Game #1412384

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+6 X
+1 TS

94% | 1498 X | 1538 TS

+13 X
+2 TS

90% | 1374 X | 1531 TS

-32 X
+9 TS

26% | 992 X | 1208 TS

+20 X
+30 TS

NEW | 1071 X | 1019 TS

+0 X
+2 TS

15% | 900 X | 1195 TS

-30 X
+0 TS

83% | 1346 X | 1428 TS

+46 X
+0 TS

54% | 1089 X | 1357 TS

-40 X
+0 TS

49% | 1091 X | 1318 TS

+18 X
-1 TS

48% | 1082 X | 1313 TS

+10 X
-1 TS

22% | 895 X | 1280 TS

Chat log

00:00:03Nxtra -don
00:00:04Nxtra -ii
00:00:04Nxtra -clear
00:00:08Celcius < crix
00:00:09Celcius = win
00:00:13Celcius or es :D
00:00:17Brax3n ES
00:00:17vutten -clear
00:00:17Papaya wtf these teams
00:00:17Brax3n mine
00:00:17Sjakalen give dig sk
00:00:17Nxtra :(
00:00:17Nxtra Vutten ;D
00:00:17aRkker statistically even teams, why?
00:00:17vutten what ? :)
00:00:17Herre es
00:00:17Herre es
00:00:17Herre es
00:00:17Herre es
00:00:17Herre es
00:00:17Herre sk
00:00:17Herre sk
00:00:17Herre sk
00:00:17Herre sk
00:00:17Herre sk
00:00:17Herre to me
00:00:17Herre to me
00:00:17Herre to me
00:00:17Herre to me
00:00:17Papaya stfu herre or ban yourself
00:00:17Herre to me
00:00:17Nxtra ban tide
00:00:17Herre :DD
00:00:17Papaya ban weaver
00:00:17Herre Xd
00:00:17aRkker hes gonna go for storm
00:00:17aRkker and rape us
00:00:17aRkker wannasee
00:00:21Papaya then we got doom es
00:00:25Herre xd
00:00:28Herre take doom then
00:00:30Herre xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD
00:00:31Papaya k
00:00:32Brax3n now they pick
00:00:33Papaya u go es
00:00:34Brax3n crix + es
00:00:41Brax3n :(((((((8
00:00:41Celcius ff ?
00:00:49Celcius u take strom fb?
00:00:49Sjakalen giver dig sk
00:00:51Papaya anyone want this?
00:00:59ZidanOz yeah
00:01:01ZidanOz me
00:01:20Celcius who i pik
00:01:20Papaya get thrall
00:01:21Celcius pick
00:01:23ZidanOz k
00:01:27Sjakalen hmm
00:01:29Sjakalen to sec
00:01:32Nxtra go carry
00:01:34Sjakalen hmm brood
00:01:35Brax3n naix+
00:01:35Sjakalen i think
00:01:37Papaya okayyyy
00:01:39aRkker I iz thrall
00:01:39ZidanOz Doom 4 me or what ?
00:01:40Papaya what do i want
00:01:41Nxtra brood vs es
00:01:41Sjakalen yeah
00:01:42Celcius ?
00:01:42Nxtra kk
00:01:43Papaya y doom for u
00:01:46Papaya im thinking
00:01:46Sjakalen brood
00:01:52Brax3n :S
00:01:52Celcius -swap 2
00:01:57Brax3n es instakill
00:01:58Herre chicken
00:01:59Herre zidanoz
00:02:00aRkker ::NAGA
00:02:00Herre btw
00:02:01Papaya naix
00:02:02Celcius -swap 2
00:02:06Sjakalen -swap 4
00:02:09Nxtra wanna mid taljin?
00:02:10Papaya -swap 5
00:02:13Nxtra can bot with crix
00:02:13Celcius cant belive u pick storm fb
00:02:15Celcius :)
00:02:16Herre chicken
00:02:17ZidanOz -swap 1
00:02:36Herre shares
00:02:48aRkker -apm
00:02:49Nxtra brood mid
00:02:50Nxtra crix bot
00:02:50Celcius tri top ?
00:02:51Herre so
00:03:01Papaya thrall solo mid
00:03:03Nxtra trilane on gc
00:03:04Nxtra hf
00:03:05aRkker ....
00:03:07aRkker ff
00:03:07Nxtra loses to a solo
00:03:07Celcius if they ward -.-
00:03:07Papaya dazzle doom bot
00:03:14aRkker I can't keep up with Confuseed...
00:03:17Brax3n haha )))
00:03:18aRkker this is done
00:03:20Papaya he has no hp
00:03:20Celcius ^^
00:03:23Papaya and u got fat nuke
00:03:24aRkker he gets 5-0 before 15 minutes and huge farms
00:03:25Papaya stfu and play
00:03:31aRkker oh brood
00:03:32aRkker lost
00:03:41Papaya u got ring and 4 sec spell
00:03:42Papaya pussy
00:03:51aRkker and Im a terrible player
00:03:59Papaya can we pause?
00:04:00Papaya for afk
00:04:08Papaya we got afk
00:04:11aRkker you can, but nobody blocks them from unpausing
00:04:11Brax3n -afk
00:04:11Papaya k
00:04:11Celcius we just share creeps
00:04:11Herre whos afk
00:04:11Nxtra -afk
00:04:11Papaya ats re ?
00:04:11Celcius since warded
00:04:11ATS_ y
00:04:11Celcius -hhn
00:04:11Papaya ok
00:04:11Papaya 321
00:04:32ATS_ care
00:04:47ATS_ dd
00:04:51Nxtra that was a fb
00:04:56Nxtra saveing mana for farming?
00:05:32Papaya how ya doing herr
00:05:34Papaya e
00:05:38Herre good
00:06:01ATS_ ss
00:06:32Papaya i would also do well if u call miss herre
00:07:27Celcius i go top rune
00:07:35ATS_ ss
00:07:38Celcius go
00:08:01aRkker ck incoming to woods
00:08:04ATS_ ss
00:08:04aRkker Im done in the mid really
00:08:07aRkker can't stop him from farming at all
00:08:12aRkker he'll be fat like santaclaus soon
00:08:19Papaya so?
00:08:25Papaya u act like 1 farmed hero wins game
00:08:31Papaya show some goddamn balls
00:09:04ATS_ ss
00:09:06ATS_ still
00:09:12Nxtra ss doom
00:09:31Nxtra re
00:09:33aRkker mid miss(?)
00:09:33vutten omw
00:09:39Herre hmph
00:09:42ATS_ y
00:10:12Papaya everybody has sentries but no oberserver?
00:10:25Celcius gotta love this place
00:10:27Celcius gc<3
00:10:33Brax3n :D
00:11:29Herre ats u doing?
00:11:41Herre mitä sää teet täällä
00:11:42Herre mee kotias siitä
00:11:53aRkker mid miss
00:11:54ATS_ estän sua feedaamasta
00:11:58Herre en minä feedaa?
00:12:01Herre mitä selität
00:12:20Sjakalen k
00:12:30vutten ss top
00:12:31ATS_ alhaalla vaan 1 ni ei sielä tarvi kahta
00:12:33Herre mee nyt auttaan jotain joka apuasi tarvitsee
00:12:39Herre no mene midiin?
00:12:44aRkker !??!!?!?!?
00:12:44Sjakalen shiit
00:12:47Celcius fandme pro
00:12:50Celcius gj m8
00:12:54Celcius det er det sygeste
00:12:55Papaya that was rly bad luck arkker
00:12:56Sjakalen men luck :)
00:12:56Celcius jeg længe har set
00:12:57ATS_ me ei tarvita farmi esää
00:12:59Papaya nice play though
00:13:00aRkker HELP IN THE MIDDLE???
00:13:05Celcius jeg dodger tower
00:13:09Celcius med sandstorm
00:13:10Sjakalen så jeg .)
00:13:11Herre eikö?
00:13:11aRkker some gnaks? someone? anyone?
00:13:12Celcius imens bottle
00:13:14Celcius så jeg fik mana
00:13:15Celcius til stun
00:13:17Celcius omg
00:13:17aRkker Im so fucked in the ass there
00:13:24aRkker can someone buy a sentry pack?
00:13:31aRkker oh well
00:13:36Brax3n oh lordy
00:13:36Brax3n zz
00:13:40Herre tottakai me tarvitaan farmidagger es?
00:13:42Papaya its fine arkker
00:13:43Herre mitä selität
00:13:47aRkker spider got a tower and I lost a kill
00:13:50Papaya never expected mid to be good
00:13:50aRkker thanks supports <3
00:14:07aRkker well I told you that he is
00:14:35Papaya dazzle
00:14:36ATS_ i have
00:14:37Papaya sentries
00:15:01ZidanOz ss bot
00:15:24Papaya b
00:15:34Celcius kalle. how u fail ulti :(
00:15:41Brax3n i dno
00:15:41Herre what a move
00:15:43Herre by sk
00:15:44aRkker plantaa toho verkkoo toine ja mee kotiis amoveemasta
00:15:45Brax3n i
00:15:46Papaya y
00:15:47Brax3n -.-
00:15:49Brax3n just nc
00:16:01Papaya didnt expect him to be so silly
00:16:14Celcius doom
00:16:31Nxtra twr
00:16:33Celcius y
00:16:35vutten ss top
00:16:38Brax3n ss top
00:17:39aRkker Ö:ASD:ASD:S:DS:DSD
00:17:44aRkker this is so fucking retarded
00:17:58Celcius -.-
00:18:01aRkker spider has bkb btw
00:18:03Sjakalen gall skal have formateret den
00:18:03Papaya looool
00:18:07ATS_ loool
00:18:07Sjakalen den er helt væk
00:18:10Papaya forgot lvl1 ult dosnt work on enemy creeps
00:18:12ATS_ nobbaz
00:18:14Papaya heart attack
00:18:59Celcius farm more
00:19:07Celcius we are ganker lineup
00:19:20Nxtra i can freefarm
00:19:22Nxtra got linkens in 700
00:19:24Brax3n :D
00:19:26Celcius i know
00:19:27ZidanOz kill
00:19:29Celcius just need help from others
00:19:30Celcius to gank
00:19:30ZidanOz i doom him
00:19:34Celcius then its autowin
00:19:35Brax3n with u now
00:19:38Nxtra omw mid
00:19:39Nxtra get tower?
00:19:45ATS_ lets move with 4
00:19:54Papaya b
00:20:03Papaya all mid
00:20:05ATS_ all m,id
00:20:07aRkker oh storm only has linkens
00:20:53Celcius what a tp
00:20:57ATS_ hyvä stunni hermanni
00:21:00Celcius stun
00:21:01Celcius es
00:21:07ATS_ tunnin myöhässä
00:21:15Celcius hvor det plat
00:21:17Celcius at den es tper
00:21:18Celcius der
00:21:18Herre oli joo
00:21:21Celcius i min ulti
00:21:28Brax3n imba timeing
00:21:31Celcius for a noob
00:21:31Papaya ok herre blink soon
00:21:36Herre y
00:21:38Papaya i rush this damn armlet and we go together
00:21:41Herre "me ei tarvita farmi es:ää"
00:21:56Sjakalen wtf
00:21:57Sjakalen pit
00:21:59Celcius xD
00:22:03Sjakalen are you retared
00:22:08vutten skal nå over 300 creaps :S
00:22:14Celcius ?
00:22:21vutten <3
00:22:24Nxtra äckliga noob vitten
00:22:24Nxtra haha
00:22:39Nxtra omw
00:22:39Nxtra gogo
00:23:19Nxtra :D
00:23:33Papaya gj
00:23:38Herre jätteskönt tycker jag
00:23:39Papaya thats the power of farmed early es
00:23:41Herre \OOO/
00:23:48Sjakalen har du en windom cd ?
00:23:54Celcius nej
00:24:07Celcius de koster 1400 ^^
00:24:12Celcius lige fået en cracked
00:24:13Sjakalen det helt vild
00:24:30Celcius we cant enter that site from denmark
00:24:35Brax3n :DD
00:24:36Brax3n really?
00:24:37Celcius y
00:24:45Nxtra some isps that blocked it only
00:24:49Nxtra you should have more then 1 isp in denmark
00:25:00Celcius we can use another link
00:25:07Nxtra you can go trhough a proxy
00:25:08Nxtra not hard
00:25:11Celcius yy
00:25:14Nxtra go
00:25:16Nxtra then piratebay
00:25:28Nxtra puck
00:25:29Nxtra can you fuck off
00:25:30Brax3n si
00:25:32Nxtra and pit
00:25:33Brax3n no )
00:25:34Nxtra stop taking creeps
00:25:42vutten sure thing bossman
00:26:09Celcius go
00:26:11Celcius they come
00:26:16Papaya they wood
00:26:20Nxtra vutten
00:26:21Nxtra get a hex
00:26:22Celcius or not ^^
00:26:26Nxtra gj butten
00:26:48Celcius no silence kalle ?
00:26:52Brax3n i did
00:27:00Papaya 350 to armlet
00:27:03Papaya go together then
00:27:15Brax3n and it hit?
00:27:15Nxtra im getting our 2nd bkb btw
00:27:22Nxtra omw
00:27:22Papaya grave??
00:27:23Celcius b
00:28:01Papaya all b
00:28:04Papaya no fight without es
00:28:06ATS_ gather
00:28:11ATS_ gj
00:28:20Herre def at base
00:28:44Celcius lol
00:28:48Celcius care
00:28:49Celcius es
00:28:49Nxtra HAHAHA
00:28:51Celcius 15
00:28:53Brax3n qq
00:28:58Nxtra :D
00:29:04Celcius i got ulti
00:29:05Papaya what
00:29:10Nxtra puck
00:29:22Sjakalen never mid
00:29:34ZidanOz ^^
00:29:38Herre illu?
00:29:40ZidanOz yeah
00:29:44Herre :<<<<<<
00:29:45Nxtra getting top tower
00:29:59Sjakalen pit!
00:30:02Sjakalen use that schale
00:30:07vutten on ced
00:30:07Celcius es
00:30:09vutten cd mate
00:30:15Sjakalen kk
00:30:36Herre b
00:30:58aRkker we have 0 towers, they have 6.
00:31:06Nxtra getting bkb
00:31:07Nxtra go win
00:31:09ATS_ so
00:31:12aRkker "so"
00:31:17Papaya dazzle use ult
00:31:20Papaya brood does no dmg then
00:31:23Nxtra go all mid
00:31:42ATS_ just keep turtling
00:31:46Papaya and doom
00:31:51Papaya do fast nuke on storm before ult
00:31:53Celcius spread
00:31:55Papaya so linkens doesnt block
00:32:00aRkker thats vital
00:32:28Nxtra wp vutten
00:32:30Nxtra as good as always
00:32:38ATS_ b
00:33:01Celcius what a lucky ES stun
00:33:01Nxtra farmign full inv
00:33:03Nxtra then i go solo win
00:33:05Celcius he cancel my ulti from dark
00:33:06Celcius omg
00:33:06Nxtra not about es
00:33:09Nxtra all about vutten
00:33:13Nxtra playing 4v5 since the start
00:33:14Nxtra lame
00:33:22Celcius es cancel my ulti
00:33:25Celcius when im in dark
00:33:27Celcius so lucky
00:33:36Herre got agha
00:33:49Papaya good
00:34:03Papaya dazzle dont forget to ult us before clash
00:34:10Herre wards
00:34:19Celcius thios es is so noob
00:34:23Herre check rosha
00:34:25Herre for brood
00:34:31Papaya k
00:34:32Papaya go
00:34:35ATS_ brood was woods
00:34:36Nxtra get entry and push
00:34:38Nxtra vutten
00:34:38aRkker yeah
00:34:39aRkker but
00:34:40Nxtra just stay back
00:34:40aRkker I want to ward
00:34:43aRkker if I go alone -> I ide.
00:34:46aRkker die*
00:34:48vutten kk bossman
00:34:48Nxtra fire to push explusion in fights and pit of malice
00:35:14Sjakalen såååååå kommer de fucking alle sammen
00:35:14Herre mby we should take roshan?
00:35:16Sjakalen zzzz
00:35:16Nxtra come
00:35:17Nxtra ffs
00:35:22ATS_ ward
00:35:22Sjakalen på et spit secound!
00:35:25Papaya we cant right now
00:35:33vutten u just said to stay back, make up ur mind
00:35:47ATS_ b
00:35:47ATS_ b
00:35:50Sjakalen omfg
00:35:51Sjakalen hvor de
00:35:52Herre coom
00:35:53Sjakalen heldige
00:35:58Sjakalen dit ulti var så tæt p
00:36:00Celcius y
00:36:03Herre doom
00:36:04Sjakalen det helt vild
00:36:05Sjakalen vildt
00:36:06Herre having fun at mid
00:36:08Sjakalen men vi vinder aligevel
00:36:09Herre when we were taking roshan?
00:36:14Herre or were _About to take it_
00:36:19Papaya we arent taking it herre
00:36:21Herre we were
00:36:22Herre foc
00:36:23Herre ofc
00:36:23ATS_ b
00:36:24Herre why not?
00:36:26Herre 4v5
00:36:26Papaya we dont have enough dps atm
00:36:30Herre dont we?
00:36:33Papaya when they go rosh we pwn them
00:36:36Papaya and then take it
00:36:37Herre nah
00:36:38Papaya es ult etc
00:36:39Herre I dont think so
00:36:45Herre es ulti?
00:36:48Herre es is with us
00:36:52Papaya in that small spot they rape us when spotted
00:36:55Papaya and then we loose rax
00:36:56ATS_ care
00:37:05ATS_ gather
00:37:07ATS_ mid
00:37:10ATS_ all
00:37:15Nxtra go push b4 naix gets fat
00:37:18ATS_ or bot
00:37:28Nxtra naix doom
00:37:29Nxtra gogo
00:37:34ATS_ bv
00:37:35ATS_ b
00:37:35ATS_ b
00:37:35ATS_ b
00:37:36ATS_ b
00:37:36ATS_ b
00:38:01Papaya ffs doom
00:38:08ATS_ wp
00:38:12Nxtra push
00:38:12Papaya that was so braindead
00:38:15ZidanOz why me
00:38:19Nxtra dude
00:38:21Papaya u ult hasted brood
00:38:22Sjakalen de er sååå dårlige.
00:38:23ATS_ what the fuck you was doing
00:38:26Papaya totally stupid
00:38:27Celcius -.-
00:38:30Papaya we need ults for clash
00:38:32Sjakalen vi kunne havde vundet for længe sidne
00:38:34Celcius es
00:38:38ATS_ this is lost allready
00:38:41Papaya nah
00:38:51ATS_ they get 4 rax now
00:38:54Papaya lol
00:38:54ATS_ cos of you
00:38:54Papaya no
00:38:54Celcius lol
00:39:01Papaya go es
00:39:23Nxtra b
00:39:32Nxtra DENY
00:40:11Celcius xD
00:40:11Sjakalen hahaa
00:40:13Sjakalen wtf
00:40:16Papaya wp
00:40:16Brax3n leave me alone
00:40:23Sjakalen seriøst
00:40:28Sjakalen tror jeg vil købe orcid
00:40:31Sjakalen kun for den svans!
00:40:33ATS_ don do that agaimn
00:40:36ATS_ again
00:41:05Sjakalen storm
00:41:06Herre take centa in your tummy doom
00:41:09Sjakalen get some mana items ?
00:41:10Nxtra Yesh
00:41:10Sjakalen oh
00:41:11Sjakalen nice
00:41:11Papaya we need to win one big clash
00:41:15Papaya then we can turn this around
00:41:33ATS_ b
00:41:33ATS_ b
00:41:33ATS_ b
00:41:33ATS_ b
00:41:34ATS_ b
00:41:34ATS_ b
00:41:35ATS_ b
00:41:39ATS_ b
00:41:40ATS_ b
00:41:40ATS_ b
00:41:40ATS_ b
00:41:41ATS_ b
00:41:43Herre -ma
00:41:45aRkker -apm
00:41:50Herre -apm
00:41:52ATS_ gather
00:41:53ATS_ now
00:41:57Nxtra gogo
00:41:57Papaya b
00:41:57ATS_ noobs
00:41:58ATS_ b
00:41:59ATS_ b
00:41:59ATS_ b
00:41:59ATS_ b
00:42:00ATS_ b
00:42:00ATS_ bb
00:42:00ATS_ b
00:42:00ATS_ b
00:42:01ATS_ b
00:42:01ATS_ b
00:42:01ATS_ b
00:42:02ATS_ bb
00:42:02ATS_ bb
00:42:03ATS_ b
00:42:03ATS_ bb
00:42:04ATS_ bb
00:42:04ATS_ bb
00:42:07Papaya stfu ats
00:42:08aRkker -clear
00:42:22ATS_ lose then
00:42:23Celcius gj creeps
00:42:31Celcius care es
00:42:32ATS_ noobs
00:42:46Papaya ult us
00:42:48Papaya dazz
00:42:54Papaya NOW
00:43:24ATS_ wtf herre
00:43:29Nxtra mid
00:43:34ATS_ wtf you was doing
00:43:41Nxtra gg
00:43:45aRkker BG*
00:43:49Papaya where was es ult
00:43:51Brax3n GG*
00:43:54aRkker BG*
00:43:54Herre was no good spot?
00:44:00Nxtra wp heere
00:44:00Papaya u waited to long
00:44:01ATS_ fucking idio
00:44:03Herre nope
00:44:03Celcius es is useless when we spread
00:44:04Papaya beofre hill shoulda jumped
00:44:05Herre there was no spot
00:44:05Nxtra heere ven
00:44:10Herre :f
00:44:11Nxtra herre**
00:44:11Nxtra :D
00:44:12Celcius fuckikng first item manaboots
00:44:13Celcius hahahahah
00:44:43Sjakalen den mest plate hero
00:44:49Brax3n why not manaboots first item?
00:45:01Celcius not mobile enough
00:45:10Brax3n boots into blink better
00:45:14Brax3n sure
00:45:16Brax3n but
00:45:22Brax3n he was solo
00:46:01Sjakalen jay
00:46:06Sjakalen du skal jo deny mig
00:46:23Sjakalen SO LAME THAT TRALL IS
00:46:35Papaya says a broodmother
00:46:52Sjakalen most fucktared hero in dota history after phoenix and huskar
00:46:58Herre .f
00:47:17Papaya i dont like the direction dota is going either
00:47:21Papaya but gotta deal with it
00:47:24Brax3n dota 2 soon
00:47:28Brax3n "soon"
00:47:32aRkker "soon"
00:47:34aRkker 3 years
00:47:35Herre "soon"
00:47:35Papaya so?
00:47:35aRkker is my bet
00:47:38Papaya its still same gameplay
00:47:39Nxtra -afk
00:47:45Herre having fun?
00:47:46Papaya dota2 is coming this yea
00:47:48Papaya 100%
00:47:52aRkker doubtful
00:47:54Brax3n i think so too
00:48:04Brax3n mb spring 2012
00:48:12Brax3n right before the end of the world
00:48:15Papaya end of 2011
00:48:23Sjakalen hahaa
00:48:26Nxtra wtb dota2
00:48:30Nxtra stable platform wohooo
00:48:32Papaya but its gonna be same game so i still dont like the direction dota is going
00:48:34Sjakalen we are just newb around :)
00:48:35Brax3n y plz
00:48:42Nxtra only prob with dota is that it's on wc3 platform
00:48:47Papaya true nxtra
00:48:48Nxtra Delay unless you host yourself
00:49:00Papaya though better graphics etc makes me worry that maybe it gets to confusing
00:49:08Papaya just flashing lights every clash
00:49:14Nxtra ahaha y
00:49:17aRkker I don't understand the whining about delay, its just impossible to have 0-delay with the current way networking works
00:49:19Nxtra lets hope it doesnt become like hon
00:49:23Papaya yep
00:49:25Nxtra arkker you dont reaD?
00:49:27Nxtra ;PPP
00:49:36aRkker I did, thats why I responded
00:49:41Nxtra mhm
00:49:49Celcius mass delay
00:49:53Nxtra but this bot is kwl
00:49:59aRkker its hardly a bot
00:50:03Nxtra whatever it is
00:50:04Papaya slash ignore
00:50:09Nxtra that hosts the games
00:50:10Herre fuuuu
00:51:23Herre I surrender! [1/5 of Scourge]
00:51:31Nxtra GG
00:51:32Brax3n gg
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