Game #4026192

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-15 X
-1 TS

88% | 1565 X | 1489 TS

-53 X
-1 TS

88% | 1558 X | 1496 TS

+14 X
-2 TS

77% | 1418 X | 1430 TS

-34 X
-2 TS

70% | 1412 X | 1346 TS

+14 X
-7 TS

36% | 1109 X | 1261 TS

+48 X
+2 TS

89% | 1532 X | 1528 TS

-2 X
+5 TS

83% | 1523 X | 1426 TS

+22 X
+4 TS

71% | 1401 X | 1364 TS

+1 X
+2 TS

66% | 1344 X | 1359 TS

+12 X
+1 TS

55% | 1197 X | 1380 TS

Chat log

00:00:00vaityl [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... fUNCh with 49 seconds.
00:00:02WhiteNoiZe ´sd
00:00:09Jonnija anyone sd?
00:00:11Firelord0.1 wow sd mode
00:00:14WhiteNoiZe ogre panda ursa
00:00:15Domess rhasta undying nerubassasin
00:00:20vaityl visage sylla doom
00:00:26mansikka od naix void
00:00:27Aerwyn dazzle, centaur, sf
00:00:32Domess take sylla
00:00:34nigulas rubic sk gorgon
00:00:36Domess if u can play him
00:00:37Jonnija sf would be nice :D
00:00:37nigulas dont take sylla :D:D
00:00:42Aerwyn say yours
00:00:46Affliction Enigma BB gyro
00:00:47Jonnija shadowdemon rexxar
00:00:54Domess i cant play undiyng
00:00:58Aerwyn naah, i go dazzle
00:01:05Domess someone wants ?
00:01:08Jonnija fuck this mode
00:01:09fUNCh bat, tiny,viper
00:01:11Affliction ye
00:01:11Domess i pick rhasta
00:01:13nigulas can
00:01:14nigulas funch
00:01:17nigulas anna
00:01:18nigulas tiny
00:01:19nigulas ?
00:01:22WhiteNoiZe blue got farmmode on? ;D
00:01:23nigulas rubic sk gorgon
00:01:25fUNCh mis sul on
00:01:26fUNCh ribic
00:01:28mansikka y
00:01:29Domess affiliction
00:01:29fUNCh -swap 1
00:01:29nigulas -swap 4
00:01:31Domess ur heroes ?
00:01:32Affliction yes ?
00:01:32vaityl swap wiyh gyro?
00:01:33Domess pls ?
00:01:38Jonnija gg ff
00:01:39Domess want u undying ?
00:01:39Affliction Enigma bb gyro
00:01:43Domess bb ?
00:01:43mansikka fuck jonnija
00:01:46vaityl swap guro
00:01:47Affliction you have =
00:01:50Domess who is bb
00:01:52mansikka stop forfeiting games at first min
00:01:52Jonnija guess ill fail
00:01:54Jonnija with this shit
00:01:54Domess rhasta undying nerub
00:01:58Jonnija ill jungle :D
00:01:59Domess ah too late :D i ll pick
00:02:09WhiteNoiZe void mid
00:02:17fUNCh 0 skills to steal :D
00:02:24nigulas mismõttes
00:02:24nigulas :D
00:02:25Firelord0.1 rune top
00:02:27nigulas ma maha magasin creebid
00:02:28nigulas korra
00:02:30nigulas panin män gu alla
00:02:32Jonnija we will lose this 100% i have only once played this hero :D
00:02:39mansikka so?
00:02:46mansikka ur not the only player in team
00:03:20Domess need wards
00:03:25Affliction otw
00:04:16Jonnija no courier?
00:04:25WhiteNoiZe sry
00:04:25Jonnija orange banned
00:04:27Aerwyn stun
00:04:30WhiteNoiZe i get
00:04:34Jonnija 2 late
00:04:35WhiteNoiZe forgot about that
00:04:39mansikka its ok
00:04:44Jonnija ill banreq
00:05:09WhiteNoiZe sry
00:05:17WhiteNoiZe care
00:05:30WhiteNoiZe -1 top
00:05:34WhiteNoiZe re
00:05:41nigulas why u take?
00:05:42mansikka care gyro
00:05:43mansikka top
00:05:44nigulas i have bottle coming
00:05:53Aerwyn stsun??
00:05:53Domess ffs dellay
00:05:55Affliction well cant read you mind
00:06:11Domess ok
00:06:12Domess gg
00:06:26mansikka ss mid
00:06:28mansikka care bot
00:06:57Domess OK
00:07:00Domess I LEAVE or WHAT ??
00:07:06WhiteNoiZe -1 top
00:07:09Aerwyn long haste
00:07:11Aerwyn :/
00:07:39WhiteNoiZe -1 top
00:08:03nigulas ha
00:08:09Domess pff
00:08:25Firelord0.1 shti
00:08:50Domess FUCK
00:08:51Domess OFf
00:08:52Domess OMLG
00:08:56Affliction ?="!
00:09:01Firelord0.1 dazzl ?
00:09:01Domess pff
00:09:05Domess NO FUCKING BOOOTS !!
00:09:08Domess OIMG
00:09:10Aerwyn tauren?
00:09:16Firelord0.1 why u top
00:09:27Aerwyn cause there is no one....
00:09:31vaityl ss
00:09:38Firelord0.1 thats nice
00:09:47Aerwyn why u are not lane?
00:09:54Firelord0.1 got fucked
00:09:58WhiteNoiZe gang down
00:10:01Aerwyn n
00:10:02Aerwyn nice
00:10:15Domess :D
00:10:16Domess hi
00:10:34WhiteNoiZe -.-
00:11:51Domess gg
00:12:10Domess OMg
00:12:12Domess !!
00:12:15Domess i cant play
00:12:16Domess today
00:12:28mansikka dont
00:12:34mansikka fuck
00:12:35mansikka :D
00:12:37Affliction nice
00:12:38Affliction .D
00:12:41Aerwyn guys...
00:12:42mansikka thought longer stun
00:12:46Firelord0.1 nah
00:12:49Firelord0.1 only lvl 2
00:12:51mansikka y
00:12:58Firelord0.1 need dmg first
00:13:00mansikka y
00:13:18nigulas ma invi
00:13:29Firelord0.1 luzi got enorm farm
00:13:53Domess lool
00:13:56fUNCh :D:D
00:13:59fUNCh voidi ult
00:14:04nigulas tra
00:15:06Affliction getting new wards asap
00:15:11Domess mana pls
00:15:20fUNCh mana -.-
00:15:23nigulas tra see backtrack
00:15:31Domess ty
00:15:37Affliction banned
00:15:41nigulas reageeri pls
00:15:41Domess only mana
00:15:43Domess omg
00:16:21Domess ffs
00:16:44Domess lol
00:18:24Aerwyn ---
00:18:25Aerwyn c'mon
00:18:47Domess come
00:18:59nigulas they got wads
00:19:04Domess k go b
00:19:07nigulas tulen top
00:19:40nigulas selline ajastus blinkiga
00:20:04nigulas mana
00:20:17Affliction back tp in a sec
00:20:20Domess gogo
00:20:24fUNCh se
00:20:28fUNCh sshop
00:20:29Domess come
00:20:30Domess i ulty
00:20:39nigulas dazzle
00:20:40Domess i stun gogo
00:20:53Aerwyn ......
00:20:55Aerwyn great
00:20:57Jonnija np 7 more mins
00:21:13fUNCh go next tower too
00:21:14Jonnija i lose 90% of single draft games
00:21:22Jonnija so i was supposed to happen
00:21:22Aerwyn :D
00:21:59Domess :D
00:22:00Domess lol
00:22:07Domess he blocked my ulty
00:22:08Domess and stun
00:22:10Domess ..
00:22:30WhiteNoiZe srue
00:23:10Firelord0.1 they instant go in wood
00:23:11Firelord0.1 to gank
00:23:19Jonnija doom lothar
00:23:22WhiteNoiZe stay at tower
00:23:42fUNCh mana
00:23:49nigulas cd
00:23:54mansikka b
00:24:31fUNCh deny mid
00:24:32Firelord0.1 we cant do shit
00:24:33fUNCh or too late
00:24:33Firelord0.1 lol
00:24:38mansikka just need tc ulti
00:24:42Firelord0.1 i did
00:24:43Jonnija its over void has 10 min farm on 22 min
00:24:46mansikka i mean
00:24:55mansikka we need it not on cd :d
00:25:12mansikka let me bot
00:25:15Firelord0.1 we got nothign for tiny
00:25:20WhiteNoiZe y
00:26:08Firelord0.1 im thinking for necro
00:26:29WhiteNoiZe im thinkin 4 boots
00:27:05Jonnija !ff
00:27:07Jonnija I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:27:52nigulas WHY
00:27:54Jonnija go ff
00:27:54nigulas IS U FARMING
00:27:55Affliction nice tp boys
00:27:56fUNCh timewalk rubic suht fun
00:27:56Affliction :D
00:27:56Jonnija its 25 min
00:27:57mansikka stfu
00:27:59Aerwyn shut up
00:28:00mansikka and play
00:28:13fUNCh dont need radi
00:28:13nigulas why cant u ff?
00:28:16fUNCh u need mkb
00:28:21Jonnija we can but they dont want to...
00:28:25Firelord0.1 b
00:28:26mansikka i like playing dota
00:28:28nigulas ebcause
00:28:30nigulas I WILL WIN THIS
00:28:33nigulas with meh imba void
00:28:44Jonnija np he gets 50 min bfury
00:28:45Aerwyn got meka now
00:28:51mansikka its 25 min
00:28:54Jonnija same
00:28:55mansikka and i had it 3min ago
00:28:59mansikka :-----D
00:29:08WhiteNoiZe sd
00:29:26Firelord0.1 tiny
00:29:26Aerwyn all
00:29:27Firelord0.1 care
00:29:32Domess go
00:29:36Aerwyn some1 else go
00:29:37Aerwyn first
00:29:39Aerwyn i can save you
00:29:53Jonnija idd u saved me :D
00:30:06Aerwyn not you :)
00:30:11Aerwyn dont wanna do it :D
00:30:15Domess lol stun ?
00:30:18Domess how long NOOB
00:30:20Domess FUCK YOu
00:30:23Domess regen
00:30:23Domess lol
00:31:11nigulas gyro
00:31:11nigulas where
00:31:12nigulas did u go?
00:31:15Affliction shop
00:31:16Affliction :/
00:31:18nigulas WHY
00:31:19Affliction sry
00:31:19Affliction :/
00:31:20nigulas WHY
00:31:21Firelord0.1 sange yasha or halberd for me
00:31:21nigulas WHY
00:31:22Domess in nightmare
00:31:24nigulas we hack
00:31:25Jonnija go bash
00:31:26nigulas have
00:31:27nigulas a fucking
00:31:30nigulas flying chicken
00:31:31nigulas who can shop
00:31:32nigulas for u
00:31:33Firelord0.1 nahg
00:31:58Firelord0.1 sy i go
00:32:07Firelord0.1 -ms
00:32:30Firelord0.1 dead
00:32:30Jonnija tiny ac
00:32:30Firelord0.1 i stun
00:32:30Domess pfaaa
00:32:30Firelord0.1 u grave
00:32:30Aerwyn y
00:32:42Firelord0.1 shit
00:32:46nigulas rax
00:32:46Aerwyn xD
00:32:47Firelord0.1 tiny got me
00:32:49Affliction ohh you
00:32:49Domess u lag :p
00:32:49Affliction -hhn
00:32:52nigulas mis kuradi lagg
00:32:54Aerwyn ye, noticed :)
00:32:55nigulas i know
00:33:00Firelord0.1 even with 1800 hp i cant take his cambo
00:33:12mansikka 'why u go..
00:33:14Aerwyn ?
00:33:17Aerwyn jonnija?
00:33:20Domess i tp
00:33:22mansikka fucking moron
00:33:24nigulas no
00:33:24Domess go
00:33:25Domess jsut go
00:33:25Domess i tp
00:33:30mansikka dont join games if u dont want to play
00:33:43mansikka gogo
00:33:43Domess ok
00:33:43Domess rax now i tp
00:33:50Jonnija lawl
00:33:53Domess lol
00:34:03Domess i didnt see
00:34:03mansikka gj''
00:34:04Domess ffs
00:34:12Domess ohuch care :)
00:34:15Aerwyn we can win this :(
00:34:16nigulas i have
00:34:17fUNCh ei jõunud teda lenda visata enne
00:34:18nigulas 4sec
00:34:19nigulas delay
00:34:22fUNCh sul tuli eriti pede spike ka :D
00:34:23Aerwyn jonnija play like a true hero <3
00:34:24WhiteNoiZe like 1 multicast
00:34:30Firelord0.1 next time they wont let me stun so easy
00:34:33mansikka y
00:34:41Aerwyn b
00:34:43Aerwyn after thias
00:34:45Domess np we win
00:34:51Aerwyn void
00:34:54Aerwyn :/
00:34:55Firelord0.1 rosh
00:34:57Aerwyn let void
00:34:59mansikka no
00:35:00Aerwyn no
00:35:01mansikka no rosh
00:35:01Aerwyn time
00:35:10Domess i wait
00:35:11Domess go
00:35:16Aerwyn mansikka mitäs tälle yleensä ostetaa
00:35:21Aerwyn jonnija...
00:35:24Firelord0.1 -ms
00:35:30mansikka ööööö
00:35:34mansikka -ma
00:35:37Aerwyn scepter?
00:35:45Domess void cant get him
00:35:45mansikka eeo
00:35:46WhiteNoiZe necro
00:35:48mansikka ei noit vastaa
00:35:55mansikka necro vaik
00:35:57Firelord0.1 void
00:35:59Firelord0.1 they rosh
00:36:00Jonnija bkb on void
00:36:01nigulas sum1
00:36:02Firelord0.1 lets kill
00:36:03nigulas must guard
00:36:06Aerwyn homaan guinsoon
00:36:11Domess they see us
00:36:13mansikka jo
00:36:18Jonnija without bkb u wont even be able to hit tiny
00:36:27Domess regen
00:36:28Firelord0.1 b
00:36:28Firelord0.1 b
00:36:31mansikka thx for tip
00:36:41Aerwyn just def
00:36:43Firelord0.1 base
00:36:53Domess noob
00:37:21mansikka doooom
00:37:22mansikka :S
00:37:24Firelord0.1 i got doomed
00:37:24Firelord0.1 sorry
00:37:24mansikka yea
00:37:24Domess holy shit
00:37:27Aerwyn sry
00:37:29Aerwyn my bad
00:37:32Domess they re all love hp
00:37:34mansikka y ;P
00:37:36Aerwyn shame that i died to one missile
00:37:36Domess piuty
00:37:42Aerwyn tried so hard press mekanism
00:37:46Aerwyn after shadow :/
00:38:00nigulas too bad im lagging like a motherfucker
00:38:08Domess go b
00:38:09Domess tiny
00:38:10Domess :)
00:38:21Firelord0.1 we need 1 ward here
00:38:28WhiteNoiZe me
00:38:48Aerwyn ...
00:38:48Aerwyn tiny
00:38:48Domess luci
00:38:50Aerwyn fix it
00:38:51Jonnija dint tiny lose aegis+
00:38:59mansikka dunno
00:39:03Domess care
00:39:08nigulas why go
00:39:10nigulas without me?
00:39:28Domess what is this ?
00:39:32nigulas idiots
00:39:33Aerwyn gj :)
00:39:35Domess gg
00:39:38Domess oo
00:39:39Jonnija o0 fighting w/o tiny?
00:39:40WhiteNoiZe finally
00:39:42Aerwyn i'm good bait xD
00:39:45Domess :D
00:39:48Domess :D
00:39:49nigulas i have
00:39:50mansikka :----)
00:39:51nigulas no comment
00:39:52nigulas on
00:39:54Firelord0.1 where is tiny
00:39:54nigulas how smart
00:39:55fUNCh whos basi it was ?
00:39:56nigulas these peoples
00:39:56Jonnija :D
00:39:56Domess me too :D
00:39:57nigulas are
00:40:06Domess man u lag
00:40:08Domess go b
00:40:09Domess wait us
00:40:11Domess DOnt die tiny
00:40:12Domess just b
00:40:14Domess 20 sec
00:40:16Domess mby we lost rax
00:40:19Domess but later we can def
00:40:19fUNCh who dropped his basi there ?
00:40:22Domess u will die alone
00:40:25Domess 01 sec
00:40:26Domess 10 sec
00:40:28Domess 10 sec
00:40:29Domess stun
00:40:30Domess and b
00:40:32Aerwyn rax
00:40:33Aerwyn and bn
00:40:34Aerwyn b
00:40:37Domess gogo
00:40:51mansikka :DDD
00:40:51Jonnija :D
00:40:52Firelord0.1 fuck
00:40:58Firelord0.1 we shold b
00:41:03mansikka y sry :D
00:41:09mansikka and now we lose rax
00:41:13Aerwyn ye
00:41:14Firelord0.1 y
00:41:14Domess gogo :p
00:41:14Aerwyn :(
00:41:15WhiteNoiZe damn i thougth we got rax
00:41:16mansikka unless
00:41:17Aerwyn qhy
00:41:18Firelord0.1 maybe 2 raxx
00:41:24WhiteNoiZe i rebuy
00:41:26mansikka got rebuy
00:41:28Aerwyn ye
00:41:29Aerwyn gogo
00:41:29Domess and tower down
00:41:30Firelord0.1 i lost 500 gold
00:41:39Domess lol
00:41:42nigulas got aegis np
00:41:54mansikka ffs this jonnija
00:42:01Jonnija ?
00:42:05mansikka what?
00:42:11Jonnija ?
00:42:13Jonnija idd what?
00:42:18mansikka what ??
00:42:18Jonnija i am playing sd
00:42:18Aerwyn just try def
00:42:18Jonnija am i not?
00:42:18Domess pfouaaaa
00:42:18Aerwyn fuck this shit
00:42:23mansikka you are playing dota
00:42:23Domess lol OMG ??
00:42:28mansikka me to
00:42:28Domess g ob
00:42:28Domess go b
00:42:43Domess multi cast fucked my ass
00:42:48Jonnija with a hero i have pretty much no experience with
00:42:50Aerwyn must get raxes now
00:42:54WhiteNoiZe =)
00:42:58Aerwyn both tower mid and bot are lost
00:43:02Aerwyn just get raxes
00:43:05mansikka then mby u shouldnt stand here
00:43:07Domess lvl 14 and more than 500 dmg
00:43:14Domess not bad
00:43:14Jonnija ah i was
00:43:17fUNCh anyone missing basi +
00:43:18Jonnija just coping their radiance
00:43:23Jonnija when i stood there
00:43:25Domess they go all md
00:43:26mansikka okay
00:43:26Domess mid
00:43:28Domess just all def :)
00:43:29Jonnija wortho more
00:43:31Jonnija than this hero
00:43:39fUNCh lucy ur basi on ur circle@base
00:43:39Aerwyn i stay b
00:43:42mansikka dont underestimate urself
00:43:44Aerwyn and try safe u guys
00:44:05Domess noob ?
00:44:11Jonnija go mid
00:44:12Domess WHAT U DO ?? tell em
00:44:13Aerwyn mid
00:44:13Aerwyn now
00:44:16Jonnija counterra
00:44:19fUNCh was missing 100g :D
00:44:22Domess b
00:44:23Domess AT BASE
00:44:24Domess NOOBS
00:44:26Domess HES NOT ALONE !!?
00:44:30Domess WAKE up u noobs
00:44:31Domess omg
00:45:22Aerwyn wttf?
00:45:28Aerwyn how we lost that fight?
00:45:29mansikka buyback? :D
00:45:34Aerwyn really?
00:45:38Jonnija we lost the fight cause i needed 1 more nuke
00:45:39Jonnija on tiny
00:45:42Jonnija and none delivered it
00:45:48Domess where is
00:45:56Jonnija also they have invis heroes
00:45:58Jonnija which need dust
00:46:00Jonnija or gemt
00:46:03Aerwyn NONONONO
00:46:05Aerwyn WHYWHY
00:46:13Firelord0.1 gg
00:46:16Jonnija anyways glad this is over with
00:46:20Domess gege
00:47:29Domess b
00:47:49fUNCh ta
00:47:50Domess lol
00:47:51fUNCh tahtsin nalja teha
00:47:56fUNCh ja neid chronosse panna
00:47:57WhiteNoiZe i h8 u
00:47:59WhiteNoiZe Sry
00:48:04Domess :D
00:48:16Firelord0.1 letz try 1 last time top
00:48:27Firelord0.1 80 % lose now
00:48:33Jonnija was 100% lost from start
00:48:33Aerwyn 90% :/
00:48:42Aerwyn jonnija, why u play? :D
00:48:51Jonnija its sometimes fun
00:48:52Jonnija rarely
00:48:54Jonnija but sometimes
00:48:59Domess braaa
00:49:03Domess wait
00:49:10mansikka b
00:49:10Domess later rosh
00:49:12Firelord0.1 y
00:49:19Firelord0.1 gank ?
00:49:20nigulas need 300
00:49:22Firelord0.1 go gyro
00:49:22WhiteNoiZe they rosh
00:49:22Aerwyn pls
00:49:24mansikka all miss
00:49:27mansikka k
00:49:28Domess stfu
00:49:40Firelord0.1 top wnow
00:49:44mansikka b
00:49:55Domess u tard
00:49:58Domess why u go laoone
00:50:13WhiteNoiZe b
00:50:14WhiteNoiZe b
00:50:15WhiteNoiZe b
00:50:16WhiteNoiZe b
00:50:17Domess ?
00:50:18Domess rsoh
00:50:20Domess + chees
00:50:22nigulas y
00:50:46Aerwyn :D
00:51:01Firelord0.1 22 9 i wont lose so much points :D
00:51:12mansikka cool
00:51:14Domess tiny aegis ?
00:51:20Domess k
00:51:34Domess -ms
00:51:47vaityl waot
00:51:58Jonnija bah during lag
00:52:31Domess no mana
00:52:45fUNCh rofl
00:52:46fUNCh imba itny
00:52:57Domess omg
00:53:12WhiteNoiZe gg
00:53:12Firelord0.1 I surrender! [2/4 of Sentinel]
00:53:24mansikka gg ;)
00:53:48Domess :D
00:53:49Aerwyn I surrender! [3/4 of Sentinel]
00:53:52mansikka I surrender! [4/4 of Sentinel]
00:53:55Domess gege
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