Game #1773043

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-34 X
-14 TS

92% | 1577 X | 1458 TS

-10 X
-3 TS

60% | 1180 X | 1405 TS

-37 X
-23 TS

47% | 1176 X | 1271 TS

-43 X
-3 TS

43% | 1091 X | 1315 TS

-52 X
-4 TS

33% | 1017 X | 1307 TS

+53 X
+3 TS

81% | 1364 X | 1459 TS

+15 X
+3 TS

64% | 1197 X | 1412 TS

+43 X
+3 TS

61% | 1141 X | 1453 TS

+38 X
+49 TS

51% | 1372 X | 1082 TS

+38 X
+2 TS

32% | 998 X | 1321 TS

Chat log

00:00:04junglejonte kul fick nox.
00:00:05h2star_- -rd
00:00:08junglejonte -rd
00:00:09NoX haha
00:00:14h2star_- if possible
00:00:16junglejonte -morph
00:00:16curdi not possibler
00:00:16h2star_- give me sf, will be a win!
00:00:16junglejonte -morph
00:00:16Y4KUZA yeah, sure
00:00:16junglejonte -morph
00:00:16h2star_- its true!
00:00:16curdi CALM THE FUCK DOWN!??!!?
00:00:16custy in rmk it wount show
00:00:16Y4KUZA y we all got it
00:00:16junglejonte -Morphling
00:00:16Timu morph and morph banned
00:00:16Y4KUZA hey, our noob firstpick
00:00:16Y4KUZA ban
00:00:16junglejonte ban
00:00:16MariahCarry clock
00:00:19curdi mopo + cock banned
00:00:20Timu morph and clock banend
00:00:28Timu banend
00:00:31Timu banenenenenened
00:00:33curdi pick lich for sum1
00:00:42h2star_- swap bro?
00:00:50Y4KUZA go fuck urself with this lich
00:00:59h2star_- mariah, im a really good sf
00:01:04MariahCarry ok
00:01:04h2star_- you wanna swap?
00:01:08MariahCarry no
00:01:17curdi lich :(
00:01:27Y4KUZA yy
00:01:29Y4KUZA lich
00:01:50curdi atro/tc/dazzle last
00:01:55Y4KUZA nope
00:02:00Y4KUZA naix is what i pick
00:02:09curdi y expected
00:02:15curdi retard picks retarded
00:02:16creeeeeee -il
00:02:35MariahCarry timo
00:02:39MariahCarry go mjollnir and lothars
00:02:40h2star_- share
00:02:44junglejonte lurar han
00:02:45Y4KUZA no
00:02:46junglejonte CP
00:02:49junglejonte har du aspergers eller
00:02:50MariahCarry share chick
00:02:57MariahCarry ty
00:03:02creeeeeee say whaaaaat? :)
00:03:03Y4KUZA np
00:03:05Timu yakuza, sup?
00:03:05Y4KUZA mate
00:03:07h2star_- they smoke
00:03:09h2star_- btw
00:03:11h2star_- care bot
00:03:12Y4KUZA just trollin
00:03:14junglejonte rune top
00:03:29MariahCarry how u know?
00:03:40h2star_- im on mumble with em
00:03:43curdi clearly a maphacker
00:03:53curdi top pull warded
00:06:18Timu lol u mad?
00:06:21Timu :D
00:06:41ATS_ lol
00:08:28curdi dazzle ss
00:09:17Timu ss wd
00:09:29MariahCarry ss mid
00:09:38Timu come bot
00:09:39creeeeeee smid
00:10:08h2star_- how to sf
00:10:27MariahCarry how to not get nuked by anyone
00:10:33ATS_ buy tps and use them or this is lost
00:11:12Timu ss wd
00:11:16ATS_ we need to start team ganging now
00:11:20junglejonte miss
00:11:35junglejonte miss lich
00:11:45creeeeeee 3 mid
00:11:48MariahCarry great es
00:11:51curdi soz fail stun _DD_
00:11:54ATS_ they did say it
00:11:54MariahCarry ^^
00:11:55Timu idd
00:11:57ATS_ comming top
00:12:04ATS_ +2
00:12:58MariahCarry wards pls
00:12:59MariahCarry timu
00:13:04Timu 100 gold
00:13:04junglejonte miss
00:13:07MariahCarry k
00:13:42MariahCarry 600
00:13:42ATS_ ff
00:13:43MariahCarry :D
00:14:06MariahCarry b
00:14:07MariahCarry timu
00:14:08Y4KUZA dont tp
00:14:08MariahCarry omfg
00:14:11MariahCarry wtf are u doing
00:14:13MariahCarry roflmao
00:14:20Timu shoot
00:14:21MariahCarry u know him?
00:14:22h2star_- :d
00:14:24Timu didnt see that they ahd 3
00:14:31curdi long cd on this damn ring
00:14:32MariahCarry he could solo u
00:14:32MariahCarry twice
00:14:35Timu yea
00:15:08MariahCarry wards pls
00:16:06MariahCarry wards
00:16:07MariahCarry pls
00:16:25ATS_ -afk
00:16:29junglejonte -afk
00:16:29MariahCarry pls wards
00:16:32Timu y
00:16:49Timu -apm
00:16:50ATS_ huskar maybe help
00:16:53MariahCarry -apm
00:17:09ATS_ and invoker
00:17:12ATS_ just farming
00:17:43ATS_ wp
00:17:51creeeeeee will u stfu?
00:17:55MariahCarry get mid
00:17:55creeeeeee or whats ur problem?
00:17:59ATS_ you
00:18:02MariahCarry top first
00:18:04MariahCarry then mid
00:18:07curdi lich salve me pls
00:18:15creeeeeee u think i let kunkka freefarm there 15 min more
00:18:16curdi ty
00:18:17creeeeeee like u did
00:18:18creeeeeee ?
00:18:21creeeeeee retard
00:18:43ATS_ ff all
00:18:46creeeeeee DEF FFS
00:18:51creeeeeee idiot team
00:18:55creeeeeee givin freetowers
00:18:56ATS_ yep
00:18:57creeeeeee no 1 cares
00:19:01NoX this is over anyway
00:19:08creeeeeee not
00:19:11NoX not like we can win
00:19:13Y4KUZA i care
00:19:14NoX look at sf farm
00:19:16NoX + kunkka
00:19:18creeeeeee ofc we could win
00:19:23creeeeeee sk is > all
00:19:26ATS_ ¨so ff
00:19:28creeeeeee with our combos
00:19:34creeeeeee but u just dont care
00:19:37creeeeeee and play so bad
00:19:39MariahCarry haha
00:19:41MariahCarry we have a kunkka????
00:19:42ATS_ y
00:19:43MariahCarry xD
00:19:44creeeeeee giving free towers
00:19:46curdi y
00:19:55Timu guess he gonna carry
00:19:55MariahCarry and he even has a lot of kills
00:20:01MariahCarry i jsut haven't seen him what so ever all game
00:20:02MariahCarry :D
00:20:16ATS_ wp
00:20:19junglejonte ulti
00:20:26ATS_ dead
00:20:29curdi shit
00:20:33ATS_ FF
00:20:35ATS_ FF
00:20:36ATS_ FF
00:20:37ATS_ FF
00:20:39ATS_ FF
00:20:41creeeeeee dazzle only talks
00:20:43custy we cant
00:20:45creeeeeee even tho he is wors then all
00:21:25ATS_ end pls
00:21:28curdi mid
00:21:41MariahCarry bkb done
00:21:59creeeeeee def mid
00:22:00creeeeeee with 5
00:22:01creeeeeee please`?
00:22:07ATS_ no wait till end
00:22:17creeeeeee purpose feed
00:22:23creeeeeee sounds like ban for me
00:22:24ATS_ stfu tard
00:22:39MariahCarry w8 for my bkb
00:22:39ATS_ sound like you retard for me
00:22:43MariahCarry on chick
00:22:48creeeeeee pane suu kinni 13 aastane tatt
00:22:53ATS_ s
00:22:56MariahCarry es jumps
00:22:58ATS_ uuh
00:23:00curdi not quite
00:23:05MariahCarry oh
00:23:09MariahCarry nevermind
00:23:14creeeeeee kodus arvuti taga emme kaitseb
00:23:16curdi we can wait for the,m
00:23:17creeeeeee kohe suur suu peas
00:23:19curdi or go rosh
00:23:22ATS_ :DDDDDD
00:23:30creeeeeee naera naera
00:24:01Y4KUZA lols
00:24:07Y4KUZA laggd like hell
00:24:25Timu soul ring mana boots es
00:24:25curdi b
00:24:26Timu huoh
00:24:31curdi mitä sit
00:24:33Y4KUZA indefinite mana
00:24:41Timu yes
00:24:43Timu hard to define
00:25:47MariahCarry naiz
00:25:53MariahCarry how are u farming woods
00:25:54MariahCarry now
00:26:28creeeeeee nice male
00:26:29ATS_ opettele käyttään invon skillejä
00:26:35ATS_ ennen kuin pelaat sillä
00:26:39MariahCarry ok i just farm
00:26:40Timu wtf
00:26:41MariahCarry naix
00:26:45MariahCarry u fucking retarded piece of shit
00:26:50ATS_ tiedätkös -invokelist
00:27:22MariahCarry i tp
00:28:54curdi just ignore leo
00:30:17junglejonte !ff
00:30:19junglejonte I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:20NoX I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:21custy I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:30:24NoX !ff
00:30:32curdi rosh?
00:30:37MariahCarry lol no
00:31:57Timu tra
00:32:06Timu was using chick
00:33:23Timu asd
00:33:24custy I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:41curdi naix q-q
00:35:15curdi we dont need to dive to fountain :s
00:35:19MariahCarry im bored
00:35:24curdi noted
00:35:25MariahCarry and u don't hit tower
00:35:26MariahCarry when u can
00:35:29MariahCarry wtf is wrong
00:35:39MariahCarry im the only one trying to hit tower
00:35:42MariahCarry so then i thought
00:35:44MariahCarry w/e
00:36:00Timu well np
00:36:04Timu this naix mad skillz
00:36:29Y4KUZA fat naix, carries in half an hour
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