Game #3879308

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+5 X
-2 TS

95% | 1728 X | 1486 TS

+4 X
-1 TS

93% | 1639 X | 1496 TS

-52 X
-2 TS

84% | 1538 X | 1412 TS

-29 X
-1 TS

79% | 1449 X | 1430 TS

-19 X
-1 TS

76% | 1413 X | 1410 TS

+42 X
+2 TS

96% | 1757 X | 1518 TS

+0 X
+1 TS

96% | 1686 X | 1579 TS

+16 X
+1 TS

87% | 1531 X | 1476 TS

+9 X
+1 TS

70% | 1356 X | 1373 TS

+43 X
+1 TS

69% | 1343 X | 1381 TS

Chat log

00:00:00WantedZip [DotA-GC] ... and the wooden PC award goes to *drum roll* ... yeW- with 73 seconds.
00:00:03Nickless i hope i wont lagg,i appologize if i do
00:00:05Nickless i hope i wont lagg,i appologize if i do
00:00:05Soulyah omni
00:00:10yeW- wr, ck, trax
00:00:11WantedZip bs silencer SK
00:00:13Mercury rashta, alche, weaver
00:00:14Nickless wl tiny
00:00:17Nickless sand king?
00:00:19Mercury i can omni
00:00:21yeW- i might ck, whatu lads got?
00:00:22WantedZip skeleton
00:00:24Soulyah anna weaver
00:00:24Jerkku invo slark bb
00:00:29Soulyah -swap 3
00:00:31Nickless bb for me
00:00:31Mercury -swap 1
00:00:33Strom lich lyca gondar
00:00:33Soulyah -swap 3
00:00:34Jerkku u have ?
00:00:39Nickless tiny wl sylla
00:00:39yeW- lyca obviously
00:00:40WantedZip go skeleton king me ?
00:00:42WantedZip or silencer ?
00:00:43Strom I suck with lyca
00:00:45Jerkku tiny
00:00:45Usires anyone
00:00:46Usires leion
00:00:46yeW- i can
00:00:47Strom would need swap
00:00:48Usires legion
00:00:50Nickless -swap 4
00:00:50Usires or krobne
00:00:51Soulyah skele
00:00:51Jerkku -swap 5
00:00:51Soulyah go
00:00:54Nickless danke
00:00:54WantedZip or bs ?
00:00:55yeW- what u want
00:00:55Usires krobe*
00:00:56yeW- ?
00:00:59WantedZip or silencer ?
00:00:59yeW- -clear
00:01:01yeW- ck wr trax
00:01:02Strom yew, hmm
00:01:02WantedZip or skeleton ?
00:01:04Zajeb clock, ench, na....
00:01:04WantedZip 4 str ?
00:01:05WantedZip bad
00:01:08Strom lets do ck
00:01:09WantedZip i go int
00:01:10WantedZip then
00:01:11WantedZip for support
00:01:13Usires gimme NA
00:01:19Usires i give krobe legion
00:01:20Strom ck vs lyca then+
00:01:23Zajeb what u have?
00:01:24Usires wich one u want
00:01:27Nickless who makes mana boots
00:01:27yeW- ye i guess
00:01:28Strom -swap 2
00:01:29Soulyah xDDD
00:01:29Usires PA krobe and legion
00:01:30Soulyah xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
00:01:32Soulyah XDDDDDDD
00:01:33yeW- we're gonna need end game ^^
00:01:34yeW- ^^
00:01:38yeW- -swap 4
00:01:39Zajeb legion
00:01:44Zajeb -swap 5
00:01:45Usires -swap 3
00:01:48Rakett mis viga? :D
00:01:50Soulyah like
00:01:53Soulyah mida vittu mis herod:D
00:01:56WantedZip bb go bot
00:01:57Rakett pasad ju
00:01:58Nickless nort
00:01:58Rakett :D
00:01:58Soulyah lc lyca ck
00:02:00Soulyah :D
00:02:00Nickless u down
00:02:08Soulyah guys
00:02:08WantedZip i need farm
00:02:08Nickless tnx
00:02:09WantedZip but k
00:02:11Soulyah many gangs
00:02:12Rakett teil weaver omni..
00:02:12Soulyah and shit
00:02:15Strom share
00:02:18Rakett ja tiny
00:02:29yeW- go pull
00:02:30yeW- strom?
00:02:39Strom k
00:02:49Strom can't
00:02:57yeW- k
00:03:30yeW- lol
00:03:33yeW- LOL
00:03:38yeW- nohtin
00:03:52Usires get stick
00:04:04Rakett derp
00:04:51Nickless hehe
00:05:45Rakett miss
00:05:51Mercury ck going mid
00:06:01Mercury care
00:06:17Strom tuled võtad?
00:06:19Rakett y
00:06:32Strom bait & kill
00:06:33Rakett hästi :D
00:06:33yeW- gang bot ^^
00:06:35Soulyah ma ei viitsi seda pela pelada
00:06:37Soulyah tee mis tahad
00:06:39Soulyah herowin liiga suur
00:06:40Rakett ..
00:07:01Rakett üks kuulus mängija ütles kunagi
00:07:09Rakett there is no outpick, there is only outplay
00:07:13Rakett paremad herod soodustavad outplayd lihtsalt.
00:07:19Soulyah dude
00:07:23Soulyah vaata herosi
00:07:29Rakett teil on hea võimalus
00:07:34Rakett omni on OP.
00:08:00Soulyah make halbread
00:08:01Soulyah ppl
00:08:15Strom tulen mid jälle
00:08:18Rakett k
00:08:31Strom rune top
00:08:37Soulyah ss
00:08:37Rakett y
00:08:49Rakett v´õta midis xp-d
00:09:00Zajeb ss 2
00:09:01Soulyah ssmid
00:09:17Nickless MISS TOP
00:10:02Soulyah hull bait omast arust:;D
00:10:16Strom mul oli kõik olemas, et sind ära tappa
00:10:23Strom failisin lihtsalt, et ei kasutanud sticki õigel ajal
00:10:33Rakett miss weaver
00:10:39Nickless MISS TOP
00:11:31Soulyah ss
00:11:53yeW- up courier? ^^
00:13:20Rakett oh comeoon lycan
00:13:40Rakett :D
00:13:43yeW- sorry
00:13:48yeW- figured the tower was moe important :p
00:14:25Usires wtf
00:14:28Usires is that third skill
00:15:38Soulyah useless pick
00:15:40Soulyah useless play
00:16:17Soulyah and int treads
00:16:17Strom legion, why didn't you want to kill? :O
00:16:21Soulyah so awesome 2nd
00:16:33Rakett lycan :D
00:16:34Rakett i cant tp
00:16:35yeW- ^^
00:16:37Rakett faakkkkkkk
00:16:40yeW- its np
00:17:17Soulyah make bmails too
00:17:21Nickless y
00:17:21Soulyah that sange+ evasion
00:17:23Soulyah and bmail
00:17:23yeW- :D
00:17:27yeW- som1 up courier pls
00:17:31Rakett big x farm
00:17:31Rakett D:
00:18:00Rakett okei
00:18:17Soulyah gjg uys
00:18:21Soulyah all but nort
00:19:50Soulyah we need
00:19:52Soulyah to search
00:19:53Soulyah fights
00:19:59Soulyah so
00:20:03Soulyah push bot
00:20:15Strom 5 bot
00:20:21Strom do we def?
00:20:24Rakett yes
00:20:28Strom need lyca
00:20:28Usires y
00:20:32yeW- lemme get tp
00:21:05Rakett so much for that
00:21:19yeW- meh
00:21:30Soulyah GJ!
00:21:31Usires so
00:21:32Jerkku lol gj
00:21:33Jerkku :D
00:21:36Soulyah wp omni
00:21:37Usires not even near death anyone
00:21:45Usires 100-0 ownage
00:22:08Rakett ofc not when we die 1by1
00:22:13Rakett like na died first for no reason
00:23:02Soulyah b
00:23:33Soulyah i famr top
00:23:35Jerkku im oom
00:23:35Soulyah kinda near relic
00:23:42Usires guess its turtle and farm
00:23:48Rakett yeap
00:23:52Mercury should i make ghost or eul
00:23:53Rakett weaver gets radi=we lose the game
00:23:54Rakett i think
00:23:57Soulyah neither
00:23:59Jerkku we need to keep pushing guys
00:24:01Soulyah sange+evasion thing
00:24:07Mercury k
00:24:21Jerkku go mid
00:24:22Jerkku all
00:24:27Soulyah need 200
00:24:49Soulyah have relic
00:25:34Rakett i dont think its possible to play this even stupider
00:26:16Nickless b
00:26:30Rakett fucking target omni
00:26:31Soulyah O MY GOD
00:26:32Rakett not weaver
00:26:51yeW- sile inc
00:27:04Rakett na
00:27:07Rakett always target down omni
00:27:12Usires sure
00:27:17Soulyah check rosh soon
00:27:18Rakett he is keeping weaver alive u know
00:27:19Soulyah we get new rosh
00:27:28Soulyah i tkae
00:27:37Soulyah have radi in 800
00:28:47Soulyah need 200
00:29:10Usires gone
00:29:17Usires they up
00:29:18Usires rosh
00:29:22Usires fast
00:29:26Jerkku bb
00:29:31yeW- they keep killin my wards
00:29:34yeW- help me counter ward lds
00:29:40yeW- fas go
00:30:14Usires :DD
00:30:28Rakett as i said
00:30:31Rakett target down omni
00:30:33Rakett and its an easy win
00:30:35Strom I went for omni
00:30:38Rakett y good.
00:30:39Jerkku that was epic avalance toss
00:30:42Nickless GJ
00:30:45Rakett i wasnt
00:30:46Rakett lvl 16
00:30:56Rakett so we even had less spellnuke
00:30:57Soulyah bb
00:30:59Soulyah when they come
00:31:01Soulyah u go tank
00:31:03Soulyah cant let omni die
00:31:09Nickless sure
00:31:14Soulyah gather mid
00:31:15Mercury well i got ult at last sec
00:31:15Soulyah got dd
00:31:18Soulyah yea
00:31:28Strom NA, can you help ward, so lyca doesn't have to?
00:31:29Soulyah top even
00:31:32Jerkku all making heavens ?
00:31:33Usires y
00:31:34Soulyah y
00:31:39yeW- lets go kill the wards bot
00:31:41Soulyah very good item here
00:31:47Jerkku ye
00:31:55Soulyah can we push
00:31:56Soulyah somewhere
00:32:31yeW- ill ward
00:33:10Rakett how can u toss me when im bkb-d?
00:33:19Jerkku oom
00:33:25yeW- meh
00:33:27Soulyah tossida saab ju
00:33:30Rakett ei tohiks :D
00:33:30Soulyah nagu hookida
00:33:38Soulyah aind ei sa dammio
00:33:52Rakett mis sa herode kohta rääkisid muidu?
00:33:55Rakett omni > All
00:34:01Soulyah te olete failind ka
00:34:03Rakett Hero ise on naeruväärne
00:34:06Rakett true aga siiski
00:34:12yeW- lol
00:34:15yeW- wtf was that dude
00:34:49Soulyah stay
00:34:52Soulyah bot nice push
00:35:01Mercury lets take top
00:35:03Rakett they're making mass heavens
00:35:03Rakett :d
00:35:03Mercury 2 towers
00:36:06Soulyah 1sec
00:36:11Jerkku i hot hh
00:36:18Jerkku got*
00:36:18Soulyah k gogoog
00:36:24Strom b top
00:36:59yeW- its bugged
00:36:59yeW- ye
00:37:02Soulyah well
00:37:03Rakett lol
00:37:04Soulyah push
00:37:04Strom rosh? ye
00:37:06Soulyah mid and bot
00:37:06yeW- no
00:37:07yeW- ye
00:37:08Mercury shiva or hex?
00:37:08Strom I tried to remove it 5 times
00:37:10Soulyah go in from bot
00:37:11Jerkku id rosh up ?
00:37:14Jerkku is*
00:37:17yeW- its because
00:37:19yeW- when i killed rosh
00:37:19Soulyah shiva
00:37:21yeW- he died
00:37:25yeW- too far
00:37:28yeW- from original spot
00:37:32Soulyah ok
00:37:34Soulyah need rax now
00:37:37Mercury teen hoodi ka
00:37:42Mercury muidu nuketakse maha
00:37:51yeW- -ma
00:37:57Soulyah need now
00:37:58Soulyah fast
00:38:00Jerkku 4 heavens hallberds
00:38:02Jerkku imba imo
00:38:09Soulyah wtf
00:38:17Strom trap
00:38:23yeW- go b
00:38:29yeW- i get top tower
00:38:33yeW- meh
00:38:36Rakett since when does global go through bkb?
00:38:38WantedZip IMbA SILEnCE
00:38:38yeW- i thought we were
00:38:39WantedZip y
00:38:42Jerkku always
00:38:44yeW- just turtlin
00:38:44Rakett wow you hit one button
00:38:47Soulyah yew laseb oma casual pela
00:38:53WantedZip rescued omni
00:38:55WantedZip tho
00:39:06Rakett read what i just said
00:39:07Usires I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:39:10Rakett and think about it
00:39:11WantedZip and now we take mid
00:39:13WantedZip how does it feel ?
00:39:13Rakett While u read it
00:39:20Rakett it feels ur trash and u shouldnt talk :d
00:39:32WantedZip :P
00:39:59Soulyah use halbread
00:40:00Soulyah ppl
00:40:17Mercury b
00:40:19Soulyah very gj
00:40:24Soulyah get
00:40:25Soulyah biot
00:40:26Soulyah after
00:40:30Soulyah lyca dead
00:40:34Zajeb I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:40:36Soulyah ok
00:40:36Soulyah b
00:40:41Soulyah u guys too oom
00:40:46Soulyah go b
00:40:56yeW- shudda picked a ranged instead of lc :p
00:41:07Zajeb first time playing it
00:41:10Zajeb my bad
00:41:33Soulyah leave aeguiis plz
00:41:38yeW- meh :
00:41:39yeW- I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:41:50Soulyah bb
00:41:51Mercury need rege mp
00:41:54Soulyah u go ultrarambo now
00:42:00Rakett just play the bloody game
00:42:03Rakett and kill omni, na
00:42:04Nickless y
00:42:08Soulyah but
00:42:10Soulyah w8 for team
00:42:13Nickless y
00:42:22Soulyah also guys
00:42:25Soulyah remember to use halbeard
00:42:28Rakett and lycan 40min no bkb :D
00:42:32Mercury iv used it
00:42:34yeW- they dont
00:42:35Jerkku same
00:42:37Nickless same
00:42:37Soulyah bb didnt
00:42:39yeW- have a lotta disables
00:42:41Nickless on nerub
00:42:42Nickless D
00:42:44Strom 4 halbreds
00:42:46Soulyah no need on him
00:42:46Soulyah :D
00:42:48Nickless i know
00:42:51yeW- goes thru bkb
00:42:52yeW- anyways
00:43:06Nickless still he got confused
00:43:45Strom rofl, did not expect LINKEN on bristle :D
00:43:51Rakett f
00:43:51Rakett I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:43:54Nickless take
00:44:00Soulyah ah
00:44:00Soulyah ty
00:44:04Rakett i dont understand how u managed to lose this :
00:44:07Rakett only had to kill
00:44:09Rakett one hero
00:44:10Rakett one
00:44:11Rakett but no
00:44:35Soulyah very gj team
00:44:39Jerkku y
00:44:41Nickless gjs
00:44:42Usires been trying tho last 5fights
00:44:50Usires tiny kinda ruined it every time
00:46:11Soulyah GG
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