Game #433019

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+15 X
+43 TS

NEW | 1085 X | 1067 TS

+4 X
+32 TS

NEW | 1030 X | 1062 TS

+64 X
+11 TS

34% | 996 X | 1100 TS

+18 X
+39 TS

NEW | 995 X | 1078 TS

+53 X
+48 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

-44 X
-9 TS

60% | 1048 X | 1279 TS

-41 X
-7 TS

30% | 975 X | 1190 TS

-27 X
-4 TS

32% | 891 X | 1217 TS

-16 X
-4 TS

21% | 911 X | 1091 TS

-16 X
-6 TS

14% | 777 X | 1128 TS

Chat log

00:00:03Vampi ff
00:00:08Knaitti -swap
00:00:09Tundmatu suht hea
00:00:10Knaitti -swap 2
00:00:13spede oo vaiti
00:00:22DrouGluiN what wasit
00:00:23Knaitti swap slar
00:00:23DrouGluiN ar?
00:00:27Tundmatu gert kule :D
00:00:32DrouGluiN sw
00:00:33Tundmatu -swap 4
00:00:33DrouGluiN ?
00:00:33Gevomancer cmo
00:00:35svents knaitti swap?
00:00:35Knaitti -clear
00:00:41Tundmatu mängisin maidenit just, sain +60x :D
00:00:41Clip -swap
00:00:42svents -swapall
00:00:42Timu well
00:00:43Timu im mid
00:00:44Tundmatu carry maiden
00:00:45Clip -swap 2
00:00:45DrouGluiN -swap
00:00:47Knaitti -clear
00:00:48DrouGluiN -swap 5
00:00:49hext -swap
00:00:54hext -swapall
00:00:57Timu gert aanus ka valutab, et robot unicorn attackis üle said?
00:00:59Clip -swap 4
00:01:05Tundmatu -ii
00:01:07Tundmatu -water red
00:01:11Gevomancer not really
00:01:14Vampi lanes?
00:01:17Tundmatu don't want treant
00:01:17Timu lies
00:01:24Timu dusa down
00:01:26Timu treant down
00:01:29Gevomancer -water 0 0 0
00:01:31Knaitti we have 2 stun here
00:01:35Knaitti gonna fblod
00:01:35Clip go down
00:01:41DrouGluiN new
00:01:43DrouGluiN naw
00:01:50DrouGluiN u cant soo..
00:01:51Knaitti 2lvl fblood gyr=
00:01:52DrouGluiN solo*
00:01:54Knaitti gyro?
00:01:54Clip soo?
00:01:55Tundmatu 1
00:01:58Clip i meant thrall here ofc
00:02:02Clip dumbfuck
00:02:03Tundmatu ss top
00:02:04Tundmatu care
00:02:07Tundmatu void
00:02:24Tundmatu b
00:02:27Tundmatu that void is tank
00:02:35Knaitti :E
00:02:43DrouGluiN wait
00:03:00Knaitti why not 2lvl fblood :<
00:03:02Knaitti imba nuke u have
00:03:21Tundmatu dno
00:03:49Tundmatu nice lotobash nigger
00:03:55Clip fuck u noob :D
00:03:56Tundmatu fucking 5% chance, and first hit bash
00:03:59Clip skill bash own noobs
00:04:02DrouGluiN QQ
00:04:18Tundmatu i skillbashed your sister yesterday
00:04:19DrouGluiN oom
00:04:22Clip :dd
00:04:25Tundmatu she didn't complain
00:04:35Clip even she can get lucky xD
00:04:48DrouGluiN ,,
00:04:49DrouGluiN kk
00:04:52Tundmatu gj
00:04:55DrouGluiN didnt think they try me..
00:04:55Knaitti U2
00:05:00Knaitti now we gang them all the time
00:05:55Gevomancer miss
00:06:19Gevomancer weaver
00:06:21Gevomancer re
00:06:32Timu ss mid
00:06:37Gevomancer -ma
00:06:53Timu re
00:06:57Tundmatu fast ck is fast
00:07:24Timu up chick
00:07:40Vampi ss 2
00:08:14svents spam snake
00:08:15Tundmatu miss click
00:08:19hext miss 2
00:08:19Timu fuuu
00:08:20svents u know how it works?
00:08:21Timu :D
00:08:30Tundmatu damn
00:08:32Tundmatu gonna run home
00:08:34Tundmatu and tele back
00:08:41Knaitti 3 up
00:08:44Tundmatu na was top
00:09:12Tundmatu you stun first
00:09:20Timu ss
00:09:40hext miss 2
00:09:44Gevomancer ai valus on
00:10:00Timu ss mid
00:10:50DrouGluiN ss
00:11:30Tundmatu nuu, pidu käib v? :D
00:11:39Gevomancer see oli napikas
00:11:41Timu kofferlastega oli lahe?
00:11:54Gevomancer ikka
00:11:55Tundmatu don't let void farm please
00:11:56Tundmatu bot
00:12:06Gevomancer mid
00:12:07spede nuke weav
00:12:15Tundmatu roof have ulti?
00:12:21svents y
00:12:32Tundmatu b rdy
00:12:45svents gone
00:13:32Tundmatu what vision?
00:13:33Timu ss
00:13:36Tundmatu how did you see me there?
00:13:37hext noob what
00:13:37svents omfg
00:13:43Tundmatu run
00:13:48hext go read some mechanics
00:13:48DrouGluiN traaa
00:13:52hext instead of crying
00:13:58Tundmatu invi him
00:13:59Tundmatu ah
00:14:06DrouGluiN ofc I just have to trap
00:14:08DrouGluiN myself
00:15:11Gevomancer sup
00:15:27Timu snake
00:15:37Timu and hold defense on
00:15:39Tundmatu 40 hp
00:16:00Tundmatu care
00:16:19Tundmatu dont stand near tower
00:16:21Tundmatu they see you
00:16:24svents i know
00:16:33Tundmatu got ulti?
00:17:39DrouGluiN ffffuuu
00:17:52DrouGluiN lol
00:17:53DrouGluiN :D:D
00:17:57Tundmatu WAND
00:17:58Tundmatu ffs
00:18:01DrouGluiN that was funny
00:18:02Tundmatu use wand
00:18:05svents mul oli cd
00:18:06Tundmatu and run for trees for invi
00:18:10svents kui sai tea
00:18:18Tundmatu no sul pole share, ma ei näe
00:18:25svents no siis ära lõuga
00:18:49Tundmatu ja svents, liiguta ennast kiiremini
00:18:58Tundmatu 2 korda oleks võinud torni all ära tappa krobe
00:19:01svents sa hoia suu koomal eks?
00:19:01Tundmatu sa mingi munesid seal
00:19:05Tundmatu ja ma raiskasin kõik mana ära
00:19:11hext mmy
00:19:22DrouGluiN oh fuck you
00:20:31Tundmatu knaitti kuidas farm on?
00:20:34Knaitti english
00:20:40Timu -ii
00:20:41Tundmatu how's the farm
00:20:42Knaitti or finnish
00:20:44Knaitti good i think
00:20:50Tundmatu think you can overfarm void?
00:20:54Knaitti dunno
00:20:58Timu fuuu
00:21:14Tundmatu come gank
00:21:19Knaitti what to buy?
00:21:23Knaitti bkb sata/deso?
00:22:18svents omfg
00:22:20svents silence
00:22:22Gevomancer ff või ja
00:22:25Tundmatu ei
00:22:26Timu irw
00:22:28Knaitti dont go stupid gangs
00:22:33svents ff my aff
00:22:33Tundmatu lotobattle ei tähenda veel võitu you know
00:22:38svents ass
00:22:39Tundmatu wasn't stupid
00:22:55svents dusa spam snake
00:22:58Tundmatu well, we have roof and his ulti is badass
00:23:02Gevomancer fuck you
00:23:02Tundmatu so we should be fine
00:23:09Clip also flaming is not allowed
00:23:09DrouGluiN b
00:23:11Clip :DD
00:23:54Tundmatu haha this bash
00:23:57Tundmatu gg
00:24:01Timu ffs slardar
00:24:11Timu gg slar
00:24:15Timu if u had stunned void
00:24:19Timu it would have been gg
00:24:21Knaitti weaver use ulti?
00:24:23Tundmatu ah ära loto nüüd nab :D
00:24:28Timu i couldnt
00:24:29spede loto loto
00:24:29Tundmatu mingi said otsaga pihta talle
00:24:30Timu was insta dead
00:24:30spede nigger
00:24:30Clip haha noobs :D
00:24:30Knaitti ...
00:24:31hext go play lotto idiot
00:25:20Tundmatu cmon
00:25:20Timu next time dont chase some random krobe
00:25:22Tundmatu let's kill them
00:25:25Tundmatu try getting thrall
00:25:29Tundmatu his silence is gay
00:25:49Knaitti b
00:25:50Tundmatu kill him
00:26:16Tundmatu un fucking real
00:26:33Tundmatu why didn't you initiate sooner, only krobe and thrall
00:26:37Gevomancer no tere tere
00:26:47Tundmatu mul tiim on slow in the head, mis teha :/
00:26:55Clip sa oot
00:26:56Gevomancer true
00:27:04Tundmatu sest miks easykille tappa, kui saab lihtsalt surra
00:27:04spede ma ei viitsi
00:27:24Clip sa on pede
00:27:39Tundmatu cool estonian, bro
00:27:44Clip BEST
00:27:45Clip :DD
00:28:08Gevomancer shopping
00:28:32Timu na has gem
00:28:37Tundmatu ah
00:28:59Gevomancer coming
00:29:13Knaitti B
00:29:23Gevomancer go
00:29:29Tundmatu they have gem
00:29:47spede won't go in with u
00:29:49spede noobs
00:30:18Timu b
00:30:37Tundmatu INITIATE
00:30:39DrouGluiN wak
00:30:39Tundmatu no fucking gem yet
00:30:40Tundmatu ffs
00:30:41DrouGluiN qw
00:30:44DrouGluiN wait na*
00:30:49hext no
00:31:06Gevomancer fuck you noobs
00:31:15Gevomancer void insta ulti and gg
00:31:35Gevomancer noh, minu tapmisest pole kasu kui ikka õuna saate
00:31:38svents gg
00:31:39Knaitti ur too lucky void :<
00:31:41Tundmatu no türa, ma räägin
00:31:44svents see nii m6ttetu m2ng
00:31:44Clip "luck luck"
00:31:48Tundmatu ei saa ju midagfi teha kui inimesed ei taju
00:31:50Timu täiesti putsis
00:31:52spede ma ei viitsi räägi
00:31:53svents nahuj te voteda seda ar mode
00:31:54Knaitti well bash on last hit u get
00:31:55Tundmatu well, this was retarded
00:32:00Knaitti and i was last meter on ur ulti
00:32:02Timu nii paber et lõika või võinoaga
00:32:02Clip YES U ARE RETARDS
00:32:09Clip yes i can position my ulti :DD
00:32:11Tundmatu we could've owned you in forrest 4v5 but no, noone want's to initiate while you don't have gem
00:32:25Clip u initiate then :DD
00:32:26DrouGluiN careee
00:32:26Clip :DD
00:32:27Gevomancer push mid
00:32:28spede nice theorycraft bro
00:32:47Tundmatu yep it was total theorycraft atm
00:32:52Clip :DD
00:32:55Tundmatu while you were running around bot rune
00:32:59Clip u must hear this alot
00:33:01Clip but u suck guys
00:33:03Gevomancer PUSH
00:33:33DrouGluiN rather not
00:33:34DrouGluiN meepoo
00:33:39Gevomancer i have ulti
00:33:41Gevomancer nopobs
00:33:43hext me2
00:33:44Clip :DD
00:33:46DrouGluiN we need mana etc ect
00:33:47Clip like i care fag
00:33:47spede no push
00:33:52spede need mana and more kills etc
00:34:01Gevomancer LOL
00:35:02svents I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:35:09svents ffige ära
00:35:14Clip :DDD
00:35:15svents mai viitsi seda mängida enam
00:35:19Clip u sucked some horsecock
00:35:29Tundmatu cool story
00:35:41svents slardar imba
00:35:47spede check out my blink
00:35:49spede Faggots
00:35:55Tundmatu must be imba
00:36:09Gevomancer tp
00:36:31Gevomancer -ms
00:37:01spede push when i have second blink
00:37:05hext ok
00:37:11Clip ok cool
00:37:12hext i do bf
00:37:13hext ok
00:37:17Clip ok
00:37:18hext ??
00:37:19hext k
00:37:35spede then dual deso
00:37:39Clip got my blink now
00:37:42Clip ok
00:38:13Clip OK
00:38:30Gevomancer top
00:38:31hext need bf
00:38:36Gevomancer not relly
00:38:42DrouGluiN tt
00:38:48Tundmatu nice creepfarm
00:39:05spede nice wave krobe
00:39:51Clip hehe
00:39:56Clip u guys must be the worst here :D
00:39:56Gevomancer veel?
00:39:58spede b
00:39:59Tundmatu void
00:40:03Clip ?
00:40:06svents why the fck u vote that ar mode
00:40:10svents that sucks
00:40:10Clip OWNED
00:40:11Timu ime mu võlli vitupea clipp
00:40:14Clip no u fag
00:40:42spede ma ei viitsi ime sun volli
00:40:54Clip oops sorry alchat
00:40:55hext suck my volli i have BF
00:41:19Vampi I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:41:36Clip U GUYS RLY SUCK ANUS :d
00:41:44Clip just bash
00:41:45svents finish it pls
00:41:46hext na nice build
00:41:54Clip Y
00:42:00Clip gg guises
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