Game #1275419

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-56 X
-2 TS

91% | 1474 X | 1498 TS

-43 X
-1 TS

81% | 1285 X | 1434 TS

-46 X
-2 TS

68% | 1187 X | 1407 TS

-12 X
-4 TS

64% | 1177 X | 1379 TS

-1 X
-2 TS

56% | 1054 X | 1385 TS

+23 X
+4 TS

92% | 1496 X | 1501 TS

+40 X
+2 TS

87% | 1278 X | 1554 TS

+67 X
+3 TS

61% | 1135 X | 1382 TS

+37 X
+3 TS

59% | 1126 X | 1369 TS

+2 X
+13 TS

53% | 1232 X | 1245 TS

Chat log

00:00:07Gevomancer -water 0 0 0
00:00:14ricke give me cm.
00:00:18Rakett morph
00:00:18Keimo balanar
00:00:18Gevomancer prepare 2 get trashed
00:00:29Strom Morph & Nightstalker - BANNED
00:00:37MariahCarry guys
00:00:39MariahCarry own rakett
00:00:42MariahCarry i want to own him so much
00:00:43ricke pick cm...
00:00:44MariahCarry gimme veno
00:00:49MariahCarry and i'll gank him all the time mid
00:00:50MariahCarry veno pls
00:00:52MariahCarry samir
00:00:58MariahCarry omfg
00:00:59MariahCarry random?
00:01:06ricke nagash, cm
00:01:08ricke i swap
00:01:10ricke with u
00:01:17ricke what u want?
00:01:21Nagash sec
00:01:26Gevomancer take
00:01:28MariahCarry gevo wanna swap?
00:01:28Gevomancer tc
00:01:32MariahCarry k
00:01:34Nagash pick me ck
00:01:41Nagash -swap 5
00:01:44ricke -swap 2
00:01:54Rakett lina ck top
00:01:58Gevomancer -swapall
00:01:58Rakett invo cm bot
00:01:59MariahCarry -swap 4
00:02:01Nagash pah
00:02:02Nagash pede oled
00:02:18Rakett just abusing my capten rights
00:02:20Rakett :PPP
00:02:26que2stress tc go bot
00:02:28Keimo y
00:02:29Keimo tc bot
00:02:31Keimo slardar top
00:02:33Gevomancer fuuu
00:02:40ricke u just dont want to be raped mid
00:02:42ricke by keimo
00:02:44ricke thats it ;)
00:02:48Rakett no we just have rexxar
00:02:49Gevomancer i make imbapulls:D
00:02:53MariahCarry samir
00:02:55Rakett rexxar is pointless on sidelane lulz
00:02:57MariahCarry ganker ham meget
00:03:04ricke true
00:03:05ricke but
00:03:10ricke can saalipe handle mid
00:03:10MariahCarry samir
00:03:11MariahCarry ?
00:03:12ricke thats the Q
00:03:15Norrebro opk
00:03:19Rakett he is better than me
00:03:21Rakett so yes
00:03:23Strom no he's not
00:04:03Rakett kill lvl 2
00:04:05ricke y
00:04:13ricke then i need slow
00:04:22Rakett i got snap
00:04:41ricke i pull
00:05:01ricke or not
00:05:10MariahCarry kill tc
00:05:38ricke gj fella
00:05:42Rakett too tanky
00:05:44Rakett this quas
00:05:46Gevomancer oom, as you can see i was not there
00:05:48Rakett ss 2
00:05:52ricke do we need mana boots?
00:06:02Rakett not on lane
00:06:20Rakett lol
00:06:44Saalipie i need chicken first'
00:07:00ricke should I do mana boots or not
00:07:08Rakett rather not
00:07:12Rakett you will be too paper
00:07:16ricke ok
00:07:27Gevomancer -.-
00:07:30Gevomancer serious?
00:07:31MariahCarry samir omg
00:07:33MariahCarry wake up
00:07:34MariahCarry hvad laver du
00:07:48ricke bot miss
00:08:34Norrebro inc bot
00:08:36Strom mis wl
00:08:47Rakett afjhsudguiospanuivoh bjgfandsugfdsahgoönrdeashraes
00:09:12Strom mis 2 top
00:09:16Saalipie mid miss
00:09:34Rakett SURE
00:09:35Rakett FUCKING
00:09:39Keimo omw
00:09:40Gevomancer bm no ulti
00:10:04Norrebro omg
00:10:18ricke they roam like hell.
00:10:18MariahCarry gank top omw
00:10:22Saalipie yeh
00:10:24MariahCarry oh..
00:10:34Saalipie tc was mid 3x times
00:10:39Strom was top now
00:10:51ricke he died
00:11:00Saalipie can you guys buy wards?
00:11:05Saalipie they roam like hell as he said
00:11:42MariahCarry don't have stun?
00:11:43que2stress ss
00:11:48Gevomancer i have
00:11:52MariahCarry nice
00:12:00Norrebro nice y
00:12:01Gevomancer cd
00:12:05Gevomancer missklicked before
00:12:06ricke kill toåp
00:12:08ricke top
00:12:13Rakett coming aswell
00:12:14MariahCarry niec
00:12:20Rakett i can ss
00:12:23Rakett go
00:12:43Norrebro 3
00:12:48Keimo got ulti
00:12:52que2stress 4
00:12:54que2stress get b
00:12:55Norrebro 4 top
00:13:03que2stress heal polz
00:13:06que2stress pink0r
00:13:09Keimo def top
00:13:15Gevomancer cumming in 10 s
00:13:38Strom 4 top
00:13:45Gevomancer take towetr
00:14:21Keimo b
00:14:49Keimo DENY
00:14:54Gevomancer ohh
00:15:12Gevomancer didne see tower hp
00:15:56que2stress orange inc
00:16:10Keimo ulti now
00:16:15Keimo lets go
00:16:17MariahCarry gogo
00:16:18Saalipie 4 guys bot right fuu
00:16:38ricke they play like a team, we play single game.
00:16:52Gevomancer invo liiga suur tykk? :D
00:17:06Rakett ?
00:17:08Rakett ei mõista
00:17:18Gevomancer ei kasuta eriti spelle
00:17:32que2stress b
00:17:39que2stress ck freefarm
00:17:45Rakett no sellest et sa ret oled sain ma ammu aru
00:18:02Norrebro people
00:18:10Gevomancer ega ma paha pärast
00:18:21Rakett ega ma pahapärast
00:18:25Rakett osta prillid nt
00:18:29Gevomancer sa nii kuri
00:18:53Norrebro why dont u come?
00:18:57Norrebro i dont understand
00:19:37Keimo gj
00:19:40Keimo farm
00:19:45Keimo get blink and bkb slardar
00:19:45Saalipie did he buyout
00:19:47Nagash sorry et ei aita aga 3 pela yle saanud kgouaeg kuna ei osata farmida ja nyyd am farmin nata
00:19:47MariahCarry ck has bfly
00:19:48Keimo we need initiate
00:19:49Saalipie or just fast respawn?
00:19:52Keimo lol
00:19:52ricke hope ck got good farm.
00:19:55MariahCarry bfury *
00:20:00Norrebro not
00:20:00Saalipie lol we got ck
00:20:01Saalipie ;D?
00:20:06MariahCarry in base
00:20:06Rakett indeed
00:20:09MariahCarry farmed top 5 mins
00:20:12MariahCarry with perse
00:20:16Saalipie first time I see him in 17 minutes
00:20:21MariahCarry why not go
00:20:27Rakett you don't need to see him
00:20:29Rakett he sees you
00:20:34Keimo lets push som towers
00:20:36Keimo got ulti
00:20:37MariahCarry y
00:20:39Saalipie apple says godzilla
00:20:46Keimo slard mid
00:20:48que2stress sec
00:20:51que2stress nede dagger
00:20:54que2stress can u wait those 100 g?
00:21:07que2stress wait me
00:21:08que2stress ok?
00:21:10Keimo y
00:21:14Norrebro let tc start
00:21:14Keimo rex used ulti
00:21:44Gevomancer sec
00:21:50Gevomancer ok
00:21:57que2stress whgon focus=
00:22:00Norrebro ¨tc
00:22:21Rakett yep ff
00:22:27Norrebro good move
00:22:29Rakett can't play 4fv5
00:22:31Rakett 4v5
00:22:31ricke well, we fight 4v5 every time
00:22:32Rakett tard ck
00:22:42Keimo lol nessaj
00:22:44Rakett sa oled nii loll
00:22:44Keimo hahaha
00:22:45Rakett ausalt
00:22:52Gevomancer deni
00:22:53Nagash 'oma mure
00:22:54Saalipie ck
00:22:55Rakett oleks mingi imba farm hero
00:22:57Saalipie what are you emoing
00:22:59Saalipie what's wrong=?
00:23:03Saalipie why can't you play with team?
00:23:07Nagash nithing
00:23:11Saalipie come play then
00:23:13Saalipie yes ?
00:23:27Saalipie they prolly rosh
00:23:30Saalipie atleast should
00:23:41Gevomancer kill mid
00:24:24MariahCarry zzz
00:24:25que2stress arf
00:24:28Keimo tower
00:24:29Saalipie seriously, farming again?
00:24:30Saalipie >_<
00:24:32Rakett bf ck
00:24:33Rakett :DDD
00:24:39Nagash ma noob
00:24:42Nagash ara oota msut midagi
00:24:42Keimo ulti now
00:24:53Rakett strom palun banni see idioot ära
00:24:54que2stress someone can give me mana?
00:24:59Nagash reason:D?
00:25:03Rakett gameruin?
00:25:04Keimo y com here
00:25:08Nagash ksutotsast
00:25:10que2stress cool
00:25:22que2stress eh
00:25:27que2stress my blink
00:25:28Keimo moar
00:25:30Keimo got ulti
00:25:32que2stress doesnt want
00:25:34MariahCarry come
00:25:35MariahCarry to me
00:25:35MariahCarry all
00:25:44Saalipie rylai
00:25:46MariahCarry go
00:25:56Gevomancer nice sile
00:25:58Gevomancer :D
00:26:37Gevomancer bs, you silenced me:D i know you didnt want to
00:26:40Gevomancer but funny
00:26:44ricke ff at 30
00:26:49ricke waste of time
00:28:19Gevomancer veno tp
00:28:20Gevomancer fast
00:28:30Keimo lets push
00:28:30MariahCarry haha
00:28:32Keimo got ulti in sec
00:28:33MariahCarry so many missclicks
00:28:35Keimo mid tower
00:28:36MariahCarry still i get it in time
00:28:37MariahCarry xD
00:28:37que2stress get me some gold
00:28:38que2stress plz
00:28:40que2stress for bkb
00:28:41que2stress plz
00:28:52Keimo how much
00:28:56que2stress 300
00:29:06Keimo meh
00:29:25Keimo lol
00:29:26Keimo gj
00:29:26Strom not going well at all
00:29:53Keimo top farmable
00:30:23Saalipie get some armor items
00:30:28Saalipie he only has hp and his ulti
00:30:35Saalipie that slard
00:30:37Norrebro can i use chick
00:30:40que2stress NO
00:30:51que2stress ;D
00:31:01que2stress ill have next item
00:31:04Keimo ulty 40se
00:31:06que2stress just before i ever get chick
00:31:41ricke 1 min to ff.
00:31:52Keimo wut
00:31:55Keimo :D
00:32:01Strom lul
00:32:03que2stress hmmm
00:32:08Rakett 1 more minute
00:32:11Rakett yaaay
00:32:46que2stress i go ac or stygian=
00:32:47Saalipie even killed that seeker in mid, just so easy to play that hero
00:32:55Keimo ac
00:32:58Keimo need dat aura
00:33:06Gevomancer we go end perhaps
00:33:12Gevomancer not full build
00:33:13Gevomancer :D
00:33:21Keimo here
00:33:31Keimo jeez
00:33:38que2stress oh
00:33:38Norrebro why stay?
00:33:43que2stress thought u come :D
00:33:49Keimo u shouldve blinked here
00:33:52Strom sunstirke
00:33:57Strom :(
00:34:05Rakett cd
00:34:09Strom lol
00:34:11Strom ilu anyway
00:34:17MariahCarry end it
00:34:26Saalipie didn't know illu gets regen from kills
00:34:28Saalipie kinda sick :p
00:34:31Strom yea
00:35:15Saalipie forcestaff
00:35:23Saalipie gotta hate that
00:35:33Keimo cant fight without slard
00:35:51Keimo omw
00:35:54Norrebro mnoob mariah
00:36:02MariahCarry what?
00:36:02MariahCarry l2p
00:36:06Norrebro haha
00:36:31Keimo farm
00:36:40Saalipie there is few heroes that should farm first 20 minutes nonstop
00:36:41Saalipie ck isn't one
00:36:45Keimo gank rosh and push
00:36:49Nagash well im noob
00:36:54Nagash u cant jope much from me
00:36:56Nagash hope
00:37:05MariahCarry hvorfor laver du ikke bkb først
00:37:07MariahCarry det er fandme dumt
00:37:33Keimo veno moar wards for u
00:37:34Keimo inc
00:37:39MariahCarry ty
00:37:40ricke rosh now
00:37:52Saalipie nothing we can do about it
00:37:54Saalipie but come
00:37:55Saalipie pls
00:37:56Keimo they know
00:37:56Norrebro ulti slardar
00:38:07MariahCarry go ffs
00:38:09MariahCarry kill rosh
00:38:13MariahCarry slad
00:38:42ricke I surrender! [1/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:45Rakett I surrender! [2/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:46Strom I surrender! [3/5 of Sentinel]
00:38:55Keimo make soom slard
00:38:57Keimo room
00:39:01Nagash I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:39:10ricke saalipe, ff
00:39:25ricke I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:39:35Norrebro go mid
00:39:44Gevomancer -ms
00:39:53ricke BM, ff
00:39:54ricke then
00:40:25que2stress pink0r
00:40:26ricke kiddo
00:40:28Keimo omw
00:40:45que2stress want heal
00:40:49Keimo 20sec ulti
00:40:50ricke end?
00:40:56que2stress ff?
00:41:04ricke saalipe refuse
00:41:11Saalipie not refusing
00:41:14Saalipie just dont see point yet
00:41:16ricke then ff
00:41:19ricke haha
00:41:20ricke oke
00:41:23ricke its over dude
00:41:41ricke now
00:41:43ricke u see it
00:41:44ricke I surrender! [4/5 of Sentinel]
00:41:52Saalipie see what?
00:41:57ricke taht its over.
00:42:02ricke why wait
00:42:03Saalipie I saw it long time ago
00:42:03ricke dont get it
00:42:06ricke then ff
00:42:08Gevomancer top
00:42:08Gevomancer gogog
00:42:14ricke dont get it why we should wait longer than we need to
00:42:14MariahCarry throin
00:42:16Saalipie but dont want to ff anyway, if they finish, let them finish
00:42:18MariahCarry go throne
00:42:19MariahCarry gys
00:42:27MariahCarry gg
00:42:28ricke let them finish earlier
00:42:32ricke then i can go to bed
00:42:42Saalipie yes maybe they go base now
00:42:44Saalipie shopping
00:42:47ricke efterblivna horunge
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