Game #2798423

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+25 X
+3 TS

98% | 1787 X | 1559 TS

+42 X
+3 TS

50% | 1186 X | 1345 TS

+10 X
+2 TS

47% | 1178 X | 1323 TS

+14 X
+1 TS

46% | 1232 X | 1245 TS

+26 X
+72 TS

NEW | 1068 X | 1134 TS

-43 X
-1 TS

92% | 1604 X | 1500 TS

-24 X
-2 TS

81% | 1442 X | 1446 TS

-21 X
-7 TS

46% | 1183 X | 1311 TS

+10 X
-3 TS

46% | 1204 X | 1285 TS

-20 X
-13 TS

9% | 972 X | 1120 TS

Chat log

00:00:03satan-_- rd?
00:00:05Mercury rd
00:00:05LetItBe Y
00:00:06Smokeer y
00:00:07satan-_- -rd
00:00:23MariahCarry treant
00:00:23satan-_- i ban lycan
00:00:23satan-_- lycan
00:00:23Smokeer y
00:00:23Mercury treant, lycan banned
00:00:23satan-_- all right
00:00:29LetItBe tb ?
00:00:30LetItBe imba gaming
00:00:33LetItBe i can mid w viper
00:00:38LetItBe k
00:00:42MariahCarry i will do just that
00:00:50ATS_ aa
00:00:53LetItBe mis võtad
00:00:53ATS_ take for me
00:00:54LetItBe mercury
00:01:06ATS_ for me?
00:01:07MariahCarry veno
00:01:10satan-_- y
00:01:11MariahCarry dk
00:01:12ATS_ whta you want?
00:01:12MariahCarry zzzzz
00:01:15satan-_- pick me destroyer
00:01:17LetItBe love the dragon
00:01:19MariahCarry need veno thd
00:01:22satan-_- -swap 3
00:01:23MariahCarry veno thd
00:01:24LetItBe get veno ogre magi
00:01:24ATS_ -swap 1
00:01:25MariahCarry and we won
00:01:27MariahCarry no
00:01:30LetItBe veno sk
00:01:30MariahCarry get 2*range
00:01:31LetItBe veno leshrac
00:01:32MariahCarry are u dumb
00:01:35MariahCarry ye
00:01:35LetItBe veno leshraC
00:01:38DayDream -swap 2
00:01:39Mercury -swap 4
00:01:49Mercury lanes?
00:01:56LetItBe sk veno bot?
00:01:56NeverbACKdOwn jakiro?
00:01:58NeverbACKdOwn or sven
00:02:00NeverbACKdOwn is g00d
00:02:02satan-_- sven?
00:02:02MagePower sven is useless
00:02:04MagePower as a ahero
00:02:06NeverbACKdOwn no
00:02:07NeverbACKdOwn its good
00:02:10NeverbACKdOwn pick sven or jakiro
00:02:12NeverbACKdOwn or sk
00:02:13Smokeer need range
00:02:18Smokeer nvm
00:02:20MariahCarry lesh
00:02:25MariahCarry only use ur stun after dk used it
00:02:27Smokeer ..
00:02:30MariahCarry so u can hit it
00:02:30LetItBe noone took gyro
00:02:35Tr1ukas K
00:02:36LetItBe imba hero
00:03:05LetItBe viper u tank?
00:03:07MariahCarry y
00:03:09LetItBe k
00:04:02LetItBe miss
00:04:03LetItBe top 1
00:04:30LetItBe re
00:04:57LetItBe miss
00:05:25MagePower dont
00:05:26MagePower sleep
00:05:27MagePower please
00:05:32NeverbACKdOwn hit a stun pls
00:05:38MagePower if you dont stun first
00:05:40MagePower it's impossible
00:05:43MagePower and slow is cd
00:05:44NeverbACKdOwn no
00:05:50Smokeer idiot
00:05:50NeverbACKdOwn wtf
00:05:51NeverbACKdOwn u did?
00:05:52Smokeer who control?
00:05:53MagePower gj
00:05:53DayDream lo
00:05:53NeverbACKdOwn :D
00:05:54MagePower retards
00:05:55DayDream l
00:05:57NeverbACKdOwn who uesed that ?
00:06:06LetItBe kill lvl 23
00:06:43LetItBe go
00:07:17DayDream ss ogre
00:07:22LetItBe top
00:07:59MagePower no stun
00:08:05NeverbACKdOwn omw
00:08:07NeverbACKdOwn gank mid
00:08:20LetItBe ss ogre
00:08:31MariahCarry thanks
00:08:32MariahCarry he's mid
00:08:40ATS_ lag
00:08:57satan-_- viper missing mid
00:08:58satan-_- care
00:09:00satan-_- all!
00:09:11MariahCarry get top
00:09:12MariahCarry omw
00:10:08MariahCarry gank mid
00:10:16ATS_ wards
00:10:19Tr1ukas ss mid
00:10:21Tr1ukas re
00:10:44ATS_ stupiud
00:10:58MariahCarry sk or veno
00:11:00MariahCarry u gotta gank mid
00:11:19LetItBe get bracers leshõ
00:11:20ATS_ no chicken?
00:11:26MagePower almoust 6 and
00:11:27MagePower got
00:11:28MagePower arcanes
00:11:36ATS_ courier?
00:11:36Smokeer ss veno
00:11:37ATS_ wtf
00:11:39DayDream ss bot
00:11:42Tr1ukas ss top
00:11:43MagePower it died
00:11:43NeverbACKdOwn som1 killed it
00:11:44MagePower :()
00:11:50LetItBe pull
00:12:03NeverbACKdOwn come
00:12:04NeverbACKdOwn ats
00:12:05NeverbACKdOwn ffs
00:12:12LetItBe ss top
00:12:13NeverbACKdOwn tp top
00:12:14NeverbACKdOwn osm1
00:12:14NeverbACKdOwn kill
00:12:15NeverbACKdOwn pls
00:12:19satan-_- viper going top
00:12:21satan-_- stay in fog
00:12:33ATS_ open courier
00:12:48LetItBe go pull
00:12:53NeverbACKdOwn we need to gank dk
00:12:53satan-_- ogre i dont have ulty
00:12:55satan-_- but aa
00:12:57NeverbACKdOwn hes been freefarming
00:12:59satan-_- do good ulty and he is dead
00:13:05MariahCarry ench inc top
00:13:05LetItBe go
00:13:44satan-_- :D?
00:13:45LetItBe sk or v eno start gank
00:13:46LetItBe tnx
00:13:47MagePower it's dead
00:13:47MagePower ;P
00:13:48MariahCarry yes
00:13:49MariahCarry pls
00:13:49MariahCarry bot
00:13:50satan-_- ah
00:13:56MariahCarry daydream
00:13:57MagePower pff im ganking
00:13:57satan-_- k7let
00:13:59satan-_- me7farm
00:14:01MagePower really hate jungling heroes
00:14:08satan-_- viper
00:14:10satan-_- ssssm7is
00:14:12satan-_- re
00:14:19ATS_ ogre wards
00:14:20ATS_ up
00:14:26NeverbACKdOwn buy them urself
00:14:32ATS_ wtf
00:14:33NeverbACKdOwn omw
00:14:34satan-_- aa can you ulty mid
00:14:35satan-_- ?
00:14:35NeverbACKdOwn ti gankj mid
00:14:40ATS_ n
00:14:41ATS_ cd
00:14:45ATS_ now
00:14:45MagePower SLEEP
00:14:50satan-_- b
00:15:05NeverbACKdOwn ty
00:15:24satan-_- nice
00:15:35satan-_- missclick
00:15:38NeverbACKdOwn omw top
00:15:40NeverbACKdOwn kill dk
00:15:54ATS_ go
00:16:35LetItBe viper wtf?
00:16:36LetItBe come earlier?
00:16:45ATS_ when will you get it encha?
00:16:53MariahCarry rofl
00:16:57ATS_ ward in river
00:16:58LetItBe would have gotten 2 kills
00:16:59LetItBe u
00:17:00LetItBe lol
00:17:05MariahCarry what u mean
00:17:09LetItBe aa and ogre
00:17:12LetItBe u were farming
00:17:12LetItBe woods
00:17:20MariahCarry i haven't hit a woods creep
00:17:21MariahCarry a single time
00:17:25LetItBe were there
00:17:28LetItBe dunno what u were doing
00:17:28MariahCarry yes
00:17:29MariahCarry with ench
00:17:32MariahCarry hahaha
00:17:33LetItBe oh
00:17:34LetItBe :D
00:17:40LetItBe go
00:18:10satan-_- tjx
00:18:14MariahCarry SK GO
00:18:15MariahCarry KILL AA
00:18:16LetItBe go aa
00:18:18MariahCarry OMFG
00:18:19MariahCarry SK
00:18:20MariahCarry GO STUN
00:18:21MariahCarry SK
00:18:22satan-_- thx*
00:18:23MariahCarry GO STUN
00:18:23MariahCarry SDK
00:18:25MariahCarry GO STUN
00:18:48ATS_ ward
00:18:54satan-_- no7mana7now
00:18:54satan-_- :D
00:19:07LetItBe y
00:19:24LetItBe gj
00:19:37MagePower ?....
00:19:38MagePower O_
00:19:39MagePower O
00:19:42LetItBe wp
00:19:43satan-_- didnt know that sk has aracan :/
00:19:50LetItBe going bkb or s/y?
00:19:50MariahCarry need wards
00:20:04LetItBe hey
00:20:08LetItBe bkb or sy?
00:20:33MagePower op
00:20:33MagePower :D
00:20:56ATS_ 1
00:21:12MariahCarry gg
00:21:13MariahCarry ff
00:21:24LetItBe wards plz
00:21:46MagePower i lose my hero
00:21:47MagePower soz guys
00:21:50MagePower i hate ench
00:21:51NeverbACKdOwn camp
00:21:52satan-_- nvm
00:21:52NeverbACKdOwn and kill
00:21:53satan-_- :P
00:22:01MagePower squishy as hell
00:22:01MagePower ..
00:22:05LetItBe anyone
00:23:43satan-_- :DD
00:24:14Mercury well viper was a stupid pick
00:24:32DayDream next time take gyro
00:24:40satan-_- llolol
00:24:45MariahCarry teach me
00:24:47MariahCarry scum
00:24:54satan-_- the melee creep missed me
00:24:57satan-_- and your attack killed me
00:25:01satan-_- that was later
00:25:02satan-_- gg :DD
00:25:08satan-_- that came later*
00:25:12Tr1ukas write icefrog :P
00:25:18satan-_- xD
00:25:31MariahCarry -ms
00:25:47Smokeer asd
00:25:47Smokeer sg
00:25:47Smokeer gr
00:25:52satan-_- gogo
00:26:34satan-_- b
00:26:54NeverbACKdOwn aa
00:26:55NeverbACKdOwn kill
00:27:19ATS_ god
00:27:31ATS_ whats wrong with you
00:27:38satan-_- :D
00:27:47LetItBe scumbag tb
00:27:59LetItBe sk wtf
00:28:05Smokeer xD
00:28:08MagePower op
00:28:08MagePower :D
00:28:12MariahCarry I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:16MariahCarry I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:25NeverbACKdOwn come
00:28:26NeverbACKdOwn with me
00:28:26NeverbACKdOwn encha
00:28:27Mercury stfu mariah ur fault
00:28:30MagePower sec
00:28:33MariahCarry haha
00:28:41MariahCarry eat my shit
00:28:41LetItBe go get that ogre magi noob
00:29:03NeverbACKdOwn b
00:29:22NeverbACKdOwn def mid
00:29:22NeverbACKdOwn tp
00:29:26NeverbACKdOwn satan
00:29:26satan-_- i7come
00:29:26NeverbACKdOwn ocme
00:29:32ATS_ warded
00:30:03satan-_- mid7
00:30:04LetItBe I surrender! [2/5 of Scourge]
00:30:04NeverbACKdOwn get mid
00:30:05satan-_- than7rosh
00:30:05MagePower ok so
00:30:06Tr1ukas .ff
00:30:06MagePower i myust
00:30:07satan-_- or7base
00:30:08MagePower suicide
00:30:09MagePower for you
00:30:09MagePower :|
00:30:12satan-_- :D
00:30:16MagePower how gay
00:30:16MagePower X:
00:30:25satan-_- base we can
00:30:31satan-_- 20 secs
00:30:32satan-_- y we can
00:30:34LetItBe go ff
00:30:34LetItBe pls
00:30:49satan-_- wrong
00:30:50satan-_- b
00:31:06satan-_- jex
00:31:06satan-_- 100
00:31:27MagePower .
00:31:38MariahCarry wp veno
00:31:45MariahCarry stand nearby
00:31:47MagePower gay herop
00:31:47MagePower |:
00:31:48MariahCarry superb
00:31:49LetItBe :D
00:31:51satan-_- true
00:31:53LetItBe ff all
00:31:53LetItBe pls
00:31:57LetItBe pointless game
00:31:59MagePower you never paly ap here?
00:32:01MagePower or ar
00:32:01MagePower or cm?
00:32:09satan-_- i did 3 games
00:32:10satan-_- of 120
00:32:11MagePower come
00:32:11MagePower wisp
00:32:12MagePower :!|
00:32:15ATS_ mode for retards
00:32:22satan-_- i pick pudge
00:32:26satan-_- than i own like retarded
00:32:27satan-_- :D
00:32:31Smokeer me2
00:32:31NeverbACKdOwn b
00:32:31Smokeer ...
00:32:32NeverbACKdOwn mby
00:32:32MagePower xD
00:32:33satan-_- rosh?
00:32:35NeverbACKdOwn ye
00:32:43Smokeer let me aegis?
00:33:14satan-_- ok
00:33:14satan-_- tank
00:33:15satan-_- :D
00:33:32MagePower xD
00:33:32MagePower ..
00:33:45MagePower ifw e dont have uls.
00:33:57satan-_- actually i didnt have hp
00:33:59satan-_- -_-
00:34:11satan-_- now push bottom tower
00:34:12satan-_- than rosh
00:34:37satan-_- ats send ulty at rosh
00:34:41satan-_- nvm
00:34:42satan-_- not
00:35:20Smokeer def mid?
00:35:36Smokeer smoked?
00:35:37DayDream buy wards
00:35:43NeverbACKdOwn they are prolly
00:36:21satan-_- ---
00:36:21MagePower booring game
00:36:30satan-_- go just bottom
00:36:34LetItBe plant there 1
00:36:40LetItBe and there
00:36:41satan-_- here
00:36:41ATS_ they uphill 5
00:36:43LetItBe ill buy too then
00:37:55satan-_- this was 3 for 4?
00:37:58satan-_- 5
00:38:03satan-_- 2*
00:38:07satan-_- b
00:38:07satan-_- b
00:38:20satan-_- i need to finish my bkbk
00:38:22satan-_- than i wil ltank
00:38:40LetItBe def base
00:38:49MagePower can i go facebook?
00:38:52satan-_- :D
00:38:52Smokeer no
00:38:54MagePower ... xD
00:38:59MagePower im booted
00:38:59satan-_- we didnt still win
00:38:59Smokeer name facebook?
00:39:01MagePower booted
00:39:03MagePower bored
00:39:03Smokeer ur
00:39:07MagePower it's easy
00:39:11satan-_- i7got7smoke
00:39:14NeverbACKdOwn smoke gank =
00:39:22satan-_- ycome
00:39:22satan-_- here
00:39:22NeverbACKdOwn gather
00:39:24NeverbACKdOwn for smoke
00:39:30satan-_- ench
00:39:34MagePower coming
00:39:34MagePower X:
00:40:17DayDream b
00:40:19DayDream dk dont
00:40:24DayDream k
00:40:26DayDream nvm
00:40:28satan-_- warded
00:40:32ATS_ y
00:40:46satan-_- i farm bottom bkb
00:40:46NeverbACKdOwn fake rosh?
00:40:46satan-_- -_-
00:40:48LetItBe tp roshj
00:40:48satan-_- let me
00:40:49satan-_- :o
00:41:03ATS_ we need to end this
00:41:11NeverbACKdOwn ye
00:41:13NeverbACKdOwn we need to push
00:41:48satan-_- fuck
00:41:49satan-_- mid
00:41:56MagePower lol
00:41:56NeverbACKdOwn come
00:41:57NeverbACKdOwn all
00:41:57MagePower mass
00:41:58NeverbACKdOwn ffs
00:41:59NeverbACKdOwn b
00:42:01satan-_- they
00:42:02satan-_- coming
00:42:05NeverbACKdOwn we 3
00:42:06NeverbACKdOwn b
00:42:06ATS_ b
00:42:07ATS_ bot
00:42:13satan-_- 800
00:42:13satan-_- for
00:42:14satan-_- bkbk
00:42:18ATS_ go mid åush
00:42:23ATS_ push
00:42:31NeverbACKdOwn let obsi get bkb
00:42:33NeverbACKdOwn then push
00:42:45ATS_ then they have 1 bkb
00:42:45MagePower can i go facebook meanwhile
00:42:45NeverbACKdOwn ok
00:42:47NeverbACKdOwn not good
00:43:13Smokeer smoked?
00:43:14satan-_- jeal
00:43:15satan-_- heal
00:43:16satan-_- me
00:43:17satan-_- :o
00:43:18satan-_- bkb
00:43:19satan-_- coming
00:43:20LetItBe umm dunno where they are
00:43:20LetItBe :D
00:43:21LetItBe smoke
00:43:22LetItBe they smoke
00:43:24Mercury smoke and gang
00:43:24LetItBe m,by?
00:43:25DayDream b
00:43:27LetItBe viper b
00:43:29satan-_- ok
00:43:29satan-_- try
00:43:29LetItBe pls
00:43:30satan-_- our
00:43:31satan-_- luck
00:43:37MariahCarry come ffs
00:43:45MariahCarry def mid
00:43:46LetItBe smoke and go
00:43:49LetItBe surprrise
00:43:49LetItBe them
00:44:07satan-_- sry
00:44:07satan-_- lol
00:44:10LetItBe how did they see
00:44:23Tr1ukas ogre ward
00:44:26satan-_- :D
00:44:27MariahCarry retarded go
00:44:32MagePower ok facebook time
00:44:33MagePower ;D
00:44:34satan-_- go top after
00:44:40Smokeer facebook ur name?
00:44:41LetItBe fucker bought sentrys
00:44:43LetItBe what a fag
00:44:43LetItBe :D
00:44:46MagePower ;d stalker?
00:44:47satan-_- share
00:44:48satan-_- it
00:44:49satan-_- y
00:44:51Smokeer y
00:44:52Smokeer xD
00:44:59satan-_- heal
00:45:00satan-_- ench
00:45:07LetItBe will tp
00:45:35satan-_- :D
00:45:41MagePower ok
00:45:43MagePower facebook
00:45:43MagePower xD
00:45:46satan-_- :D
00:45:50DayDream I surrender! [3/5 of Scourge]
00:46:06satan-_- cDF
00:46:07NeverbACKdOwn why :D
00:46:08satan-_- hahahfah
00:46:08NeverbACKdOwn hahahaha
00:46:10satan-_- misscliekd
00:46:10satan-_- barak
00:46:15satan-_- haha
00:46:20satan-_- ofc not
00:46:22satan-_- kidding
00:46:31satan-_- for
00:46:32satan-_- fun
00:46:32satan-_- xD
00:46:56satan-_- 0.1 for bkbk
00:46:57satan-_- -_-
00:47:38MagePower owned
00:47:39MagePower :X
00:48:21MariahCarry :D
00:48:24satan-_- uh
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