Game #1608750

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+19 X
+1 TS

95% | 1519 X | 1609 TS

+8 X
+1 TS

89% | 1422 X | 1537 TS

+20 X
+2 TS

41% | 1030 X | 1355 TS

+38 X
+5 TS

18% | 882 X | 1288 TS

+7 X
+2 TS

14% | 888 X | 1237 TS

-15 X
-1 TS

97% | 1621 X | 1558 TS

-42 X
-1 TS

63% | 1194 X | 1387 TS

+1 X
-1 TS

39% | 1041 X | 1328 TS

-32 X
-4 TS

36% | 1034 X | 1296 TS

+9 X
-1 TS

27% | 1002 X | 1265 TS

Chat log

00:00:06Netukka aa for me
00:00:08Netukka !
00:00:17Netukka notahomo bannaa sen
00:00:18Netukka -clear
00:00:18Sepetos minkä
00:00:18Netukka aan
00:00:18Sepetos haluisiks vai
00:00:18Roshi ban bone
00:00:18Netukka joo
00:00:18Sepetos ok
00:00:18NotAHax su
00:00:18Y4KUZA :D
00:00:18NotAHax -slardar
00:00:18Netukka fag
00:00:18Sepetos _phoenix
00:00:21Netukka oho
00:00:35Netukka voi n ite ottaa
00:00:35Netukka sen
00:00:39NotAHax Y4KUZA wanna play?
00:00:40Netukka nyt tupakil
00:00:45Y4KUZA qop?
00:00:50NotAHax y
00:00:52Y4KUZA no
00:00:54NotAHax k
00:00:56NotAHax wel nvm
00:00:57NotAHax i playi t
00:01:03NotAHax we need centaur + nero
00:01:05NotAHax necro
00:01:14Roshi pick cent
00:01:26Y4KUZA well
00:01:30Y4KUZA i wanted to pick necro
00:01:30Roshi what to pick?
00:01:36Y4KUZA but u picked it
00:01:40Y4KUZA and i got confused
00:01:45PETTR i jungle
00:01:53Sepetos ok
00:02:10Sepetos take darkseer
00:02:13Herre shares
00:02:13Sepetos or whatever
00:02:18Sepetos atro treant top
00:02:26Sepetos netukka haluisiks midi vai boti
00:02:30Netukka sama se
00:02:31Sepetos chicken
00:02:35Netukka mite ite haluut
00:02:43Sepetos mää vedän kaht vastaa paremmi varmaa
00:02:45Roshi qop
00:02:53Roshi tell me if u want to check rune tiwh missile
00:02:56Sepetos share
00:03:03NotAHax leave
00:03:07Roshi sure
00:03:08NotAHax and y
00:03:10NotAHax i will inform you
00:03:13Roshi :)
00:03:15Sepetos pettr
00:03:18Sepetos take only one lvl that
00:03:18PETTR y
00:03:23Sepetos then stun and de
00:03:29NotAHax just focus krobleus
00:03:30Sepetos it doesnt get better in start
00:03:30PETTR k
00:03:53Roshi dont autoattack
00:04:01AdemC let me fram
00:04:05Pojetz stuf
00:04:13AdemC hahaha
00:04:13Pojetz stfu
00:04:16AdemC pro hotre
00:04:18AdemC hore
00:04:19Pojetz care?
00:04:24svents ss1
00:04:34NotAHax who
00:04:44Roshi cent woods
00:04:47svents y
00:04:50NotAHax ok
00:05:10svents stfu i stop u moron
00:05:15Roshi NOT
00:05:29NotAHax kill him
00:05:32Roshi come
00:05:33svents k
00:05:35Netukka qopmiss
00:05:43NotAHax go
00:05:48Netukka flying
00:05:49NotAHax clock
00:05:49NotAHax wtf
00:05:50Netukka amek
00:05:58Netukka amke
00:05:59Netukka make
00:06:00Netukka flying
00:07:09NotAHax look
00:07:09NotAHax rune
00:07:10NotAHax with rocket
00:07:12Roshi k
00:07:27Herre -ma
00:07:28Roshi dd bo
00:07:42NotAHax y
00:07:44NotAHax going take it
00:07:45svents fsfs
00:07:46Roshi giro why so b?
00:07:47svents äsgfs
00:07:48NotAHax .. :D??
00:07:50svents omg
00:07:53svents missclick
00:07:53NotAHax svents
00:07:53Netukka missmid
00:07:54NotAHax np
00:07:54Netukka care
00:07:55NotAHax we counter
00:07:55Netukka top bot
00:07:56NotAHax them wards
00:07:57NotAHax with tat
00:07:58Netukka care
00:07:58NotAHax that
00:08:00NotAHax keep gem in base
00:08:11svents ok :D
00:08:20svents eat
00:08:25Roshi ty
00:08:43Sepetos botmiss all
00:08:48NotAHax omw
00:08:50NotAHax kill him
00:08:51Netukka missmid
00:08:52Roshi coming
00:08:54svents these missclicks -.-
00:09:06NotAHax b
00:09:07NotAHax aa
00:09:07Herre b
00:09:07NotAHax inc
00:09:08NotAHax with rune
00:09:21PETTR care
00:09:23Netukka dive
00:09:24Netukka tower
00:09:40Sepetos vittu mitä paskaa
00:09:42Netukka sleep
00:09:54Roshi nj
00:09:59Netukka BANE
00:10:12Netukka WAKE UP
00:10:13Netukka FFS
00:10:16AdemC hes a tard
00:10:18Netukka yeah
00:10:19Netukka really
00:10:20svents ss2
00:10:20AdemC and wont let me farm :DD
00:10:21Pojetz sry didnt see
00:10:23Netukka I TYPED
00:10:24AdemC he cant last hit
00:10:26Netukka 10TIMES
00:10:29svents re1
00:10:33Pojetz i look tv
00:10:34Sepetos botmiss all
00:10:36Netukka stop it
00:10:36Netukka then
00:10:54Netukka mssmid
00:11:03svents go
00:11:11Roshi dont
00:11:16Roshi r u stupid?
00:11:17svents nah
00:11:39Netukka qopmiss
00:11:59Sepetos wtf
00:12:25Netukka jää
00:12:28Sepetos juu
00:12:32svents ss2
00:12:41Sepetos huhhuh
00:12:43AdemC die :DD
00:12:46NotAHax ROCKETT
00:12:47NotAHax LCOKC
00:12:49NotAHax ROCKET
00:13:02Netukka bot
00:13:03Netukka kill
00:13:14NotAHax ja sä et muka kuole
00:13:15Herre let me farm
00:13:24Sepetos midmiss
00:13:26Sepetos B TOP
00:13:36AdemC b
00:13:38AdemC ffs
00:13:48AdemC oom
00:14:00AdemC oom
00:14:04Sepetos atro get manaboots
00:14:22Pojetz y
00:14:25AdemC nice gang
00:14:58Netukka vittu
00:14:59Netukka yli meni
00:15:03Netukka hiiri sekos
00:15:06NotAHax we need wards
00:15:31Sepetos wards?=
00:15:46Netukka y
00:16:22AdemC w8 me
00:16:44AdemC cd on stun
00:16:51Sepetos thats lol
00:16:59NotAHax clock
00:17:00NotAHax svents
00:17:17NotAHax take
00:17:18NotAHax '
00:17:38NotAHax go
00:17:47NotAHax ..
00:17:48NotAHax why you block
00:17:48Roshi fuckretard
00:17:49NotAHax clock
00:17:51Roshi bodyblocked me
00:18:11Roshi tp def top
00:19:40NotAHax ffs
00:19:42AdemC :D
00:19:45NotAHax go
00:19:46NotAHax yakuza
00:19:47Roshi overkill :(
00:19:52Roshi so much hatred roof
00:19:54AdemC totaly
00:20:08Herre -ma
00:20:28Roshi come top roof no ulti
00:20:44Netukka b
00:20:45Sepetos how about someone wards?
00:20:46Netukka B
00:20:50Pojetz me
00:20:51Netukka 4top
00:20:52Pojetz need 10
00:21:10Netukka i fucked missclick
00:21:11NotAHax push
00:21:11Netukka all the time
00:22:00Herre -ma
00:22:00NotAHax gem actually is good
00:22:00NotAHax :D
00:22:04Netukka petrr
00:22:05Netukka wtf
00:22:08NotAHax svents
00:22:09NotAHax you know
00:22:10NotAHax this gem
00:22:10svents y :D
00:22:12NotAHax is winniing gem
00:22:15NotAHax i got all them birds
00:22:16NotAHax from runes
00:22:18Roshi :D
00:22:19NotAHax and roof will get raped
00:22:24svents y :D
00:22:29NotAHax but i need play safe
00:22:31NotAHax allmost died there ~~
00:22:32svents but it was totally missclick :DD:
00:22:52Roshi ck you make me shit bricks
00:22:53Roshi xD
00:23:00Netukka place wards
00:23:14Roshi gem?
00:23:16Roshi gone?
00:23:19svents no
00:23:25svents necro got it
00:23:27Roshi luckily
00:23:42Sepetos hömm
00:23:51Sepetos mitäs kaikkee täst sobist sais
00:24:33Sepetos toptower
00:24:56Netukka ward here
00:25:04Pojetz b
00:25:06Pojetz bot
00:25:12NotAHax tele top
00:25:13NotAHax guys
00:25:13NotAHax go
00:25:14NotAHax help necro
00:25:28Pojetz u IDIOT
00:25:29Pojetz :D:D:D
00:25:32NotAHax TOP
00:25:33NotAHax NOW
00:25:53Roshi well thx necro
00:25:53NotAHax ffs svents yakuza
00:25:57Roshi you r very helpful
00:26:26AdemC bane nice farm you have
00:26:30Pojetz i know
00:26:32Pojetz stfu
00:26:47AdemC bane pro
00:26:51Sepetos mul piippu
00:26:51Pojetz i pro
00:26:58Pojetz ty
00:27:08Sepetos go push
00:27:09Sepetos mid
00:27:16Sepetos got pipe
00:27:17Netukka i go ward
00:27:22Netukka need help though
00:27:25Roshi come gank
00:27:44NotAHax --
00:27:44Sepetos GO
00:27:45Sepetos mid
00:27:54NotAHax def midd
00:27:55NotAHax ffs
00:27:58NotAHax why we let krobe free towers
00:28:43Netukka famr
00:28:48NotAHax do you rambos
00:28:49NotAHax understand
00:28:52NotAHax we not gonna win if krobe fat'
00:29:07Y4KUZA ofc we win
00:29:08Netukka inv bot
00:29:12NotAHax no we cant
00:29:14NotAHax if krobe gets hot
00:29:17Netukka gem
00:29:18NotAHax killing him will be pain
00:29:19Netukka qop
00:29:29Sepetos mm
00:29:33Sepetos kai mä botit ostan
00:29:33Sepetos :o
00:29:49Sepetos lets go push with 5
00:29:51Sepetos more towers
00:29:54Sepetos so easy with pipe atm
00:29:59Sepetos go bot
00:30:00Netukka qop gonna dest wards
00:30:01Netukka soon
00:30:02Sepetos ill tele
00:30:02Netukka i bet
00:30:35Roshi def bot
00:30:36Roshi all tp
00:30:38NotAHax y
00:30:40Sepetos come
00:30:45Sepetos push to base
00:30:46Roshi dont give free towers
00:30:47Sepetos if possible
00:30:51NotAHax agreed
00:31:04NotAHax GP LRPBA
00:31:05NotAHax KROBA
00:31:20NotAHax im aöone?
00:31:21NotAHax alone
00:31:29Roshi noone fucking there when tower's up
00:31:33Roshi again 3v5
00:31:37Roshi and qop u were far
00:31:44Roshi what you pretend?
00:31:56Sepetos arcane?
00:31:56Sepetos boots
00:31:57Netukka oom
00:31:59Pojetz soon
00:32:05Sepetos got ulti soon
00:32:27Netukka ib
00:32:35Sepetos invi
00:32:37Roshi FUCK YOU
00:32:39AdemC gme
00:33:11NotAHax rosh
00:33:11NotAHax go
00:33:11Netukka why did u stay
00:33:14Netukka ademc
00:33:14AdemC fucking stuck !!
00:33:23Sepetos lets go bot again
00:33:25Sepetos now raxes
00:33:31NotAHax necro takes
00:33:55AdemC hahahaha
00:34:01Sepetos GATHER BOT
00:34:02Sepetos NOW
00:34:05Sepetos ILL TELE
00:34:12Sepetos BOT
00:34:13Sepetos GO
00:34:18Sepetos that aegis doesnt mather shit
00:35:14NotAHax telineg
00:35:46NotAHax go b
00:35:54Sepetos soon new ulti
00:35:56Sepetos stay here
00:35:57Roshi dont
00:36:00Roshi -.-
00:36:09Sepetos tuu
00:36:10Sepetos hei
00:36:11Sepetos netukka
00:36:22Netukka vitun unicef apinat
00:36:24Netukka käy ovella
00:36:25Netukka saatana
00:36:51Roshi thx necro
00:36:58Herre whaT?
00:37:03Herre ahhah
00:37:04Herre u noob
00:37:09Roshi stfu retard
00:37:12Herre dont fire your ulti to my ass
00:37:20Roshi i fire my ulti and you go in
00:37:24Herre :DD
00:37:30Herre I stood there all all the time
00:37:34Roshi not
00:37:37Herre y
00:37:37Netukka b
00:37:51Sepetos 1hp rax
00:37:52Sepetos gg
00:37:54NotAHax dont
00:37:54NotAHax deny
00:37:56Y4KUZA deny rex:D
00:37:57svents y
00:38:07Y4KUZA i can deny it
00:38:11Netukka petrr get that dagg
00:38:17PETTR yeah
00:38:23Netukka care
00:38:27Sepetos go push top
00:38:28Sepetos next
00:38:29Sepetos all rege
00:38:30Sepetos and top
00:38:31NotAHax guys
00:38:31Sepetos OK?
00:38:32NotAHax im oging to make
00:38:35NotAHax etheral blade
00:38:36NotAHax for krobe
00:38:39Roshi ???
00:38:40PETTR k
00:38:42NotAHax y
00:38:44AdemC come
00:38:45Roshi nosense
00:38:46NotAHax so he takes more magic dmg = we nuke
00:38:51Y4KUZA and i do dagon
00:38:51NotAHax why no sense?
00:38:54NotAHax no
00:38:56Y4KUZA so then u decrepty
00:38:57AdemC b
00:38:58NotAHax you make normal items for nessaj
00:39:04Sepetos GO TOP
00:39:06NotAHax me + necro handle krobe
00:39:13NotAHax i farm top
00:39:14NotAHax so i get it
00:39:19Herre buy wards omfg
00:39:52NotAHax ..
00:39:53NotAHax whyy
00:40:06Roshi funny to have a ck full hp full mana going b
00:40:21Pojetz omfg linken-.-
00:40:32Y4KUZA ffs necro
00:40:34Y4KUZA heal
00:40:36Roshi strong
00:40:42Roshi he doesnt use heal one fucking time
00:40:51Y4KUZA -ii
00:40:58Sepetos tekiskö guinsoo
00:40:59Sepetos vai shiv
00:41:08Netukka aattelin tehä hyex
00:41:26Netukka melko oom
00:41:32Y4KUZA we could use pipe too
00:41:50NotAHax go
00:41:50NotAHax got
00:41:51Sepetos shivas tulos
00:41:52NotAHax gosu staff
00:41:56Sepetos wait here
00:41:58Sepetos got ulti
00:41:58Sepetos go top
00:41:59NotAHax okay listen me guys
00:42:03NotAHax i use it on krobe
00:42:08NotAHax understood?
00:42:11PETTR arcane boots?
00:42:13PETTR got no mana
00:42:14NotAHax back
00:42:14NotAHax bac k
00:42:16NotAHax back
00:42:18NotAHax we def in base
00:42:24Sepetos go
00:42:25Sepetos armor me
00:42:26Sepetos treant
00:42:32AdemC w8 20 sec
00:42:35NotAHax GO KROBE
00:42:54Sepetos WTF TREANT ARMOR ME
00:42:56NotAHax Haista paskaa
00:43:01AdemC i did newb
00:43:07Sepetos well kinda was dead already
00:43:17NotAHax "NO SENSE"
00:43:18NotAHax aye?
00:43:19AdemC did it befor anything
00:43:20NotAHax 3 hitted krobe
00:43:20Roshi lol
00:43:24Roshi u pro
00:43:25Roshi :D
00:43:29NotAHax ;)
00:43:30Sepetos when i wakeup
00:43:32Sepetos new top push
00:43:35Sepetos b ready
00:43:36Sepetos then
00:43:39Sepetos go rege pettr
00:43:43PETTR y
00:44:21NotAHax we cant
00:44:24NotAHax go
00:44:25Pojetz lets go top again with 5
00:44:25NotAHax go krobe
00:44:28Sepetos yes
00:44:29NotAHax alone
00:44:44Roshi 22 armor
00:44:47Roshi jesus christ
00:44:54NotAHax b
00:44:55NotAHax b
00:45:55PETTR armor
00:45:55Netukka armor spam
00:45:56PETTR treant
00:45:59Sepetos armor
00:46:31Sepetos MANA
00:46:59Roshi I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:47:01Sepetos b
00:47:16Pojetz help
00:47:19Roshi throne
00:47:20AdemC sure
00:47:27Pojetz :D
00:47:53AdemC ac or refresh
00:48:15PETTR refresh
00:48:15AdemC dudes
00:48:16PETTR i go ac
00:48:19Sepetos lets go mid now
00:48:21Sepetos finish this shit
00:48:24AdemC lol you justgot dagger
00:48:37PETTR so?
00:48:43AdemC gg farming ac then
00:48:49Herre xD
00:48:51Herre pro
00:48:53NotAHax whyy -.
00:48:53Sepetos :D
00:48:57Roshi bored
00:49:00Roshi and game finished
00:49:06NotAHax gameruin ban inc
00:49:12svents y
00:49:13NotAHax game not finished before score boar appears
00:49:13NotAHax tard
00:49:21NotAHax svents go missle + ulti on krobe
00:49:53NotAHax gg paska hero voitti
00:49:57Sepetos Lol
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