Game #3192959

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-34 X
-2 TS

92% | 1533 X | 1546 TS

-4 X
-2 TS

88% | 1555 X | 1435 TS

-26 X
-2 TS

85% | 1428 X | 1531 TS

-53 X
-1 TS

84% | 1517 X | 1426 TS

-36 X
-5 TS

55% | 1203 X | 1363 TS

+49 X
+2 TS

92% | 1603 X | 1487 TS

+13 X
+2 TS

92% | 1600 X | 1487 TS

+40 X
+2 TS

87% | 1440 X | 1557 TS

+29 X
+12 TS

73% | 1364 X | 1401 TS

+33 X
+2 TS

56% | 1257 X | 1330 TS

Chat log

00:00:09Empatia uus hero hyvä?
00:00:18Empatia goblin shredder anygood?
00:00:18Strom super good
00:00:18Strom and we have the best player in the world
00:00:18Strom of shredder
00:00:18zebbelito Banna
00:00:18Netukka not so much disables
00:00:18Strom <- me ofcourse
00:00:18Empatia :)
00:00:18Netukka sk tc
00:00:18Strom dedu is pretty good as well
00:00:18Netukka tide
00:00:18NwC.CooL-T ?? ?????? ???????
00:00:18DeduXserS joo on se goblin hyvä
00:00:18Empatia first time dota since got dota2 beta :O
00:00:18mamyka ?? ??? ?????????
00:00:18DeduXserS mut se o vitu vaikee
00:00:18DeduXserS sd
00:00:18Stunsq vitusti puita
00:00:18DeduXserS anyone magina?
00:00:18NwC.CooL-T ???? ??? ?? ???????
00:00:18mamyka vfubye
00:00:18DeduXserS if he doesnt ban it
00:00:18Empatia :D
00:00:18zebbelito am?
00:00:18mamyka magina?
00:00:18zebbelito ty
00:00:18Strom nah
00:00:18Strom I go shredder if you don't steal it
00:00:18NwC.CooL-T am
00:00:18mamyka yes magina
00:00:18Strom otherwise I go drow
00:00:18DeduXserS then i let em had it :D
00:00:30Empatia can i play that?
00:00:30NwC.CooL-T pick naix zeb
00:00:32Empatia im super good
00:00:34Empatia with it
00:00:35Empatia i think
00:00:35NwC.CooL-T if can plau him
00:00:36Empatia hope
00:00:36Netukka i can tide
00:00:39Netukka or sk
00:00:39Strom haha :D
00:00:42DeduXserS zeetox suu kii ja farmaa vaa
00:00:42DeduXserS :D
00:00:46Empatia :D
00:01:02Empatia eihä tääl oo slarkkei
00:01:04Empatia tjsp
00:01:13NwC.CooL-T naix wood?
00:01:24Strom shredder has 39% win ratio in gc, one of the worst
00:01:29Empatia :D
00:01:33Empatia well
00:01:33Kiel if someone wants tree, pick me obsi
00:01:36Kiel i can swap
00:01:36Empatia slark has 42
00:01:38NwC.CooL-T ?????? ??? ?????
00:01:41Strom it took me about 5 games until I started to get a hang of it
00:01:42Empatia and i have 79 with it
00:01:42Kiel idc if i play tree or obsi
00:01:49Strom now I dominate every time tho
00:01:55NwC.CooL-T naix wood pls
00:01:57Kiel brown?
00:02:07Empatia vedetäänkö täällä trilane bot etc?
00:02:10Kiel u want swap or play obsi?
00:02:13DeduXserS storm 5 games aint enough to handdle this tbh
00:02:13Empatia että wr solo top jne
00:02:14mamyka i play obsui
00:02:18Kiel oke
00:02:22Empatia ei vissii
00:02:23DeduXserS drow mid
00:02:24DeduXserS wr solo top
00:02:26DeduXserS 3 down
00:02:42Strom share chick
00:02:54Stunsq cant remember everything
00:03:08Empatia miten siirrettii kamoja inventorys?
00:03:09Empatia :D
00:03:15DeduXserS joo itel sama :D
00:03:17Empatia aa
00:03:17NwC.CooL-T gank 4lvl or 5?
00:03:17Empatia :D
00:03:18DeduXserS oikeel hiirel
00:03:20Empatia joo
00:03:20DeduXserS ja vasemmal
00:03:24DeduXserS itel meni 5min tajuu :D
00:03:25Netukka ss mid
00:03:25mamyka ss MIOD
00:03:28zebbelito when im 3
00:03:41NwC.CooL-T ss
00:03:48Kiel stick \o/
00:03:50Netukka ye
00:03:53Netukka 3
00:03:54Netukka bot
00:04:01Kiel your ward owns them
00:04:04Netukka ye
00:04:12Kiel block creeps
00:04:56Netukka i got stick
00:04:57Netukka wait
00:05:15Netukka lol
00:05:31Empatia tää
00:05:31DeduXserS why?
00:05:33DeduXserS sentries there
00:05:34creeeeeee fail ye
00:05:35Empatia tuntuu oudolta
00:05:40creeeeeee i wasnt thinking :D
00:06:08Empatia vittu väärät bindit
00:06:21DeduXserS go dive
00:06:22DeduXserS gush
00:06:35Empatia TOPMISS
00:06:36Empatia 2
00:06:40Stunsq wtf
00:06:46Stunsq nothings working
00:07:19creeeeeee GUSH+??
00:07:20DeduXserS cANT U GUSH?
00:07:21Stunsq i cant even autoattack
00:07:22Stunsq wtf
00:07:29Stunsq or lag
00:07:34NwC.CooL-T gank?
00:07:42Stunsq i cant do anything
00:07:42DeduXserS tide u suck totally
00:07:43zebbelito ok
00:07:50Stunsq cant you understand
00:07:53Stunsq i cant use my skills
00:07:54DeduXserS nope
00:07:57DeduXserS then quit
00:07:57Stunsq it doesnt use my skills
00:08:25Stunsq now it works
00:08:29Empatia NIAX
00:08:45Strom I got banished
00:08:48Empatia y
00:09:09NwC.CooL-T ss
00:09:13Kiel we need a gank bot guys :/
00:09:39Empatia SANKARI
00:09:41Empatia SHACKLE
00:09:43Empatia LOLOOL
00:09:48zebbelito _:;d
00:09:50mamyka lol naix
00:09:51zebbelito lvl 3 slow
00:09:55zebbelito 4
00:10:06mamyka i rape him on mid
00:10:08Empatia tämä kauppa on vammane
00:10:11Netukka ah
00:10:43mamyka ?????? ? ??? ?? ????? ?????
00:10:49Strom mis mid
00:10:50mamyka 18/12
00:10:52NwC.CooL-T ? ? ????)
00:10:58Kiel 6/1 :/
00:11:02mamyka ?? ??? ???????
00:11:05Stunsq dd
00:11:06NwC.CooL-T 33/0 )
00:11:41DeduXserS gush sk?
00:12:00Strom MID MIS
00:12:28Strom mid bot
00:12:37Netukka use ult
00:12:39Netukka lol
00:12:40Netukka ...
00:12:55Empatia TAPPO
00:12:58mamyka ??? ??? ???? ?????,
00:13:04DeduXserS vähä tuuri
00:13:06mamyka roof you have imnvis?
00:13:07Netukka they push
00:13:11Kiel I made u invis
00:13:15Kiel then i made myself invis.
00:13:20Kiel they had a sent ward
00:13:34Strom lol
00:13:40NwC.CooL-T amazing )
00:13:54Kiel ulty rdy
00:13:59Netukka me too soon
00:14:13DeduXserS tc 6-0 -.-
00:14:21Empatia se oli paska
00:14:42Strom not enough backup bot :(
00:14:54Kiel <3 our ulty combo ;p
00:14:57Empatia 1+ and it would have been triple with you dead
00:15:24Strom I'm gonna run bot
00:15:52Empatia EI LOLOLO
00:16:04Netukka :))
00:16:36Kiel ulty rdy
00:16:48DeduXserS tide got ulti?
00:16:50Stunsq y
00:17:00Kiel sk ult rdy?
00:17:03Netukka y
00:17:04Netukka but
00:17:05Kiel go
00:17:05Netukka tide
00:17:15Empatia ... :D
00:17:21Netukka like i said
00:17:22Netukka tide
00:17:36Empatia b
00:17:47Kiel naja if obsi would of prisoned tide
00:17:49Kiel it would of been np ;p
00:18:05Empatia pwned
00:18:08Netukka ))
00:18:10NwC.CooL-T pwnd
00:18:10Netukka )))
00:18:24Empatia well im playing dota for the first time
00:18:32DeduXserS pro
00:18:55Empatia tätäkö peliä sitä pelattii vuodet
00:18:55Empatia :D
00:18:56Empatia lol
00:19:03DeduXserS paljo parempi ku dota 2
00:19:03Stunsq ei tunnu siltä
00:19:13Empatia juu on täs omat puolensa
00:19:17Empatia mut dota 2 toimiva invoker
00:19:17Empatia gg
00:19:20DeduXserS jos täs ois steam vaa päällä
00:19:23DeduXserS nii tää ois parempi
00:19:30mamyka ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?????)
00:20:15Empatia tp
00:20:28DeduXserS sdasdasd
00:20:33DeduXserS :DD
00:20:47creeeeeee wuppiduu
00:20:56DeduXserS go to naix
00:21:00Empatia tekis mieli ostaa itemeitä mutta paska kana
00:21:07Empatia oom
00:21:18DeduXserS kanas oo mitää vikaa =D
00:21:21Empatia o
00:21:24Empatia tyhmä paska
00:21:32Empatia ei toimi tildestä
00:22:09Netukka dagger now
00:22:10DeduXserS tildestä?
00:22:16Netukka tree and obsi
00:22:17Netukka gonna
00:22:18Netukka farm long
00:22:21Kiel nah
00:22:23Empatia 1 vasen puoli = tilde
00:22:23Kiel i can join
00:22:27mamyka ?????
00:22:28DeduXserS eh
00:22:29Kiel lemme know when u wanna do something ;p
00:22:30mamyka same
00:22:32Empatia console buttoni
00:22:46mamyka ?? ?????*
00:22:57NwC.CooL-T ???
00:22:58DeduXserS treant might relic
00:22:59Netukka wards mb
00:23:38DeduXserS assholes
00:24:14zebbelito ffs
00:24:47Kiel plz let me chick
00:24:48Kiel secret
00:24:52Kiel done
00:24:54Kiel ty
00:25:53Kiel omw mid
00:25:53Netukka lol
00:25:54Empatia HAHAHAHA
00:26:03Netukka u got me
00:26:12Empatia omg im tooo god
00:26:15Netukka god
00:26:16Netukka yes
00:27:13NwC.CooL-T go all mid
00:27:15NwC.CooL-T end it
00:27:25Kiel no ult from me
00:27:31NwC.CooL-T ffs
00:27:47creeeeeee okay
00:27:49creeeeeee all here again
00:28:12Kiel almost ulty
00:28:14Kiel 20 sec
00:29:13NwC.CooL-T roof lol
00:29:15mamyka roof rly so low
00:29:21Kiel you guys are nubs
00:29:26DeduXserS D:DD
00:29:28Kiel rushing into their final towers
00:29:31Kiel while we didnt have rax
00:29:35Kiel stuppid chasing of heroes
00:29:38Kiel when we could have rax
00:29:38DeduXserS homo
00:29:45Kiel i should of gone b
00:29:49mamyka go farm again we can win it with out you man
00:29:55Kiel .
00:29:59Kiel fine
00:30:03Kiel act like that kid
00:30:07Kiel u joined 1 push
00:30:11Kiel and now your a cool guy
00:30:27NwC.CooL-T lol
00:30:46Kiel nice ulty obsi
00:30:49Kiel almost hit one
00:30:54DeduXserS :D:DD:
00:30:54Empatia ego
00:30:54DeduXserS 10hp
00:30:54DeduXserS dunno if i die
00:30:54NwC.CooL-T ??????? ?????? ?????
00:30:54DeduXserS close one will be
00:30:54mamyka roof
00:30:54mamyka hf
00:30:54DeduXserS on 10hp ja en tiedä
00:30:54DeduXserS osuuko torni
00:30:54DeduXserS xD
00:30:54Kiel lol
00:30:54Kiel be like that
00:30:54DeduXserS ku hyppäsin
00:30:54Kiel i have items
00:30:54Kiel u do not
00:30:58Kiel i have imba ulty
00:31:00Kiel you also
00:31:00DeduXserS fuck
00:31:01Netukka ((((
00:31:02Kiel but u cant hit
00:31:09Netukka justice
00:31:38mamyka lets end it guys
00:31:42Kiel plz
00:31:42DeduXserS creeps?
00:31:48Empatia vittuku osaa olla tyhmä kana
00:31:52Kiel why linkens obsi :S
00:31:57DeduXserS siin kanas mitää vika
00:32:00Empatia o
00:32:01mamyka why radi roof?
00:32:06Kiel cause i deal imba dmg?
00:32:08Kiel and i can invis?
00:32:15mamyka coz you noob
00:32:19Kiel ;D
00:32:39Empatia miksei meil lentokanaa ?:D
00:32:47zebbelito go end
00:32:47DeduXserS no ei ketää kiinnosta se :D
00:32:54NwC.CooL-T regen and go
00:33:04Strom bait?
00:33:10Empatia SEE?
00:33:38Netukka nice to see u farming mamyka again
00:33:42Empatia HAHAH
00:33:44Empatia SHACKLE
00:33:44Empatia LOL
00:33:49mamyka fuckin niooob tc said regen and go
00:33:55Strom man, that was bait 2k12
00:33:58zebbelito gem aegis gopne
00:33:58mamyka awnd you go like rambos
00:33:59DeduXserS :D
00:33:59zebbelito I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:34:01Netukka just b
00:34:10mamyka why u go tell me plz
00:34:13mamyka 3 vs 5?
00:34:18Kiel why u build linkens
00:34:23Kiel when u could of gone sheep stick
00:34:24Kiel or aga
00:34:43Empatia mitä toi hero tekee
00:34:47DeduXserS iha mitä vaa :D
00:34:50Empatia ja miksei ne ota tota gemiä
00:35:01DeduXserS käyn hakees sen
00:35:04NwC.CooL-T go end
00:35:05NwC.CooL-T mid
00:35:10Netukka care trax
00:35:12Netukka lothart
00:35:13mamyka radi roof
00:35:20Empatia tapatat vaa kanan
00:35:23Kiel how is radi on roof wierd?
00:35:29Strom :D
00:35:32DeduXserS ei se voi kuolla
00:35:32Empatia ei huoh ovat tyhmiä
00:35:41Empatia voi se kuolla
00:35:48Empatia antaa vihuille 150 per naama
00:35:54Empatia ja sit 3 min nii ressaa
00:36:06DeduXserS how lucky
00:36:18mamyka Dagon luck?
00:36:26DeduXserS nope the first stun
00:36:49Strom oh well
00:36:52zebbelito bg
00:36:55Empatia GLYPH
00:37:04Empatia soolooks sää nee
00:37:13Netukka efjuu
00:37:15DeduXserS miks suikkaat
00:37:21Netukka kiinnosti
00:37:37creeeeeee I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:38creeeeeee :/
00:37:42Empatia I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:10Empatia lol juked
00:38:17Empatia juked to the fountain
00:38:18Kiel lol, what stunned me for that milli sec?
00:38:49Kiel opmw naix
00:39:02Strom I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:39:10mamyka again luck?
00:39:14DeduXserS nope
00:39:32Empatia olisin voittanu jos mun tiimis ois ollu 4 muuta windrunneria
00:40:24mamyka ?????
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