Game #1415473

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-5 X
-4 TS

85% | 1379 X | 1453 TS

-21 X
-3 TS

65% | 1162 X | 1408 TS

-30 X
-11 TS

63% | 1185 X | 1352 TS

-46 X
-3 TS

62% | 1111 X | 1437 TS

-43 X
-3 TS

54% | 1104 X | 1358 TS

+19 X
+13 TS

88% | 1459 X | 1388 TS

+44 X
+3 TS

75% | 1162 X | 1531 TS

+41 X
+3 TS

70% | 1222 X | 1413 TS

+1 X
+5 TS

58% | 1139 X | 1358 TS

+52 X
+4 TS

34% | 952 X | 1321 TS

Chat log

00:00:11AdemC ban meepo
00:00:13c-yanker mission rape kurdi john
00:00:18AdemC norre wanrts him
00:00:21BritneySpears looooooooooooool
00:00:25Norrebro hahahaha'
00:00:26zebbelito meepo
00:00:26hibalunt so, its good if he takes it..
00:00:26Norrebro wtf
00:00:26zebbelito silencer any1?
00:00:26c-yanker phoenix
00:00:26Herre sk me
00:00:29TOo_LaZy wow
00:00:30TOo_LaZy bs
00:00:32zebbelito okej heere
00:00:35hibalunt Meepo & Firebird banned
00:00:37zebbelito din mysiga jävel
00:00:39TOo_LaZy omfg
00:00:41Herre Xd
00:00:53zebbelito löl cärry
00:00:57MetM strong sup now
00:00:59TOo_LaZy now support
00:01:00Herre :DD
00:01:04Herre bs and bone
00:01:04Herre gg
00:01:06AdemC necro
00:01:09TOo_LaZy ill go carry aba
00:01:11TOo_LaZy :DD
00:01:12TOo_LaZy tank
00:01:14TOo_LaZy :DD
00:01:16zebbelito i can play coopter
00:01:18MetM pick wd or ogre for me
00:01:18TOo_LaZy or gyro
00:01:19Herre kk
00:01:21MetM if u dont wanna play it
00:01:25c-yanker no more mele
00:01:26c-yanker OMG
00:01:29zebbelito or silencer
00:01:30c-yanker support now onkly
00:01:32BritneySpears need tank
00:01:33Herre silencer it is?
00:01:33zebbelito or
00:01:35Norrebro get lion
00:01:35BritneySpears for their picks
00:01:36MetM lets hope ill get wd
00:01:37AdemC need babysit sown then gg
00:01:38Norrebro ffs
00:01:41zebbelito or
00:01:42Herre what do you take
00:01:43zebbelito sile y
00:01:48Herre -swap 1
00:01:48zebbelito -swap 5
00:01:50c-yanker get lion or wd
00:01:54c-yanker i like wd most
00:01:57MetM hmm yep same
00:02:02MetM for gyro comp
00:02:08AdemC necro bot with me plzz
00:02:08c-yanker rather for u n me top
00:02:18TOo_LaZy go top
00:02:20TOo_LaZy maybe u kill
00:02:23AdemC i know 3 players from opposit team and i will get focused
00:02:30zebbelito -hhn
00:02:30TOo_LaZy -hhn
00:02:31zebbelito okej
00:02:31TOo_LaZy -di
00:02:32TOo_LaZy -clear
00:02:37AdemC necro let me farm ok ...
00:02:47zebbelito du måste vara snabbare en du var med pl
00:02:49McNabb hmm
00:02:55McNabb i can pull
00:02:55AdemC jeg var imba
00:03:01AdemC de havde meget disable
00:03:02zebbelito vi losade
00:03:05TOo_LaZy got haste
00:03:06zebbelito y
00:03:07TOo_LaZy kill ?
00:04:07hibalunt top hard
00:04:29McNabb Zzz
00:04:42c-yanker harras
00:04:44c-yanker dont trry lastgit
00:05:04MetM havent i leaving everything?
00:05:15c-yanker u ruining some sry to say
00:05:21c-yanker just harras
00:05:25c-yanker dobuelrange
00:05:33Herre so evil lane
00:05:36hibalunt is
00:06:00zebbelito miss
00:06:01zebbelito 1
00:07:10TOo_LaZy hows mid
00:07:44AdemC heal
00:07:44McNabb u pull
00:07:45BritneySpears ss
00:07:56zebbelito miss mid
00:08:32TOo_LaZy ill go gank soon
00:08:34Herre let me take bottle
00:08:57zebbelito haha
00:09:01Herre mmmmmm
00:09:05zebbelito np
00:09:07Norrebro gj
00:09:08zebbelito he was owned mid
00:09:10zebbelito now gg
00:09:12MetM rune bot
00:09:20zebbelito hf
00:09:47McNabb oom
00:09:50AdemC just b
00:09:59TOo_LaZy a close one actually
00:10:11Norrebro ulti om lidt
00:10:32zebbelito lololol
00:10:34zebbelito i quit
00:10:34Norrebro lol
00:10:34TOo_LaZy :DDDDDDDDD
00:10:37zebbelito this team
00:10:39Norrebro u are noob
00:10:44zebbelito du suger ju kuk
00:10:47Norrebro hah
00:10:48zebbelito helt värdlelös
00:11:10zebbelito hf guys
00:11:11zebbelito ff mode
00:11:12BritneySpears idiot bs
00:11:13Herre come to mid
00:11:20zebbelito why u dont tell miss
00:11:21BritneySpears 7atching me loose 60 % of my life
00:11:21zebbelito now gg
00:11:29McNabb god u whine
00:11:42TOo_LaZy ss
00:11:43Herre just focus
00:11:43TOo_LaZy bot all
00:11:43BritneySpears fail
00:11:48Norrebro this herre is epic
00:12:05Norrebro he enjoy to gang me mid
00:12:12Norrebro his main reason playing gc
00:12:15hibalunt ss2
00:12:18Herre :DD
00:12:34TOo_LaZy gj ? D:
00:12:45BritneySpears just me frustrated from before
00:12:49BritneySpears and gj missile :P
00:12:54TOo_LaZy need rune :S
00:12:54Herre u got to be kidding me
00:13:02Norrebro only came for ure ass
00:13:05TOo_LaZy gimme
00:13:05Herre :DDDDDDD
00:13:07TOo_LaZy top rune
00:13:11Herre you sick bastard
00:13:12Norrebro "only"
00:13:18zebbelito and top is feeded
00:13:19zebbelito too
00:13:22BritneySpears ss many
00:13:22zebbelito awesome
00:13:26Herre KILL
00:13:34TOo_LaZy omfg
00:13:36Norrebro well in every single gAME u come and try kill me mid
00:13:40zebbelito kill top MBY?
00:13:48McNabb ss bot
00:14:03zebbelito omw
00:14:16Herre no ulti
00:14:25Norrebro sk
00:14:26hibalunt ss top
00:14:50Herre used ulti
00:14:57MetM 3
00:15:10TOo_LaZy so sad
00:15:21Herre had ulti
00:15:29Herre b
00:15:29Herre b
00:15:29Herre b
00:15:30Herre b
00:15:38Herre >.<
00:15:39TOo_LaZy omfg
00:15:40TOo_LaZy i canceled
00:15:46Herre NECRO
00:15:48Herre hit ewwd
00:15:48zebbelito ff
00:15:49Norrebro gay
00:15:54Norrebro let me get the kill
00:15:56zebbelito i get these teams
00:16:00zebbelito everygufkving game
00:16:05zebbelito we can ff
00:16:18McNabb whine whine zebb
00:16:18zebbelito alrdy gg
00:16:24zebbelito do somethi ng then
00:16:25zebbelito cunt
00:16:46zebbelito blink
00:17:03Herre b
00:17:13MetM im b
00:17:30Herre b
00:17:38Herre B
00:18:09Herre god
00:18:14zebbelito f-f
00:18:14Herre what is the matter with you necro?
00:18:18zebbelito 2v5
00:18:19Herre we had a ward there
00:18:26Herre and pinged u
00:18:30Herre and u stay?
00:18:35Norrebro the hate u gave lil infants fucks everybody
00:18:37zebbelito bb so feed
00:18:44Norrebro THUG LIFE
00:19:11McNabb lol
00:19:12zebbelito haha
00:19:21Herre buy wards necro
00:19:22zebbelito n1 gang ck
00:19:29zebbelito u see us come
00:19:31Herre rune
00:19:32zebbelito and u esghasdhdfhssfdhsf
00:20:21zebbelito hahaha 17 min
00:20:22TOo_LaZy :D:d
00:20:22TOo_LaZy lal?
00:20:24zebbelito silence stick
00:20:34TOo_LaZy :S silly ighting
00:20:35TOo_LaZy fighting
00:20:36TOo_LaZy :D
00:20:47zebbelito ademC mby u should realise ur not a carry player
00:21:50Norrebro sielncer'
00:21:53zebbelito DO SOMETHIGN THREN
00:22:22zebbelito hahahaha
00:22:41zebbelito shouldt have picked sk
00:22:48AdemC b
00:23:12TOo_LaZy wait
00:23:13TOo_LaZy rocket
00:23:36AdemC -cs
00:23:59MetM care bot
00:24:22TOo_LaZy me
00:24:29Herre lol...
00:24:35McNabb b
00:24:38Herre they are sweating so hard
00:24:56zebbelito gg
00:24:57Herre ff
00:25:07McNabb how can zebb be fp?!?!?? he is shit
00:25:15Herre vick? :DDDDD
00:25:17zebbelito ure thw worst player in the channel so
00:25:24zebbelito never seen worse
00:25:24Herre u died to bottom when we had WARDS
00:25:26Herre and pigned
00:25:36McNabb im tired
00:25:39zebbelito so?
00:25:49Herre nothing what can be done anymore
00:25:55McNabb stun=?
00:26:08Herre no crit
00:26:09Herre : d
00:26:13AdemC fucking shit
00:26:18zebbelito norrobre take ur m8 AdemC
00:26:22zebbelito and gtfo
00:26:28zebbelito he has some kinda syndrome
00:26:31Norrebro HES MY SLAVE'
00:26:33BritneySpears lol
00:26:41AdemC shut up zeppe you suck
00:26:43AdemC always
00:26:48AdemC you are overrated
00:26:51c-yanker john stay woods
00:26:53TOo_LaZy u urself please dont fuck
00:26:53zebbelito 1v1 for unvouch?
00:26:59AdemC all gays say that
00:26:59Norrebro HAAHAH
00:27:04c-yanker hvorfor tag farm for ham som giver free win'
00:27:26BritneySpears rosh
00:27:28BritneySpears lets go
00:27:31BritneySpears i tank
00:27:38BritneySpears sentinel scared right no7
00:27:45TOo_LaZy move?
00:27:49McNabb lol
00:27:50McNabb noob
00:27:50zebbelito hahaha u are good?
00:27:50c-yanker ik endnu
00:27:51Norrebro GJ
00:27:52BritneySpears yanker
00:27:53BritneySpears kom
00:27:53zebbelito michael?
00:27:58zebbelito u b?
00:28:00c-yanker vi skal have opuyshed lanes
00:28:03zebbelito :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DDD:D:D:D
00:28:04Herre I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:06Herre I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:06McNabb I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:07zebbelito I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:32Herre I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:36zebbelito I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:28:50zebbelito ff ppl
00:28:51TOo_LaZy end it?
00:28:53zebbelito adem
00:28:58zebbelito u suck
00:29:00AdemC no way
00:29:01zebbelito grasp reality
00:29:01AdemC play
00:29:05c-yanker ye soon
00:29:18AdemC yeahn i feed them right ??
00:29:19Herre reduce trolling btw
00:29:37AdemC zeppe player of the year :DD
00:29:54zebbelito c-noob do something
00:29:57BritneySpears lets go all mid ?
00:30:09c-yanker i aint trusting this bs
00:30:11zebbelito go play 1v computer if u play to farm
00:30:21TOo_LaZy rly guys..
00:30:24TOo_LaZy this is booooring
00:30:28c-yanker in 500 g
00:30:34c-yanker else fuck uit gogo mid
00:30:42c-yanker go
00:30:45zebbelito WHY U DONT GO
00:30:45c-yanker kill him first
00:30:46zebbelito MORONG
00:30:48c-yanker he is nab
00:31:09zebbelito n1 stun ck
00:31:15c-yanker bad placing
00:31:29zebbelito what u doin herre?
00:31:31zebbelito watching
00:31:32Herre not doing
00:31:37Herre dying*
00:31:38c-yanker getting devine
00:31:40c-yanker brb
00:31:48McNabb well
00:31:49zebbelito strom sucks
00:31:50McNabb gj then
00:31:52zebbelito hes bot is the worst
00:31:54zebbelito on whole q net
00:32:01zebbelito cant make teams
00:32:03zebbelito ever
00:32:03Herre then perhaps you should stop using it hen
00:32:04McNabb I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:32:11zebbelito nej
00:32:11McNabb yes plz
00:32:14Herre and btw, qnet has nothing to do with the new system
00:32:21zebbelito ok the web
00:32:27zebbelito worst on the www.
00:32:30BritneySpears b then
00:33:32zebbelito haha
00:33:40Norrebro nice stacks
00:34:13McNabb adam plz ff
00:34:14zebbelito I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:22zebbelito hes to good
00:34:26AdemC do i have 2 ??
00:34:28zebbelito like hes noobfriend
00:34:30McNabb ja tak
00:34:31zebbelito norrebro
00:34:34AdemC I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:34:51AdemC norre, cyanker and britney m89 m8s
00:35:14Herre lol
00:35:18Herre you dared to buy a gem for me
00:35:21Herre thats sad.
00:35:27Norrebro HOW DARE YOU'
00:35:28Herre you poor poor human being
00:35:34TOo_LaZy go get ur rosh
00:35:36TOo_LaZy or it isnt up ?
00:35:38TOo_LaZy clinkz
00:35:45c-yanker dunno
00:35:46c-yanker ill chceck
00:35:47MetM shouldnt be yet
00:35:49MetM isnt it 10min?
00:35:55Herre just forfeit it
00:35:57TOo_LaZy how much has t passed?
00:36:00Herre altho bone has divine : d
00:36:01AdemC we can win
00:36:01c-yanker ill check
00:36:01TOo_LaZy i want to end i
00:36:04TOo_LaZy 1 more game:D
00:36:04TOo_LaZy ;P
00:36:05zebbelito hahaha
00:36:07zebbelito ademc
00:36:07TOo_LaZy before goodnite
00:36:11zebbelito sinnesjuk
00:36:13MetM lets go bot
00:36:33zebbelito -ma
00:37:11BritneySpears gather
00:37:13c-yanker go top
00:37:15c-yanker 3 bot
00:37:23zebbelito n1 blink ck
00:37:24MetM kinda stuck here
00:37:28McNabb hi
00:37:58AdemC come on
00:38:03AdemC sk just stun !!
00:38:18Norrebro muahahah
00:38:36Norrebro this game we decided to play lam
00:38:45zebbelito hahahahaha lololol
00:38:47zebbelito did u
00:38:48zebbelito cool
00:38:53Norrebro yep
00:39:02zebbelito wd won it so
00:39:05zebbelito solo
00:39:17Norrebro when herre is lastpick and he is the only one who can play
00:39:23Norrebro so its gg
00:39:29Norrebro ademc noob
00:39:36Norrebro zebbe noob
00:39:37AdemC shut it
00:39:42Norrebro muahahahahahaha
00:39:56TOo_LaZy end t plz
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