Game #1836094

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+1 X
+1 TS

98% | 1697 X | 1587 TS

-24 X
+2 TS

91% | 1510 X | 1490 TS

-19 X
+1 TS

77% | 1349 X | 1423 TS

+44 X
+40 TS

NEW | 1048 X | 1131 TS

+34 X
+3 TS

9% | 887 X | 1155 TS

-6 X
-1 TS

91% | 1552 X | 1474 TS

-36 X
+0 TS

79% | 1386 X | 1440 TS

+18 X
+0 TS

67% | 1223 X | 1426 TS

+9 X
-1 TS

48% | 1125 X | 1343 TS

-6 X
-1 TS

31% | 1149 X | 1148 TS

Chat log

00:00:05Herre jee, ainakaan seppo ei oo tiimissä
00:00:10Seppo13 voitetaans peli kotiin
00:00:12New_Guy yay
00:00:15New_Guy me not chicken buyer
00:00:17Solisluu en ole overrated . com
00:00:17SUPERmamus oot kapteeni
00:00:17Solisluu -notahax
00:00:17SUPERmamus sanon sua kapteeniks
00:00:17Herre uuh aah
00:00:17NotAHax oke
00:00:17Solisluu kutsu mua kapteeniks
00:00:17NotAHax new guy
00:00:17Seppo13 stormii om
00:00:17NotAHax what you wanna play
00:00:17Seppo13 aika sick pool
00:00:17Herre herra kapteeni
00:00:17Solisluu aika sickit tiimit
00:00:17Herre bannitko
00:00:17New_Guy storm sounds neat
00:00:17Solisluu teill 2 parasta
00:00:17New_Guy but thrall
00:00:17NotAHax you wanna midd?
00:00:17NotAHax ok
00:00:17New_Guy would fuck me up
00:00:17New_Guy ya
00:00:17Seppo13 teil imba ligvid
00:00:17Solisluu odottelen tässä vain notahaxia
00:00:17Herre nuilla on kolle bolle
00:00:17Herre joten np
00:00:17Herre :DDD
00:00:17NotAHax -bb
00:00:17New_Guy \\
00:00:17Seppo13 thralli ois kova
00:00:17Seppo13 mutei jaksa pelaa sitä
00:00:17Usires noniin
00:00:17NotAHax new guy you can play thrall?
00:00:17Solisluu bloodseekah
00:00:17Herre bannaa stormi
00:00:17Herre oomggg
00:00:17New_Guy i can play him too
00:00:18Seppo13 ne pelaa abba cm
00:00:18SUPERmamus voisin pukeilla
00:00:25Solisluu bs liika pub stomp
00:00:29Solisluu stormi voi sentää disablee
00:00:34Seppo13 nota, thrall tc linja
00:00:38Herre anyone tide?
00:00:41NotAHax ei
00:00:44NotAHax en mä tätä oo pelaamas
00:00:44DSoul i can
00:00:46NotAHax swapi ntän new guylle
00:00:48Seppo13 jaajaa
00:00:48NotAHax joka on mun yks tuttava
00:00:49NotAHax ;)=
00:00:54NotAHax haluutko ottaa mulle
00:00:54New_Guy wisp pudga
00:00:55NotAHax wr
00:00:56New_Guy could be neat lane
00:00:59NotAHax ..
00:01:08NotAHax wr sieltä
00:01:11NotAHax ja swapi tää newlle
00:01:13NotAHax -..-
00:01:18New_Guy :D
00:01:24New_Guy what u want
00:01:25New_Guy hax
00:01:28NotAHax wr gone
00:01:30NotAHax fucking tards
00:01:34NotAHax get me storm
00:01:37NotAHax storm spirit
00:01:39New_Guy -swap 1
00:01:41NotAHax -swap 4
00:01:42Solisluu viholliseni on noutahax
00:01:45New_Guy so
00:01:46Solisluu pakko pelaa dotaa hax
00:01:46Usires wr bot imo
00:01:48New_Guy u wanna give me mid
00:01:48DSoul what you want?
00:01:48Herre hmmm
00:01:50Herre get me zeus
00:01:51Usires u better there
00:01:53Solisluu -Liqvid 2011
00:01:54karm take abba :s
00:01:57NotAHax well
00:01:57Herre zeus
00:02:00NotAHax u should go with tv
00:02:00NotAHax tc
00:02:01Herre -swap 5
00:02:01NotAHax imo
00:02:05DSoul -swap 2
00:02:06Solisluu nice
00:02:13karm -ma
00:02:18New_Guy tc, mb we go top
00:02:19Herre chicken
00:02:24NotAHax y
00:02:28New_Guy pudga solo
00:02:29NotAHax so pudge can solo bot
00:02:30New_Guy lycan woods
00:02:34New_Guy move bot
00:02:35KolleBolle pff fotgott chick
00:02:38Solisluu salee tää new guy joku 90%
00:02:38NotAHax banned
00:02:39KolleBolle ill get it in 2 min
00:02:40Solisluu oikeesti
00:02:41NotAHax and i will enjoy it
00:02:42NotAHax niinkö
00:02:42SUPERmamus ::DDD
00:02:45NotAHax nytkö vasta älysit
00:02:45Herre np niillä on kolle bolle
00:02:48New_Guy what did he say about me?
00:02:51NotAHax herre bänni kolle
00:02:52Solisluu hieno storm herman
00:02:53NotAHax ei ostanu kanaa
00:03:03New_Guy whaat did he say about me? -_
00:03:09NotAHax ur some 90% new guy
00:03:11karm ?rune bot
00:03:14NotAHax under rated
00:03:15NotAHax 8 D
00:03:22Herre me so rune taky
00:03:25Seppo13 sähä pirteeltä kuulostat
00:03:27New_Guy :\
00:03:45NotAHax mä oon aina yhtä pirteä hyville pelaajille
00:04:10Seppo13 htrall
00:04:13New_Guy sup
00:04:15Seppo13 lvl 1-1-1 skills
00:04:23New_Guy 2-1-1
00:04:23New_Guy ;]
00:05:08Solisluu miss mid
00:05:27Seppo13 letskill 3
00:05:28Seppo13 Wr
00:05:56KolleBolle now chick
00:05:57KolleBolle sry
00:05:59New_Guy its okay
00:06:00New_Guy man
00:06:42Herre just keep harassing
00:06:47Seppo13 b
00:06:47Seppo13 brb
00:07:02Herre dis notahax
00:07:09Usires miss tc
00:07:26Herre usires? :D:DD:
00:07:31Seppo13 mjaa
00:07:34Herre np
00:07:41Usires hä?
00:07:45Solisluu miss
00:07:50Solisluu re
00:07:54Seppo13 ill come bot
00:07:55Seppo13 kill
00:08:08Seppo13 get zeus
00:08:29New_Guy ss 2
00:08:31New_Guy er1
00:08:35Herre vittuko failasin
00:08:35Seppo13 kill
00:08:40Herre get b
00:08:47DSoul fuck
00:08:50Herre that sucked.
00:08:53Seppo13 shop
00:08:55New_Guy alright
00:08:58Solisluu miss
00:09:02NotAHax wards plz
00:09:18karm ss 2
00:09:23New_Guy =.=.
00:09:23Solisluu : (
00:09:23Herre XD
00:09:38DSoul -pudge
00:09:38Herre bot miss 2
00:09:40Herre care
00:09:49Herre care'
00:09:52Herre pudge miss
00:09:58Herre ALL CARE
00:10:12NotAHax mid miss
00:10:15NotAHax re
00:10:17Herre re
00:10:20Seppo13 nota
00:10:21Seppo13 tapetaa mid
00:10:24NotAHax k
00:10:31New_Guy ss2
00:10:32New_Guy care
00:10:57NotAHax derp
00:11:08NotAHax tottakai se ilmsetyy bot
00:11:09Solisluu miss mid
00:11:14DSoul -pudge
00:11:17NotAHax oisit pickannu sen helvetin wrn mulle
00:11:21NotAHax niin ois menny paljo paremmi tää mid
00:11:22New_Guy why am i still alone
00:11:23New_Guy here
00:11:28Herre go
00:11:37NotAHax tapetaa
00:11:38DSoul re
00:11:49Solisluu still mid mis
00:11:51Solisluu care!
00:11:52Solisluu storm has
00:12:00Herre b
00:12:12Herre ??????????
00:12:17Herre levi u doing?
00:12:19DSoul ffs
00:12:24NotAHax MID MISS VIPE
00:12:24DSoul lost hero for a sec
00:12:27DSoul my bad
00:12:37NotAHax viper bot
00:12:48New_Guy ss wr
00:12:53New_Guy zeus tpp
00:13:07Solisluu still miss mid
00:13:15NotAHax new guy, some wards would ben ice
00:13:16NotAHax nice
00:13:16Solisluu top rune
00:13:32NotAHax wr invi
00:13:38NotAHax wr invi
00:13:48Seppo13 mamuuus
00:13:52SUPERmamus sori
00:13:55SUPERmamus last hittailin
00:14:02SUPERmamus kek
00:14:02NotAHax new guy
00:14:04NotAHax can you buy wards
00:14:05NotAHax and gang
00:14:18SUPERmamus pudge on kyl kova carry
00:14:24NotAHax varsinki ku pelaaja on vitun paska
00:14:27Seppo13 jee
00:15:19Solisluu why do there new guys keep ruining the games
00:15:33Usires no eh ei se ainakaa topis mikää järjenjättiläinen ollu
00:15:38Seppo13 pushpush
00:15:42NotAHax en näil hpeil
00:15:45NotAHax äläkä säikäyttele tollei
00:15:47Herre vittuko lane zeus on paska
00:15:48NotAHax vittu katoin et olit vihu
00:15:54Seppo13 no metäskö mun pitais olla
00:15:59NotAHax ei :D
00:16:17Solisluu koita hakee levuu
00:16:32Seppo13 gang
00:16:39Herre voi nyt helvetti
00:17:03New_Guy wr miss
00:17:05New_Guy viper invi
00:17:08New_Guy mid
00:17:08NotAHax y
00:17:39Seppo13 hook
00:17:51Herre ebin
00:17:53NotAHax :D?
00:18:00NotAHax ajattelin jo et
00:18:04NotAHax vittu pelasin paskasti nyt se ultaa
00:18:06NotAHax mut sit katon mana bars
00:18:07NotAHax troilololo
00:18:09Herre mjoo
00:18:19Herre pelannu liikaa manabootsien kanssa zeusta
00:18:21Seppo13 ZEUS ULTI
00:18:24NotAHax sä langetit muhu noobi fbeiden kirouksen herre
00:18:35Usires top miss 3
00:18:36Usires care mid
00:18:37Usires imo
00:18:46Seppo13 ...
00:18:51Seppo13 aamu kankeut?
00:18:57Herre gang imo
00:18:59NotAHax sitä on liikkeellä
00:19:13NotAHax omw
00:19:13NotAHax .
00:19:51New_Guy :(
00:20:08Herre sais nyt ne manabootsit perkele
00:20:12NotAHax DONT
00:20:19Seppo13 go fight
00:20:29NotAHax ..
00:20:31NotAHax hyvä pudge
00:21:04Herre tere
00:21:23Seppo13 go
00:21:34Seppo13 thral..
00:21:37New_Guy sup
00:22:33Seppo13 Wards derp
00:22:38New_Guy -.-
00:22:52Seppo13 pudge paljo ha
00:22:57Solisluu wards
00:22:59SUPERmamus varmaa 0
00:23:02Seppo13 :p
00:23:10Usires nii
00:23:11Usires wards
00:23:13Herre jööh
00:23:17Solisluu tide
00:23:18Solisluu wards
00:23:18DSoul 3
00:23:27DSoul has
00:23:33NotAHax sentry?
00:23:34NotAHax they have ward
00:24:15Herre jhuoh
00:24:18Herre et sit viihtiny auttaa
00:24:19Seppo13 GO MAMUS
00:24:20Seppo13 teit sen
00:24:24SUPERmamus se oli paikallaan :D
00:24:32NotAHax joo hate
00:24:44Solisluu no luuletko et annetaan sun 1v1 divee
00:24:47NotAHax :<
00:24:55NotAHax lyac
00:24:55NotAHax lyca
00:24:58NotAHax go solo rosh
00:25:04Herre ompas paska peli osaltani
00:25:05NotAHax no
00:25:06NotAHax dont go
00:25:09NotAHax before we have got sentrys
00:25:14NotAHax b
00:25:15NotAHax ur alone
00:25:18SUPERmamus D:
00:25:19New_Guy yaya i know
00:25:21New_Guy :D
00:25:26KolleBolle bkb now or?
00:25:29NotAHax y
00:25:40karm -ms
00:25:44Herre get
00:25:56Seppo13 pff
00:25:56Herre should gang lycan
00:26:01Herre lets go with five
00:26:05Usires go
00:26:14Solisluu idd
00:26:15Solisluu come bot
00:26:20Herre lol
00:26:23Herre gogi
00:26:47NotAHax omw
00:26:49Seppo13 j
00:26:55New_Guy -.-
00:26:58Herre ez
00:27:01Seppo13 stun o
00:27:05NotAHax tuu tc
00:27:07Seppo13 fight
00:27:08Seppo13 gogogo
00:27:12New_Guy nice hook
00:27:49Herre go again
00:27:51Herre bot
00:27:58DSoul w8 all?
00:28:00Herre tide make dagger
00:28:00Herre y
00:28:02Usires disablekki nii vitun vähis
00:28:52Herre no
00:28:53Herre tuletko
00:29:05Seppo13 ompas tylsä peli
00:29:10Herre go bot
00:29:32New_Guy 5
00:29:35New_Guy they want bot tower
00:29:42NotAHax lets def?
00:29:43New_Guy def?
00:29:45New_Guy ya
00:29:51NotAHax ..
00:29:53NotAHax we need all
00:29:57NotAHax b
00:29:58Seppo13 tp bot
00:29:59NotAHax they will be too late
00:30:03Seppo13 notaa
00:30:06NotAHax w
00:30:07NotAHax we cant
00:30:07NotAHax def
00:30:08NotAHax together only
00:30:09NotAHax we need all
00:30:13Seppo13 N O TULE SITTEN
00:30:19NotAHax no vittu kun tnuo tulee
00:30:21NotAHax KYLCA
00:30:22NotAHax DEF
00:30:23NotAHax RETARD
00:30:34Herre def
00:30:37Seppo13 ligviiiid
00:30:39NotAHax GO
00:30:41Herre nvm
00:30:44NotAHax vitun paska pudgen pitäis olla jo siel
00:30:53Herre HUOH
00:31:01Herre levi plz
00:31:06NotAHax hjee
00:31:06NotAHax jee
00:31:08NotAHax turhin pudge
00:31:08DSoul ?
00:31:12NotAHax ku pysyy takana ja pelkää
00:31:13NotAHax :DD
00:31:13Herre your ulti sucked ass
00:31:18DSoul got 4
00:31:18Herre I was already dead
00:31:21Herre yes?
00:31:21NotAHax liqvid
00:31:22NotAHax seppo
00:31:23Seppo13 hes gone
00:31:23Herre but I was dead
00:31:28Herre I deal the most dps at this hour
00:31:29NotAHax HES GONE
00:31:40Seppo13 katoin et se tp :D
00:31:40Solisluu ei vittu tuo trall on op hero
00:31:42Herre hieno chase
00:31:43New_Guy )
00:31:50Herre hohhoijaa
00:31:55Herre meidän pitää puskea
00:31:56Solisluu ja hienoo ku jotkut 90% new guyt pelaa tääl newinä
00:31:58Herre sittenku levillä on ulti
00:32:01New_Guy wat
00:32:08New_Guy translate stuff about me!
00:32:11Usires edelleenkää se ei oo 90
00:32:13Usires tai mä oon 100
00:32:22New_Guy nota
00:32:23NotAHax -.-
00:32:24Solisluu ei siltä näyt
00:32:26NotAHax cba
00:32:29New_Guy >>
00:32:32KolleBolle after bkb?
00:32:34Solisluu toi thrall on muaki paree pelaa tota
00:32:36NotAHax liqvid just whining how ur underrated and playing here
00:32:39NotAHax kolebolle stygian
00:32:40Herre löl
00:32:44Usires no siis ainaki aivan retardeja ratkasuja
00:32:49Usires alkulanella
00:32:50Herre jep
00:32:51NotAHax and that liqvid is one of biggest retards in gc
00:32:53NotAHax and over rated
00:32:55Herre go mid soon
00:33:21Seppo13 mamus?
00:33:23Seppo13 mitä jäädät :D
00:33:25Herre go mid
00:33:39SUPERmamus no ku ei oo wardei
00:33:45SUPERmamus ni luulin e tne kaikki tulee
00:33:51NotAHax tc
00:33:52NotAHax i mean
00:33:53NotAHax lyca
00:33:55NotAHax you can go rosh soo
00:33:57NotAHax soon
00:34:27New_Guy FIGHT
00:34:27NotAHax KILL
00:34:35New_Guy ..
00:34:36NotAHax best lyca
00:34:43New_Guy he is just a pussy
00:34:46NotAHax y
00:34:48Herre saadaan nakutettua basetorniakin
00:35:17NotAHax hyviä pelejä taas ku hävitää johonki paska pudgee ja tcehe
00:35:18Herre seppo xD
00:35:21Seppo13 jaaa,a
00:35:24Seppo13 ei kiinnosta
00:35:28NotAHax yllätys
00:35:29Herre tornia
00:35:37Seppo13 aamu pelit
00:35:46Herre b
00:36:09NotAHax lyca
00:36:10NotAHax go rosh
00:36:10NotAHax soon
00:36:12Herre turha tossa on chasea liqvid
00:36:13Herre tornia vaan
00:36:14New_Guy smoke
00:36:16New_Guy and rosh all
00:36:19NotAHax y
00:36:23NotAHax wait
00:36:24NotAHax wait
00:36:24NotAHax wait
00:36:25New_Guy gather
00:36:26NotAHax i get
00:36:27Solisluu thrall ois vaa trollannu meijät ultilla yms
00:36:27NotAHax full mana
00:36:31Herre sehän trollas jo
00:36:32Seppo13 ok ok kokkk
00:36:42New_Guy gather
00:36:43NotAHax plz
00:36:43NotAHax wait
00:36:44NotAHax me
00:36:44Solisluu mut joo totta
00:36:49Solisluu luulin et oisin tappanu sen
00:36:55New_Guy just hurry!:D
00:36:58Herre no jos olisit päässy kiinni niin olisit
00:36:59Seppo13 tuus ny
00:37:00Seppo13 läski
00:37:08NotAHax ite oot
00:37:11Solisluu b dude
00:37:11Seppo13 (;
00:37:16Herre go mid
00:37:18Herre gather
00:37:18New_Guy kill
00:37:19New_Guy rosh
00:37:20New_Guy ffs
00:37:21SUPERmamus lyca!
00:37:21New_Guy LYCAN
00:37:22NotAHax lyca
00:37:27NotAHax 'use ulti
00:37:29Usires tarvitaan imo gang kyllä eka
00:37:34Usires pitkän matkan nukeja
00:37:36NotAHax i take
00:37:37Usires vähä liikaa
00:37:43Herre no kokeillaas
00:37:44Solisluu mennää mettä
00:37:48New_Guy illu
00:37:48Herre jaajaa
00:37:51Seppo13 fighty
00:38:11Seppo13 hmm
00:38:17Herre go mid
00:38:20Solisluu hieno smoke roosa
00:38:40Herre ja nyt se torni
00:38:42NotAHax def
00:39:04Herre b
00:39:04Herre bb
00:39:05Herre b
00:39:14Herre bbbbbbbbbbb
00:39:35Herre gj
00:39:44Solisluu siis toi thrall
00:39:47Solisluu ...
00:39:54New_Guy :'(
00:39:58Solisluu bloodseekerki vähemmä ärsyttävä : (/((
00:40:18Herre go top next
00:40:26Solisluu well we got one rax
00:40:37Herre jaa
00:40:37Solisluu get b
00:40:39Usires moro
00:40:43Solisluu hekp
00:40:49Solisluu ultaa
00:40:50Seppo13 :--D
00:41:16Herre np no aegis
00:41:19NotAHax mee ny b
00:41:22NotAHax we should go gang them
00:41:23NotAHax with smoke
00:41:32Herre onko sulla ghosti
00:41:35Herre jugger
00:41:39Usires vitun läski pudge
00:41:43Usires olis kuollu molemmat
00:41:44Usires muute
00:41:44Herre pakko puskea
00:41:47Herre jep
00:41:48NotAHax we are just fucked up in fites becouse someone dies in start
00:42:05Herre go top after all have revived
00:42:16karm -ms
00:42:17Herre eikujaa lothari
00:42:33Usires se voi divee sut
00:42:42Herre aijoo linken
00:42:42Herre :DD
00:42:43Usires .....
00:43:10New_Guy yap
00:43:11NotAHax ,---
00:43:15NotAHax why you there
00:43:16NotAHax alone
00:43:21New_Guy :alone:
00:43:24Herre go top
00:43:27Herre I revive soon
00:43:38New_Guy lothars
00:43:39New_Guy )
00:44:02Herre Xd
00:44:08Seppo13 endatkaas ny
00:44:11NotAHax ??
00:44:15NotAHax me voidaan voittaa tää tard
00:44:17Herre wait
00:44:18Herre for jugger
00:44:21Seppo13 mul on menoo
00:44:25NotAHax voi voi
00:44:27Seppo13 jpe
00:44:43Solisluu wait for mid to push
00:44:44Usires ulti cd
00:45:00Solisluu wait it
00:45:07DSoul 3 creeps for 16 lvl
00:45:15Seppo13 pussyys
00:45:23DSoul ok
00:45:25Herre miks imitte sen expat
00:45:25DSoul 3 more
00:45:26Herre tollot
00:45:42karm brb
00:45:45Solisluu dont die for it
00:45:57SUPERmamus ne oottaqa et bottiki puskee
00:46:03Herre now go
00:46:07Solisluu wait mid
00:46:12SUPERmamus koht tulee
00:46:15Seppo13 j
00:46:20Herre next wave
00:46:21NotAHax meen def bot
00:46:21NotAHax fast
00:46:25Solisluu bot is pushing too
00:46:27Usires kill creeps
00:46:27Usires fast
00:46:28Herre GO
00:46:52NotAHax ei vittu
00:46:55New_Guy why cant you focus tide for once
00:47:00NotAHax y
00:47:08NotAHax TUHOO
00:47:20Seppo13 mamuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
00:47:21Seppo13 YE
00:47:30NotAHax lyca
00:47:30New_Guy go them
00:47:32New_Guy lycan
00:47:32Solisluu horrible lag
00:47:33Solisluu : (
00:47:36Solisluu mom surfing
00:47:44SUPERmamus lollo
00:47:45New_Guy DDD
00:47:45NotAHax :DD
00:47:46NotAHax sirkus
00:47:46Usires :DD
00:47:47DSoul .d
00:47:51NotAHax DEF RAX
00:47:52Usires raxia
00:47:52NotAHax RETARD LYCA
00:47:53Herre AMMUTKO RAXEJA
00:47:54Usires ligci
00:47:57Herre vitun retardi
00:47:59Herre hohhoijaa
00:48:04Herre tärkeitä amiove kriippejä
00:48:06KolleBolle with 1 hp
00:48:07Solisluu ei mulla oo depsiä
00:48:10Solisluu ottaa raxia
00:48:11Herre täh?
00:48:14SUPERmamus axa0xa0
00:48:14Herre sulla on 200 damage
00:48:24Herre enemmän kuin kellään meistä
00:48:28NotAHax teen sit toisen bkbn
00:48:29Herre taino jurnerolla ehkä enemmän
00:48:31NotAHax tclle vaa tiedoks
00:48:36Herre eikä sitä tarvi ottaa
00:48:37Seppo13 teen sny!!!!!
00:48:39New_Guy go rosh
00:48:39Herre saat siihen 10 hittiä
00:48:40New_Guy smoke
00:48:41karm rosh?
00:48:42Herre niin se auttaa meidän ens puskua
00:48:46NotAHax all
00:48:47NotAHax gather
00:48:52NotAHax LYCA
00:48:52NotAHax YO
00:48:53Herre äly hoi älä jätä
00:48:58Herre push top again
00:49:00Usires no rosh
00:49:03Usires unless wards
00:49:47Herre niin vitun typerää
00:49:51Solisluu salee kerkesit ennen mua
00:49:55Solisluu salee kerkesit ennen mua
00:50:09NotAHax ..
00:50:11Seppo13 :DD
00:50:18NotAHax niin hyvä puidge
00:50:19Seppo13 JYRÄÄ SE
00:50:24Usires vittu
00:50:25Herre siis
00:50:25Usires vietwoaisdc
00:50:28Herre nyt kiireesti se roshan
00:50:48New_Guy we must go there again asap
00:50:49New_Guy ~~
00:50:53NotAHax yh
00:51:00NotAHax i need to get my bkb, im so wooden
00:51:01Herre ei me sitä enää saada
00:51:05Herre kai
00:51:11Herre just push top
00:51:13Herre all
00:51:20Herre push top
00:51:28Seppo13 varo viperil sile staff
00:51:29Usires we can rosgh
00:51:32Usires and we can fight
00:51:32Solisluu get smokes
00:51:33Solisluu ...
00:51:34Usires if theres all
00:51:35Herre ei
00:51:39Usires last fight sucked
00:51:40Usires Badly
00:51:41Herre ei meidän ole mitään järkeä riskeerata
00:51:50Herre nyt mennään ottaan nuo ilmaset raxit
00:51:50NotAHax gather
00:51:54Usires ne siinä riskeeraa ku sinne tulee
00:51:54Herre sen jälken voidaan harkita roshania
00:52:06Seppo13 lycan get ac
00:52:06Herre vahutia nyt
00:52:07DSoul haste
00:52:09Solisluu take
00:52:10Solisluu and come
00:52:10NotAHax yh next
00:52:11Herre ennenku ne ottaa sen roshanin ite
00:52:19Solisluu tuu ny yurnero
00:52:21Seppo13 rosh imo
00:52:22NotAHax rosh
00:52:23NotAHax and tele
00:52:25Solisluu b tide
00:52:29Solisluu dont die before ulti : D
00:52:31Herre vittuko ei oo sentryä
00:52:38Seppo13 lycanil ei oo..
00:52:38NotAHax lyca no tele
00:52:38NotAHax ..
00:52:43Seppo13 pff
00:52:43NotAHax lyca
00:52:44NotAHax use my tele
00:52:45Seppo13 kollebolle
00:52:46Solisluu oh shit
00:52:46DSoul fu
00:52:47Solisluu soz
00:52:50Solisluu thought i had my own hero
00:52:53Herre huoh
00:52:54DSoul ok
00:52:57Seppo13 AHAHAAH LYCAN
00:53:01Seppo13 :D:D:d
00:53:15NotAHax wp mr lyca
00:53:16NotAHax we lost
00:53:18Herre miksei voi vaan mennä vauhilla
00:53:42Seppo13 homo
00:53:46Seppo13 notahax :D:D:D.
00:53:49Seppo13 näiks tän lycanin
00:53:55Solisluu saatii raxit
00:53:57Seppo13 se tps eka, sitten se pisti sen pois
00:53:58SUPERmamus lycan jyrää
00:53:59Seppo13 kuno tti sen bracerii tms
00:54:00Herre niin saatiin
00:54:01SUPERmamus _DDD
00:54:02Herre tän takia pitää puskea heti
00:54:07Herre ku ne mene smokella hakeen sitä roshania
00:54:08Solisluu smoke kyll semi turha
00:54:10Seppo13 :DDDDD
00:54:10Herre ne on jumissa siellä
00:54:16SUPERmamus tele vähä cancelaantu lycanil :D
00:54:20Herre now go top
00:54:25Solisluu storm even had aegis
00:54:27DSoul bot*
00:54:28Solisluu he has it no more
00:54:31Usires no niinpä
00:54:31NotAHax lyca we lost allmost becouse ur fail
00:54:31Herre bot*
00:54:32Herre yea
00:54:32Solisluu tc
00:54:35Solisluu oot kyll kiltti
00:54:40Solisluu ku otat iteltäs -6 armor
00:54:43Usires mut melkei pissittii ku ei ite roshania
00:54:44Seppo13 ?
00:54:44Herre xDD
00:54:45Solisluu et voin tappaa sut paremmi : )
00:54:46Usires ei noi pärjää 5vs5
00:54:47SUPERmamus pitäs kyl aina pelaa carrya
00:54:51Herre nääh
00:54:51NotAHax liqvid on mäd ku toimii paremmi
00:54:53NotAHax suuhu
00:55:00Solisluu ?
00:55:04Herre go bottom all
00:55:06Solisluu kyll se juu
00:55:10Solisluu ku tc ottaa armorit eka iha minimii
00:55:17Solisluu sit -6 nii aika devastating
00:55:23karm -ms
00:55:38NotAHax lol
00:55:39Herre Lol
00:55:39Seppo13 notaaa
00:55:39Herre :DD
00:55:40New_Guy :D
00:55:44Solisluu go bot
00:55:50Herre tärkeä vaihto!'
00:55:55NotAHax oiski ollu manaa
00:56:04NotAHax kollebolle
00:56:06NotAHax how about
00:56:08NotAHax i control lyca?
00:56:09NotAHax okay?
00:56:10NotAHax in fite
00:56:13Herre jos se ostaa ulos niin b
00:56:15KolleBolle sure
00:56:16Solisluu toimikoha nethertoxin
00:56:17NotAHax k
00:56:18Herre ja ootatte minuutin
00:56:19Solisluu kopioilla
00:56:19Seppo13 naurattaa vielki sen faili
00:56:22NotAHax def
00:56:32NotAHax take ur hands off from key
00:56:35SUPERmamus kerrotko mien
00:56:36Herre ok go
00:56:44Herre HIENO
00:56:45Herre VITTU
00:56:47Herre tide :DDDDDDDDD
00:56:52Herre l2p
00:56:55Herre you stay BACK
00:57:05SUPERmamus oho
00:57:06Herre oh for god sake
00:57:07NotAHax lkollebolle raiskas
00:57:08NotAHax :DD
00:57:08NotAHax see?
00:57:09NotAHax kole
00:57:13Solisluu kollebolle
00:57:14Solisluu no can do
00:57:15Herre that was horrible
00:57:26NotAHax push midd
00:57:31NotAHax kolle
00:57:32NotAHax go midd
00:57:33NotAHax control urself
00:57:33Seppo13 ok sir
00:57:34Herre :DDDDDDDDDDDD
00:57:37Solisluu dont die further
00:57:38Solisluu : (
00:57:52Seppo13 o.o
00:58:01Solisluu storm on ulkona
00:58:03Solisluu care yuernore
00:58:08Solisluu hei
00:58:10NotAHax moi
00:58:11Herre voi HELVETTI
00:58:12karm gg
00:58:13Seppo13 rax
00:58:14Herre L2P
00:58:15New_Guy <8
00:58:15Herre srsly
00:58:16NotAHax y
00:58:16Solisluu kuvittelen etten sanonu mitää
00:58:19Solisluu no mut top psueke
00:58:19NotAHax ja näin kollebolle voittaa pelin
00:58:23Seppo13 :DD
00:58:40Solisluu omw
00:58:49Seppo13 rax
00:58:52Herre you just dont get it do
00:58:53Herre you
00:58:54Herre YOU STAY BACK
00:59:03Usires KARM U GOT almost 200dmg
00:59:17Usires when u can shoot 3 times same time
00:59:17Seppo13 elkää hävitkö
00:59:19NotAHax okay b then
00:59:23Herre sano se meidän paskoille
00:59:24NotAHax kolle got ac?
00:59:27Herre :(
00:59:29KolleBolle yes
00:59:31NotAHax rly nice
00:59:36NotAHax after ac we go smoke midd and finish
00:59:37Seppo13 top next
00:59:39Solisluu np
00:59:40Seppo13 ok
00:59:40NotAHax no
00:59:42Solisluu nyt vaa wardit
00:59:42NotAHax we can just go midd
00:59:43Solisluu ja gank
00:59:44NotAHax if we get entry
00:59:44Solisluu ja pusku
00:59:46NotAHax like jugger
00:59:50NotAHax kolle, focus VIPER + JUGGER FIRST
00:59:54NotAHax i will hex jugger and grab him
00:59:54Solisluu ja ostakaa ghost scepui
00:59:55NotAHax you kill him
00:59:55Usires gang ja pusku se olis pitäny olla ajat sitte
00:59:56NotAHax okay?
00:59:56Herre ne ottaa roosan
00:59:57Solisluu tota lycanii vs
01:00:02Solisluu ei oo viel ylhääl
01:00:05Herre onhan
01:00:05Usires ja josse roshani otettu silloin kerran niin tää olis jo loppu
01:00:09Herre vitut
01:00:11Herre ahhah
01:00:13Solisluu no menää roosalle
01:00:22Solisluu oon ulkona 20 sec
01:00:23Solisluu def mid
01:00:23Herre siis karm menetti meille just raxit
01:00:26Solisluu jep
01:00:30Herre ja sit tide
01:00:34Herre mtä vittua se palloile etulinjassa?
01:00:36Solisluu tide pelaa iha hirveesti
01:00:38Solisluu tide
01:00:42Solisluu you gotta blink and initiate
01:00:42DSoul y?
01:00:43Herre you stay BACK
01:00:49Seppo13 goes?
01:00:51Solisluu not forward get disabled and die
01:00:52NotAHax y
01:00:52NotAHax go midd
01:00:54NotAHax with smoke
01:00:54DSoul yy
01:01:02Solisluu pistä' illu
01:01:04Solisluu et smoke dispelaa
01:01:04Herre jeejee
01:01:07DSoul omw
01:01:10NotAHax folow me
01:01:45Herre THIS TIDE
01:01:46Herre O M G
01:01:52Herre you got to be fucking kiding me
01:01:58Herre I surrender! [1/4 of Scourge]
01:02:00NotAHax kolla bolle
01:02:01NotAHax xdd
01:02:01New_Guy go throne
01:02:02Usires I surrender! [2/4 of Scourge]
01:02:03Solisluu usires hei?
01:02:06Usires MITÄ
01:02:07karm gg
01:02:07Solisluu kolle bolle just won the game
01:02:11Seppo13 y ;p
01:02:12New_Guy ! :D
01:02:18NotAHax ihmeiden aika ei ole ohi
01:02:32Seppo13 gg xd
01:02:32New_Guy who knew ~~
01:02:33New_Guy :D
01:02:40Solisluu tolla oo ees itemii
01:02:43Solisluu sit se silti tappaa 2 hit
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