Game #2095886

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+23 X
-1 TS

84% | 1380 X | 1516 TS

+0 X
-1 TS

84% | 1370 X | 1499 TS

-44 X
-1 TS

81% | 1426 X | 1410 TS

-34 X
+0 TS

64% | 1263 X | 1370 TS

-42 X
-1 TS

58% | 1236 X | 1346 TS

-13 X
+1 TS

99% | 1812 X | 1660 TS

+37 X
+2 TS

71% | 1287 X | 1417 TS

+16 X
+0 TS

69% | 1246 X | 1434 TS

+31 X
+2 TS

67% | 1241 X | 1424 TS

+36 X
+1 TS

56% | 1200 X | 1367 TS

Chat log

00:00:12EyeforanEye ban the rubick plz
00:00:16EyeforanEye or fb
00:00:16EyeforanEye fp*
00:00:16creeeeeee -clear
00:00:16Maier easybash
00:00:16TOo_LaZy nerubian
00:00:16TOo_LaZy sexy
00:00:16TOo_LaZy :D
00:00:16NotAHax muli
00:00:16NotAHax tuutko venttii
00:00:16Muli moi
00:00:16Momdsiw kukkuu
00:00:16Muli en jaksa
00:00:16SUPERmamus if he fp weaver go pugna qop
00:00:16Muli nuo kuulokkeet nii kuraa
00:00:16EyeforanEye english plz
00:00:16EyeforanEye .
00:00:16Ckalle ban magus
00:00:16Herre .
00:00:16NotAHax -huskar
00:00:16Ckalle 2 sick
00:00:16Herre derp
00:00:16NotAHax -tuskar
00:00:16Ckalle oh shit
00:00:16Ckalle leave all OP then
00:00:16Ckalle he gets 1 we get 2
00:00:16Ckalle of weaver huskar magus
00:00:16SUPERmamus magus
00:00:20Maier what huskar
00:00:21NotAHax eye
00:00:21Muli ottaa tralli
00:00:22NotAHax you want?
00:00:25Ckalle ah
00:00:25TOo_LaZy u play
00:00:26TOo_LaZy weaver
00:00:27EyeforanEye weaver?
00:00:28TOo_LaZy or let me
00:00:28NotAHax yes
00:00:29Ckalle thought there was
00:00:32EyeforanEye no ty :(
00:00:32Ckalle since he banned
00:00:32Maier nope
00:00:33NotAHax eye wanna play this?
00:00:33TOo_LaZy i like weaver
00:00:38NotAHax but i dont trust ur weaver
00:00:41creeeeeee go pugna ckalle then
00:00:43TOo_LaZy oh well
00:00:43EyeforanEye ill go furi or mirana
00:00:46NotAHax -_-
00:00:46TOo_LaZy whatever
00:00:47NotAHax i wanted
00:00:47TOo_LaZy u play then
00:00:48Ckalle not going pugna dual
00:00:49NotAHax some of those
00:00:49TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:00:49NotAHax lol
00:00:49TOo_LaZy -di
00:00:49Ckalle so horrible
00:00:56Muli go trall
00:01:00Ckalle now someone can go pugna
00:01:02Ckalle and I go wood
00:01:08NotAHax venge
00:01:09Momdsiw sile okey too?
00:01:17Ckalle sile is strong vs them tbh
00:01:20Herre pitkästä aikaa zeus
00:01:21Herre xx-D
00:01:27Muli hienosti kolmas soolo
00:01:27NotAHax well toolazyh
00:01:28Muli ..
00:01:29NotAHax wanna play this?
00:01:31TOo_LaZy yes
00:01:32TOo_LaZy sure
00:01:32Maier pugna would be imba
00:01:33TOo_LaZy what u want
00:01:34Maier against them
00:01:34NotAHax hmm wait
00:01:36EyeforanEye get venge
00:01:39TOo_LaZy my turn to pick
00:01:39Herre yy
00:01:39Ckalle go for it
00:01:41NotAHax nvm
00:01:42EyeforanEye mb gondar?
00:01:43NotAHax shit heros in pool
00:01:45Ckalle or swap me and go wood
00:01:47NotAHax well i can gondar
00:01:47creeeeeee imo go some tank last
00:01:47NotAHax k
00:01:48creeeeeee ?
00:01:49NotAHax get me gondar
00:01:49Muli me woodz
00:01:49NotAHax go
00:01:51NotAHax -swap 5
00:01:51TOo_LaZy -swap 1
00:01:51Maier ok
00:01:52Ckalle but I need solo if I pugna
00:01:52Maier ckalle
00:01:52EyeforanEye me solo top
00:01:53Maier i swap
00:01:54creeeeeee shaman would be good too
00:01:59Momdsiw ckalle i can swap too :P
00:01:59Ckalle -swap 5
00:02:02Maier -swap 2
00:02:10Ckalle -clear
00:02:16Ckalle I'm solo bot then
00:02:18SUPERmamus who vei`
00:02:21SUPERmamus veil
00:02:28creeeeeee go fb bot?
00:02:33Ckalle nah
00:02:35creeeeeee aa
00:02:40Momdsiw not taking curse since they have spam spellers
00:02:41Ckalle furion has treant
00:02:42EyeforanEye enigma come gang lvl 3-4-5
00:02:43Maier i will rune down
00:02:44TOo_LaZy nota
00:02:47NotAHax yes
00:02:47TOo_LaZy linken or vanguard
00:02:48TOo_LaZy first?
00:02:49TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:02:49NotAHax none of them
00:02:50Ckalle so can't FB
00:02:51Muli kk
00:02:51TOo_LaZy -di
00:02:51NotAHax hood first
00:02:52TOo_LaZy k
00:02:53NotAHax hood
00:02:53creeeeeee yeap
00:02:54NotAHax treads
00:02:55NotAHax radi
00:02:55creeeeeee saw that
00:02:57NotAHax then hot
00:02:59TOo_LaZy kk
00:03:01NotAHax and
00:03:03NotAHax medallion is good
00:03:05NotAHax for this game
00:03:07NotAHax medallion,hood
00:03:08NotAHax treads
00:03:11Momdsiw pugna you or me mekanism?
00:03:12NotAHax and then radi
00:03:16NotAHax play agressive weaver, so not farm
00:03:19NotAHax alot
00:03:20Maier let's try
00:03:20NotAHax on midd game
00:03:21Maier fb
00:03:23Ckalle don't matter to me
00:03:27Maier got dd
00:03:36Maier zerus
00:04:23Maier gj
00:04:27Ckalle u2
00:04:27creeeeeee ups
00:04:29creeeeeee was looking bot
00:04:32creeeeeee :P
00:05:09Muli rdy gang?
00:05:13NotAHax jep
00:05:13Momdsiw gj
00:05:16NotAHax aitoa
00:05:24EyeforanEye pull 1 then go
00:05:27Muli ok
00:05:47Momdsiw why not harras
00:05:49Momdsiw we are 2vs1
00:05:54creeeeeee from lvl 3
00:06:12Muli sile?
00:06:15EyeforanEye y
00:06:24SUPERmamus ss gondar
00:06:28NotAHax go furion
00:06:30Muli ..
00:06:33Momdsiw -int
00:06:36Momdsiw -st
00:06:52creeeeeee glimpse rocks
00:06:58Ckalle I go meka sile
00:06:58SUPERmamus ss still
00:06:59Momdsiw ^^
00:07:00Muli ill get 5
00:07:12SUPERmamus re
00:07:29creeeeeee potm miss
00:07:30creeeeeee care mid
00:08:20creeeeeee re
00:08:29NotAHax i come top
00:08:33Ckalle eh
00:08:34Ckalle ok
00:08:35SUPERmamus ss mid
00:08:44TOo_LaZy nobo calle
00:08:45Ckalle lagging so insanely much
00:08:45TOo_LaZy outplayed
00:08:48Herre y x
00:08:49Herre D
00:08:49Ckalle just me?
00:09:02EyeforanEye come gondar
00:09:06NotAHax fuck off
00:09:13Herre b
00:09:14creeeeeee potm iss
00:09:15creeeeeee re
00:09:19NotAHax qop inc
00:09:19NotAHax bot
00:09:22NotAHax with rune
00:09:40Ckalle ss 2
00:09:46Ckalle re both
00:09:59Maier we can own botm ?
00:10:01Ckalle yep
00:10:04EyeforanEye let me pull
00:10:05Muli got bh
00:10:08Muli k
00:10:28creeeeeee potm miss again
00:10:32NotAHax selvä
00:10:47SUPERmamus up chick
00:10:50creeeeeee re
00:11:29EyeforanEye enigma
00:11:33EyeforanEye ss thrall top
00:11:34TOo_LaZy ss mid
00:11:37Ckalle ss weaver
00:11:42creeeeeee potm ss agaain
00:11:42SUPERmamus he mid
00:12:06NotAHax MID MISS
00:12:12EyeforanEye sec item inc
00:12:17EyeforanEye ss thrall
00:12:17Maier cree
00:12:20Maier võta warde palun
00:12:21EyeforanEye re
00:12:30creeeeeee potm ss again
00:12:40creeeeeee on chick
00:12:49creeeeeee damn
00:12:52creeeeeee a bit late global
00:12:55Momdsiw ye
00:12:56creeeeeee could of killed easy :/
00:12:58Momdsiw i pressed same time
00:13:01Muli blink soon
00:13:02Momdsiw ¨than enigma ultied
00:13:04EyeforanEye goodie
00:13:09EyeforanEye ss 2 bot
00:13:12EyeforanEye top*
00:13:31NotAHax en ikinä anna ittelleni anteeks et oon kuollu sun paskalle farmi qopille jo 2x
00:13:33creeeeeee potm miss top again
00:13:35creeeeeee care mid
00:13:44SUPERmamus raastan suaki
00:13:45EyeforanEye still ss top
00:13:46creeeeeee re
00:14:10TOo_LaZy wp
00:14:14NotAHax you 2
00:14:33Maier b
00:14:43Ckalle meda done
00:14:47Ckalle meka
00:14:48Momdsiw kk
00:14:57EyeforanEye ss top
00:15:01Muli famaan vielä bootsit ja alan gang
00:15:51Ckalle TEAM
00:15:52Ckalle WTF
00:15:54Ckalle WHY DO U B
00:16:01EyeforanEye lol weaver.
00:16:01Herre der
00:16:02Herre p
00:16:03Muli :D::D
00:16:03creeeeeee i came from base
00:16:04TOo_LaZy yes
00:16:05Momdsiw kinda low
00:16:05TOo_LaZy i fucked up
00:16:06TOo_LaZy :D
00:16:07Ckalle furion
00:16:08Ckalle was with me
00:16:12Ckalle but decided to go back
00:16:14Maier i was mid
00:16:17Maier and stayed mid
00:16:18Herre -ma
00:16:18Ckalle u were at me
00:16:20Ckalle when I pinged
00:16:23Ckalle and said FIGHT
00:16:27Ckalle we were melee range
00:16:30NotAHax go thrall
00:16:30EyeforanEye omw
00:16:31Ckalle u went with me a bi
00:16:32Ckalle bit
00:16:34Ckalle then backed
00:16:40Maier i saw all coming
00:16:41Ckalle twr
00:16:43Maier towards top
00:16:56creeeeeee shit
00:16:58creeeeeee ult dc
00:17:00creeeeeee cd
00:17:20Ckalle OMFG
00:17:22Ckalle NO FUCKING WAY
00:17:22SUPERmamus god
00:17:34Ckalle animation deny stick and meka
00:17:36SUPERmamus furi tele to fights
00:17:37Ckalle cool story
00:18:07Maier i'm kinda always oom
00:18:10Momdsiw top tower
00:18:12Momdsiw go load mana then
00:18:29NotAHax need
00:18:29NotAHax obs
00:18:30NotAHax rly
00:18:31NotAHax muili
00:18:33Momdsiw care arrow
00:18:34Momdsiw qop
00:18:34Muli y
00:19:05Maier no tp
00:19:06Maier have cd
00:19:53Herre derp
00:19:54EyeforanEye lol.
00:20:08Muli failasin blackhole hotkeyn kans
00:20:12Herre niin teit
00:20:13EyeforanEye lol didnt know they had furi :O
00:20:25Muli ei menny cd ::D
00:20:29Muli kuolin ku castasin
00:21:23Herre jännä muuten
00:21:25TOo_LaZy towa
00:21:26Herre tossa listassa luki
00:21:27TOo_LaZy needm oney
00:21:29Ckalle furion
00:21:31Herre että sulla olis bh cd:llä
00:21:33SUPERmamus furi could you join fights with your tele someday?
00:21:35Herre mutta ei vissiin ollukaan
00:21:35Muli jaa
00:21:35Ckalle u plan on ever doing anything?
00:21:37Muli ei
00:21:40Muli kuolin ku castasin
00:21:43Herre joo
00:21:44Herre huomasin
00:21:45Muli bug
00:21:48Herre näin on
00:21:50creeeeeee fury is supposto gang or join fights all the time
00:21:52Maier sure thing
00:21:55creeeeeee not just farm at forest
00:22:09Ckalle come for smoke
00:22:17EyeforanEye enigma zeus get obs
00:22:17Maier i will tp
00:22:20Herre xxxxxxxxxxxxx-D
00:22:22Herre no way
00:22:33Ckalle noob thrall
00:23:06Muli vitun wardi
00:23:08Muli saatana
00:23:13EyeforanEye Greedy bastard.
00:23:28Muli joudun käymää jokavälis basesa
00:23:33Herre <33
00:23:33EyeforanEye we should really all get hood :D
00:23:36Herre le usual
00:24:07Herre derp
00:24:09Muli jep
00:24:22Muli vitutt
00:24:26Ckalle farm top?
00:24:48Ckalle def mid
00:24:50Muli ja taas basee
00:24:53Herre DDDDx
00:25:10Muli sais ees nää kepit pläntittyä
00:25:14Maier potm
00:25:14Maier incv
00:25:16EyeforanEye go
00:25:25Ckalle -.-
00:25:43SUPERmamus go
00:25:45Herre we should get t1 towers
00:25:49NotAHax y
00:25:55Maier will tp
00:25:56Herre le go mid
00:25:59Muli help me plant wards
00:26:00Muli .,-
00:26:08Herre we have already wards
00:26:09NotAHax pistä
00:26:09Herre go mid
00:26:10NotAHax otho
00:26:32TOo_LaZy wow
00:26:33TOo_LaZy ;DDD
00:26:34TOo_LaZy :DD
00:26:37Herre plz
00:26:47NotAHax enigma
00:26:48NotAHax :DD
00:26:51Herre eeeeeei
00:26:55Herre samuli :<
00:26:59Muli no
00:27:14Muli ne on mid kaikki
00:27:15Herre jos et olis bäkkiny niin olis irronnu
00:27:20Muli jaa
00:27:21Herre pugna
00:27:23Ckalle why mid
00:27:24Ckalle no twr
00:27:30Muli mut ne on midis viidel
00:27:31Momdsiw im tracked :<
00:27:34Muli oltas voitu kuolla
00:27:37Herre :D
00:27:40Herre ne oli botissa
00:27:41Herre pugna oli yksin
00:27:47NotAHax go
00:28:11Muli WARD
00:28:23NotAHax 'dfghKPHFDOHDFKHFDP^*
00:28:31Momdsiw -st
00:28:46Muli HUOH
00:28:46TOo_LaZy wow
00:29:26EyeforanEye silence rdy
00:30:05Muli no ult
00:30:05Momdsiw team intz
00:30:08EyeforanEye ok
00:30:41Maier i have fucking cd
00:30:53Momdsiw when we moving you should move with us
00:30:56Ckalle why don't u just go with us from the start
00:31:03Momdsiw since you havent even maxed tp
00:31:05EyeforanEye goodie
00:31:06Ckalle that way you won't fucking ALWAYS be on CD
00:31:22NotAHax gay
00:31:22NotAHax let me
00:31:24EyeforanEye xD
00:31:28NotAHax :
00:31:30NotAHax =)
00:31:31Herre :
00:32:19SUPERmamus come with us
00:32:39Momdsiw why not hex furi
00:33:37Muli mid
00:33:38Muli ffs
00:34:05Muli wARD
00:34:22Ckalle ward cd
00:34:51creeeeeee was there any global too?
00:34:53Maier we were waiting for what ?
00:35:06Momdsiw waiting them to attack i see
00:35:16Momdsiw we kindaneed gem
00:35:25Ckalle haters
00:35:44NotAHax run
00:35:44NotAHax there
00:35:45NotAHax noo
00:35:48NotAHax l
00:35:49NotAHax noob furion
00:35:57EyeforanEye ?
00:36:29Maier we need someone to start
00:36:57SUPERmamus ...
00:37:35Ckalle WTF
00:37:35Muli :D:D:D:D
00:37:38Ckalle TY TEAM
00:37:40Momdsiw :D:D
00:37:40Ckalle NICE FORCE
00:37:41Ckalle I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:37:42NotAHax :DD
00:38:20Ckalle everyone just get some HP
00:38:28Ckalle if we live through burst they're done for
00:38:30SUPERmamus gang
00:38:34Ckalle I have pipe soon also
00:38:58TOo_LaZy gg imo
00:39:01SUPERmamus get wards
00:39:16creeeeeee instant 1300 hp :/
00:39:19NotAHax You are weak admin cree .P
00:39:21NotAHax :P
00:39:22Ckalle so get more
00:39:35Muli :D:D::D:D
00:39:36Ckalle oh my god
00:39:39TOo_LaZy noob
00:39:44Maier I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:39:46Muli where the fuck did neru go :D
00:39:47Maier pointless game
00:40:02Ckalle TOo_LaZy, u have never done anything good in DotA
00:40:04Momdsiw gem woulda rape them but we have no gem carriers
00:40:04TOo_LaZy i got 47 cs
00:40:04TOo_LaZy :D
00:40:06Ckalle I don't think you should talk
00:40:09Ckalle QoP
00:40:12Ckalle is gem carrier hero?
00:40:27creeeeeee yeye
00:40:45Muli sai fragin
00:40:46Muli wtf ::D
00:40:55creeeeeee he focuses me every time first
00:40:57Momdsiw I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:41:01creeeeeee so im kinda instant all the time :D
00:41:32NotAHax go rosh
00:41:35Maier cree feilid täie pasagaaaa
00:41:47creeeeeee failin selle, et gondar farmed on?
00:41:51creeeeeee ja mu instant tapab?
00:42:06Momdsiw dont move solo then
00:42:09Momdsiw as simple as that
00:42:27Ckalle 200 pipe
00:42:32creeeeeee kinda havnt done that?
00:42:54Momdsiw -st
00:43:16SUPERmamus xD
00:43:47Muli DIE
00:43:50Ckalle Hater
00:43:51Herre gg
00:43:52Ckalle seriously
00:43:55Maier just ff it
00:44:06Ckalle did u ever do a spell on anyone but me this game Engima?
00:44:13Muli no
00:44:27Ckalle thought so
00:44:33Ckalle well
00:44:39Ckalle I shouldn't have swapped Furion
00:44:45Maier true
00:44:46Herre hieno tp hermanni
00:44:50Maier hate forest furion
00:44:51Muli haen refu
00:44:53Muli xDDDDDDDDD
00:44:54Herre ddX
00:45:05Muli ja farmaan lol?
00:45:07Herre lol
00:45:28Momdsiw just forfeit
00:46:40NotAHax come bot
00:46:41NotAHax guys
00:46:43TOo_LaZy k
00:46:43Herre derp
00:46:48Ckalle finally pipe
00:47:01EyeforanEye omw bot
00:47:15Muli DOUBLE
00:47:17Ckalle no ult? o.O
00:47:21Muli LOL
00:48:12creeeeeee I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:48:14EyeforanEye [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:48:14EyeforanEye [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:48:14EyeforanEye [DotA-GC] Game was won by Scourge!
00:48:14EyeforanEye [DotA-GC] Sentinel must now wait near their fountain until Scourge destroys the tree.
00:48:14SUPERmamus I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:48:15Ckalle I surrender! [5/5 of Sentinel]
00:48:17Herre gg
00:48:23Herre XXd
00:48:26EyeforanEye gg
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