Game #1548066

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-24 X
-1 TS

76% | 1227 X | 1511 TS

-56 X
-1 TS

56% | 1192 X | 1308 TS

-31 X
-4 TS

43% | 1115 X | 1254 TS

-32 X
-2 TS

12% | 876 X | 1177 TS

-32 X
-9 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

+2 X
+1 TS

86% | 1364 X | 1443 TS

+25 X
+3 TS

56% | 1063 X | 1391 TS

+58 X
+6 TS

24% | 967 X | 1244 TS

+59 X
+13 TS

23% | 954 X | 1246 TS

+39 X
+53 TS

NEW | 1000 X | 1000 TS

Chat log

00:00:07Brax3n yes!
00:00:09Brax3n xenix other team
00:00:12VictoriaJrocks why the fuck am i first pick :P
00:00:12slc2 i can go es
00:00:12Brax3n <33<<3333
00:00:15iSTOMPquakez thats good?
00:00:15slc2 or sven
00:00:16Brax3n y
00:00:16VictoriaJrocks -bb
00:00:16Brax3n he's so bad
00:00:16Brax3n not even funny
00:00:16iSTOMPquakez sexy
00:00:16iSTOMPquakez i will
00:00:16iSTOMPquakez kill him
00:00:16iSTOMPquakez alot
00:00:16iSTOMPquakez then
00:00:16iSTOMPquakez :)
00:00:16Brax3n we all will
00:00:16Brax3n no doubt
00:00:16rauskimon ?
00:00:16xenix- why not ban am
00:00:16rauskimon ban maybe
00:00:16xenix- well bb is also ok
00:00:16Nagash am
00:00:17xenix- good
00:00:22Nagash rapuska back in action?
00:00:26VictoriaJrocks i guess so
00:00:37slc2 rapuska for me or?
00:00:41VictoriaJrocks i would like to get naga
00:00:42Nagash no luna:O?
00:00:49VictoriaJrocks team asked for es
00:00:51slc2 let me go sven then
00:00:57iSTOMPquakez oO
00:01:04iSTOMPquakez mb enigma/wl oO
00:01:05VictoriaJrocks can someone swap naga :O
00:01:09VictoriaJrocks omg
00:01:10VictoriaJrocks ..
00:01:14xenix- me will
00:01:17VictoriaJrocks coolersson!
00:01:22slc2 xenix
00:01:26xenix- whant naga ?
00:01:28slc2 pick naga for him
00:01:29xenix- rapu
00:01:29VictoriaJrocks yes
00:01:32VictoriaJrocks yes yes
00:01:32xenix- kk
00:01:32rauskimon can i mid with lanya
00:01:33VictoriaJrocks ver much
00:01:37VictoriaJrocks -swap 4
00:01:38Nagash no
00:01:42xenix- -swap 1
00:01:48iSTOMPquakez ill take enigma in woods
00:01:51iSTOMPquakez if they dont take it
00:01:57iSTOMPquakez wl can solo on easy lane
00:02:01VictoriaJrocks umm third agi :D+
00:02:02VictoriaJrocks for wha
00:02:03VictoriaJrocks what
00:02:12Nagash omni down
00:02:16Brax3n omw
00:02:21Nagash u wnated luna btw?
00:02:24VictoriaJrocks naah
00:02:25VictoriaJrocks i wanted naga
00:02:27AlexSilverfox please some problems with lag
00:02:29Nagash :O
00:02:31VictoriaJrocks but didnt except 3 agis on team
00:02:39Nagash :D
00:02:40iSTOMPquakez strange picks here :/
00:02:48Nagash why havent you playd for a while
00:02:49Nagash ?
00:02:50slc2 alot
00:02:50Nagash :D
00:02:53VictoriaJrocks i played text "mmo"
00:02:55slc2 alex?
00:02:57VictoriaJrocks batmud
00:03:00rauskimon rofl
00:03:01Nagash never heard:D
00:03:02VictoriaJrocks 20 years and running
00:03:20xenix- slark woods ?
00:03:23Sniesk no
00:03:24xenix- or me
00:03:47xenix- ok warded
00:04:15VictoriaJrocks you actually like luna?
00:04:28Nagash normal hereo
00:04:58AlexSilverfox can I pause?
00:05:46slc2 mortred`?
00:05:46Nagash u knwo who i am right?
00:05:49VictoriaJrocks yea devil
00:05:54AlexSilverfox what sven?
00:05:55Nagash ok
00:05:56VictoriaJrocks or not?
00:05:59Nagash y
00:06:00slc2 why pick mortred?
00:06:05AlexSilverfox lag
00:06:55VictoriaJrocks youve got 325 ms :(
00:07:09Sniesk fissure
00:07:27iSTOMPquakez be rdy to kill top
00:07:33SnakezZ ok
00:08:40VictoriaJrocks 900 range for lose
00:08:45slc2 go
00:09:03Nagash Cs?:D
00:09:13VictoriaJrocks 23
00:09:25VictoriaJrocks luna l,evel6 miss
00:09:26VictoriaJrocks re
00:09:55VictoriaJrocks luna level 6 miss
00:09:56iSTOMPquakez wanna kill
00:09:58iSTOMPquakez naga?
00:10:02AlexSilverfox miss wl
00:10:04VictoriaJrocks luna level 6 miss
00:10:06AlexSilverfox miss enigma
00:10:19AlexSilverfox re wl
00:10:21Nagash ulti?
00:10:21AlexSilverfox -ff
00:10:32iSTOMPquakez its np
00:10:33VictoriaJrocks -afk
00:10:33xenix- slark my darlin why u go there ?
00:10:41Sniesk stun
00:10:48xenix- had no mana+
00:10:56SnakezZ 3 ppl
00:10:57SnakezZ wtf ?
00:11:11AlexSilverfox miss top
00:11:22Sniesk net
00:11:44Sniesk net??
00:11:44Brax3n bot ss
00:11:47Nagash ncie gank:D
00:11:51VictoriaJrocks wasnt in range
00:11:55VictoriaJrocks didngt see you coming D;
00:12:10SnakezZ ss top
00:12:34Nagash all mid:O
00:12:37Brax3n omw mid
00:12:42iSTOMPquakez theyre bad :/
00:12:49VictoriaJrocks i web
00:12:50slc2 go wl
00:12:51VictoriaJrocks ok
00:13:02slc2 mortred be rdy
00:13:02VictoriaJrocks :()
00:13:11VictoriaJrocks go b
00:13:15VictoriaJrocks omni just rapes
00:13:18VictoriaJrocks luna going top
00:13:36VictoriaJrocks i said luna going top ;D
00:13:36iSTOMPquakez get twr
00:14:38SnakezZ care
00:14:39SnakezZ care
00:15:15VictoriaJrocks def mid?
00:17:13VictoriaJrocks cant def towers without es blink
00:17:15slc2 wl
00:17:38Sniesk guys bottom
00:18:35Nagash eays push they have 0 spamm heroes
00:18:53iSTOMPquakez get rax
00:18:53iSTOMPquakez mid
00:19:08slc2 slark do u know ur hero?=
00:19:21iSTOMPquakez use ul;ti on 2nd twr
00:19:22iSTOMPquakez wl
00:19:23VictoriaJrocks how can lanaya have deso
00:20:20Brax3n shame u changed courier nagash :(
00:20:24Brax3n meka would've saved me
00:20:43Nagash well i took it to shop before:D, so i didint knwo whos items they were
00:20:47iSTOMPquakez horrible luna build oO
00:20:54Nagash lol?
00:21:07Nagash u ahve sad build
00:21:08Brax3n not vs these
00:21:09Nagash no dagger
00:21:11Nagash at first
00:21:16iSTOMPquakez whats the point
00:21:19iSTOMPquakez in a dagger 1st item
00:21:20iSTOMPquakez here?
00:21:24Nagash whats:D?
00:21:26Nagash haha
00:21:37Sniesk net
00:21:55Nagash ty
00:22:30AlexSilverfox ff pls
00:22:33VictoriaJrocks cant yet
00:22:38AlexSilverfox well in 5
00:23:29Nagash omni
00:23:32Nagash u dont have repel?
00:23:35Brax3n y
00:23:37Brax3n i do
00:23:38Nagash i would have pwned them all:D
00:23:41Brax3n ye
00:23:49Brax3n i was in the middle of casting
00:23:53Brax3n then i got stunned
00:23:54Brax3n tt
00:23:55Nagash + atm was 3v5
00:24:09Nagash rauskimon b
00:24:11Nagash lets jsut go mid
00:24:13Nagash and end it
00:24:19VictoriaJrocks you taking rosh?
00:24:26Nagash i was death
00:24:27Nagash :D
00:24:31Brax3n go rosh
00:24:31Brax3n )
00:24:38iSTOMPquakez better just kill base
00:24:39iSTOMPquakez :/
00:24:43Nagash 2 detah
00:24:50Nagash cant 3v5
00:25:07Nagash now end it
00:25:47slc2 def at base
00:25:48xenix- def mid
00:26:55VictoriaJrocks Beautiful glaivs
00:28:11iSTOMPquakez oO
00:28:25Nagash ok go top
00:29:53Nagash u wnana still win this:D?
00:29:56VictoriaJrocks no
00:29:59VictoriaJrocks its not possible
00:30:04VictoriaJrocks i just want to lose as little x as possibl
00:30:25Nagash u knwo that, the lenght of game time wont change x:D
00:30:27slc2 def
00:30:31Nagash onyl a little
00:30:34slc2 go lanaya
00:30:45Sniesk sleep
00:30:48VictoriaJrocks cd
00:31:37Nagash omni u knwo wht your ulti does:D?
00:31:41Nagash nvm
00:31:44Nagash heal and go down all
00:31:45Brax3n its kinda nice
00:32:08Brax3n it upgrades towers right?
00:32:23slc2 they go bot
00:32:47VictoriaJrocks xenix sell all and buy blink :D?
00:32:49Nagash thats sad that luna has so shity ho pool
00:32:55xenix- lol
00:32:58VictoriaJrocks it was even buffed :O
00:33:10Nagash im level 14 and 1k hp:D
00:33:20Sniesk just sleep and echo
00:33:45Nagash wooh:D
00:33:47Sniesk I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:48AlexSilverfox -ff
00:33:48VictoriaJrocks ^^
00:33:50Nagash see that:D
00:33:52xenix- I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:33:53Nagash i was 1 hp:D
00:33:55VictoriaJrocks :D
00:34:03AlexSilverfox I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:04iSTOMPquakez ur heroes
00:34:06iSTOMPquakez are just shit
00:34:19Nagash all news ytake carry:S
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