Game #1587241

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+36 X
+21 TS

66% | 1331 X | 1277 TS

-17 X
+2 TS

59% | 1178 X | 1354 TS

+49 X
+2 TS

52% | 1076 X | 1403 TS

+20 X
+1 TS

42% | 1047 X | 1328 TS

+18 X
+2 TS

27% | 959 X | 1288 TS

-28 X
-1 TS

88% | 1425 X | 1472 TS

-47 X
-1 TS

87% | 1338 X | 1554 TS

-19 X
-3 TS

62% | 1261 X | 1308 TS

+29 X
-2 TS

6% | 801 X | 1169 TS

-31 X
-8 TS

2% | 878 X | 939 TS

Chat log

00:00:05Allistysmies opuhelin
00:00:09StaedarB oomggg
00:00:09Allistysmies haluaako joku jotaki
00:00:16StaedarB so i ban first ?
00:00:16Soulyah ye
00:00:16StaedarB hrm
00:00:16Milky huomenta
00:00:16livingde4th huomenta
00:00:16StaedarB ok i ban fenix
00:00:16Milky pelaatko lisää tän jälkee
00:00:16StaedarB fenix
00:00:16Soulyah -es
00:00:16StaedarB -fenix
00:00:16livingde4th emt
00:00:16xenix- get me tide
00:00:16Soulyah phoenix
00:00:16StaedarB it shud say
00:00:16xenix- thx
00:00:16StaedarB phoenix
00:00:16Milky jos ni vois mennä yhes
00:00:16StaedarB ohlol
00:00:16StaedarB -phoenix
00:00:16Soulyah -es
00:00:17xenix- me tide
00:00:19Milky mul koko pvä vapaat
00:00:22livingde4th kyl mä varmaa ihan samaa
00:00:27livingde4th mul on illal keikka
00:00:30livingde4th ja reenit
00:00:32livingde4th ei täs muut
00:00:33Milky mikä keikka
00:00:39livingde4th meen kattoo mokomaa
00:00:41Milky ok
00:00:53Y4KUZA give bb?
00:00:56xenix- get me tide plz
00:01:07Y4KUZA no give bb?
00:01:08Milky mul olis 6 seinäkiipeily
00:01:12Usires nah
00:01:16Milky mut eile meni niskat leijalautailus
00:01:21Milky ni en tiedä
00:01:22Soulyah slardar
00:01:22Y4KUZA u play it??
00:01:27livingde4th :O
00:01:28Soulyah and lock
00:01:30Usires maybe
00:01:33xenix- i lock
00:01:35xenix- ^^
00:01:35Usires so sucky heroes there
00:01:36livingde4th mä olen vähän paskana
00:01:40Y4KUZA i can play it
00:01:41livingde4th 6 kertaa nyrkkeilyreeniä
00:01:43Y4KUZA say u want
00:01:44livingde4th vime viikol
00:01:46Usires i play
00:01:56Allistysmies kärrää rikillä
00:01:57Allistysmies jaahas
00:02:03Milky siis ootko iha paininu jonku kaa
00:02:07Usires lanayja
00:02:08Usires on jo
00:02:09Soulyah take pit
00:02:11Soulyah :D
00:02:12Milky vai sääkkei
00:02:12StaedarB wat
00:02:13StaedarB i swedish
00:02:14Milky säkkei
00:02:20StaedarB hm
00:02:21StaedarB ok
00:02:22StaedarB u can
00:02:22Soulyah stronk lun4
00:02:22Allistysmies lanaya redan
00:02:22StaedarB mid
00:02:23StaedarB yo
00:02:24livingde4th ei mul matsei
00:02:33livingde4th sellast pientä vaa ja säkkiä yms
00:02:35Milky ja nyt mä linjaan tän kaa
00:02:36Milky ...
00:02:40xenix- edgrass luna ?
00:02:43xenix- lol
00:02:43livingde4th lyöntei muualle ku pähää
00:02:43Y4KUZA mb bb is better mid?
00:02:46StaedarB GoodGame Yo
00:02:48Milky tiny with warlock?
00:02:48StaedarB hm
00:02:50StaedarB nah
00:02:52Milky i wonder what teh point?
00:02:56StaedarB but
00:02:57StaedarB its ok
00:02:59StaedarB i Get lvl
00:03:01StaedarB and stab
00:03:01Milky babysit tiny?
00:03:02Milky :D
00:03:02StaedarB either way
00:03:09livingde4th lol wlock should go down with slard
00:03:11livingde4th but late
00:03:16Milky gg soulyah
00:03:19Soulyah gg
00:03:22Soulyah wp
00:03:32Y4KUZA share?
00:04:22Milky warlock
00:04:23Milky wra
00:04:25Milky wards
00:04:30livingde4th heaöl?
00:04:31Milky kerron syyn miks suppoon aina
00:04:42livingde4th wl heal?
00:04:46Milky stop
00:04:47Milky autoattack
00:04:52Milky luna
00:04:55Milky and harras
00:04:56livingde4th heal plz
00:05:11Milky stop
00:05:11Milky auto
00:05:41livingde4th heal?
00:06:23livingde4th plz heal
00:06:25livingde4th no regen
00:06:59Y4KUZA give mana
00:07:10Y4KUZA ty
00:07:16xenix- miss
00:07:41Soulyah so op
00:07:44Soulyah overpicked
00:07:50Milky b
00:07:56livingde4th ty
00:08:35Soulyah ss
00:08:41Milky syy on tää
00:08:46Milky ei upg chick
00:08:47Milky ei wardei
00:08:52PinaryB tiny ss
00:08:53Milky joskus tulee semmosii
00:09:57Usires lyöny vaan
00:09:58StaedarB mismid
00:09:58StaedarB yo
00:10:04Allistysmies njoo
00:10:27livingde4th brood push bot?
00:10:27xenix- luna switch lanes
00:10:33Usires oom
00:10:39Allistysmies pian molempiin manat
00:10:47livingde4th wl come here
00:10:50xenix- y
00:11:32livingde4th top is tough
00:11:33livingde4th need u
00:11:34livingde4th wlock
00:11:44Milky luna b soon
00:12:24Milky gtfo
00:12:24StaedarB oh
00:12:32StaedarB :<
00:12:35Milky sue
00:12:41Soulyah cant rly push vs that lineup
00:12:42livingde4th ss bm
00:13:28Milky upg chick
00:13:29Milky warlock
00:13:32Y4KUZA mana
00:13:39xenix- did
00:13:42Milky gj
00:14:09edgarass omfg
00:14:21Soulyah lol
00:14:35livingde4th stupid
00:14:36livingde4th sooo styupid
00:14:45livingde4th i dunno even why i try help
00:14:49Soulyah quit luna
00:14:57Milky go
00:14:58Milky kill
00:16:36livingde4th push
00:16:41Milky lanaya dusts
00:16:44Milky warlock wards
00:16:48livingde4th '
00:16:48livingde4th b
00:17:01livingde4th b
00:17:03livingde4th b
00:17:04xenix- wards in base
00:17:04Milky go
00:18:05Allistysmies k
00:18:06xenix- ss
00:18:10xenix- rew
00:18:13Y4KUZA ;D;D
00:18:19livingde4th b
00:18:27livingde4th idiot
00:18:30Milky dead
00:18:35livingde4th retard
00:18:49Milky warlock
00:18:50Milky gj
00:18:51Milky n1
00:18:53xenix- lol#
00:18:56livingde4th u cant hunt like that with weak luna
00:19:00livingde4th atleats not wihout tp
00:19:02livingde4th lol
00:19:11Milky go
00:19:23livingde4th b
00:19:25livingde4th too fat
00:19:26livingde4th u die
00:19:27livingde4th b
00:19:30Allistysmies ei oo manaa tp ja gush jqa muut
00:19:34Allistysmies jaa ei oo torniakaa
00:19:40livingde4th well ok
00:19:41livingde4th gj
00:19:43livingde4th now b
00:19:59livingde4th heitän
00:20:23livingde4th b
00:20:24livingde4th b
00:20:40Milky bases 4 wardia
00:20:47xenix- i sad
00:20:48xenix- in base
00:20:49Milky teenkö bkb
00:20:55livingde4th tee vaa
00:21:05livingde4th tai sit blink
00:21:44Allistysmies ja puhelin
00:21:55Usires ...
00:22:11xenix- care
00:22:11Milky b
00:22:12Milky top
00:22:12Milky b
00:22:13StaedarB tower
00:22:14Y4KUZA mana
00:22:16StaedarB + slardar
00:22:19Y4KUZA ty
00:22:20Usires they take
00:22:21Usires up
00:22:23Usires tower
00:22:26StaedarB u have tp
00:22:27StaedarB rirht
00:22:31Usires tpd mid
00:22:32Usires just
00:22:33Usires so no
00:22:37livingde4th on kyl taas uusavuttomia
00:22:40livingde4th obsut haukal tunnin
00:22:55livingde4th mimks niit ei voi viedä jos ostaa
00:22:58livingde4th mullakii slotit full
00:23:18Milky no kato miten toi apina on supponnu
00:23:22Milky ja kysy uudestaa
00:23:40Soulyah no stun tiny?
00:23:45livingde4th i used combo on bb
00:24:02livingde4th that is insane
00:24:03livingde4th :(
00:24:11livingde4th ffs
00:24:12livingde4th retards
00:24:14livingde4th now kill
00:24:19livingde4th items on floor
00:24:24Allistysmies nonii
00:24:28livingde4th lol brood
00:24:28Soulyah lol
00:24:29livingde4th ur a noob
00:24:30Soulyah lost my hammer
00:24:30Soulyah :D
00:24:33livingde4th lol this brood
00:24:40livingde4th i write 3 times take ur items
00:24:41livingde4th cool
00:24:50Soulyah we
00:24:50Soulyah are
00:24:51StaedarB easy mistake
00:24:52Soulyah overpicked
00:24:53Soulyah anyways
00:24:53livingde4th are u blind
00:24:57Soulyah YES I AM
00:24:57livingde4th are u blind
00:24:59livingde4th are u blind
00:25:00Soulyah no eyesight
00:25:00Allistysmies mid?
00:25:19livingde4th thats sad for a firstpick
00:26:15Usires had to tp
00:26:22livingde4th slard
00:26:29Milky aika turha peli joo
00:27:12Allistysmies top farm
00:27:30Milky deso iha just
00:27:34Milky b
00:28:40Milky hex tol
00:28:40Soulyah I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:28:41Milky :D
00:28:46Milky u are bad soul
00:28:50Soulyah yea
00:28:53Soulyah i fail every game
00:28:56Soulyah thats why im 1st pick
00:29:15Milky well everytime im against you i win =(
00:29:26Soulyah yeah im "sure" of it
00:30:18StaedarB my faulkt
00:30:23Milky dagger vai bkb
00:30:29Soulyah bkb
00:30:34livingde4th on täs chäänssit
00:30:39livingde4th en kyl tajuu mite ne muka wipes
00:30:40livingde4th tollee
00:30:44livingde4th mis ta wipes
00:30:50Usires i think i go assault not radi, sucks that slardars ulti
00:30:55Milky saatii lana siit nopee
00:31:00StaedarB sure
00:31:03livingde4th sä ja brood?
00:31:08StaedarB we Got some dmr anyway
00:31:10Milky y
00:31:11Usires y
00:31:13livingde4th daggerii
00:31:13Usires and can push
00:31:14livingde4th jee
00:31:16Usires if just with team
00:31:16livingde4th bileet
00:31:17Milky eiku
00:31:19Usires and dust
00:31:21Milky ultasin lanayan
00:31:30Milky ja luna sai jaettuu ultinsa 2 heroon joist toinen lana
00:31:36livingde4th ok
00:32:03xenix- b
00:32:06Soulyah at base
00:32:07livingde4th b
00:32:09xenix- y
00:32:12Allistysmies wards
00:32:13Milky need focus on lanaya again
00:32:14livingde4th y
00:32:16livingde4th we need bkbs
00:32:18livingde4th anyonedust?
00:32:21Milky need 1k for bkb
00:32:23Soulyah slard ulti
00:32:24xenix- i get
00:32:27livingde4th if slardar dies
00:32:29livingde4th ..
00:32:50livingde4th levi has blink
00:33:39Soulyah b
00:33:50Soulyah b
00:34:09livingde4th roshan now
00:34:09Milky wards
00:34:15livingde4th fast
00:34:17xenix- someone want this dusts ???
00:34:18StaedarB must have
00:34:19livingde4th brood nuke
00:34:19StaedarB dust
00:34:21livingde4th then ulti him
00:34:22StaedarB dont have
00:34:22livingde4th slkard
00:34:24StaedarB inventory
00:34:34Milky scouts up
00:34:44livingde4th slard or brood?
00:34:47livingde4th slard imo
00:34:59livingde4th we just turtle
00:35:00livingde4th b
00:35:01livingde4th all
00:35:04livingde4th slard b
00:35:06livingde4th u got no tp
00:35:07livingde4th milky
00:35:08xenix- dusts in base guys
00:35:15livingde4th they have gem?
00:35:29xenix- take dust
00:35:36StaedarB farm
00:35:38StaedarB all lane
00:35:40StaedarB Get fater
00:35:45StaedarB not force push
00:35:52StaedarB kill if they ro out
00:35:55livingde4th we go?
00:35:57livingde4th got haste
00:35:58Milky farmaan bot
00:36:01Soulyah come
00:36:02Milky b
00:36:02Milky b
00:36:03Soulyah all
00:36:04livingde4th n
00:36:24livingde4th brood vladi?
00:36:28livingde4th we got tons o melees
00:36:38livingde4th and need that armor
00:36:38Soulyah id like if some support would make it
00:36:45Milky they got no dmg
00:36:47Milky only lanaya
00:36:57Soulyah lanaya gem
00:36:57Soulyah zz
00:36:57Milky i ulti
00:36:58livingde4th focus him then
00:36:59livingde4th always
00:37:08Soulyah blast
00:37:20Milky lock
00:37:22Milky stay in back
00:37:27livingde4th heitänks ?
00:37:31livingde4th slaikan
00:37:33Milky joo
00:37:34Soulyah ulti them
00:37:34Milky 1 bot
00:37:34Soulyah slard
00:37:35Milky go
00:38:28livingde4th b all
00:38:30Milky i was fighting him alone
00:38:31livingde4th we focus wrong targets
00:38:32Milky not good idea
00:38:45Milky and dont focus bristle
00:38:54Milky he tanks the damage
00:38:55Milky wth
00:39:04livingde4th stop hitting bb
00:39:06livingde4th try ignore him
00:39:16xenix- k
00:40:16Soulyah lock
00:40:20Soulyah need urslow
00:40:32xenix- ok didnt skilled
00:40:43Milky 2 dead
00:40:51StaedarB oh
00:40:52StaedarB ilu
00:40:59Usires care
00:41:00Usires care
00:41:01Usires care
00:41:02Soulyah b
00:41:09Usires cba to give entry
00:41:10Milky woods?
00:41:11livingde4th what we do with gem
00:41:12Soulyah warlocks slow
00:41:13livingde4th i take to base?
00:41:14Soulyah would just
00:41:15Soulyah rape
00:41:17Milky adn try tog et them 1by 1
00:41:24livingde4th i take gem to base?
00:41:28StaedarB ily ?
00:41:30Soulyah y
00:41:31Allistysmies yeah
00:41:45Usires i think we can push now
00:41:47Usires got assault
00:41:52StaedarB no dust
00:41:53livingde4th dont hit bb ever
00:41:53Milky tower
00:41:57PinaryB i havce
00:41:58livingde4th unless bb is last man standing
00:41:59livingde4th k?
00:41:59Milky yes
00:41:59Allistysmies eza hgas
00:42:03Milky need focus on lanaya
00:42:04StaedarB ok
00:42:06Usires just dont ulti one
00:42:07Usires persn
00:42:08livingde4th and he has to have slardar ult
00:42:09livingde4th on
00:42:13livingde4th to be killed
00:42:17livingde4th care
00:42:18livingde4th levi ult
00:42:21livingde4th scatter
00:43:19Milky b
00:43:30livingde4th ffs
00:43:32livingde4th now we die all
00:43:33Milky mis on lunan itemi
00:43:34Milky =(
00:43:49Milky destroy gem imo
00:43:54Soulyah warlock
00:43:55livingde4th nooo
00:43:58livingde4th can hold it a vbase
00:43:59Soulyah have slow yet?
00:44:05livingde4th i can take obs with iut
00:44:05xenix- no :(
00:44:07livingde4th some pooint
00:44:10livingde4th or if we get aegis..
00:44:12Milky mitä teen tälle
00:44:16livingde4th blinkin
00:44:17livingde4th ofc
00:44:23Soulyah everyone
00:44:23livingde4th sun pitää päästä ta iholle
00:44:25StaedarB -ma
00:44:25Soulyah jump on lanaya
00:44:29livingde4th se on tärkeintä
00:44:30StaedarB what makes
00:44:33StaedarB miss %
00:44:39Y4KUZA spiders orb
00:44:40Soulyah 25
00:44:49StaedarB oh ok
00:44:50livingde4th slaikka meidä pitää päästä ta
00:44:52xenix- magic stick ????
00:44:57StaedarB i rota
00:44:58StaedarB farm
00:44:59StaedarB bkb
00:45:00StaedarB i have
00:45:02StaedarB 200
00:45:03StaedarB G
00:45:15Y4KUZA need 1k to hot
00:45:25StaedarB lets relax
00:45:27StaedarB for a bit then
00:45:30Soulyah maybe i take it
00:45:33livingde4th slard imo
00:45:36StaedarB w00t
00:45:37Usires wwwwwww
00:45:39StaedarB thourht he was
00:45:39Usires ttttttt
00:45:40StaedarB down
00:45:40Soulyah got moar dmg
00:45:41Usires fffffffff
00:45:45StaedarB my map shows no blip
00:45:47livingde4th slard has sutn and ult
00:45:49Usires me too
00:45:50livingde4th its more dmg
00:45:54Soulyah lanaya has bkb
00:46:00livingde4th well ult
00:46:07StaedarB who took it ?
00:46:09Milky dont focus bristle
00:46:12Usires slard
00:46:12Y4KUZA took what?
00:46:12livingde4th b
00:46:13livingde4th gather
00:46:14StaedarB ok
00:46:17xenix- y
00:46:22xenix- i need lvl
00:46:33Usires all
00:46:34Usires here
00:46:42Usires imo b
00:46:44Usires need 300
00:46:45Usires relic
00:46:47Allistysmies k
00:46:55Y4KUZA need 400 to hot
00:46:58StaedarB there
00:46:58StaedarB cash
00:46:59StaedarB in mid
00:47:00StaedarB ro
00:47:00Milky zz
00:47:05Soulyah b
00:47:05StaedarB rexar
00:47:15livingde4th we need 5
00:47:17livingde4th they miss all
00:47:30livingde4th come all?
00:47:31Y4KUZA i have it
00:47:33StaedarB ok
00:47:37Usires me too relic
00:47:44livingde4th gather imo
00:47:45Milky luna taking all my farm whole game
00:47:47Milky and 0 item
00:47:50livingde4th take ta mid
00:48:03livingde4th b
00:48:04livingde4th b
00:48:33livingde4th milky olet retardi
00:48:36livingde4th gg
00:48:40Usires gg
00:48:40Milky mitä vittua
00:48:43livingde4th menet sisää ku meit on 3 tos
00:48:47livingde4th ja ohi
00:48:48livingde4th blinkit
00:48:49Milky olin lähös jo pois
00:48:57livingde4th no mitä vittua menit sinne
00:48:58livingde4th sisää
00:49:00StaedarB h
00:49:00Milky ku seurasitte
00:49:01StaedarB hm
00:49:01Y4KUZA no
00:49:02livingde4th ku omat ei ollu tarpeeks lähel
00:49:03StaedarB is this
00:49:04livingde4th sanoin et b
00:49:07livingde4th käytä omia aivoja
00:49:08livingde4th huoh
00:49:11Milky =(
00:49:16livingde4th ei tonne oo järkee hunttia
00:49:18StaedarB where creeps yo
00:49:19livingde4th jos ei oo omat
00:49:19StaedarB T_T
00:49:20livingde4th mukana
00:49:23livingde4th se pitäöä aina kattoa
00:49:26livingde4th carryl varsinki
00:49:28livingde4th huoh
00:49:33Milky nii ku en mä koskaa carry
00:49:34livingde4th sad jump
00:49:43livingde4th no iha sama mil sinne menee
00:49:43Milky katon et meen muiden mukana tai tpn messiin
00:49:49livingde4th jos menee kolmel heittää setit ohi
00:49:55Milky ajattelin et tuutte seläs
00:50:17Soulyah well
00:50:19Soulyah luna 2 11
00:50:24Soulyah somehow fucked up this aswell
00:50:26Allistysmies poh?
00:50:27Allistysmies poyh?
00:50:41Allistysmies pitääkö uus änäri
00:50:42Allistysmies jotaki
00:50:47Allistysmies vaivuukko transsiin
00:50:56Usires mo
00:50:59Usires ,mii
00:51:08Allistysmies nnh
00:51:15livingde4th no tultiinha me 2 mut muut oli liian kaukana
00:51:16livingde4th vittu
00:51:18Usires :D
00:51:20livingde4th ei niil oo blinkkei tai hastei
00:51:28livingde4th ei koskaa voi tollee chargee
00:51:32Milky joo
00:51:33livingde4th se pitää ottaa heti tai sit b
00:51:38livingde4th ku se väisti sllo pit b
00:51:42Milky ok
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