Game #4238276

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-55 X
+0 TS

82% | 1564 X | 1371 TS

-33 X
-1 TS

81% | 1502 X | 1417 TS

-44 X
-1 TS

81% | 1532 X | 1380 TS

-56 X
-1 TS

74% | 1408 X | 1401 TS

-21 X
+0 TS

42% | 1112 X | 1336 TS

+60 X
+0 TS

92% | 1611 X | 1528 TS

+27 X
+1 TS

91% | 1660 X | 1460 TS

+48 X
+2 TS

86% | 1609 X | 1425 TS

+42 X
+1 TS

59% | 1274 X | 1355 TS

+39 X
+6 TS

38% | 1074 X | 1293 TS

Chat log

00:00:18mxL- moi juha
00:00:18slc2 give me qop mid
00:00:18mxL- k
00:00:18coolass moi ämäxäl
00:00:18coolass oon oottanu tätä hetkee
00:00:18PeterLars CK
00:00:18Affliction i can ck
00:00:18mxL- ?
00:00:18slc2 ban am?
00:00:18coolass et sä oot first pick ja mä last pick
00:00:18mxL- ok
00:00:18coolass eiku toka näemmä
00:00:18slc2 he gonna play it
00:00:18mxL- Antimage
00:00:18coolass en näe sankareit :(
00:00:18Affliction ogre he take
00:00:24slc2 ja nu gør han
00:00:30PeterLars jamie hvorfor tage du ikke vores lejlighed
00:00:36slc2 hvad koster den
00:00:40PeterLars 6600
00:00:45coolass mil pelais...
00:00:51mxL- emt
00:00:55coolass omg
00:00:57coolass ei vittu
00:00:58mxL- xd
00:00:58slc2 glem det min mors koster mindre og er dobbel så stor
00:00:58coolass otin nopee vaa
00:00:59coolass t
00:01:04coolass en huomannu
00:01:05PeterLars ja det lejebo
00:01:06coolass et ck banned
00:01:07coolass ff
00:01:08coolass anyone
00:01:10diesel let me mid
00:01:11coolass wants this?
00:01:11diesel ...
00:01:12coolass please?
00:01:13coolass :D
00:01:13PeterLars du skal mindst vente i 100 år
00:01:16slc2 i can do it
00:01:18Rasmus.Seebach k
00:01:20slc2 what u want
00:01:20coolass ok
00:01:25coolass pick me tc
00:01:26slc2 what u want
00:01:29coolass -swap 4
00:01:30slc2 -swap 1
00:01:33PeterLars then go mid
00:01:34slc2 -swap 2
00:01:37slc2 -clear
00:01:47coolass btw
00:01:49coolass i miskliked
00:01:51coolass that shitty aura
00:01:52coolass when i was
00:01:53coolass typing
00:01:57mxL- xd
00:01:58PeterLars grønland?
00:01:58slc2 ok
00:01:59mxL- juhaaaaa
00:02:00slc2 ty
00:02:01coolass ff?
00:02:11mxL- eiku taistellaan viimeseen saakka
00:02:13PeterLars afflic?
00:02:15coolass tietty
00:02:18Affliction yes ?
00:02:23coolass hienot sankarit noilla
00:02:31PeterLars kender du ikke nogen der vil have lejlighed på bagsværd
00:02:32mxL- on
00:02:38slc2 grønland vil gerne
00:02:40diesel imma make hood 1. item
00:02:43Affliction Hmm måske
00:02:44PeterLars han bor der nu
00:02:45slc2 spørgd abdul
00:02:47PeterLars hvem :D
00:02:49Affliction -water 0 0 0
00:02:49Affliction -ii
00:02:50mxL- en sit osaa pelaa gopil
00:02:51Affliction -hhn
00:02:54slc2 spørg abdul
00:02:55Affliction -don
00:03:01coolass ei tarvii
00:03:01PeterLars han har ikke råd til deposituim
00:03:07PeterLars fb mid?
00:03:13Affliction invis
00:03:15Affliction ogre
00:03:34PeterLars he know it
00:03:36PeterLars that cunt
00:03:46PeterLars care
00:04:54PeterLars hvem kender du grønland
00:05:58PeterLars s
00:05:58PeterLars s
00:05:59PeterLars cm
00:06:00PeterLars care
00:06:14coolass kiitos
00:06:21mxL- ole hyvä
00:06:23mxL- ja munasin
00:06:25Affliction lo2
00:06:25Affliction :&/
00:07:05coolass pistä yks ss
00:07:06coolass toho
00:07:08coolass hevosee
00:07:08Affliction rune bot
00:07:09coolass koh
00:07:16diesel care
00:07:17diesel mid misisn
00:07:19slc2 ty
00:07:20mxL- '
00:07:22mxL- asia selvä
00:07:26coolass pehmitetään
00:08:22Rasmus.Seebach rulay stay lane plz
00:08:31mxL- xd
00:08:32Rasmus.Seebach stop abandon
00:08:36coolass lkänny soi
00:08:38PeterLars ss cm
00:08:49mxL- vastaa ihan rauhas
00:08:50Rasmus.Seebach ok rylai???
00:08:55Affliction kk
00:09:27diesel mid missing
00:10:18PeterLars go
00:10:42coolass huhhhu
00:10:43coolass nörttityyli
00:10:45gangstar1990 thx
00:11:26diesel lich mid
00:11:34mxL- JOO xd
00:11:38coolass hhhuh
00:11:39coolass :D
00:11:53mxL- sori olikin caps lockilla eikä shiftillä
00:11:59slc2 say misses
00:12:01PeterLars noob sf :D
00:12:04coolass not here
00:12:10slc2 der bliver aldrig sagt ss
00:12:10PeterLars go
00:12:35Johnny_Cage b
00:12:37Rasmus.Seebach game gone
00:12:45PeterLars heal me cunt
00:12:45PeterLars omg
00:12:56Johnny_Cage 38 bot
00:12:59PeterLars fu
00:12:59diesel coming
00:13:03Joda whore
00:13:05Joda stfu
00:14:05slc2 go 5 get some tower?
00:14:49mxL- b
00:15:26coolass -ts
00:15:29coolass -st
00:16:44mxL- deny
00:18:18slc2 'tower
00:19:39slc2 i got a very good idea
00:19:44slc2 go 5 mayby?=
00:19:51coolass MID TOWER
00:19:53coolass aLL FIVe
00:20:00PeterLars lol
00:20:02PeterLars slardar :D
00:20:03gangstar1990 y
00:20:04gangstar1990 lol
00:20:04slc2 yes that sounds like a plan
00:20:32PeterLars lol
00:21:12gangstar1990 lol
00:21:12diesel 4:29
00:21:15diesel gc games
00:23:25diesel regen
00:23:25diesel oh
00:23:29diesel we have slardar
00:23:57coolass YAYATYA
00:24:56slc2 han er verden hedeligeste
00:24:57PeterLars easy game
00:24:58PeterLars let end
00:25:18Joda so many noobs
00:25:19Affliction invis ogre
00:25:37coolass YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA
00:25:48Joda cap akasha
00:25:48coolass pari minuuttia enää
00:25:49coolass ei hätää
00:25:52mxL- yy
00:25:54coolass kärsimys loppuu
00:26:26mxL- ei tarttee enää olla juhan kapu XD
00:26:32coolass miteni
00:26:43coolass :S
00:26:47coolass harmi
00:26:48mxL- ku tuleee sikan miiinusta ni meet mun ohi ja sit sä oot mun kapu XD
00:27:02coolass toivottavasti tulee kivempi p00l
00:27:03coolass jos tuut pelaa
00:27:12mxL- tuun
00:27:12coolass missä mansikka on?
00:27:16mxL- töis
00:27:19coolass kk
00:27:23coolass mitä se tekee töiksee
00:27:29mxL- kesähessu
00:27:33coolass 8D
00:28:04coolass kyl meikä miinukset kerää kotii
00:28:09mxL- tarkemmin en voi mansikan yksityis asioita netissä levitellä
00:28:22coolass juup
00:28:33slc2 I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:36coolass I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:36coolass :d
00:28:39coolass go efef
00:28:41Rasmus.Seebach I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:42mxL- taistellaax
00:28:43coolass its healty
00:28:44PeterLars why u dont ff :D
00:28:46Rasmus.Seebach I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:48diesel 42:7
00:28:49diesel no ff
00:28:51Affliction ,ff
00:28:52coolass jps haluut
00:28:53Affliction I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:58mxL- emmä
00:28:58coolass taistellaa vaa
00:28:58slc2 mxl
00:29:00slc2 ff it
00:29:20coolass I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:23mxL- mennään uuteen
00:29:25coolass joo
00:29:26mxL- I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:29:26coolass het
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