft dann eh
00:29:41sn0t.rocker wirst sehn
00:29:43Tough I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:45Kace_J I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:47Tough :D
00:29:47sn0t.rocker see
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